: Dante vivo || White Silence
  With thanks to Architect Francesco Torrini of the University of Florence for his maps.



Say not the struggle naught availeth,
   The labour and the wounds are vain,
The enemy faints not, nor faileth,
   And as things have been they remain.

If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars;
   It may be, in yon smoke conceal'd,
Your comrades chase e'en now the fliers,
   And, but for you, possess the field.

For while the tired waves, vainly breaking,
   Seem here no painful inch to gain,
Far back, through creeks and inlets making,
   Comes silent, flooding in, the main.

And not by eastern windows only,
   When daylight comes, comes in the light;
In front the sun climbs slow, how slowly!
   But westward, look, the land is bright!

                             Arthur Hugh Clough, F8
White Silence

It irk'd him to be here, he could not rest.
       He loved each simple joy the country yields,
               He loved his mates; but yet he could not keep,
       For that a shadow lour'd on the fields,
               Here with the shepherds and the silly sheep.
                      Some life of men unblest
       He knew, which made him droop, and fill'd his head.
               He went; his piping took a troubled sound
               Of storms that rage outside our happy ground;
       He could not wait their passing, he is dead.
. . .
Alack, for Corydon no rival now!
       But when Sicilian shepherds lost a mate,
               Some good survivor with his flute would go,
       Piping a ditty sad for Bion's fate;
               And cross the unpermitted ferry's flow,
                      And relax Pluto's brow,
       And make leap up with joy the beauteous head
               Of Proserpine, among whose crowned hair
               Are flowers first open'd on Sicilian air,
       And flute his friend, like Orpheus, from the dead.
                          From Matthew Arnold, Thyrsis
                      Epitaph for Arthur Hugh Clough, F8

Literary: Arthur Hugh Clough, F8; Jean Pierre Vieusseux, F48; William Edgeworth (Maria Edgeworth's nephew, F79), Marian Wordsworth (William Wordsworth's daughter-in-law, F74), Vera Ourosova (her family and the Tolstoys were friends, F122)
Clergy: Rosa Madiai, F129; John McNab, F37; Giulia Guicciardini Morrocchi, F34;  Hugh James Rose, F35; Jean Daniel Peyran, F39; Henri Schneider, F82; Henry Robert John Tennant, F49
: Severinus Zimbowsky, F7;  John Locke, F38; Charles Sidney Lever, F
Naval: Guillaume de Constant Rebecque, F25
Diplomat: Paolo Enrico Wulfen, F40; Paul de la Villestreux, F123
Medical: Thomas Williams Trotman, F51
Sculptors: Robert Hart,  F11; Joel Tanner Hart, F28
Inventor: Guppy, F36
Writer, Explorer, Painter, Inventor: Arnold Henry Savage Landor, F128
Sects: Theosophy, F93; Oxford Movement, E35; Positivism, F25, F103; Plymouth Brethren, F34
Swiss: Cadisch, F29; Grandi, F42, F44; Rytz, F46; Vieusseux, F48; Peer, F58; Kessler, F64; von Parpart, F81; Schneider, F82, F85, F102; Mejean, F86, F89, F90; Crastan, F94; Fent, F95; Stalvies, F97, F126, F132; Hermann, F104, F135; Wolff, F117
Russian/Polish/Finnish: Levitsky, F6; Zimbowsky, F7; Golikova, F9; Nordenstam, F26; Mordvinov, F66; Urosova, F122; Radetsky, F131
American: Beck, F10; Hart, F11, F28; Bomford, F15; Johnson, F17; Field, F18; Olmsted, F113; Hubard, F119; Gipner, F130

Maps giving coordinates of tombs

                                        marrone, intervento conservativo sul ferro
                                 rosso, tombe danneggiate, intervento di ripristino
                                 azzurro, tombe, intervento di pulitura


                                                                       Beck  Golikova         Vieusseux         Gamgee
Holt                                Kelson        Levitski Zimbowski


Paragraph that distills the archival material into a portrait, the story of each person.


Belle Arti description: [Misure/Measurements: Marmo/Marble: Altezza/Height;  Lunghezza/Length; Profondita/Depth; Pietra serena: A: L: P: Recinto/Frame: Marmo o Pietra Serena con Ferro/Iron: A: L: P: ]/ INSCRIPTION ON TOMB/
Archival materials retrieved from:
1828-1844 = the earliest Register of Burials in the Swiss Cemetery.
Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts:
I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli = Expense entries for funerals where here the total is given, while the accounting in the Register also carefully lists in that total the costs for the coffin, its lining, the grave, the crepe and gloves for the bearers, the carriage for the pastor, etc.
II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Paoli e Francs
III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs
IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs. This register is the only one indicating the zone of burial. Its A comprises Sectors A,B, its B comrpises Sectors E,F, its C corresponds with Sectors C and D.
Quittance receipts, Q plus number.
Guildhall Library Records, etc./
Orbituaries supplied by the Webbs, etc.
1873 Chronological Register in French, then Italian/#/Cognome/Nom/Age/Patria/Domicile/Décés/Enterrement/Remarques
1877 Alphabetical Register in Italian gives following information in columns:
[Flyleaves] Cognome/ Nome/ Paternita` / Patria/ Data della Morte/ Eta/ Tomba
[Surname/ Christian name/ Father's Christian name/ Country/ Date of death/ Age/ Tomb number]
Mediterranean culture has the woman retain her maiden surname, northern European culture has her renounce it in favour of her husband's surname. We attempt to follow cultural practices so: Mediterranean women being listed under their maiden surnames; English and American wives having their maiden names given in brackets before their husband's surname/
Notes and Queries (N&Q) then extant tomb inscriptions, published 100 years ago by Lieut. Col. G.S. Parry, 'Inscriptions at Florence in the Protestant Cemetery'.
Further information from descendants, etc.
Schede di Belle Arti, 1993-1997
Trizzino: Università degli studi di Firenze, Prof. L. Trizzino, Corso di Restauro dei Monumenti, 2006/7
Interventi di restauri, pulitura-
Proprietà: Chiesa Evangelica Riformata svizzera, 1827-present.
Web materials, also Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei', TAU, holdings

First let us circle this sector, starting from the Gate House and going up towards the statue of Hope, before exploring the tombs further inside its space.

F1/ 42/

This early tomb, for a person from Bath, whose funeral is held by Horace Hall and Pastor Charles Recordon, is one of the most beautiful, a rounded urn with an ourobouros, a serpent with its tail in its mouth symbolizing eternity, sculpted on its convex surface. The ourobouros derived from the Champollion/ Rosellini Expedition to Egypt and Nubia in 1828. Look behind it to see on the gable to F4/ ANN ALICE HOLT's tomb another hieroglyph, a winged hourglass embraced by serpents and roots, likewise inspired by the Egyptomania of that 1828 Expedition. These are everywhere in the Cemetery and were featured in Florence's Museo Archeologico Nazionale's Exhibition, 2006-2007.

     Cocker tomb with Holt tomb behind it, Marianne Erika Raab, 2012

Urna su colonna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1831. Ambito toscano. Urna scolpita con orobouros su colonna quadrata in marmo bianco.
Intervento di restauro, consolidazione e pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2010; Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012; Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. [M: Urn: A: 66; L: 43; M. A: 16; L: 56.5; P: 56.5.]/ Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SAXON COCKER/ DIED 25th JANUARY 1831/ AGED 24 YEARS/ N°. 24/ See 1828-1844/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Cocker/ Saxon/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 25 Gennaio/ 1831/ Anni 25/ 42/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997/Museo Archeologico, 2006-2007: http://www. florin.ms/egyptian.html. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See http://www.florin.ms/egyptian.html

F2/ 386/
This tomb for her English maidservant was placed by the Catholic wife of the last descendant of Michelangelo Buonarotti beneath a great yew tree at the entrance of the English Cemetery. It was tradition to have two yew trees, poisonous to cattle but essential for the English long bow of Agincourt in English graveyards, which also symbolize the Jachin and Boaz columns of the Jerusalem Temple (Heb. יָכִין בֹּעַז). Only one yew tree remains and a falling branch from it destroyed this tomb, now replaced by the Rotary Club, 23/4/2012. The busts of Count Cosimo Buonarroti and Rosina which grace the Michelangelo museum at the Casa Buonarroti were sculpted by Aristodemo Costoli, who also sculpted the cameo portrait on GEORGE AUGUSTUS WALLIS' tomb, A64. We witness amongst many of these tombs the great affection and respect their masters and mistresses paid to servants under their roof: CHARLES CROSBIE, A20 to MARY DUVALL, A80; the friends of the late WILLIAM READER, A23 to HENRY AUSTIN, E34; FRANCES (MILTON) TROLLOPE, B80, THEODOSIA (GARROW) TROLLOPE, B85, and HARRIET THEODOSIA FISHER (GARROW), C77, to ELIZABETH SHINNER, C71; ISABELLA BOUILLON LANZONI, D29, to ANNA ROFFY, C61SIR WILLIAM HENRY SEWELL, E58, to JAMES BANSFIELD, E59; Prince Demidoff to GEORGE FREDERIC WAIHINGER, E64; Rosina Buonarotti Simoni to MARY ANNE SALISBURY, F2. Mary Ann Salisbury threw herself down a well.


Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1848. Ambito toscano. [M: A:  80; L: 43; P: 10; A: 10; L: 54.5; P: 20; P.s. A: 17; L: 68; P: 34.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ERECTED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ MARY ANNE SALISBURY/ BY HER ATTACHED MISTRESS/ ROSINA BUONARROTI SIMONI/ DIED ON THE 31 OF MARCH 1848/ 386/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 123, aged 45, Burial 01-04, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Salisbury/ Marianna/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 30 Marzo/ 1848/ Anni 50/ 386/ [marginal note].
Cippo rotondato di marmo bianco, inciso, distrotto da un ramo di un albero, 2008. Sostuito da una copia, in marmo bianco, inciso da Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu a mano, 2011: Rotary Club. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F3/ 283/
Her father, Archdeacon Charles Daubeny, from Bristol, travelled widely in northern, central and eastern Europe, inaugurated the first Free Church in England, had two sons and one daugher, and has entries in the NDNB and Wikipedia. JLMaquay, Diaries 5/4/1844 'Attended Mrs Daubenys funeral this morning early'. The Webbs suggested that her husband Henry Daubeney was buried in Rome in 1853. Checking we found the Protestant Cemetery's tomb for him there is identical to this one. Their son, Gen. Sir Henry Charles Barnston Daubeney, G.C.B. (1810-1903), had a very distinguished military career. Wikisource: "Born at Ripon, Yorkshire, on 19 Dec. 1810, he was eldest son of lieut. -general Henry Daubeney, K. H., by his first cousin, Elizabeth, daughter of Charles Daubeny [q. v.], archdeacon of Sarum. Educated at Sandhurst, he entered the army as ensign of the 55th foot (later 2nd battalion Border regiment) in 1829. He served in that corps for thirty years until he attained the rank of colonel. In the Coorg campaign, in South India (1832-4), he served with his regiment with the northern column under Colonel Waugh ; he was present at the assault and capture of the stockade of Kissenhully, and at the attack on that of Soamwarpettah. There he was in charge of one of the two guns attached to the column, and by his perseverance saved it from capture during the retreat. The British losses amounted to three officers and forty-five men killed and 118 men wounded, but the Rajah of Coorg, who was opposing the British advance, was defeated and deposed on 5 April 1834. Daubeney served with his regiment during the Chinese war of 1841-2, and as a captain commanded the light company at the repulse of the enemy's night attack at Chinhae, and at the storm and capture of Chapou (18 May 1842). He was on the staff as major of brigade to Sir James Schoedde at Woosung, Shanghai, and Chin-Kiang, and was twice mentioned in despatches. He received the medal, was promoted brevet major on 23 Dec. 1842, and was made C.B. on 24 Dec. 1842. Becoming major (25 Nov. 1845) he went through the Crimean campaign of 1854. On 26 Oct. 1854 he helped to repulse the sortie of the Russians from Sevastopol. At Inkerman, on 5 Nov. 1854, Daubeney, at the head of thirty men of his regiment, executed a flank charge; without firing a shot he forced his way through the attacking Russian column, and by this manoevre compelled the enemy's battalions to fall back in confusion. He was commended in despatches and was gazetted to a substantive lieut.-colonelcy on 12 Dec. 1854 for his services at Inkerman, but he declined a promotion which would have removed him from the seat of war and placed him on half pay, while his regiment was serving in the field. General Sir John Pennefather [brother of Kingsmill Pennefather, uncle of A86/ CATHERINE (PENNEFATHER) SAVILE, great uncle of A85/ ELEANOR MARY MOORE, and related by marriage to A77MAJOR MICHELANGELO GALEAZZI] recommended him for the Victoria Cross, but being a regimental field officer he was held to be ineligible according to existing rules. He received next year the reward for distinguished service, the medal with three clasps, the legion of honour, and the fourth class of the order of the Medjidie. From 1858 to 1869 he was inspector of army clothing. Promoted major-general on 6 March 1868 and lieut.-general on 1 Oct. 1877, he was nominated K.C.B. on 30 May 1871, was appointed colonel of his regiment on 3 Feb. 1879, became general on 4 March 1880, and was promoted G.C.B. on 24 March 1884." Thus the son's medals are similar to those of A48/ SIR DAVID DUMBRECK, Sector A. This tomb has been carefully restored and cleaned with contributions from descendants.

Urna su colonna.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1844. Ambito toscano. Urna con fiamme su colonna, recinta in pietra serena e ferro. Pulitura di crosta nera su marmo, Palazzo Spinelli, ferro restaurato, DanielClaudiu Dumitrescu, 2008, pulito e piantato, 2011. SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ ELIZABETH/ THE BELOVED WIFE OF/ MAJOR. GENERAL. DAUBENEY. K.H./ OF BATH/ DAUGHTER OF ARCHDEACON DAUBENY/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE/ THE 3RD OF APRIL 1844/ AGED 61/
Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 64: Elizabeth Daubeny, wife of General Daubeny of Bath, died 3rd April 1844 and was buried in the Protestant burial ground in Florence, the 5th April 1844 aged 61 years by me, George Robbins (E101), Chaplain/ Maquay Diaries: 5 Apr 1844/ Obituary, Bristol Mercury/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Daubeney/ Elisabetta/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 3 Aprile/ 1844/ Anni 61/ 283/ NDNB entry on Charles Daubeny/ Descendants=Hugh and Eleanor Moss, Bedford, England. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F4/ 56/
She died an hour after giving birth to their son. Richard Holt possessed an enormous villa outside Milan, which had to be sold at his death in 1847 on account of his debts for its restoration: http://www.villalitta.it/Photo/photo-gallery.html

    Harper's Monthly engraving
Holt tomb behind Cocker tomb, Egyptian motifs

Monumento. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1831. Ambito toscano. Monumento scolpito con oroboros su clessidra alata.  [M: A:  157; L: 116; P: 116; M: A: 36; L: 122; P: 122; RP.s.: A: 20; L: 202; P: 293.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo: [?]/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ ANN ALICE/ THE WIFE OF RICHARD HOLT ESQ/ OF ORIO NEAR MILAN/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE THE 8TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1831/ Pastor G. Emil Demola/ Obituary, Times, Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Holt/ Anna Alice/ / Danimarca/ Firenze/ 8 Novembre/ 1831/ / 56/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997/ Museo Archeologico, 2006-2007: http://www. florin.ms/egyptian.html.
Intervento di pulitura, re-incisione delle lettere consummate, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F5/ 760/
Ancestry.com notes James Walters Kelson, buried in Florence cemetery in 1861, perhaps second husband of Grace Price Kelson, née Morgan, b 1811 in India. Her first husband was Rev Frederick Grueber Lugard who divorced her on the grounds of her adultery. Kelson was in the Yeomanry Cavalry. The myrtle beside this tomb is one of the few original plants from the nineteenth century garden this Cemetery once had. We have planted cuttings from it on our Russian tombs in memory of Pushkin's lines on his friend buried in Livorno 'beneath the myrtle of sweet Italy'.

er's Monthly engraving

Urna su colonna.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1861. Ambito toscano. Urna su colonna quadrata, base di pietra serena, recinta con la stessa. Mirto originale. [M: A: 103; L: 31.5; P: 31.5; P.s. A: 43.5; L: 60.5; P: 60.5; R: A: 61.5; L: 196.5; P: 90.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ JAMES WALTERS KELSON/ WHO DIED THE 28th NOV 1861/ AGED 49/ LET GO YE AND FEAR . . AND . . I AM NOT (come to call the) RIGHTEOUS (but sinners to) REPENTANCE/ MAT 9.10// 778//. . . //THEY THAT SOW IN TEARS SHALL REAP IN JOY (Psalm 126.6)/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: James Walter Kelson, l'Angleterre, fils de Charles Kelson et de Catherine/ Q 488: 370 Paoli, including English Church's tax/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 300, Burial 01/12, Rev O'Neill, 'concussion of the brain' margin: 'Services of the Custode of the Cemetery are required to prepare a grave by tomorrow at 1 0'clock for an English gentleman deceased and for that reason it may be necessary for him to do some of the work on Sunday morning Dec 1 1861'/ Obituary, Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kelson/ Giacomo Gualtiero/ Carlo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 29 Novembre/ 1861/ Anni 49/ 760/ [marginal note]. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F6/ 888
A beloved pageboy to the Tsar Alexander II (who freed the serfs, 2 March 1861), and who orders the tomb and its inscription, this ten-year-old child born in Warsaw in Poland being probably sent from St Petersburg to Florence because of tuberculosis. The iron work and four urns at each corner to this magnificent tomb can be seen in early photographs by Hiram Powers' son, Longworth Powers, and in the 1874 engraving, but these have since been stolen. Its broken garlanded column signifies that he has died too young. Myrtle planting is planned.

Harper's Monthly
engraving in which we see the now-stolen urns

Colonna spezzata.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1864. Ambito toscano. Colonna spezzata inghirlandata in marmo bianco, sporco, recinta in marmo che da prima ha avuto urne sopra le 4 colonne (vedi foto di Longworth Powers custodita nel Gabinetto Vieusseux) e ferro, piantata con mirto, che ora mancano.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2011; Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. [M: A: 195; L: 91.5; P: 91.5; RM: A: 60; L: 181.5; P: 181.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese russa in lettere cirilliche e numeri arabi: Levickij Ivan Leont'evic/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Giov. Lewitzky Leontieff, Varsovie, Pologne/  Talalay: Varsavia, 31.1.1854 -Firenze 5.11.1864; 'figlio del generale luogotenente Leontij Petrovic Levickij e Sofia nata Genrius', MFK; N° 888, RC;  Epitaffio: paz dvora/ Ego Imperatorskogo Velicestva Gosudarja Imperatora Vserossijskogo/ Aleksandra II Ty dal/ Ty vzjal/ Gospodi da budet/ Volja Tvoja Svjataja/ Do svidanija do skorogo svidanija/ ditja moe/ paggio di Sua Maesta Imperatore di tutte le Russie Alessandro II. Tu hai dato e Tu hai tolto, Signore (Job 1.21), sia fatta la tua santa volonta (Matt 6.10). A riverderci presto, bambino mio/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Leontieff Lewitzky/ Giovanni/ / Russia/ Firenze/ 5 Novembre/ 1864/ Anni 10/ 888/ Indagine cognoscitiva, preparatoria al restauro delle opere site nel Cimitero Protestante di Firenze detto 'degli Inglesi', Gianguido Fumelli, Adriano Giachi, Stefano Landi, Antonella Malavolti, Sabrina Milani, 1991, 61(misidentified as Rebesov). Intervento di pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2011. Intervento di pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2016. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
Harper's Monthly engraving in which we see the now-stolen urns

F7/ 868/
Severinus Goedke Zimbowsky, likewise from Warsaw, ironically next to the Tsar's favourite page boy (F6), dies in exile in Florence of his wounds from fighting against the Tsar for Poland's freedom. Kamil Dziubek has corrected the inscription and given its diacritics. He also notes that the Polish inscription contains a verse from Anhelli, an epic poem by Juliusz
Słowacki, written in the style of a biblical parable and describing the miserable lives of Polish exiles in Siberia, translated by Dorothy Prall Radin as, 'And the crowds were dismayed, saying to themselves: Lo, they are dying, and they do not complain' (http://konicki.com/blog2/2009/10/23/october-23-%e2%80%93-an-excerpt-from-anhelli-by-juliusz-slowacki/). We recall Elizabeth Barrett Browning in Casa Guidi Windows writing of the Polish ladies bleached by the snow:
Hast thou found
No remedy, my England, for such woes?
No outlet, Austria, for the scourged and bound,
No entrance for the exiled? no repose,
Russia, for knouted Poles worked underground,
And gentle ladies bleached among the snows?
No mercy for the slave, America?
No hope for Rome, free France, chivalric France?
Alas, great nations have great shames, I say.
Ivan Leontevich Lewitsky has been raised Russian Orthodox, Severinus Goedke, Protestant and now come to be side by side in a Swiss cemetery in Florence.

  Harper's Monthly engraving

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1864. Ambito toscano. Cippo di marmo bianco, inciso fronte e retro, sporco, recinto con 4 colonne in cativo stato. Cippo restaurato, Fabrizio Checcucci, 2004. [M: A: 143; L: 32.5; P: 76.5; (Mattone). A: 10; L: 39.5; P: 88.5; RP.s.: A: 59; L: 88; P: 193.] Iscrizione sepolcrale latina e polacca incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: [Cross] SEVERINUS GOEDKE/ POLONUS/ PATRIAE SUAE VINDEX/ MDCCCLXIII/ FILIUS BONUS/ AMICUS FIDELIS/ CIVIS PROBUS/ MILES INTREPIDUS/ OBIIT/IN EXILIO FLORENTIAE / V NOV . . . /MDCCCLXIV/ FRATRES FRATRE POSUERUNT// SEWERYN GOEDKE/ POLAK/ RODEM SERCEM UMYSLEM CZYNEM/ RZADU NARODOWEGO PRZY ODDZIAIACH/ WALGZACYCH W WOZEWODZTWIE PODLASKIM/ KOMISSARZ/ R. 1863/ SYN/ PRZYIACIEL/ OBYWATEL/ J ZOINIERZ DOBRY/ UMARI NA WTCNMNIU WE FLORENCYI/ D. 3 MARE 1864 W 37 ROKV ZYCIA/ I DZIWLY SIE RZE52E/ MOWIHC DTO UMIERA I NIE SKARZVI SIE/ BRACIA BRATU POLOZYLI/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Severin Gethke, dit Zimbowsky, Varsovie, Pologne, rentier/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gethke (Zimbowsky)/ Severino/ / Russia/ Firenze/ 3 Maggio/ 1864/ Anni 26/ 868/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See http://www.florin.ms/gimele.html#bernardini

F8/ 758/
Arthur Hugh Clough grew up in Charleston, South Carolina, returning to England at the age of ten to attend Rugby School under Thomas Arnold. He was at Balliol, then a Fellow at Oriel, wrote The Bothie of Tober-na-Vuolich, witnessed, with Emerson, the French Revolution of 1848 and the Roman Revolution of 1850, wrote Amours de Voyage, assisted Florence Nightingale, his relative by marriage, returning to America for a year in 1852, then contracted malaria travelling in Italy. Matthew Arnold wrote Thyrsis in his memory. Later, Lytton Strachey in Eminent Victorians would describe him:

But there was an exceptional kind of boy, upon whom the high-pitched exhortations of Dr. Arnold produced a very different effect. A minority of susceptible and serious youths fell completely under his sway, responded like wax to the pressure of his influence, and moulded their whole lives with passionate reverence upon the teaching of their adored master. Conspicuous among these was Arthur Clough. Having been sent to Rugby at the age of ten, he quickly entered into every phase of school life, though, we are told, a weakness in his ankles prevented him from taking a prominent part in the games of the place. At the age of sixteen, he was in the Sixth Form, and not merely a Praepostor, but head of the School House. Never did Dr. Arnold have an apter pupil. This earnest adolescent, with the weak ankles and the solemn face, lived entirely with the highest ends in view. He thought of nothing but moral good, moral evil, moral influence, and moral responsibility. Some of his early letters have been preserved, and they reveal both the intensity with which he felt the importance of his own position, and the strange stress of spirit under which he laboured. "I have been in one continued state of excitement for at least the last three years," he wrote when he was not yet seventeen, "and now comes the time of exhaustion." But he did not allow himself to rest, and a few months later he was writing to a schoolfellow as follows:
I verily believe my whole being is soaked through with the wishing and hoping and striving to do the school good, or rather to keep it up and hinder it from falling in this, I do think, very critical time, so that my cares and affections and conversations, thoughts, words, and deeds look to that involuntarily. I am afraid you will be inclined to think this "cant," and I am conscious that even one's truest feelings, if very frequently put out in the light, do make a bad and disagreeable appearance; but this, however, is true, and even if I am carrying it too far, I do not think it has made me really forgetful of my personal friends, such as, in particular, Gell and Burbidge and Walrond, and yourself, my dear Simpkinson.
Perhaps it was not surprising that a young man brought up in such an atmosphere should have fallen a prey, at Oxford, to the frenzies of religious controversy; that he should have been driven almost out of his wits by the ratiocinations of W. G. Ward; that he should have lost his faith; that he should have spent the rest of his existence lamenting that loss, both in prose and verse; and that he should have eventually succumbed, conscientiously doing up brown paper parcels for Florence Nightingale.
His wife was Blanche, his  sister, Anne Jemima Clough, first principal of Newnham College. Susan Horner wrote on 8th December 1861 in her Diary: 'I went to the Italian Church, and Mamma (A15/ ANNE SUSANNA (LLOYD) HORNER) Joanna and Mrs Zileri (A69/ MARGARET (EDMOND) ZILERI) to the Scotch(A17/ROBERT MAXWELL HANNA) - Blanche and I went to Mrs Bracebridge to talk over the stone she is erecting to her husband's memory. She walked back with me afterwards from the Hotel de la Ville to our house. Harry Stewart called and Mr and Mrs Macbean from Leghorn. The Marchese Torregiani sent me Champollion's work on Egypt as Blanche wanted me to take a drawing from the winged figure of the Divinity for Mr Clough's tombstone. The windows at the Pitti all lighted up for a grand reception given by the Prince Carignano. A soldier's funeral has just past our windows'.

This disc, flanked by snakes is seen over the gates and doorways of ancient Egyptian temples. As the symbol of a solar deity it wards off evil and protects sacred territory from malign influences. The winged globe and lotuses in lead on the marble are very much part of the Egyptomania of this period. The topiary laurel tree that once shaded it stained the marble almost irreparably and has been removed. Dr Vieri Torrigiani Malaspina has planted pomegranates by the tombs of our three great poets and a white rose on the tomb of Susan Horner's mother opposite in Sector A,
A15/ ANNE SUSANNA (LLOYD) HORNER. The wild strawberries, remembered by elderly ladies who played here when they were children, have come back after the thirty-years' use of weedkiller was stopped .

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 111861. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo bianco con disegni di un globo alato con serpente e loti preso dal libro di  Campollion e lettere in piombo. Un alloro che faceva molti danni al marmo è rimosso; nel suo luogo è piantato una melegrana miniatura dal Giardino Torrigiani, 2007. Pulito, Museo Archeologico, 2007;
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2010; Intervento del piombo retaurato, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2011; Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. [M: A: 142.5; L: 95; P: 38; R: fA: 24.5; L: 204; P: 90.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in  piombo: ARTHUR HUGH CLOUGH/ SOMETIME FELLOVV/ OF ORIEL COLLEGE OXFORD/ DIED AT FLORENCE/ NOVEMBER 13 MDCCCLXI/ AGED 42/ THE LAST FAREVVELL OF/ HIS SORROVVING VVIFE AND SISTER/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Arthur Hugh Clough, l'Angleterre, fils de James Butler Clough et de Anna Clough/ Susan Horner, Diary 8&12/61/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Clough/ Arturo Ugo/ Giacomo Butler/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 13 Novembre/ 1861/ Anni 42/ 758/ Matthew Arnold, Thyrsis/ DNB cerebral haemorrhage after malarial fever; Freeman 223-224; DND/NDNB entries/ Museo Archeologico, 2006-2007/ Connections=Rugby School, Balliol College, Oriel College. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See http://www. florin.ms/egyptian.html, http://www.florin.ms/gimeld.html#price, http://www.florin.ms/AHCwebsite.html

F9/ 827/
A most beautiful marble tomb with an iron railing showing a diademed Russian angel like those in Andre Rublev's Trinity who bears the young woman to heaven, and whose sculptor is fittingly named 'Alessandro Tomba'. She is only 22 and unmarried, likely dying of tuberculosis.

                                Harper's Monthly

. Sec. XIX, post 4/1863. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo bianco scolpito con una giovane donna portato al cielo da un angelo alato e diademmato. Restaurato, Palazzo Spinelli. Ferro restaurato, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2008;
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2018.[M: A: 204.5; L: 40.5 P: 134; M:. A: 26; L: 193; P: 143; RF: A: 87; L: 187; P: 143.] Iscrizione sepolcrale russa incisa in lettere cirilliche e numeri arabi: Golikova Sofija Felicatovna/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Sophie Golikof, Russia, rentière. fille de Pheliter Golikoff, et de Pauline Golikoff/ Talalay: nata 8.10.1841, Epitaffo: 'Blazeni cistii serdcem ibo oni Boga uzrjat'/ Beati coloro che hanno il cuore immacolato perchè di essi é il Regno di Dio [Matthew 5.8] ], N° 827, RC/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Golikoff/ Sofia/ Phelitre/ Russia/ Firenze/ 12 Aprile/ 1863/ Anni 22/ 827. Pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2018. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F10/ 683/
A large crumbling pietra serena tomb for a young American suicide ('poison insanity') from Philadelphia.

     Harper's Monthly engraving

Monumento. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1859. Ambito toscano. Monumento in pietra serena, incisa, erosa. [P.s. A: 200; L: 116; P: 67.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ WILLIAM HENRY BECK ESQRE/ OF PHILADELPHIA, U.S. AMERICA/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE/ NOVEMBER 1ST, 1859, AGED/ 36 YEARS/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Henri Beck, Etats Unis d'Amerique/ Q 381: 438 Paoli, 110 Paoli for the English Church's tax/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°272 Death 31/10 Burial 3/11 Rev. O'Neill/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: 95. Beck/ Guglielmo Enrico/ / America/ Firenze/ 1 Novembre/ 1859/ Anni 36/ 683/ [marginal note]. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F11/ 768/

The less famous sculptor nephew to Joel Tanner Hart, likewise from Kentucky, came to work with his uncle around 1856, and now lies under a pietra serena pyramid carefully sculpted with masonic emblems. Its form is likely Robert Hart's conception, borrowing from the pyramid of Caius Cestius in Rome. He had been a carver of tombstones for others in Kentucky. The choice of pietra serena by his wife shows their impoverishment.

Harper's Monthly engraving, in which we see the pyramid had a a ball at its summit

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1862. Ambito toscano. Piramide di pietra serena, nell'incisione ha avuto una palla sopra, lati scolpito con emblemi masonici e incisi, molta erosa, 4 post in ferro.  [P.s. A: 220; L: 106; P: 106; P.s.: A: 144; L: 122; P: 122.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e non e numeri arabi: Sacred/ to the memory of / ROBERT HART/ Sculptor/ of Kentucky, U.S. of America/ who died at Florence Jan 1, 1862,/ in the 33d year of his age/ A wife's last tribute to her husband/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Robert Hart, l'Amerique/ (Nephew to Joel Tanner Hart)/ Records, Guildhall Library, Rev O'Neill, 'decline'/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hart/ Roberto/ / America/ Firenze/ 1 Gennaio/ 1862 / Anni 32/ 768/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Her husband as a landowner subscribes to A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland.

Sarcofago. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1874. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo bianco, ora sporco, sopra pietra serena. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2013. [M: A: 110; L: 160.7; P: 95; P.s. A: 90; L: 175; P: 106.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere e non e numeri arabi: MARTHA REBECCA , Wife of/ JAMES MOORE Esquire,/ Strandfield, County Louth// Into thine hand I commit my spirit/ thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of Truth/ PSA. XXX1.5/ DIED 19th November 1874// Stemma. Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Madame Rebecca Martha Moore, Angleterre, fille di Edouard/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL Burial 25/11, Rev Tottenham, via Solferino, 4/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Moore/ Rebecca Marta/ Odoardo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 19 Novembre/ 1874/ Anni 54/ 1282/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Intervento di pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2013. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


We now turn right and pass amongst the unevenly set tombs towards the studio of Michele Gordigiani.

F13/ 1319/
This tomb sculpted with its broken lily on a cross echoing that on the Irish Yelverton tomb opposite in Sector B (B3/ ANNA MARIA CECILIA YELVERTON), tells a story more out of Frances Trollope than it is of Jane Austen. Because of his brother's debts her father, Thomas Hugh Wilson Fleetwood, has had to leave Knowle Hall in Warwickshire and live in Florence where her mother Harriet Horatia had family. We learn that this mother is the daughter of C96/ CAPTAIN CHARLES MONTAGUE (HUDLESTON) WALKER, and C97/ ANNA MARIA (RIDDELL) WALKER, both buried in Sector C, who are thus the grandparents to F13/ FLORENCE EVELYN JULIA FLEETWOOD WILSON, this information given in an account of her brother Guy Douglas Arthur Fleetwood Wilson's medals and portrait: http://www.dnw.co.uk/medals/auctionarchive/searchcataloguearchive/itemdetail.lasso?itemid=67211. Was she born in Florence or named so from her grandparents' residence there? The Webbs note that her family is interconnected with the the Chichesters, Baldellis, Walkers, Riddells, Fleetwood Wilsons, MacDoualls, Moysers. Tony Fleetwood-Wilson notes the connection with yet another Cemetery family, Admiral Edward Fleetwood Pellew: 'I understand that my Wilson forebears used the name Fleetwood after Lieutenant Alex Wilson RM gave the name to one of his sons after having served under Sir Edward Pellew, later Lord Exmouth. I searched two biographies of Lord Exmouth but could find no mention of Alex Wilson but the connection was related in my great aunt's history of the family. One of Alex's children was named Edward Pellew and another Fleetwood Pellew, all names of the Exmouth family. Alex Wilson married the sister of my great-great-grandmother, Barbara of Banff, Scotland. It seems that both families used the names borrowed from Sir Edward Pellew/ Lord Exmouth.  Several years ago, I was in contact with an Eduardo Pellew Wilson of Rio de Janiero, who is descended from Edward Pellew, the eldest of Alex Wilson's sons. Alex Wilson died in 1817 so he may have served under Sir Edward Pellew during the French Revolutionary Wars'. Tony Fleetwood Wilson is also connected to A63/ JAMES LUKIN DAVIS, Sector A.
Webbs, Anglo-Florentines,  pp. 312, 495.


Knowle Hall, WarwickshireLastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1875. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo scolpita con giglio spezzato sopra una croce, sopra pietra serena in un recinto con 6 colonne. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2013, Intervento di consolidamento e pulitura,
Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu,, 2018. Colonne: A: 69 L: 16.5 P: 69.5. [M: A: 21; L: 60; P: 133; P.s. A: 23.5; L: 69.5; P: 141.5; R: A:  69; L: 200; P: 223.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: FLORENCE EVELYN JULIA/ FLEETWOOD WILSON/ BORN 3 MAY 1853 - DIED 2 JUNE 1875/ THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD I SHALL NOT WANT/ PSAL, XXIII/ SAFE IN THE ARMS OF JESUS SAFE ON HIS GENTLE BREAST/ THERE BY HIS LOVE O'ERSHADED SWEETLY MY SOUL SHALL REST/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: Baptism GL23775 N° 224/45 Florence Evelyn Julia Wilson 07/11/53 father Fleetwood Thomas Hugh Wilson Esq mother Harriet or Henrieta Horatia, Rev O'Neill; sibling GL23774 N° 176 older brother, Guido Douglas Arthur Fleetwood 13/12/50 sponsors, Archibald Viscount Drumlanery, Arthur De Nac Walker, Anne Countess of Falmouth, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Obituary, Times, diphtheria/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wilson/ Firenze/ Fleetwood/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 2 Giugno/ 1875/ Anni 22/ 1319/ +/. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F14/ 1056/

Her mother is Gertrude Walker, descended also from the Riddells (C96/ CAPTAIN CHARLES MONTAGUE (HUDLESTON) WALKER, and C97/ ANNA MARIA (RIDDELL) WALKER), her father, Count Antonio Baldelli. We come to understand why these tombs are side by side, as they are both of members of the Protestant Walker family, associated with Count Piero Guicciardini and his sister F34/ CONTESSA GIULIA GUICCIARDINI MORROCHI who is buried in this same Sector F. Count Piero Giucciardini, Bartolomeo Bartolini Baldelli, Antonio Targioni-Tozzetti, Giuseppe Gazzer, together published Primo rapporto e regolamenti dell' asilo infantile aperto in Firenze nell' antico convento di S. Monaca, Firenze, Presso la Tipografia Galileiana, 1835. This orphanage later was housed in the villa by Piazza Massimo D'Azeglio willed to the Waldensian Church by the Countess Giulia Baldelli, also a Walker, a continuation of the work of AB27/ SALVATORE FERRETTI, buried in Sector AB. The family has ordered a copy of Lorenzo Bartolini's 1834 Fiducia in Dio for the tomb, but stipulated she be clothed instead of nude. The astronomer Simone Bianchi has written saying the mother, Gertrude Walker Baldelli (perhaps through a friendship with Mary Somerville?), worked with the first directors of the Arcetri Observatory.
Webbs, Anglo-Florentines,  pp. 312, 424.


Lorenzo Bartolini, 'La fiducia in Dio', 1834, Milano, Museo Poldi Pezzoli

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1869. Ambito toscano. Scultura copia vestita (1869) di Bartolini, 'Fiducia in Dio' (1834), nuda nll'originale. Recinto con quattro colonne. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2013;
Intervento di restauro e pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2018.; [M: A: 78.5; L: 33; P: 45; P.s. A: 160; L: 86; P: 62; R: A: 60.5; L: 149; P: 209.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ALLA DILETTA BIANCA/ NATA IL 19 FEBRAIO 1852/ A LORO TOLTO NEL DI 10 LUGLIO 1869/ POSERO DESOLATI GENITORI/ ANTONIO E GERTRUDE [Walker] BALDELLI//. . . // SE OGNI DOLCE COSA/ M'INGANNA E AL TEMPO CHE SPERAI SERENO/ FUGGIR MI SENTO LA VITA AFFANNOSA/ SIGNOR FIDANDO AL TUO PATERNO SENO/ L'ANIMA MIA RICORRE E SI RIPOSA/ IN UN AFFETTO QUE NON E TERRENO// Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Bianca Baldelli, Florence, fille de Comte Antoine Baldelli/ sposato con Gertrude Walker Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


He is the son of Colonel George Bomford, chief of ordinance at Washington, who invented the 'Columbiad', a cannon that fired heavy projectiles at both high and low trajectories which enabled it to fire solid shot or shell to long ranges, making it an excellent seacoast defense weapon for its day, and whose wife Clara was sister-in-law to Joel Barlow, the author of the poem Columbiad. George Catton Bomford was active in the Oregon Territory, now Washington State. He died in Florence, 1859, while visiting his sister Louise who was living with her married daughter here, his Will being filed for probate in Washington in 1862. Unusually his family elected not to have his body shipped back to the States, where his father and mother lay in a mausoleum, nor have they cared for his almost lost tomb. See http://www.bcgcertification.org/skillbuilders/narrativegenealogyngsqstyle.pdf/


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1828. Ambito toscano. Lastra persa, base di pietra rimane, dal recinto, 3/4 colonne rimanano. [P.s. A: 17; L: 69.5; P: 140; RP.s.: A: 58; L: 94; P: 200.]
Georges C. Bomford, l'Amerique// Etats Amerique// GL23777/1 N° 279, Death 18/12, Burial 20/12, George Easton Bomford, Washington, U.S. Rev. O'Neill. Cause of death, paralysis./ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 715/ Q 388: 438 Paoli/  Bomford/ Giorgio C/ / America/ Firenze/ 7 Dicembre/ 1859/ Anni 52/ 692/ N&Q X p224 no338, insc GEORGE BOMFORD DIED 17 DEC 1859 AGE 52, Sector E, between John Logan Campbell and Thomas Brunker.
Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F16/ UNKNOWN Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1828. Ambito toscano. Lastra degrada, in base di pietra. [P.s. A: 22; L: 72.5; P: 140.5; RP.s.: A: 29; L: 90; P: 159.]


F17/ (119) 905/ ANNA A. JOHNSON/ AMERICA
She has married and died very young. This tomb urgently needs repair as it stands unsupported, its pietra serena base having crumbled away, and it can easily fall. We do not have information on her American family.


Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1865. Ambito toscano. Stele scolpita, sul fronte angelo racchiuso in un tondo. Marmo sporco, presenza di crosta nera. Due colonnie con ferro.
Restauro, consolidamento e pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2017. [M: A: 167.5; L: 76; P: 24.2; P.s. A: 49; L: 85; P: 48; RP.s.: A: 58; L: 87; P: 157.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ANNA A./ WIFE OF J.C. JOHNSON/ A NATIVE/ OF/ THE STATE OF NEW YORK/ DIED AT FLORENCE/ APRIL 18 1865/ AGED 19 Y, 3 M./ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Anna S. Johnson, l'Amerique/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 637.15 + Francs 22.40/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Johnson/ Anna S./ / America/ Firenze/ 18 Aprile/ 1865/ Anni 19/ 905/ +/ N&Q 354. Anna A., w. of J. C. Johnson, of New York, ob. 18 Ap., 1865, a. 19 y. 3 m/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Restauro, Dumitrescu, 2017. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

The Web gives 'Dr. Preston Mann, a graduate of Brown University and a skillful physician in Newport, R. I., where he entertained Washington and La Fayette during the Revolution'. While Thompson Skinner Brown built the railroad from Moscow to St Petersburg for the Csar, 1849-1854. Philip Kelley notes that her daughter Annie Edward Forbes Field, to whom she bore seven children.

Tomba. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 171869. Ambito toscano. Tomba di marmo bianco sporco.  [M: A: 13; L: 173.5;  P: 57; P.s. A: 33; L: 205; P: 87.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ANNIE SCOTT, NIECE AND ADOPTED DAUGHTER OF J. PRESTON MANN, M.D, ESQ., OF NEWPORT, R.I., AND WIDOW OF MAJOR T.S. BROWN, U.S.A., OF NEW YORK/ BORN JUNE 1 1806, DIED JULY 26 1869/ SHE HATH DONE WHAT SHE COULD/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Anna Brown, l'Amerique/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: Marriage GL20776 N° 39 16/04/57, Edward Forbes Feild [sic] of St Petersburgh, USA to Annie Mann Brown at HBM (Normanby), Rev O'Neill/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Brown nata Mann/ Anna/ Giovanni/ America/ Firenze/ 26 Luglio/ 1869/ Anni 63/ 1058. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F19/ (138) 895/

Her father was responsible for shipping horses from Sydney in Australia to Madras and Calcutta for the Indian Army cavalry, the Hyderabad at the beginning being shipwrecked and the cargo lost. He married Sophia Elizabeth Despard 1846 in Australia, returning with her to Calcutta, India, where he died 21 December 1848. So it is her Australian mother who erects this delicate filigreed cross at the head of her grave.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1865. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo di Siena finemente scolpita in filigrana. Identica alla tomba della madre nel Cimitero 'Agli Allori'. Buono stato di conservazione.  [M: A: 117; L: 50, +51; P: 33; P.s. A: 6; L: 54; P: 37; RM: A: 8; L: 87; P: 193; RP.s. A: 23; L: 93; P: 201.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese sul recinto in marmo in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF ANNIE, ONLY CHILD OF THE LATE CAPT/ ARBUTHNOT DALLAS INDIAN ARMY DIED JANUARY 9TH 1865// SHE IS NOT DEAD BUT SLEEPETH/ MARK 5.39// BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART FOR THEY SHALL SEE GOD./ MATTHEW 5.8/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Anna Dallas, l'Angleterre, fille de Arbutha Dallas et de Sophie Elisabeth/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 400.55/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 352, Annie Dallas, Burial 11/01, Rev Pendleton/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Dallas/ Anna/ Arbutha/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 9 Gennaio/ 1865/ Anni 17/ 895
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Web: 'Our obituary records the death of Robert Gardner, Esq., of Sansaw, in this county, which took place on the 14th April, 1880, at The Mythe Malvern, where he had resided for several years. The deceased gentleman inherited the Sansaw estate from his uncle, the Rev. Dr. Gardner, and acquired that of Leighton by marriage with the niece and sole heiress of Thomas Kynnersley, Esq., of that place, by whom he had a numerous family. His eldest son, Thomas Kynnersley, married in 1856 the eldest daughter of Colonel Frederick Hill, of Frees Hall, and niece of the late Viscount Hill. Mr. Gardner was a Magistrate for the county of Salop, but has for many years abstained from any active participation in public life. He was in the 76th year of his age'. Again this tomb has no mention of her marriages contracted in Italy. It seems she is the daughter or niece of SARAH (GARDINER BROWN) ACERBI?
Would she be a sister of the Rev. Dr. Gardner, who has come to Italy with her niece Mary Gardner? Her story is a sad one. She is English, widowed from an English husband, then married to an Italian, Joachim Acerbi, in such poverty that she has died at 75, a pauper. Her death is officially noted by the English, the Swiss giving her a free burial. In this period one died at home surrounded by one's family, hospital deaths being shameful and only for the destitute.
[marginal note] Sarah Gardiner, veuve Brown et femme de Joachino Acerbi, Angleterre, fille de Gardiner/ indigente, decédée à l'hopital di S.M.N./ Death 20/11 Burial 23/11. Rev. Pendleton/ GL23777/1/ Acerbi Vedova Bruin nata Gardiner/ Sara/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 22 Novembre/ 1863/ Anni 75/ 857/ [marginal note] De Bruin negli Acerbi nata Gardiner/ Sara/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 22 Novembre/ 1863/ Anni 75/ 857/

Tomba in forma di croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1869. Ambito toscano. Tomba in forma di croce orizzontale in pietra serena. [P.s.: A: 48; L: 85; P: 193.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF THE SECOND DAUGHTER OF ROBERT/ GARDNER ESQUIRE OF SANSAW IN THE COUNTY/ OF SALOP IN ENGLAND WHO/ DIED MARCH THE 24 1869 AGED 57 YEARS// WATCH THEREFORE FOR/ WE KNOW NEITHER THE DAY NOR THE HOUR/ WHERE THE SON OF/ MAN COMETH (Matthew 25.13)/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Maria Gardner, l'Angleterre, fille de Robert Gardner/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 405, Burial 26/03, Rev Tottenham/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gardiner/ Maria/ Roberto/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 24 Marzo/ 1869/ Anni 38/ 1043/ See Acerbi. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F21/ (137) 1218/
Harriet Matilda Robbins, daughter of Thomas Robbins, married (1) 'Lord Thomas Thynne, eldest son of the 2nd Marquess of Bath, styled Viscount Weymouth. Member of Parliament (Tory) for Weobley 1818-20 (b. 9 Apr 1796;  dvp. 16 Jan 1837), 11 May 1820; (2) Count Inghirami; (3) Carlo Grabau, Hanseatic Consul at Livorno, m. to 'Enrichetta Inghirami, patrizia Volterrana': 'Niccolò Inghirami Fei (1804-1869) Console d'Austria a Livorno. Nato ad Amburgo nel 1804 dal cav. Lino Marcello Inghirami Fei e da Maria Giuseppa di Sebastiano Benedetto Riccobaldi Del Bava, fu il secondogenito di sette fratelli. I suoi genitori si trovavano ad Amburgo fin dal 1799 poichè suo padre, particolarmente distintosi nel raccogliticcio esercito di sanfedisti che, mentre Napoleone si trovava in Egitto, era riuscito a rioccupare la Toscana cacciandone i francesi, aveva preferito in seguito mettersi al sicuro con la famiglia abbandonando l'Italia. Marcello Inghirami, infatti, in qualità di generale riconquistà Volterra, mentre suo fratello Curzio, che fungeva da suo luogotenente, entrà col suo esercito in Livorno abbandonata dai francesi. Furono però successi assai effimeri: dopo il ritorno di Napoleone e la vittoria di Marengo, i francesi s'impadronirono nuovamente dell'Italia obbligando pertanto gli oppositori che si erano maggiormente esposti a cercare scampo con la fuga. Marcello Inghirami si trasferì così in Germania e mentre il suo figlio primogenito Sebastiano si stabilò definitivamente ad Amburgo, ove ebbe numerosa prole, Niccolò (che rimase sempre celibe) preferò ritornare in Italia e si stabilò a Livorno dove già viveva sua sorella Enrichetta sposata al console del regno di Hannover Carlo Grabau. Qui Niccolò lavorò per l'amministrazione lorenese che trovò in lui un funzionano abile e fidato ed alla quale egli rimase sempre fedele anche durante la cruenta occupazione austriaca di Livorno che seguò al ritorno in Toscana di Leopoldo II. Per la grande stima che si era universalmente guadagnato, dopo la caduta del governo lorenese e al sopravvento del Regno d'Italia, potà esercitare, proprio a Livorno, la carica di console dell'Impero austro-ungarico. Accadde così che nel maggio del 1869 fu incaricato di accompagnare al porto della città il generale Folliot de Crenneville, di origine francese, che, passato al servizio dell'Austria, era stato nominato nel 1849 governatore di Livorno e che durante il periodo dello stato d'assedio a cui allora fu sottoposta la città si era distinto per la ferocia e l'implacabile tracotanza con cui aveva esercitato le sue funzioni repressive. La notizia della sua presenza in città si sparse subito alimentando propositi di vendetta. La sera del 24 maggio 1869 il conte de Crenneville e l'Inghirami raggiunsero il porto dove l'ex governatore doveva imbarcarsi sul piroscafo Sardegna ma giunti dinanzi al monumento dei "Quattro Moriò alcuni uomini che li avevano seguiti si fecero avanti ed un colpo di pugnale trafisse il volto del generale. L'Inghirami si piegò per soccorrere il ferito, ma nella concitazione di quei momenti fu colpito mortalmente da una nuova pugnalata diretta al conte; egli cadde pertanto esanime sul corpo del de Crenneville che invece se la cavò con poche ferite lievi. La sera stessa la sua salma fu trasportata con gran seguito popolare al cimitero della Misericordia dove ebbe una modesta sepoltura arricchita in seguito, su ordine dell'imperatore Francesco Giuseppe, da una lapide sormontata da una croce di marmo. Il processo che seguò all'attentato si concluse con l'assoluzione degli imputati: l'uccisione di Niccolò Inghirami restò dunque impunita ed il vero movente che fu all'origine questo fatto di sangue, anche a causa di forti pressioni politiche, non fu mai chiarito'. From which we assume that she is his widowed sister-in-law, Enrichetta, now married to the Hanoverian Consul, so that he as Austrian Consul can live with them. There are archival materials in Livorno from Enrichetta Inghirami. In connection with the Villa Grabau in Lucca we learn that 'Carlo Grabau, di nobili origini tedesche, nato ad Amburgo nel 1784, si era trasferito a Livorno come Console Generale delle Città Anseatiche del Mare del Nord presso il Granduca di Toscana ed aveva sposato Enrichetta Inghirami, patrizia Volterrana'. 'Carlo di Amburgo, console di Annover e di altri Stati in Livorno e ammogliato con Enrichetta Inghirami, patrizia volterrana, fu ammesso alla nobiltà di Volterra nel 1836. La famiglia è iscritta nell'Elenco Ufficiale Nobiliare Italiano col titolo di Nobile di Volterra e nobile di Livorno'. She continued during her further marriages to sign herself 'Weymouth'. Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu has restored and cleaned her badly vandalized tomb and that of her clergyman brother E101/ REVD GEORGE ROBBINS.Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, p. 516

Harriet Thynne, 1820            Longleat, seat of the Marquess of Bath

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1873. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo su basamento in pietra serena, recinto condiviso con la tomba del fratello. Intervento di consolidamento sulle colonnine e sul ferro battuto della tomba danneggiata a seguito di atti vandalici, intervento di pulitura sul marmo, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 5/2010. [M: A: 63.5; L: 40.5; P: 27.5; P.s. A: 44; L: 51; P: 38; RP.s.F: A: 64; L: 408; P: 97.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi . . . AND SISTER OF THE REV. GEORGE ROBBINS/ DIED JUNE // ERECTED IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE/ BY HER LOVING NIECES/ RESURGAM [Matt.27.63]Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Henriette Vedova Inghirami, Angleterre, Rentier, fille de Thomas Robins/  IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 524, B/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 510, Burial 25/03, Rev Tottenham, via Cavour, 22/ Obituary, Pall Mall Gazette, Harriet Inghirami Countess, widow of Thomas, Viscount Weymouth/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Inghirami nata Robins/ Vedova Enrichetta/ Tommaso/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 18 Guigno/ 1873/ Anni 77/ 1218/ See E101/ REVD GEORGE ROBBINS/ N&Q 410. by Viscount Weymouth, and sister of the Rev. George Robbins, ob. 18 June, 1873. Recinzione in ferro, croce in marmo danneggiate dall'albero #22, 5/3/2014. Restauro, Dumitrescu, 2014. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See http://janeaustensworld.wordpress.com/2009/11/01/the-viscount-and-the-toll-keepers-daughter-how-thomas-thynne-never-became-the-marquess-of-bath/

F22/ 313/

She was the mistress of the third Duke of Richmond, Charles Lennox, and F23/ CAROLINE (BENNETT) NAPIER who lies beside her is their daughter. She seems to have remained behind in Florence. A sister of the same parentage is Mary who marries twice, first William Light, then Alfred Lambert, her two children, Mary Bennett's grandchildren, E117/ FLORENCE CAROLINE LAMBERT AND GEORGE ARTHUR LENNOX LAMBERT, being buried in Sector E.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1845. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo con lettere in piombo, alcuni mancante, un angolo della lastra rotto, poggiante su quattro asse verticale dello stesso, recinto condiviso con la figlia, Caroline Napier. [M: A: 19; L: 74; P: 135.3; P.s. A: 9.5; L: 77; P: 139; R: A: 8; L: 250; P: 260,] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF M. BENNET/ THE FOND MOTHER OF M. NAPIER/ BY WHOSE SIDE SHE NOW LIETH/ SHE DEPARTED THIS LIFE THE 13TH SEPTEMBER 1845/ IN THE EIGHTIETH YEAR OF HER AGE/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 80, Death 14/09, Burial 16/09, Rev. Robbins (E101); burial of daughter Caroline Napier, 05/09/36/ + / Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: 107. Bennett/ Maria/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 14 Settembre/ 1845/ Anni 79/ 313/ N&Q 409. Mrs. Bennet, the mother of Mrs. Napier. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F23/ 141/
Caroline Napier is the illegitimate daughter of Charles Lennox, third Duke of Richmond, who is her husband's relative. Mary, married to Arthur Lambert, is her sister, why they name their  son 'Lennox' of the two children they bury in Sector E, E117/ FLORENCE CAROLINE LAMBERT AND GEORGE ARTHUR LENNOX LAMBERT (who die in 1850, 14 years after Caroline Napier's death). JLMaquay 6/9/1836 'Mrs Napier died last ight after an illness of 7 hours, leaves 4 children, poor woman' 21/9/1836 Maquay takes back an old servant who had been with Captain Napier, the latter now leaving as his wife is dead. Before he does so her husband spends a fortune to place on her tomb his very lengthy poem at her death. The Morning Post orbituary by way of Galignani and clearly written by her husband gives the following: 'Died on Monday, the 5th instant, at the Villa Capponi near Florence, after an illness of only fourteen hours, Caroline, wife of Captain H.R.E Napier, RN. The awfully sudden death (at the early age of thirty, and in the treacherous security of the highest health), of one so justly beloved by all who knew her, has excited the deepest sympathy in Florence and its neighbourhood, where a residence of some years has caused her worth to be known and appreciated. Beautiful, refined, and unaffected, the graces of her person were in her but faint and frail symbols of that eternal beauty of the mind which alone is imperishable; and which, while it illustrated her brief career with every act that could dignify the exalted character of a wife, a mother, a daughter, and a friend, or ennoble the active but unpretending exercise of an enlightened faith, a consistent hope, and un univrsal charity, has shed a lustre around her memory which time can never tarnish, nor oblivion efface. Her remains were attended to the grave by a circle of sorrowing friends, anxious to testify to her bereaved husband their high sense of her superior qualities, and their poignant and unfeigned grief at his immeasurable loss'. Dictionary of National Biography emtryotes that Henry Edward Napier's Florentine History from the earliest Authentic Records to the Accessin of Ferdinand the Third, Grandduke of Tuscany 'Napier, Henry Edward 1789-1853, historian, born on 5 March 1789, was son of Colonel George Napier [q.v.], younger brother of Sir Charles James Napier [q.v.], conqueror of Scinde, of Sir George Thomas Napier [q.v.], governor of the Cape of Good Hope, and of Sir William Francis Patrick Napier [q.v.], historian and general. . . . His chief claim to notice is that he was the author of "Florentine History from the earliest Authentic Records to the Accession of Ferdinand the Third, Grandduke of Tuscany," six vols., 1846-7, a work showing much independence of judgment and vivacity of style, but marred by prolixity. He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society on 18 May 1820, and died at 62 Cadogan Place, London, on 13 Oct. 1853. He married on 17 Nov. 1823 Caroline Bennet, a natural daughter of Charles Lennox, third duke of Richmond; she died at Florence on 5 Sept. 1836, leaving three children'. Hare, Horner cite Napier's Florentine History. Since Henry Napier's mother, Lady Sarah Lennox, is the fourth daughter of the second Duke of Richmond, there is serious inbreeding in the family. Caroline Napier's mother, Mary Bennett. joins her eleven years later, seemingly having remained in Florence.

       Henry Edward Napier    Caroline Bennett

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1836. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo sporco.molte lettere di piombo mancano, ogetto sopra base alla testa della tomba perso, recinto condiviso con la madre, Mary Bennett. [M: A: 20; L: 77; P: 153; P.s. A: 18; L: 83; P: 160; RP.s.: A: 35; L: 100; P: 100. Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo: CAROLINE NAPIER/ WIFE OF/ CAPTAIN/ HENRY EDWARD NAPIER, R.N./ BORN/ 9TH AUGUST 1806/ DIED/ 5TH SEPTEMBER 1836/ IF I HAD THOUGHT THOU COULDST HAVE DIED/ I MIGHT NOT WEEP FOR THEE/ BUT I FORGOT WHEN BY THY SIDE/ THAT THOU COULDST MORTAL BE/ IT NEVER THROUGH MY MIND HAD PAST/ THAT TIME WOULD E'ER BE OER/ AND I ON THEE SHOULD LOOK MY LAST/ AND THOU SHOULDST SMILE NO MORE/ AND STILL UPON THAT FACE I LOOK/ AND THINK TWILL SMILE AGAIN/ AND STILL THE THOUGHT I CANNOT BROOK/ THAT I MUST LOOK IN VAIN/ BUT WHEN I SPEAK THOU DOST NOT SAY/ WHAT THOU NEER LEFTST UNSAID/ AND NOW I FEEL AS WELL I MAY/ SWEET CAROLINE THOU'RT DEAD/ IF THOU WOULDST STAY EEN AS THOU ART/ ALL COLD AND ALL SERENE/ I STILL MIGHT PRESS THY SILENT HEART/ AND WHERE THY SMILES HAVE BEEN/ WHERE EER THY CHILL BLEAK CORSE I HAD/ THOU DIDST STILL SEEM MY OWN/ BUT HERE I LAID THEE IN THY GRAVE/ AND I AM NOW ALONE/ I DO NOT THINK WHERE ER THOU ART/ THOU HAST FORGOTTEN ME/ AND I PERHAPS MAY SOOTHE THIS HEART/ ON THINKING TOO OF THEE/ YET THERE WAS ROUND THEE SUCH A DAWN/ OF LIGHT NEER SEEN BEFORE/ AS FANCY NEVER COULD HAVE DRAWN/ AND NEVER CAN RESTORE/-/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 50: died at Villa Capponi, Rev Knapp; Baptism children: GL23773 N° 16 Arthur Lennox b 24/12/33 bp 31/03/34 Rev Hutton, G23773 N° 52; Richard Henry b 11/03/36 bp 28/05/36 Rev Hutchinson, father Henry Edward capt RN mother Caroline/ Maquay Diaries: 6 Sep 1836; 21 September/ Obituary, Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Napier/ Carolina/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 5 Settembre/ 1836/ / 141/  See Bennett, for mother's tomb beside hers, also the Kellett tombs of three descendants from Captain Robert John Napier Kellett (1797-1853), Sector B/ N&Q 443. Caroline, w. of Capt. Henry Edward Napier, R.N., b. 9 Aug., 1806 ; ob. 5 Sep., 1836/DNB/NDNB entries for Henry Edward Napier/Descendants=Charles Napier, Priscilla Napier. Intervento di pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2011. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
We have Henry Edward Napier, Florentine History (Moxon, 1846-1847), 6 volumes, in the Mediatheca Fioretta Mazzei, also a book about a manuscript on Fiesolan heraldry formerly owned by him, Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU

When we come again to the large surrounding path, we turn right once more towards the Gate House, passing the studio of Michele Gordigiani who painted the portraits of Cavour and of the Brownings:

F24/ 1083/
With the D'Arcy family, of whom C44/ ELIZABETH (JUDGE) D'ARCY IRVINE is her mother, we are in the world of Jane Austen, of great landed Irish wealth (though Austen does not explicitly say this of Darcy). Their descendant came, showing his signet ring with the family crest, and arranged for the restoration and cleaning of these two tombs. Related to Whytes, Bossi Pucci, Reader


Portrait of Letitia D'Arcy-Irvine painted by Emily D'Arcy-Irvine, owned by descendant Miles D'Arcy-Irvine  

. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1879. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo, inciso.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2011. [M: A: 2; L: 60; P: 126.5; P.s. A: 20; L: 68; P: 138.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: EMILY/ DAUGHTER OF/ GORGES MARKUS D'ARCY IRVINE ESQUIRE/ AND OF ELIZABETH JUDGE D'ARCY/ OF CASTLE IRVINE CO FERMANAGH/ AND GRANGEBEY CO WESTMEATH IRELAND/ DIED AT FLORENCE/ THE 28TH OF FEBRUARY 1879/ THY WILL BE DONE/ MATT VI CHAP X VERSE/ 1083/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Emilia Irwine, l'Angleterre, fille de George Irwine/ Records, Guldhall Library, Rev Tottenham, Casa Guicciardini, via Santo Spirito/ Pall Mall Gazette, Morning Post, Western Mail, Times, 'whilst on a visit to her sister, the Marchesa Incontri'/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Irvine/ Emilia/ Giorgio/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 1 Marzo/ 1870/ Anni 50/ 1083/ N&Q 459. Emily, d. of George(sic) Marcus D'Arcy Irvine, Esq of Castle Irvine, Fermanagh, and Grangebey, Westmeath, ob. 28 Feb., 1870/ See D'Arcy, Sector C, for her mother. Intervento di pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2011. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.     

F25/ 1088/
This Frenchman was a typographer who had dealings with the Risorgimento's Principessa Belgioioso (http://www.florin.ms/laurel.html#trivulzio). She features in Henry James' Portrait of a Lady. His tomb is elegant with an urn draped with a shroud, but the medallion portrait has sadly been stolen.


Monumento poggiante su basamento a pianta quadrata con angoli smussati composto da zoccolo con superfici a bugnato, piedistallo con fiore scolpito sul bordo a destra, sormontato da pilastro rastremato contenente sul fronte iscrizione e lacuna ovale, coronato da ampio panneggio a rilievo che copre parte del lato destro e del tergo del monumento, e da vaso dal quale fuoriesce tralcio floreale: www.europeana.eu/ Urna su colonna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1870. Ambito toscano. Urna ghirlandata con panni sopra una colonna, scolpito di marmo, ora sporco, cha manca la medaglione, basamento di pietra serena molta erosa. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2011. [M: A: 196; L: 83; P: 83; P.s. A: 35; L: 81; P: 87.] Iscrizione sepolcrale francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ICI/ REPOSE/ CONSTANT JACCOTTET/ NE A MARSEILLES/ LE 4 JANVIER 1813/ DECEDE A FLORENCE/ LE 28 MARS 1870/ LES REGRETS ET LES LARMES/ DE SA FAMILLE/ SONT LES SEULS ET FAIBLES INTERPRETES/ DE SON ECLATANTE BONTE/ DE SON RARE MERITE/ ET DE L'ARDENTE AFFECTION/ QUI LUI ETAIT VOUEE/ PRIEZ POUR LUI/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Constant Jaccottet, France, typographe, fils de Constant/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Jacottet/ Costanzo/ Costanzo/ Francia/ Firenze/ 28 Marzo/ 1870/ Anni 58/ 1088. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F26/ 1110/
Her father, General Jean Maurice Nordenstam, was Finance Minister for Finland, and listed in the Almanach de Gotha. She is the sister of Sofia Nordenstam who married Count August Mannerheim's brother, Count Carl Robert Mannerheim, and thus became the step-mother of the famous Finnish Marshall and President of Finland, Baron Gustav Mannerheim (Wikipedia). She dies at 24, unmarried, and is buried under a simple cross with just her name, no title. See also B15/ AUGUSTE DE MANNERHEIM.


OLGA NORDENSTAM// 1110/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Olga Nordenstam, Russie, fille de Général Jean Maurice Nordenstam/ Talalay: Nordenstamm Ol'ga Ivanovna, baronessa, Finlandia 1844 - 17.11.1870/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Nordenstone/ Olga/ Giovanni Maurizio/ Russia/ Firenze/ 17 Novembre/ 1870/ Anni 24/ 1110/ Almanach de Gotha. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
K. Bjorkland, 'Marskens slatinger vilar i Florens', in Sommarsondag, 15.7.2001, TAU.

F27/ (130) 1104/
Her husband, Cavaliere Don Oreste Ciampi, a lawyer, who seems not to have learned English, was also an exhibiting artist. Did he have Joel Hart sculpt her likeness? Did she die of cancer? He bought parts of the Villa Puccini in Pistoia where she likely lived: 'Villa Puccini - La villa, nota con il nome di villone, fu fatta costruire da Tommaso Puccini nella prima meta' del secolo XVIII, con i guadagni che ricavo' dalla sua professione di medico, e fu modificata nel corso del tempo fino ad assumere l'attuale aspetto neoclassico. Nell'Ottocento, Niccolo' Puccini, uno dei promotori della Societa' dei Parentali ai Grandi Italiani, mise a disposizione di Filippo Pacini un microscopio con il quale il grande scienziato pistoiese condusse, proprio nella villa, le prime ricerche anatomiche e istologiche. L'ampio giardino, realizzato tra il 1821 e il 1844 per volere di Niccolo' Puccini, fu arredato con vari edifici, alcuni dei quali dedicati alla scienza: un Pantheon agli Uomini Illustri, un "Tempio di Pitagora", un monumento alla scienza, uno all'industria, un emiciclo dedicato a Galileo Galilei e una colonna sovrastata dalla statua di Carlo Linneo, alla cui memoria fu dedicato il parco. Per la sistemazione della struttura idraulica dei due laghi e dei ruscelli incarico' l'architetto pistoiese Giovanni Gambini, che in quel periodo lavorava anche a villa Celle. Emanuele Repetti definiva il giardino come un luogo "incantato che difficilmente si potrebbe descrivere come merita". Attualmente esso non si presenta piu' nelle sue forme originarie ed alcuni suoi monumenti sono scomparsi. Sostanzialmente invariato e' rimasto, invece, il Castello Gotico (o Fortezza), uno degli edifici monumentali che arricchiva il giardino e che divento', dal 1836 dimora abituale di Niccolo' Puccini. Come testimoniano accurate descrizioni ottocentesche redatte in occasione della vendita all'asta delle proprieta', la torretta centrale possedeva, oltre ad un parafulmine alla sommita' del tetto, curiosi marchingegni che secondo un'aneddotica assai diffusa avrebbero permesso a Niccolo' Puccini di non allontanarsi dalla sua camera da letto per ricevere gli ospiti: "Nella parete interna di questa camera trovansi diverse maniglie d'ottone che servano con adattato meccanismo ad aprire e chiudere la finestra, aprire e chiudere il cancello di cinta esterno ed ad altri usi oggi fuori servizio". Una divisione della proprieta' fu originata prima dalla costruzione della strada per Porretta, la nuova via Leopolda (1847), e poi dalla costruzione della strada ferrata Porrettana (1864). L'area che comprende la Fortezza, il tempio gotico, il pantheon e alcuni monumenti, quali quello a Galileo, furono acquistati nel 1867 dall'avvocato fiorentino Oreste Ciampi'.  This is one among several tombs with a portrait medallion: A64/ GEORGE AUGUSTUS WALLIS by Aristodemos Costoli, A15/ ANNE SUSANNA (LLOYD) HORNER by Francesco Jerace; AB7/ INA BOSS SAULTER, by Ettore Ximenes; B4/ ELENA NIKITICNA DIK, NATA AKZYNOVA by Fyodor Fyodorovitsch Kamensky; C3/ THOMAS SOUTHWOOD SMITH by Joel T. Hart; D108/ THEODORE PARKER by William Wetmore Story; D127/ JAMES ROBERTS, by Joel T. Hart?; E12/ JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM, JR by Launt Thompson; E9/ WALTER KENNEDY LAWRIE by Pietro Bazzanti, F27/ PHILIPPINA (SIMONS) CIAMPI, Joel T. Hart(?).


Cippo con medaglione. Scultore: Joel Tanner Hart. Sec. XIX, post 8/1870. Ambito toscano. Cippo scolpito con il ritratto della defunta e inciso, con pezzi rotti e fuori del basamanto di pietra serena molto erosa.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2010. [M: A: 49.5; L: 56; P: 8.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: FILIPPINA SIMONS INGLESE/ CON MOLTO INGEGNO E ISTRUZIONE/ EBBE OTTIMO CUORE/ MERITO' LA STIMA E L'AFFETTO/ DI QUANTI LA CONOBBERO/ CESSO' DI VIVERE IL 15 AGOSTO 1870/ DOPO LUNGA E TERRIBILE MALATTIA/ IL CAV: D. ORESTE CIAMPI/ ALLA DILETTA MOGLIE/ Q[esto].M[armo].P[ose]Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Philippine Simons, l'Angleterre, fils de John Simons et de Sara, née Stambler/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Ciampi nata Simons/ Filippina/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Pistoia/ 13 Agosto/ 1870/ Anni 60/ 1104. Intervento di pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2010. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

This tomb used to carefully lie outside the old boundary of consecrated soil and its inscription is completely secular. (The Swiss administration of the cemetery has now enlarged the area and included it within the boundary.) The American sculptor from Kentucky, Joel Tanner Hart, was particularly famous for his 'Woman Triumphant', over which he laboured for years in the classical model of taking aspects of 150 Florentine women combined into one perfect form. Jilted in his proposal to marriage he shows the sculptured woman as rejecting and breaking the arrow offered by Cupid. His studio was between Villino Trollope and Greenough's studio in the neighbourhood of the Piazza Independenza (we recall that Frances Trollope (B11E 849) gave Hiram Powers (B15D 1220) his start as a sculptor with the waxworks of Dante's Commedia in Cincinnati, Ohio). The women of the 'Blue Grass' of Kentucky raised the funds to bring his body back home with a great and completely secular celebration, 18/6/1887, having already placed the statue 'Woman Triumphant' at the centre of the Lexington Kentucky court building in 1884 - where it came to be completely destroyed by fire, the bell from the tower falling on it, only one sculpted hand surviving. He sculpted the cameo portrait of C3/ THOMAS SOUTHWOOD SMITH (Charles Dickens ordered this from him) and placed the first and provisional tombstone on D108/ THEODORE PARKER's grave, which was later replaced by that sculpted by William Wetmore Story from funds raised by Frederick Douglass and others. It is conjectured by the Belle Arti that he also sculpted the medallions of D127/ JAMES ROBERTS in Sector D and F27/ PHILIPPINA (SIMONS) CIAMPI, in this sector.

Southwood Smith, sculpted, Joel Tanner Hart.               Joel Tanner Hart, Portrait              Joel Hart's provisional grave
                                                                                                                                              for Theodore Parker, replaced by that by William Wetmore Story

Sarcofago. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1877. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago e ora cenatof in marmo bianco inciso, ora molto sporco. [M: A:  60; L: 179; P: 89.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: JOEL T. HART,/ SCULPTOR,/ A NATIVE OF KENTUCKY,/ U.S.A.,/ BORN FEBRUARY 11, 1810,/ DIED MARCH 2nd, 1877// THE WILLOW THAT IS FIRST TO BLOOM/ AND LIKE FIRST LOVE THE TENDEREST TOO/ IS SWEETEST SADDEST TO THE VIEW/ THE LAST DO WAVE A LONG ADIEU/ AND WEEP AROUND HER TOMB/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hart/ Giovanni T./ Josia/ America/ Firenze/ 2 Marzo/ 1877/ Anni 67/ 1385/ Spedito in America/ N&Q 458. Joel T. Hart, sculptor, of Kentucky, b. 11 Feb., 1810 ; ob. 2 Mar., 1877/ Connection=Mary and Donald Williamson, Kentucky, U.S.A.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Web essays: http://www.florin.ms/CBVc.html by David B. Dearinger, Ted Gantz, Kathleen Lawrence, Robert P. Murray, Donald Williamson. See  Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU.

We now pass the new tombs with ashes, not bodies, until we reach F29.

F29/ 1401/
A simple tomb slab, one of the last burials in this Swiss cemetery.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1877. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo sporco. [M: A:  2.5; L: 61; P: 126; P.s. A: 10.5; L: 71; P: 137.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SOTTO QUESTA LAPIDE/ GIACE MAURIZIO CADISCH/ MORTO IL 10 LUGLIO 1877/ NELL'ANCOR GIOVANE/ ETA D 47 ANNI/ PREGATE PER L'ANIMA SUA/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Cadisch/ Maurizio/ Cristiano/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 10 Luglio/ 1877/ Anni 47/ 1401/  Indagine Cognoscitiva, Preparatoria al Restauro delle opere site nel Cimitero Protestante di Firenze detto 'degli Inglesi', Gianguido Fumelli, Adriano Giachi, Stefano Landi, Antonella Malavolti, Sabrina Milani, 1991, 47. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F30/ 1400/
She is one of the last burials in the Cemetery. She had married the captain in the 71st Highland Regiment, Mappleton, Yorkshire in 1837 in Florence where she may have been born, her father being C96/ CAPTAIN CHARLES MONTAGUE (HUDLESTON) WALKER, her mother C97/ ANNA MARIA (RIDDELL) WALKER, both in Sector C. Her husband's will and codicil, of Edward Robert Marcus Whyte of Hotham House in Yorkshire, was proved in 1859. Their son C69/ EDWARD MARCUS WHYTE who died at 18 in 1851 is buried with his paternal grandmother C69/ MARY WHYTE MOYSER in Sector C. Her niece is F13/ FLORENCE EVELYN JULIA FLEETWOOD WILSON in this Sector F. Her daughter, Geva Diana, who marries an Italian count, is given as from Yorkshire, her husband's residence. An ancestor of her daughter's husband, Count Agostino Fantoni of Massa, invented the typewriter in 1802, precursor to the Olivetti, for his blind sister. Her husband's family is interconnected with the the Chichesters, Baldellis, Walkers, Riddells, Fleetwood Wilsons, MacDoualls, Moysers, for which see Sector C and the following entries.
An infant burial, the noble father a playwright, Agostoni Savino Fantoni, the mother Geva Diana Whyte, relations Riddell, Walker, Fleetwood Wilson, Baldelli, Chichester, MacDouall, Moyser, D'Arcy Irvine, Reader, Bossi Pucci.
Lodovico Fantoni, l'Italie, fille de Comte Auguste Fantoni/ 277.50/ Fantoni/ Lodovico/ Augusto/ Italia/ Firenze/ 17 Agosto/ 1870/ Mesi 23/ 1105/ + /

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1877. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo bianco scolpito con fiore, in paricolare gigli,  basamento in marmo con lettere in piombo.   [M: A: 195; L: 87.5; P: 66; RP.s.: L: 109 P: 205.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo: IN MEMORY OF/ OUR BELOVED MOTHER FLORENCE/ FLETCHER WALKER WIDOW OF THE LATE/ CAPTAIN EDWARD MARCUS WHYTE 71ST/ HIGH[land]DERS/ AND OF MAPPLETON/ YORKHSIRE [sic] WHO DEPARTED/ THIS LIFE IN FLORENCE ON THE/ 26TH DAY OF JUNE 1877// BELOVED THINK IT NOT STRANGE/ CONCERNING THE FIERY TRIAL WHICH/ IS TO TRY YOU, AS THOUGH SOME STRANGE/ THING HAPPENED UNTO YOU: I PETER IV.12// AND IF I GO AND PREPARE/ A PLACE FOR YOU, I WILL/ COME AGAIN, AND RECEIVE YOU/ UNTO MYSELF, THAT WHERE I/ AM THERE YE MAY BE ALSO. JOHN XIV. 3.// BUT REJOICE, INASMUCH/ AS YE ARE PARTAKERS OF/ CHRIST'S SUFFERINGS; THAT,/ WHEN HIS GLORY SHALL BE/ REVEALED, YE MAY BE GLAD ALSO/ WITH EXCEEDING JOY. I PETER IV.13/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 515 Burial 28/06 Rev M A Camille; Marriage GL23773/4 N° 29 29/06/37 Edward Marcus Whyte to Florence Fletcher Walker at HBM (Abercrombie) groom of Florence, bride of Florence Rev Knapp; Baptisms children Geva Diana 03/07/38 Rev Young, Mary Florence 17/07/44 Rev Jenkinson; marriage of child GL23781 N° 78/9+33/115 06/06/67 Agostino Savino Fantoni to Geva Diana Whyte at BE groom Count of Florence, bride Yorkshire, Rev Tottenham/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Walker Vedova Whyte/ Fiorenze/ Carlo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 26 Giugno/ 1877/ Anni 59/ 1400/ See Moyser, Walker, Whyte, Sector C/ N&Q 453. Florence Fletcher Walker, wid. of Capt. Edward Marcus Whyte, 71st Highlanders, and of Mappleton, Yorks, ob. 26 June, 1877/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F31/ 1399/
We do not know her age but she is the youngest daughter of C69/ MARY WHYTE MOYSER, bried in Sector C. We know from descendants writing in Ancestry.UK that both Robert and Edward ended their days in asylums, which may be why the family, which had many estates, preferred to live at a distance in Florence. The scriptural passages on the two tombstones appear to allude to that tragedy. Her family, the Webbs note, is interconnected with the Chichesters, Baldellis, Walkers, Riddells, Fleetwood Wilsons, MacDoualls, Moysers, for which see Sector C, and the following entry.
See Frances Jane Moyser Whyte, buried in sector F, and Edward Marcus Whyte, below, who is an 18 year-old grandson whom she only knew for six months and who comes to share her tomb:
Sarcofago. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Firma: P.BAZZANTI.F.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1833. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo scolpito con globo alato condiviso con Edward Whyte. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 110; L: 133.5; P: 68.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF /MARY MOYSER/ WHO DIED ON THE 4 SEPTEMBER 1833/ IN THE 55TH YEAR OF HER AGE/ WIFE OF ROBERT MOYSER ESQRE/ OF THE COUNTY OF YORK/ N. 82/ See N°83 1828-1844/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 9: Burial 7-9, Age about 50, Rev Hutton/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Moyser/ Maria/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 4 Settembre/ 1833/ Anni 52/ 82/  Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

National Archives: Will and Codicil of Edward Robert Marcus Whyte of Hotham House, York. Discussion on Ancestry.com by descendants.Sarcofago. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Signature: P.BAZZANTI.F.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1851. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo bianco inciso e scolpito, condiviso con Mary Whyte Moyser. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 110; L: 133.5; P: 68.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: BENEATH ARE LAID BESIDE HIS PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER/ THE REMAINS/ OF/ EDWARD MARCUS WHITE ESQ/ BORN 24TH OF MARCH 1833 DIED 29TH OCTOBER 1851/ THE LORD GAVE AND THE LORD HATH TAKEN AWAY/ BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD [Job 1.21]/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 161 Burial 31/10, Rev Swan/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Whyte/ Edoardo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 29 Ottobre/ 1851/ Anni 18/ 465. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

His sister, whose very expensive tomb is now lost.Charlotte Whyte, l'Angleterre, fille de Edouard Whyte et de Alice Marie Whyte/
II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 905 + monument Paoli 40/ GL23777/1 N° 284 Burial 07/11 Rev O'Neill, d of Edward M.Whyte and Alice Maria of Hotham Hall Yorks/ Whyte/ Carlotta M./ Edoardo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 5 Novembre/ 1860/ Anni 25/ 710. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1875. Ambito toscano. Cippo scolpito. Recinto ha perso le colonne.  [M: A: 138; L: 69.5; P: 21.5; P.s. A: 33; L: 75; P: 27.5; R: A: L: 108; P: 205.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ FRANCES JANE WHYTE/ YOUNGEST DAUGHTER OF ROBERT/ AND MARY WHYTE MOYSER OF/ HOTHAM HOUSE COUNTY OF YORK/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE THE 19th/ OF AUGUST 1875/ 'WE MUST, THROUGH MUCH TRIBULATION,/ ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD'/ ACTS XIV.22/ 'THE DAYS OF THY MOURNING SHALL BE ENDED' ISAIAH LX.20/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 514 Burial 24/05/77 Rev Tottenham/ Obituary, Times/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Whyte/ Fanny/ / / Pistoia/ 19 Aprile/ 1875/ / 1399/ See Moyser, Walker, Sector C/ N&Q 452. Frances Jane Whyte, youngest d. of Robert and Mary Whyte Moyser, of Hotham House, co. York, ob. 19 Aug., 1875.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Though the widow of a fellow countryman her tombstone in Italian (this also noted by Notes and Queries) shows that she and their children have assimilated into Florentine culture, even to the retention of her maiden name, contrary to Blackstone's Law. She was born in Bath.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1877. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco, ora sporca. Da pulire. [M: A: 2; L: 60; P: 128; P.s. A: 17; L: 70; P: 137.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani e arabi: MARIA ALLEN WILLIAMS/ NATA A BATH L'ANNO MDC . . . / MORTA A FIRENZE/ IL XV DI FEBBRAIO MD . . . // VISSE A LUNGO IN . . . / AMATA DA QUANTI LA CONOBBERO/ PER LE GRAZIE DELLO . . ./ E LA INGENUA BONTA' DI CUORE/ 1381/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 509 Burial 17/02 Rev Tottenham, viale Principessa, 52; Marriage GL23773/4 N° 41 11/09/39 William Williams to Maria Allen at HBM (Fox) Rev Tennant (F49)/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Williams nata Allen/ Vedova Maria/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 16 Febbraio/ 1877/ Anni 66/ 1381/ N&Q 451. Maria Allen Williams, b. at Bath, 1810; ob. 18 Feb., 1877 (In Italian). Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

The Lemmi family acquired a large plot at the corner of the cemetery, buried only one family member in it, then the Cemetery closed, 1877, so they exhumed the body for burial in the Allori where they built a chapel, now sold. This plot had a sign saying 'PROPRIETA' LEMMI' and has a very lovely wrought iron railing about it.

 Lemmi/ Ottilio/ Adriano/ Italia/ Firenze/ 20 Novembre/ 1876/ Anni 24/ 1371/ Trasportato agli Allori. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Like F129/ ROSA PULINI MADIAI, she is an Italian who turned Protestant, though, unlike the Madiai, she is of Florentine nobility, of the Guicciardini and the Pucci, widowed from the Morrochi whose palace is on the Via Cavour. Her brother Piero Giucciardini was arrested in 1851 and had to live in exile for his beliefs, founding the Italian branch of the Plymouth Brethren, returning to Italy in 1860. He left a fine library to the Biblioteca Nazionale They associated with the Protestant Walker family (C96/ CAPTAIN CHARLES MONTAGUE (HUDLESTON) WALKER, C97/ ANNA MARIA (RIDDELL) WALKER, both in Sector C, F14/ BIANCA [WALKER] BALDELLI, Sector F, etc.). Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, p. 309. We planted the rose 'Julia' by her tomb, not by that with the sculpture of Julia Savage Landor, and that very day Count Giucciardini by chance visited us.
Cubo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1874. Ambito toscano. Cubo di travertina con panelli incisi in marmo bianco su quatro lati. [M: A: 117; L: 108; P:  108; P.s. A: 15; L: 110; P: 110.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ALLA CARA MEMORIA/ DELLA CONTESSA GIULIA GUICCIARDINI/ VEDOVA MORROCCHI / - /NACQUE/ DAL CONTE FRANCESCO GIUCCIARDINI/ E DALLA MARCHESA ELISABETTA PUCCI/ IL 4 LUGLIO 1806/ E RESE LO SPIRITO/ NELLA PACE DEL SIGNORE/ IL 27 FEBRAIO 1874/ - / "ELLA NON E' MORTA MA DORME" (Luca 8.52)// RIPOSA IN PACE/ ANIMA ELETTA/ TU VEDESTI LA LUCE DI DIO/ TU TROVASTI GRAZIA/ IN GESU' REDENTORE/ - /TOSTO RISORGERAI/ E INSIEME COI RISCATTATI/ CHE LASCIASTI IN TERRA/ IN CORPO GLORIOSO/ ANDRAI AL SIGNORE (1Corinzi 15:50-53; 1Tessalonicesi 4:15-17)// ELLA SENTIVA LA POTENZA DELLA FEDE/ IN CRISTO/ E SPESSO RIPETEVA/ "UMILIATEVI/ GETTANDO SOPRA LUI/ TUTTA LA VOSTRA SOLLECITUDINE/ PERCIOCCHE EGLI HA CURA DI VOI" (I Pietro 5.6-7)/ - /S'ADDORMENTO NEL SIGNORE/ UDENDO QUELLE PAROLE DI VITA ETERNA/ "IL SIGNORE E IL MIO PASTORE/ NULLA MI MANCHERA"(Salmo 23)/ "NELLA CASA DEL PADRE MIO/ VI SONO MOLTE STANZE"(Giovanni 14.2)// [Stemma dei Guicciardini]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Comtesse Julie Guicciardini, Vve Marrocchi, l'Italie, fille de François Guicciardini/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Guicciardini Vedova Morrocchi/ Contessa Giulia/ Francesco/ Italia/ Firenze/ 27 Febbraio/ 1874/ Anni 68/ 1249/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

He is called 'Ugo Giacomo Rose' in the English Cemetery's entry, he is buried in a magnificent Scipio sarcophagus in marble that matches that of Robert Anderson in pietra serena in Sector A (A2I 50). Cambridge-educated, Pastor Luigi Santini wrote of him: 'Hugh James Rose had a reputation as an able  Anglican theologian, indeed the beginner of the Oxford Movement, and his sermons in London attracted large gatherings. A child prodigy, most of his ministry was in Sussex where he had been born. For several years he was President of King's College. In poor health from asthma, he died at the height of his intellectual maturity, at 45'. The Webbs, visiting Hadleigh, transcribed the following concerning him: '1830 saw the beginning of the short but memorable ministry here of Hugh James Rose, who at the age of 35 was a Prebendary of Chichester Cathedral and had been chaplain to the Bishop of London and Vicar of Horsham. In 1832 he began the British Magazine which propagated High Church teaching and in July 1833, in the Deanery Tower, he hosted the Hadleigh Conference which could be said to have spearheaded the Tractarian Movement and the Catholic Revival in the Church of England. He left Hadleigh in September 1833 when he was appointed Professor of Divinity at the University of Durham and also vicar of Fairstead (Essex) and of St Thomas Southwark. He resigned Fairstead in 1835 to become Principal of Kings College London, but died two years later at the age of 45. He suffered badly from asthma and had exchanged Horsham for Hadleigh for the sake of his health.' The plaque in the church reads: HUGH JAMES ROSE, B.D./CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE IN THE UNIVERSITY/ OF CAMBRIDGE, PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY/ IN THE UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM AND/ AFTERWARDS PRINCIPAL OF KING'S COLLEGE/ LONDON WAS RECTOR OF THIS PARISH &/ DEAN OF BOCKING 1830-1833, BY HIS PIETY/ LEARNING & ELOQUENCE HE INSPIRED THE/ ACTIVE REVIVAL OF HER HISTORICAL FAITH/& DOCTRINE IN THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND/ THE TRACTS FOR THE TIMES WERE THE/ RESULT OF A CONFERENCE WHICH IN JULY/ 1833 MET AT HIS INVITATION IN THE DEAN/ ERY HOUSE . THIS TABLET WAS PLACED/ HERE IN 1920 TO KEEP ALIVE THE MEMORY/ OF ONE OF WHOM IT WAS SAID THAT WHEN/ HEARTS WERE FAILING HE BADE US STIR UP/ THE GIFT THAT WAS IN US AND BETAKE/ OURSELVES TO OUR TRUE MOTHER


Hadleigh plaque to Rev Hugh James Rose


F36/ 216
Her mother Sarah, from Birmingham, was a great inventor, taking out many patents and working with Thomas Telford and Isambard Kingdom Brunel who used her ideas for the Clifton suspension bridge, etc. Sarah Beach first married the Bristol merchant, Samuel Guppy, for which see the Wikipedia entry. Her sisters who erected this delicate monument of a column and urn were Grace and Sarah. Their mother later remarried and lost her wealth to her spendthrift much younger second spouse.

Urna su colonna. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Signature: P.BAZZANTI.F. Sec. XIX, post 6/1841. Ambito toscano. Urna con panni e ghirlanda, colonna con globo alato, scolpito in marmo bianco su base di pietra serena e recinto dell stesso. [M: A: 177; L: 46.5; P: 46.5; P.s. A: 22; L: 88; P: 88; RP.s.F: A: 35.5; L: 123; P: 178.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ MARY ELIZABETH GUPPY/ DAUGHTER OF SAMUEL AND SARAH GUPPY/ OF BRISTOL ENGLAND/ - / HER SUFFERINGS TERMINATED IN FLORENCE/ JUNE 14 1841 AETAS 35/ SISTER FAREWELL/
Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 14: age 35, Burial 15-06, Rev Tennant (F49)/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Guppy/ Maria Elisabetta/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 14 Giugno/ 1841/ / 216/ N&Q 345. Mary Elizabeth, d. of Samuel and Sarah Guppy, of Bristol, ob. 17 June, 1841, a. 35. Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F37/ 1078
An eloquent tomb slab, the Times obituary noting he died suddenly at the house of his friend, Rev John R Macdougall, and that he was formerly of Saltcoats, Ayrshire.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1870. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco, sporco, su base di pietra. [M: A: 2; L: 62.5; P: 127; P.s. A:  L: 71; P: 136.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY/ OF THE/ REV. JOHN MACNAB/ A NATIVE OF /AYRSHIRE SCOTLAND/ WHO DIED SUDDENLY IN FLORENCE/ ON THE 25TH JANUARY 1870/ BUT BE YE DOERS OF THE WORD AND/ NOT HEARERS ONLY DECEIVING YOUR/ OWN SELVES JAMES 1.22/ 1078/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jean Mac'Nab, l'Ecosse/ Obituary, Times/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Mac Nab/ Giovanni/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 25 Gennaio/ 1870/ Anni 59/ 1078/ See McNabs, Sectors E, D/ N&Q 344. Rev. John MacNab, native of Ayrshire, ob. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F38/ 155/
This Irish participant in the Battle of Waterloo had a daughter who had married a German prince in Florence in 1834: Prince Henry LXLIV of Reuss-Schleiz-Joestritz married Matilda Henrietta Elizabeth born 12 May 1804, daughter of Lieutenant General John Locke and granddaughter of William, Viscount Courtenay, of Devon. It is likely she who raises this large monument with its shamrocks and armorial bearings, its 'Pelican in its Piety'. The iconography of the 'Pelican in its Piety' also appears on the tombs of B13I/ B9/ 959/ FANNY WAUGH HUNT/ ENGLAND, sculpted by the Pre-Raphaelite William Holman Hunt, and of D23R/ D121/ 422/ GAUDENZIO WITAL/ SVIZZERA. See Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, pp. 79-80, on a duel followed by the daughter's marriage to Henry, Prince de Reuss K
Croce. Scultore, Francesco Pozzi, Firmata due volte: F.POZZI.F; F.Pozzi.F. Sec. XIX, post 2/1837. Ambito toscano. Croce celtica scolpita in marmo bianco con 'shamrock' irlandese su le braccie, un pelicano nella sua pietà, lampada dentro oroboros e stemma, recinto in pietra serena. Intervento di pulitura, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, 2001; Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. [M: A: 167; L: 86.5; P: 86.5; P.s. A: 24.5; L: 96; P: 96; RP.s. con colonne: A: 41; L: 205; P: 205 ] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF LIEUT GENERAL JOHN LOCKE/ OF NEWCASTLE IRELAND/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE THE 28 OF FEBRUARY 1837 AGED 67/ -.- / THE JUST PASSETH THROUGH DEATH UNTO LIFE (Romans 6.23?)/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 57 Burial 02-03, buried by Rev Yelverton, entry by Rev Knapp; Marriage of daughter, GL23773/4 N° 14 05/11/34 Koestritz Henry Reus to Matilda Elizabeth Jane Locke at HBM (Seymour), groom Prince, Conte, Seigneur, bride daughter of Maj Gen John Locke, Rev Hutton/ Morning Post, of organic disease of the heart, Champion, Weekly Herald, that he had lived in Florence for the last 12 years/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Locke/ Giovanni (Magg: Gen:)/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 28 Febbraio/ 1837/ Anni 65/ 155/ At Waterloo. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See http://www.florin.ms/waterloo.html

F39/ 113/
Haakan Svensson, Archivist at Uppsala University, informs us that Ernst Jonas Fredrik Kjellander was born 1812 and died 1835 in Italy. His father, Bengt Kjellander (1781-1861) was a physician and a poet. Ernst Jonas Fredrik Kjellander graduated in 1833 with a masters degree in philosophy. Since 1831 he had suffered from tuberculosis and in 1834 he left for Italy, where he died. His travelling companion was a famous historian, F.F. Carlsson, who in 1842 gave an unpublished manuscript to Uppsala University Library containing biographical notes and Kjellander's manuscripts in philosophy.

Colonna spezzata. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1835. Ambito toscano. Colonna spezzata incisa in marmo bianco.
Intervento di radrizzamento, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2013; Intervento di pulituria, Daniel-Caudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. [M: A: 103; L: 60; P: 60; P.s. A: 38; L: 86; P: 86.] Iscrizione sepolcrale latina incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani e arabi: ERNESTUS JONAS FREDERICUS KJELLANDER PHILOSOPHIAE MAGISTER ET AD ACADEMIAM UPSALIENSEM DOCENS/ NATUS D. V DEC 1812/ OBIIT D. XXIII JAN 1835/ HAEC EST VITA AETERNA UT TE COGNOSCANT SOLUM/ VERUM DEUM ET QUEM TU MISISTI JESUM CHRISTUM/ JOH. XVII.III// 113/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kjellander/ Ernesto Giona/ / Svezia/ Bonconvento/ Giugno/ 1835/ Anni 22/ 113 Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

And now we come, ourobouros, back where we started:

about whom we know so little.


Cocker tomb with Holt tomb behind it


At this point, we can explore the tombs within Sector F, starting from the Gatehouse in Row N and going up to the statue of Hope, then back down in Row O, and so forth, zigzagging boustrophedon as the Greeks called it, the way oxen and their drivers ploughed fields, and the way ancient writing was done.

He was Danish, but born in Livorno, and served as Swedish and Danish Vice-Consul, in contact with the Icelandic/Danish sculptor Thorvaldsen in Rome. http://brevarkivet.thorvaldsensmuseum.dk/personer/wulffen-paul-heinrich

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1841. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco, ora sporco, su base di pietra serena.
[M: A: 1.5; L: 61; P: 61; P.s. A: 11; L: 90; P: 90.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: QUI RIPOSANO ONORATI CENERI/ DI/ PAOLO ENRICO WULFFEN/ AGENTE DI MARINA E VICE CONSOLE DI SVEZIA E DI DANIMARCA/ NATO IN LIVORNO IL 9 MARZO 1790/ MORTO IN FIRENZE IL 16 GIUGNO 1841/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wulfen/ Paolo/ / Danimarca/ Firenze/ 16 Giugno/ 1842/ / 243/ [marginal note]. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1828. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco degrado in base di pietra. [M: A: 1; L: 68; P: 60; P.s. A: 17.5; L: 78.5; P: 68.5.]


F42/ (34) 514

From Grigione, he has retired from running a cafe. His widow F44/ LUISA STARLAI GRANDI lies near him.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1853. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco, sporca. Da pulire. [M: A: 2; L: 67.5; P: 136; P.s. A: 18.5; L: 75; P: 140.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: A VALENTINO GRANDI/ CUI SCENDENDO DA CELINO A PISTOIA/ DIE PROVA DI ONESTA OPEROSITA'/ DI INGEGNO COMMERCIALI SPECULAZIONE/ MORTO OTTUAGENARIO IL DI OTTO SETTEMBRE 1853/ QUESTA MEMORIA DI LUI PONEVANO/ LA VEDOVA LUISA STARLAI E GLI EREDI/ 514/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Valentin Grandi, Zelin, Canton des Grisons, en Suisse, domicilé a Pistoia, ancien Cafetier, fils de Jean Grandi/ Q 85: 106 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Grandi/ Valentino/ Giovanni/ Svizzera/ Pistoia/ 8 Settembre/ 1853/ Anni 80/ 514. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F43/ 304/
He is from a family on Guernsey http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Page:Tupper_family_records_-_1835.djvu/233 while she is from Middlesex whose parents are in Genoa. Records, Guildhall Library, G11211 gives correspondence between Rev Hall and William Howley Bishop of London, 1823, there being uncertainty over the validity of their marriage performed in Genoa by Rev Martin Stow in the house of the British Consul James Sterling in the presence of witnesses in 1822. The marriage for greater security was renewed. JLMaquay, Diaries 8/2/1845 'note from Le Mesurier early this morning his wife died last night at 9 o'clock had been cupped on the same day' 9/2/1845 'attended Mrs Le Mesurier's funeral this morning at 7 o'clock very cold' 13/2/1845 'to see the Le Mesurier girls, who go away on Saturday'. One of these, Amelia Louisa Vaux le Mesurier, married George Musset Gretton in 1849. See E3/ SAMUEL DOBREE

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1845. Ambito toscano. Lastra rotondata in marmo bianco, ora sporco. Da pulire. [M: A: 11; L: 57; P: 116.5; P.s. A: 12.5; L: 61; P: 122.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ AMELIA AUGUSTA/ THE BELOVED WIFE OF/ EDWARD LE MESURIER ESQ R.N./ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE IN FLORENCE/ FEBRUARY THE 7TH 1845 AGED 48/ /HER CHILDREN ARISE UP AND CALL HER/ BLESSED HER HUSBAND ALSO AND HE/ PRAISETH HER (Proverbs 31.28)/ /BLESSED ARE THE DEAD WHICH DIE IN THE LORD: EVEN SO SAITH THE SPIRIT/ FOR THEY REST FROM THEIR LABOURS (Revelation 14.13)
Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23774 N° 74 Burial 09/02, Rev Robbins (E101); Marriage 29/09/23 Edward Le Mesurier to Amelia Augusta Wright at BCL, groom aged 28 s of Havilland Le Mesurier and Elisabeth Dobree of Guernsey, bride age 27 from Middlesex, d of Stephen Wright and Louisa Dixon, in Genoa/ See Dobree, Sector E/ See Webbs for further details. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F44/ 763/
This elderly widow of Valentino Grandi (F42) was born in the Rumantsch-speaking area of Switzerland. The following burial without a tomb is likely of her grandson.
736/ VALENTIN CARL GRANDI/ SVIZZERA/ Valentis Carlo Grandi, Schleinz (Grisons-Suisse), enfant, fils de Nicolas Carl Grandi// Pistoja/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 185/ Grandi/ Valentino Carlo/ Niccola Carlo/ Svizzera/ Pistoia/ Firenze?/ 27 Giugno/ 1861/ Anni 5/ 736// Carl/ Valentino/ Niccola/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 27 Giugno/ 1861/ Anni 5/ 736. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1861. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco su base di pietra serena. Da pulire. [M: A: 2; L: 70.5; P: 132; P.s. A: 21; L: 72; P: 137.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: QUI RIPOSANO LE OSSA DI LUISA STARLAI/ VEDOVA GRANDI/ NATA IN . . . NEL CANTONE GRIGIONE MORTA A PISTOIA DI 12 DICEMBRE 1861. . . I SUOI EREDI . . ./ 763/ La tomba del marito è a F3N. Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Louise Starlai, veuve Grandi, Schleins (Cellino) Canton des Grisons en Suisse, proprietaire, fille de Nicola Starlai/ Q 492: 90 Paoli/
Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Starlai Vedova Grandi/ Luisa/ Niccola/ Svizzera/ Pistoia/ 12 Dicembre/ 1861/ Anni 78/ 763. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F45/ 1012/
Their son was Professor David Thomson, Kings College, Aberdeen, and the above correspondence between them is archived there. The Webbs have further materials on baptisms and burials of eight children. See Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, pp. 242-243, 463.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1868. Ambito toscano. Cippo di pietra (Livornese?), recinto con pietra serena che ora manca il ferro.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2018. [M: A: 136; L: 62; P: 5; RP.s. A: 67; L: 84; P: 207.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ CATHERINE PEAT, WIDOW OF THE/ LATE DAVID THOMSON OF LEGHORN,/ DIED AT FLORENCE/ 13TH MAY 1868, AGED 90 YEARS/ 1012/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Catherine Thomson née Peat, l'Angleterre, fille de Thomas Peat/ Obituary, Glasgow Herald/ mother of Isabella Thomson above, Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Peat nei Thomson/ Caterina/ Tommaso/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 13 Maggio/ 1868/ Anni 89/ 1012// Thomson nata Peat/ Caterina/ Tommaso/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 13 Maggio/ 1868/ Anni 89/ 1012/+/ See Isabella Thomson above, Peat. Pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2018. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See http://homepages.abdn.ac.uk/npmuseum/Scitour/KingDT.pdf

F46/ 979
The young Swiss woman from the German-speaking Canton of Argovie is carefully listed with her father's and her mother's maiden name.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1867. Ambito toscano. Cippo di marmo bianco rotondato, inciso, non molto sporco. [M: A: 105; L: 60.5; P: 19; P.s. A: 39; L: 26; P: 66ciooi..] Iscrizione sepolcrale tedesca incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: DIES DENR . . . AD / ELISA . . . Z/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Elisa Rytz, Braugg, Argovie, Suisse, institutrice, fille de Samuel Rytz, et de Anna, née Ludi/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Rutz/ Elisa/ Samuele/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 15 Maggio/ 1867/ Anni 26/ 979. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F47/ 962
Two brothers are buried here, involved with the Anglo-Florentine Jockey Club, Via Strozzi and the Cascine, one tomb being placed above another. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, pp. 265-266.


F47/  962/ CHARLES OTLEY/ ENGLAND/  Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1867// 1/1868. Ambito toscano. Cippo di marmo inciso, surmontata da una croce su un basimento di pietra serena, recinto dallo stesso.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2013; Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2018. [M: ThW: A: 143.5;  L: 63.5; P: 34.7; Ch: A: 71.5; L: 88.5; P: 59; P.s.: A: 39; L: 96; P: 67.5; RP.s.: A: 40; L: 175; P: 205.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: HERE ALSO REPOSE THE REMAINS OF CHARLES OTLEY ESQRE/ WHO DIED ON THE THIRD OF JANUARY 1867/ AGED 70 YEARS/  Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Charles Otley, l'Angleterre, fils de Henri Otley/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 380, Burial 05/01 Rev Pendleton/ Marriage brother FO179/6 John Henry Otley to Isabella Ruxton at HBM (Burghersh) bride a widow, Rev Tayler/ brother of Thomas Watson Otley/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Otley/ Carlo/ Enrico/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 3 Gennaio/ 1867/ Anni 71/ 962/ F9O 1004/ THOMAS WATSON OTLEY/ ENGLAND/  SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ THOMAS WATSON OTLEY ESQRE/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE ON/ THE 3OTH OF JANUARY 1868/ AGED 74 YEARS/ DEEPLY LAMENTED BY HIS WIDOW/ & ONLY SON/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Thomas Watson Otley, l'Angleterre, fils de Henri Otley/ GL23777/1 N° 394 Burial 01/02 Rev Pendleton/ Obituary, Times/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Otley/ Tommaso Watson/ Enrico/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 30 Gennaio/ 1868/ Anni 74/ 1004. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F48/ 828/
Pastor Luigi Santini wrote: 'Of all the celebrities whose memories are preserved in this cemetery, he is certainly the one to whom Florence and Italy owe the greatest debt. His grave, refurbished for the Centennial of his death, is to the right, near the entrance to the burial ground. Born into a family exiled from France for religious reasons, Vieusseux was a Genevan, but born in Oneglia where his family had a business. Intending to make a career in business himself, he travelled widely, gaining invaluable human and practical experience. Shortly after the Restoration he settled in Florence, and there contributed to the creation of a common body of thought which would provide a cultural heritage for the new Italy of the Risorgimento. The best minds from every region gravitated to his reviews and publications, and men of diverse temperament and education learned to respect one another and work together in the interest of what united them. Palazzo Buondelmonti, in Piazza Santa Trinita` was the setting for the Gabinetto di Letture, the Gabinetto Vieusseux, today in the Palazzo Strozzi, which attracted talent and became a window on the world, useful for weeding out provincialism from the country's best minds and promoting the national Risorgimento.  Vieusseux did not participate in the Anglo-Florentine social whirl, but rather limited his friendships to his compatriots of the Evangelical Reformed Church and Italians seriously interested in learning and ideas. His life and activities have been widely publicized. If for no other reason than that Jean Pierre Vieusseux is buried here, this cemetery is a memorial to the passionate attachment and dedication to the cause of a united Italy which found its ideal focal point in Florence.' B8/ ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING, so passionately politically engaged with the Risorgimento, fretted about the hours Robert Browning spent in the Gabinetto Vieusseux, reading newspapers the Grand Duke of Tuscany otherwise had censored, because he told her women were not allowed membership, which was a blatant lie. Lady Blessington, Marian Wordsworth (F74), the Black women Abolitionist medical doctor, Sarah Parker Remond, Feodor Dosteivsky, John Ruskin, Robert Browning, Henri Schneider (F82), and countless others were readers there. [See Giuliana Artom Treves, Golden Ring , pp. 23-24.]

                                                                              Harper's Monthly

Sarcofago. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post  4/1863. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo bianco scolpito con medaglione, foglie di quercia, olivo, felce. Restaurata: Opificio delle Pietre Dure e Palazzo Spinelli; Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2011. [M: A: 130; L: 180.8; P: 57; P.s. A: 37; L: 188.5; P: 67.]  Iscrizione sepolcrale in piombo in lettere capitali e numeri romani: / PX/ A GIAMPIETRO VIEUSSEUX/ NATO IN ONEGLIA DI FAMIGLIA GINEVRINA/ IL XXVIIII DI SETTEMBRE MDCCLXXVIIII/ MANCATO IN FIRENZE IL XXVIII D'APRILE MDCCCLXIII/ GLI AMICI ED ESTIMATORI/ DEI MOLTI SUOI MERITI VERSO LA CIVILTA' ITALIANA/ POSERO QUESTO MONUMENTO/ [Swiss Cross]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jean Pierre Vieusseux, Genève, rentier, fils de Pierre Vieusseux et de Jean Elisabeth, née Vieusseux/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Vieusseux/ Gio: Pietro/ Pietro/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 28 Aprile/ 1863/ Anni 83/ 828/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F49/ 246/
JLMaquay, Diaries 24/7/1842 Tennant dies 26/7/1842 'attended Tennant's funeral this morning'. He is buried beside the first husband and child (F71DAVID REID/MARY REID) of his wife, Mariquita Eroles, his grave much lower than theirs.
A Cambridge University friend of the Tennysons and related by marriage to Maria Edgeworth, he was a hard-working Anglican priest in Florence, judging from the archival records. Impoverished himself, he took pity on the Spanish widow of the disturbed self-harming David Reid, marrying her and not long afterwards dying himself. Holy Trinity Church voted to raise a monument to him there which his widow violently opposed, saying he had a perfectly good one in the English Cemetery. The plaque is in the former Holy Trinity Church. Mariquita Tennant then returned to England, and founded the Clewer Sisters House of Mercy, training protitutes to be servants. She is buried there, not between her first and second husbands in Florence, though the space remains for her, and her Clewer tomb once was of an open and empty coffin, saying 'Non est hic, resurrexit', surrounded by an iron railing, which has since disappeared.  A blue plaque honours her in Windsor. See Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, pp. 161-178, 192.

Mariquita Eroles

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1842. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo di marmo bianco, sporco, troppo basso e interrito, recinto condiviso con Reid e Edgeworth, con uno spazio vuoto per la moglie Mariquita Eroles. [M: A: 2; L: 68.8; P: 107.8.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali: THE REV. ROBERT JOHN TENNANT/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774, PRO RG 33/114, Chaplain at Legation, died at Fiesole, Burial 26-07, Rev H Gipps/ Maquay Diaries: 24 Jul; 26 Jul 1842/ Obituary, Standard, Times/ Tablet in garden of Waldensian Church (formerly Holy Trinity): THIS TABLET ERECTED BY SUBSCRIPTION OF MANY MEMBERS OF THIS CONGREGATION ANXIOUS TO TESTIFY THEIR ESTEEM AND APPROBATION OF THE TALENTS, ENERGY AND HIGH CHARACTER OF HIM WHO FOR NEARLY FOUR YEARS FAITHFULLY DISCHARGED THE DUTIES OF CHAPLAIN TO THE BRITISH RESIDENTS IN THIS CITY, AND PLACED IN THIS CHAPEL BY A PUBLIC VOTE OF THE WHOLE CONGREGATION, IS INTENDED TO PERPETUATE THE MEMORY OF THE REV ROBERT JOHN TENNANT MA OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, WHO WAS BORN 14 JANUARY 1809, AND DIED 24 JULY 1842. "THE MEMORY OF THE JUST IS BLESSED"/ Tablet Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Tenant/ Roberto/ / America/ Firenze/ 24 Luglio/ 1842/ Anni 33/ 246. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei holdings, TAU, for the Clewer Sisters of Mercy and Mariquita Eroles.


Her husband and only daughter lament her passing.  'Nel cimitero protestante di Firenze si trovano seppelliti figlio e moglie del cav. ("Esq.") John H. Peirce; il primo, John Wright, morto il 10 febbraio 1867 all'età di soli 23 anni, la seconda, Mary Margaret, nata a Swatchwood House, Monmouthshire, il 21 dicembre 1819 e morta il 20 novembre 1869, lasciando superstiti il marito John H. e una figlia'. They buried their son, F73/ JOHN WRIGHT PEIRCE, in this same sector, two years earlier.


Colonna spezzata.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1869. Ambito toscano. Colonna spezzata inghirlandata, pietra serena del basamento degrada. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2014. [M: A: 95; L: 143; P: 76.5; P.s. A: 11; L: 148;P: 82; R: A: 14; L: 220; P: 145.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ MARY MARGARET/ THE BELOVED WIFE OF/ JOHN H. PIERCE ESQ/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ ON THE 20TH NOVEMBER 1869/ DEEPLY LAMENTED BY HER/ SORROWING HUSBAND AND ONLY/ DAUGHTER/ THE LORD HATH APPEARED OF OLD UNTO ME, SAYING YEA I HAVE LOVED THEE WITH AN/ EVERLASTING LOVE/ THEREFORE WITH LOVING KINDNESS HAVE I/ DRAWN THEE/ JEREMIAH XXXL.3.V./ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Marie Margaret Peirce, Londres/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 416 Burial 12/11, age 49, Rev Pendleton, san Ambrogio, Mattonaia/ Obituary, Times/
Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Peirce/ Maria Margherita/ David Jonathan/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Novembre/ 1869/ Anni 50/ 1070. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F51/ 794/
Genealogy of Barbadoes Families: 'Thomas Williams Trotman, born 31 July 1809, baptised 1 Jan 1812 at Christ Church. Assistant to Dr J.W.W. Carrington of St Thomas. Sailed to Liverpool, 1837. Later practised medicine in Florence. Died of typhus in Italy, July 1852. Married Elizabeth Wilhelmina Bellingham, daughter  of Samuel Ffennel Esq of County Tipperaray, and his wife Frances Grenville Bindon. Her will of June 1876, then living at N° 7 Vittorio Emanuele, Florence. Died 2 March 1891. No issue'. The Ffennells of Tipperaray were likewise a medical family. Elsewhere on Web, 'Thomas Trotman. M.D. introduced hares to Barbadoes in 1842'. At this period it was not understood that typhus was caused by lice in clothing. Maquay Diaries: 14/12/1853 'up at 6.30 to attend Mrs Tolley's funeral which was very badly managed by the Crossmans (B99/ REVD GEORGE BRICKDALE CROSSMAN) who had taken all on themselves, no pall bearers and no attendants but Gregory Trotman and myself. Old [Seymour Kirkup?] also came but had not been informed or invited. Rain continued all day'. Is Gregory a brother of Thomas who has no children. We could mention at this point Sarah Parker Remond, the Black American friend of Douglass, Mazzini and Garibaldi, who studied and practised medicine in Florence and who is buried in Rome's Protestant Cemetery. It was possible in the nineteenth century for families from what were then the Colonies to come to Europe and establish themselves with respect. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, pp. 140, 303, 397, 455, 515.


Sarah Parker Remond                                    
Harper's Monthly engraving
Croce su stele.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1862. Ambito toscano. Croce su stele incisa.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2014. [M: A: 243; L: 73.5; P: 73.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: BENEATH/ LIE THE MORTAL REMAINS OF/ THOMAS WILLIAMS TROTMAN M.D./ OF THE ISLAND OF BARBADOS WEST INDIES/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE/ ON THE 21st OF JULY 1862/ AGED 52 YEARS/ HE WAS MUCH AND DESERVEDLY REGRETTED/ AND HIS WIDOW AND SOME OF HIS FRIENDS/ HAVE UNITED TO ERECT THIS MONUMENT/ AS A TESTIMONY OF THEIR SORROW FOR HIS LOSS/ AND THEIR REGARD FOR HIS MEMORY/ THE LORD GAVE AND THE LORD HATH TAKEN AWAY/ BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD (Job 1.21) /Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Thomas W. Trotman, Barbadoes, doct. médecin/ GL23777/1 N° 315 Burial 23/07 Rev Green acting for Ponton/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Trotman/ Dr. Tommaso Guglielmo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 21 Luglio/ 1862/ Anni 52/ 794. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

This twenty-five year old woman is from Weimar, Germany.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1876. Ambito toscano. Croce rotta inciso a piedi delle roccie scolpito in pietra serena, con una tabella in marmo bianco incisa, recinto di pietra serena e ferro. [M: A: 61; L: 41; P: 57; P.s. A: 72; L: 51; P: 56; R: A: 69; L: 89; P: 203.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale tedesca incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SELIG SIND DIE REINES HERZENS SIND/ DENN SIE WERDEN GOTT SCHANEN/ V MATTH.V.8/ 1361// HIER RUTT IN GOTT LIZZY VON ROTT/ AUS WEIMAR/ GEBOREN DEN 17 DEC 1844/ GEST. IN FLORENZ DEN 28 MAI 1876/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Rott (De)/ Lizzy/ Antonio/ / Firenze/ 28 Maggio/ 1876/ Anni 25/ 1361. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F53/ 1300/
Her father, Robert Hay, of Linplem, was an Egyptologist. He purchased the former convent of Nunraw, but was ill-fitted for farming after his years (1826-38) as a leader in an archaelogical expedition to Egypt which yielded fruitful results for the British Museum. He published (1840) a folio work entitled 'Illustrations of Cairo' and had brought home to Scotland the slave captured by Ottoman Turks he ransomed in Alexandria, Kalitza Psaraki, daughter of the chief magistrate in Crete, as his wife. See http://www.saudiaramcoworld.com/issue/200302/the.lost.portfolios.of.robert.hay.htm in which we realize we have a companion tale to Champollion and Rosellini's epedition to Egypt and Nubia, a companion tale even to NADEZHDA DE SANTIS (B58),  echoed in HIRAM POWERS(B32) ' 'Greek Slave' and in ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING(B8)'s impassioned sonnet to that sculpture.. When the purchase of Nunraw was finally completed in 1860, Robert commenced extensive restoration work on the house but he died in 1863 before completing it. His son, Robert James Alexander Hay, then 23 - was at Cambridge - where he took an M.A. The young Laird continued the work of restoring the "castle", and thus in 1864 discovered the painted ceiling, dating back to 1610. Like his father, R. J. A. Hay was fond of travel and in 1875 brought home as his bride from Florence Caterina Maria Teresia, third daughter of Marchese di Monte Castello of Tuscany. When he inherited Nunraw, the property was already burdened with large debts and these soon increased. Eventually, in 1880, Mr. Hay decided to break the entail and he was living in Florence with his wife and children when the sale to Walter Wingate Gray, Esq., was finally completed, while his sister lived at B8/ ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING and Robert Browning's Casa Guidi. (It was republican Elizabeth Barrett Browning who changed its name from Palazzo Guidi, opposite the Palazzo Pitti, to 'Casa Guidi'. During these years the family of ANNA BROWN (E24), and that of CHAPMAN STANSFIELD MARSHALL (E148) also had that address. One can only assume these families had different apartments within the palace, while using her naming for its cachet.) Miss Hay dies a spinster, but with her married brother, his Italian wife, and two nephews living nearby. Thus we see a Tuscan connection with this Scottish family and we realize that Henrietta Maria Hay herself, from her mother, is half-Cretan, part Greek. The widow of William Hay, of the same Clan Hay, FRANCES ANNE (OGLE) HAY (F56), lived at Lungarno 30.


Robert Hay, Egyptologist

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1875. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo, recinto con colonne di pietra serena.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2018. [M: A: 164; L: 60; P: 49; R: A: 56; L: 91; P: 193.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: TO THE MEMORY OF/ HENRIETTA MARIA HAY/ DAUGHTER OF ROBERT HAY ESQ/ OF LINPLEM [sic for Limplum] EAST LOTHIAN/ SCOTLAND/ BORN 8 DEC/ 1842 DIED 9 FEB 1875/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Henriette M. Hay, l'Ecosse, fille de Robert/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 481, Casa Guidi Piazza San Felice, Burial 12/02, Rev Tottenham/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hay/ Enrichetta/ Roberto/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 9 Febbraio/ 1875/ Anni 32/ 1300. Pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2018. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F54/ 999/

Her father, Captain Carpenter, Ford Cottage, became a member of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club, April 16, 1833. Her tomb gives the statue of a naked grieving child holding a funeral garland, now half hidden amongst a holm oak's branches, on a base sculpted with bees, poppy pods and ouraboi, symbolizing royalty, death and eternity. We learn from the archives that the baby of an Italian father, given his anglicized name, was born, baptised and buried fifteen days before his English mother. She has most likely died from puerperal fever brought on by a delivery with unwashed hands. Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis, the Hungarian who had made this discovery in Vienna in 1847 but whose work was rejected by his medical colleagues, had himself died of septicaemia in an insane asylum two years previously.

Monumento. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1867. Ambito toscano. Statua di un ragazzo nudo in luto con una ghirlanda sopra un monumento in marmo bianco, con madaglioni con api dentro uroburi, fra voluti con gusci di papaveri, inciso, con un basamento di pietra serena e recinto con lo stesso, nel passato con colonne e ferro. [M: A:  241; L: 119.5; P: 62.5; P.s. A: 30; L: 71; P: 71; R: A: 25; L: 128.5; P: 87.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ CAROLINE SUSAN ALASIA/ WIFE OF MAJOR ALASIA/ OF THE ITALIAN ARMY/ DAUGHTER OF CAPTAIN CARPENTER/ OF FORD NORTHUMBERLAND/ DIED 20 DEC 1867/ ALSO TO THE MEMORY OF/ HER INFANT SON/ GEORGE EDWARD// I CRIED UNTO THE LORD AND HE HEARD ME (Psalm 120.1)/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Caroline Alasia, née Carpenter, l'Angleterre/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23777/1 N° 389 Death 20/12 Burial 22/12 Age 41 Rev. Pendleton; child born, baptized, buried 15 days before 05/12/67/ Funeral expense for baptized male child, 180 francs/ Obituary, Times, Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: 13. Alasia nata Carpentier/ Carolina/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Dicembre/ 1867/ Anni 35/ 999/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

This tomb was visited by a descendant.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1866. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco ora molto degrada su base di pietra. [M: A: 2; L: 63; P: 136; P.s. A: 18.5; L: 68.5; P: 143. Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ JOSEPH THURLOW/ OF LOTHIAN/ WHO DIED IN FLORENCE/ AGED 65 YEARS/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Joseph Thurlow, l'Ecosse, rentier, fils de Edouard Thurlow/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Thurlow/ Giuseppe/ Edoardo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 28 Maggio/ 1866/ Anni 65/ 941. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F56/ 1653/
They were married at Eglingham in 1820. Their stately home, built by the Hays, still exists in East Lothian. See entry for F53/ HENRIETTA MARIA HAY.


Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1869. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo bianco su base di pietra serena, recinto in marmo. 
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2018. [M: A:  155; L: 62; P: 45; P.s.: A: 10.5; L: 63; P: 46; RM: A: 27.5; L: 91; P: 206.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: TO THE MEMORY OF/ FRANCES ANNE OGLE/ WIDOW OF/ WILLIAM HAY ESQ OF HOPES/ HADDINGTONSHIRE SCOTLAND/ DIED 25TH JUNE 1869/ AGED 72/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Françoise Anne Hay, l'Angleterre/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 408 Burial 25/06, Rev Pierce Connolly. Lungarno, 30/ Glasgow Herald/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hay nata Ogli/ Francesca Anna/ Roberto/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 24 Giugno/ 1869/ Anni 72/ 1053. Pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2018. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F57/ UNKNOWN Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1828. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco degrada in base di pietra. [M: A: 16.5; L: 63.5; P: 123.5.]


F58/ 873/
He is a pastrymaker, the son of Alessio Peer from the Rumantsch-speaking part of Switzerland. See also A76GIACOMO PEER. 

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1864. Ambito toscano. Lastra, rovinata. [M: A: 2.5; L: 62.7; P: 136; P.s. A: 16; L: 70.8; P: 145.5.] Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Giacomo Peer, la Suisse, canton des Grisons, Pâtissier, fils de Alessio Peer/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Peer/ Giacomo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 25 Luglio/ 1864/ Anni 43/ 873. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F59/ 1006/
He comes from the Valdese in Piedmont, dying young in the midst of his theological studies.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1847. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo biano sporco. [M: A: 2; L: 60; P: 130; P.s. A: 21; L: 72; P: 144.5.]Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi:
QUI RIPOSA G.D. PEYRAN/ NATO A MANIGLIA VALLI VALDESI/ IL 25 MARZO 1847/ MORTO A FIRENZE/ IL 7 FEBBRAIO 1868/ MENTRE STUDIAVA TEOLOGIA/ E ME IL VIVERE E CRISTO ED IL MORTE GUADAGNO (Filippesi 1.21)/ 1006/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jean Daniel Peyran, Valles Vaudoises, Piémont, étudt. en théologie, fils de Pierre Peyran/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Peyran/ Giovanni Daniele/ Pietro/ Italia/ Firenze/ 7 Febbraio/ 1868/ Anni 22/ 1006. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F60,61/ UNKNOWN TOMBS Lastre. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1828. Ambito toscano. Lastre de marmo bianco degrade, in  basi di pietra. [M: A:  19, L: 69; P: 143.] [M: A: 1;  L: 62; P: 136; P.s. A: 21; L: 69; P: 143.]



F62 SMALL TOMB WITH CROSS Inscription almost illegible 'HERE REPOSE FRANCES AND MARIA . . .'

F63/ 1060/
Wikipedia entry http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Puini which describes him as an architect trained at the Accademia di Belle Arti.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1869. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco, ora sporco, su pietra. [M: A: 2; L: 63.5; P: 135.5; P.s. A: 20.5; L: 72;P: 145.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ALLA CARA E VENERATA MEMORIA/ DI/ GIUSEPPE PUINI/ ARCHITETTO/ NATO A REGELLO IL 21 LUGLIO 1806/ MORTO A FIRENZE IL 9 AGOSTO 1869/ GESU DISSE/ IO SONO LA RISURREZIONE E LA VITA/ CHIUNQUE CREDE IN ME/ BENCHE SIA MORTO VIVERA/ SAN GIOV XI 25/ 1060/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Joseph Puini, Florence, ingenieur, fils de Valentine/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Puini/ Giuseppe/ Valentino/ Italia/ Firenze/ 8 Agosto/ 1869/ Anni 65/ 1060. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F64/ 785/
Her father is listed as in the Austrian-controlled Lombardy and Veneto Italian army combatting the Risorgimento forces. The family has come from the Rumantsch-speaking area of Switzerland. The sculpture is by a pupil of Lorenzo Bartolini, Luigi Pampaloni. Another exists at the Porte Sante cemetery. She is eighteen years old.

Scultura su colonna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1862. Ambito toscano. Scultura  copia 'Putto orante' de Luigi Pampaloni, Florentine studento di Lorenzo Bartolini, recinto con ferro battuto. Ferro conservato, Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. [M: A: 187; L: 40.5; P: 40.5; P.s. A: L: 64; P: 146; R: A: L: 89; P:  196; RF: A: 66.5; L: 75; P: 184.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: QUESTA UMILE PIETRA/ RACCHIUDE . . . ERE CORPO DELLA GIOVINE . . . ETTA KESSLER/ . . . ANNI 18 E MESI 4/ CHE TROPPO PRESTO MANCATA/ . . . VIDE NASCERE/ . . . ETERNA/ . . . / . . . DOLORE/ . . . KESSLER/ . . . LA ZIA ANNA MERCAT / . . . LA PERDITA AMARISSIMA/ QUESTE PAROLE SI . . . / . . . INNALZANDO/ . . . NON PIANGERE/ . . . PARENTI/ 5 GIUGNO IN FIRENZE/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Annetta Kessler, Martinbrucke, Canton des Grisons (Suisse), agé de dix-huits ans, fille de Christian Kessler et de Marie Kessler, nee Denoth/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kessler/ Anna/ Cristiano/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 5 Giugno/ 1862/ Anni 19/ 785/ Indagine cognoscitiva, preparatoria al restauro delle opere site nel Cimitero Protestante di Firenze detto 'degli Inglesi', Gianguido Fumelli, Adriano Giachi, Stefano Landi, Antonella Malavolti, Sabrina Milani, 1991, 26/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F65/ 1027/
Josephine Louise Panton, born in Livorno, dies in Geneva, but is considered English. See her sister F88/ MARTHA CHARLOTTE PANTON's entry for the story of their family. Neither sister marries. Related to B5/ ANTHONY MEEKE SAPTE, Sector B.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1868. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco, sporca. [M: A: 1.5; L: 59; P: 132.5; P.s. A: 20; L: 71; P: 144.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: JOSEPHINE LOUISE PANTON/ NEE LE 15 SEPTEMBRE 1800/ DECEDEE A GENEVE LE 22 NOVEMBRE 1868/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Josephine Louise Panton, l'Angleterre, née a Livourne, rentiere, fille de Thomas Panton et de Louise Panton/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Panton/ Giuseppa Luisa/ / Inghilterra/ Ginevra/ / / / 1027. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F66/ 1018/
This young Russian revolutionary is the son of a Senator married to a princess.

Monumento. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1868. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago di marmo, non molto sporco, Croci in medaglioni, iscrizione quasi-illegibile, recinto, ora manca il ferro. [M: A: 196.5;  L: 100; P: 69; P.s. A: 40; L: 166.7; P: 140.2; RP.s.: A: 39; L: 265; P: 200.] Iscrizione sepolcrale russo incisa in lettere cirilliche e numeri arabi: Mordvinov Aleksandr Aleksandrovic. 1843 1868//1018/ / Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Alexandre Mordvinoff, Russie, fils de Alexandre Mordvinoff/ Talalay: Mosca 21.11.1842 -Firenze 15(3).6.1868; 'segretario di collegio in congedo', MFK; N° 1020, RC; figlio del senatore Aleksandr Nikolaevic Mordvinov e della principessina Giorgiana Aleksandra Semenovna Cherchelidze, revoluzionario, membro del gruppo 'Terra e Liberta', altare di marmo, Bibl.: Revoluzionnaja situazija v Rossii: 1859-1861, Moskva, 1965, ss. 420-425; V.A. Cernych, Zemlevolc Aleksandr Mordvinov (manoscritto)/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Mordwinoff/ Alessandro/ Alessandro/ Russia/ Firenze/ 15 Giugno/ 1868/ Anni 25/ 1018/ +/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F67/ 837/
The Italian husband, Lorenzo Capei, a medical doctor, and his four remaining children, mourn the death following childbirth with twins of his wife, the daughter of a veterinarian from Essex who had lived in Naples and Livorno. Her brother, Joseph Samson Gamgee, was an outstanding English medical doctor. Following education on the Continent he too became interested in veterinary surgery and wrote several papers, the first when he was 16. He then began medical studies at University College Hospital in London. For a period he shared lodgings with Joseph Lister (1827-1912), later Baron Lister of Lyme Regis, the founder of antiseptic surgery. While he studied medicine, he became a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1854, subsequently a Fellow of the College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. He worked at the Royal Free Hospital. Being multi-lingual, Gamgee travelled widely throughout Europe for further studies in Paris, Brussels, Vienna, Florence and Pavia. In Paris he became a friend of Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and worked at the University of Paris. Gamgee worked for a period as a surgeon at University College Hospital, and then tended the wounded from the Crimean War (1853-1856) at the Anglo-Italian Hospital in Malta. (See also A48/ SIR DAVID DUMBRECK.) Most of Gamgee's professional life was spent in Birmingham. He came there in 1857 and was elected to the medical staff of The Queen's Hospital, founded in 1841. Here he performed a successful amputation of a man's leg at the hip joint. He was noted for washing his hand before as well as after performing surgery. Gamgee was interested in all hospital matters and is remembered for his great efforts to improve hospital conditions, and occasioned the building of a new hospital wing. Gamgee had a great knowledge of literature and was a busy and elegant writer as well as an outstanding speaker and hard-working surgeon. Emma's babies, at least, survive her. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, p. 273, note that her father had returned to England by the time of this childbirth. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, pp. 467-468.

     Harper's Monthly engraving

Urna su stele. Scultore: Mattei/Bazzanti? Sec. XIX, post 7/1863. Ambito toscano. Urna su stele di marmo scolpito con medaglioni con clessidre alate, torci capavolti, e due vasi di marmo.  [A: 36; L: 16. [M: A:  251.5; L: 77; P: 77; P.s. A: 36; L: 85.5; P: 85.5; R: A: 13; L: 113.5; P: 176.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: DISTINTA CHE FU IN SUA MODESTA LUCE/ PER VENUSTA DI FORME/ E PIU/ PER INGENUITA D'ANIMO/ TEMPERATO AD ELEVATI PRINCIPII/ QUI RIPOSA NEI SONNO ESTREMO/ EMMA DI GIUSEPPE E MARIANNA GAMGE/ CHE AFFRANTA DA LABORIOSO GEMINO PARTO/ NEL DI 15 LUGLIO 1868/ IN ETA DI ANNI 29 MESI 3 GIORNI 13/ LASCIO DISE/ NEI QUATTRO SUOI FIGLI NEL CONSORTE DOTT. LORENZO CAPEI/ E IN QUANTI LA CONOBBERO/ MEMORIA NON PERITURA/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Emma Cappei née Gamgée, l'Angleterre, fille de Joseph Gamgée et de Marianne/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°329, Rev Pendleton/ Obituary, The Standard/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Capei nata Gamgee/ Emma/ Giuseppe/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 15 Luglio/ 1863/ Anni 28/ 837/ See Gamgee/ NDNB entry on father, Joseph Sampson Gamgee/  Indagine Cognoscitiva, Preparatoria al Restauro delle opere site nel Cimitero Protestante di Firenze detto 'degli Inglesi', Gianguido Fumelli, Adriano Giachi, Stefano Landi, Antonella Malavolti, Sabrina Milani, 1991, 79/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997/ Henderson/ Descendants=dott. Lorenzo Capei, Firenze, Dr David Boddington, Hereford, Caroline Redfern.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F68/ 1016/
David Thomson's widow, F45/ CATHERINE (PEAT) THOMSON, and their daughter from Livorno die within five days of each other in Florence and are buried together in this Sector.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1868. Ambito toscano/Livornese. Cippo di pietra incisa recinto da pietra serena. [M: A: 5; L: 127; P: 62; P.s. A: 30; L: 86; P: 202.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ ISABELLA ELDEST DAUGHTER OF/ THE LATE DAVID THOMSON OF/ LEGHORN DIED AT FLORENCE/ 18TH MAY 1868 AGED 56 YEARS/ 1016/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Isabelle Thomson, l'Angleterre, fille de David Thomson, et de Catherine, née Peat/
Glasgow Herald, Times/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Thomson/ Isabella/ David/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 18 Maggio/ 1868/ Anni 58/ 1016/ +/ See Catherine (Peat) Thomson. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F69/ UNKNOWN Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1828. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo degrado in base di pietra, recinto con ferro. Ferro conservato, Daniel Dunitrescu, 2008. [P.s. A: 15; L: 81.5; P: 155; RF:. A: 121; L: 197; P: 220 ; RP.s.: A: 22; L 197;: P: 220.] Intervento sul ferro, Dumitrescu, 2014. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata svizzera, 1827-present.
This could be the tomb for either N&Q 445. Alexander Glynn Campbell, only s. of Col. C., of Gatcombe Park, I. of Wight, ob. 5 Nov., 1836. Erected by his f. and sister, or for N&Q 353. Charles Sidney Lever, Lieut. 2nd Dragoon Guards, ob. 28 Sept., 1865, a. 26. An only son. The enclosure leaves space for two other burials.

F70/ 88/
This one-year-old child is unlisted in the Peerage though his two siblings Antonio Eroles and Francis Ysidro are. His mother is the Spanish Mariquita Eroles' sister, Rosa Florentina Eroles Edgeworth. His aunt is Maria Edgeworth, the great Irish novelist. He is buried in same plot with David and Mary Reid (F71DAVID REID, MARY REID), Rev. Tennant (F49/ REV. HENRY ROBERT JOHN TENNANT), both David Reid and then Rev Tennant married to Mariquita Erolez.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1833. Ambito toscano.Lastra fratturata e sporca aalzata sopra la terra fissata con chiodi di rame. [M: A: 2: L: 70; P: 108.5; P.s. A: 15; L: 14; P: 14; R: A: 23; L: 264; P: 400.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ WILLIAM EDGEWORTH/ THE FATHER AND . . . / HE WAS BORN . . . [Lengthy illegible inscription] Records, Guildhall Library, London: Baptism sibling? GL23774 N° 18, Antonio Erolez, b 19/03/41, bp 17/06/41, father Francis Beaufort Edgeworth of Edgeworthstown Longford Ireland, mother Rosa Florentina, Rev Tennant (F49)/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Edgeworth/ Guglielmo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Dicembre/ 1833/ Anni 1/ 88. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F71/ 84/ 
The father and month- old daughter are buried together. Always of an excitable temperament he had self-harmed, leading to his own death, at the birth of his child. The deaths of the two babies take place within days of each other. Clearly Rev Tennant sought to console the family, particularly the two sisters, ending by marrying the now-widowed Mariquita Eroles Reid Edgeworth. The tombs were already illegible at the beginning of the twentieth century, Notes and Queries tells us.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1833. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo illegibile, recinto, di pietra serena con 2/4 colonne che mancano ora il ferro, condiviso con Rev. Tennant e Edgeworth. [M: A: 17.5; L: 69.5; P: 108.5; RP.s. A: 43.5; L: 403; P: 205.] DAVID REID EDGEWORTH/ IREALAND/ Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: TO THE MEMORY OF DAVID REID/ BORN 20 JANUARY 1807/ DIED NOVEMBER 1833/ . . . THOSE WHO KNEW HIM . . . HONOUR HIM . . . / See N° 85 1828-1844/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 10: Burial 22-11. Rev Hutton, 'thrown himself out of the window and stabbed himself while delusional and having his leg amputated lingered for many weeks'/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Reid/ David/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 19 Novembre/ 1833/ Anni 27/ 84/ N&Q 350 *David Reid, b. 20 Jan., 1807 ; ob. 20 Nov., 1833. Mary Reid (illegible). Another illegible slab in same enclosure [William Edgeworth]/ MARY REID EDGEWORTH/ IRELAND/ITALIA/ MARY REID/ DAUGHTER OF . . . / [See above inscription]/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 15: d of late David Reid, Burial 31-12, Rev Hutton/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Reid/ Maria/ [David]/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 29 Dicembre/ 1833/ Giorni 30/ 90. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F72/ 933
We know from Irish genealogical records that he married Anne O'Neil in Dublin, 9/1864, dying in Florence a year later.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1865. Ambito toscano. Cippo con recinzione, 2/4 colonne. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2013;  Intervento ri restauro del cippo pericolante dopo il secondo temporale, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2015. [M: A: 107; L: 58; P: 20; P.s. A: 39; L: 94.5; P: 28; R: A: 50; L: 94.5; P: 200.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF THOMAS BRUNKER/ ESQRE/ BARRISTER AT LAW/ DIED AT FLORENCE/ 30TH DECEMBER 1865/ AGED 42/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Thomas Brunker, l'Irlande, Angleterre/ From Dublin, Burial 02/01/65 , Rev Pendleton/
Obituary, Belfast Newsletter/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Brunker/ Tommaso/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 31 Dicembre/ 1865/ Anni 42/ 933.
Intervento di pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2013. Cippo si muove nella base dopo la caduta dell'albero #22, 5/3/2015.  Restauro, Dumitrescu, 2015. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F73/ 971/

The burial of their only son by a Welsh couple, his mother F50/ MARY MARGARET PEIRCE.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1867. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco, sporca, su base di pietra. [M: A: 4; L: 59; P: 127; P.s. A: 19; L: 72; P: 137.8.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ JOHN WRIGHT/ THE BELOVED AND ONLY SON OF/ JOHN H. PEIRCE ESQ/ AND MARY MARGARET HIS WIFE/ BORN TUESDAY 21ST DECEMBER 1845/ AT SWATCHWOOD HOUSE MONMOUTHSHIRE/ DIED 10TH FEBRUARY 1867 AT FLORENCE/ THOU DRAWEST NEAR IN . . . CALLED . . . THOU SAIDST FEAR NOT (Lamentations 3.57) / 971/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: John Wright Perry, l'Angleterre, fils de Jean/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 383 Burial 12/902, age 23, Rev Pendleton/ Obituary,
Times/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Peirce (Wright)/ Giovanni/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 10 Febbraio/ 1867/ Anni 22/ 971/ See Wright/ N&Q 352. John Wright, only s. of John Peirce, Esq., and Mary Margaret, his w., b. 21 Dec., 1843, at Snatchwood(sic) House, Mon.; ob. 10 Feb., 1867. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F74/ 974
The Webbs tell us that Rev John Wordsworth, of Brigham, Cumberland, son of the poet, married his third wife  Marian Dolan at St James, Picadilly, officiated by Derwent Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Coleridge's third son. She is the daughter of Luke Dolan of Galway. They have a child, Dora, born in the Lake District in 1858. By 1861 they may have been on the Continent as they do not appear in that Census. On 28 November Mrs Wordsworth signs her name in the membership book of the Gabinetto Vieusseux. Her death notices appear in the Pall Mall Gazette, the Times and the Morning Post, noting that her husband is Rev. John Wordsworth, Vicar of Brigham, Cumberland. An earlier marriage to Isabella (Curwen) Wordsworth was in difficulty when she became ill following childbirth and the pair journeyed to Rome where John had an affair with a sixteen-year-old Italian girl, promising to marry her when his wife died, Henry Curwen threatened to tell John's bishop and informed William Wordsworth, both parents willing their money to the grandchildren only. Isabella, her children restored to her, died at Bagni di Lucca in 1848: Kate Summerscale, Mrs Robinson's Disgrace. Sothebys in 2010 sold William Wordsworth's annotated copy of Southey's Poems, which Rev. John Wordsworth presented to his wife, Marian Wordsworth, 17 August 1866: Signed 'W. Wordsworth, Rydal Mount', by descent to Rev John Wordsworth, presentation inscription to his wife Marianne Wordworth, 17 August 1866.

Tomba in forma di croce.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1867. Ambito toscano. Tomba di pietra serena come croce orizziontale in forma gotica, infestata di licheni. [P.s.: A: 42; L: 171.4; P: 64] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: WORDSWORTH [unreadable inscription on pietra serena]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Marianne Wordsworth, l'Angleterre/ Obituary, Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Woodsworth/ Marianna/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 30 Marzo/ 1867/ Anni 34/ 974/ N&Q 351. Marian, w. of the Rev. John Wordsworth, ob. 30 March, 1867, a. 38. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F75/ 1989/
A reasonably young  German Saxon recent widow is buried under a simple cross. Her name evokes Virgil's heroine, Sidonian Dido from Phoenicia . Is her father Gustav Albert Werner, the German theologian? See also for her husband:
An engineer from Saxon Freiberg, Germany he has been buried twice, like Robina Wilson and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, but his tomb no longer exists.
Haupt, 17 Janvier (exhumé pour etre mis dans le cimitière)// Sassonia/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 114/ Haupt/ / Teodoro/ Germania/ Firenze/ 11 Gennaio/ 1867/ / 965.

His first wife.
Virginia Haupt, née Hoffstetter, femme de Theodore Haupt, originaire de Freiberg, Saxe, Ingenieur, fille de Charles Hofstetter, De Buren, Canton de Berne, en Suisse, et de Anne Amelie Meget, son epouse/ Q 99: 310 Paoli/ Haupt nata Hooffstetter/ Virginia/ Carlo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 21 Dicembre/ 1853/ Anni 39/ 524/]

Their daughter, who predeceased them, buried in Sector C.
Virginie Josephine Haupte, Freiberg, Saxe, fille de Théodore Haupte et de Anne Sidonie, née Verner// Saxe/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 599/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 114.65/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 114.05/ Haupt/ Virginia/ Giuseppina/ Teodoro/ Germania/ Firenze/ 29 Novembre/ 1864/ Anni 2/ 891.

From which we find that this child is named after Theodore Haupt's first wife, Virginia Hoffstetter Haupt, daughter of the Charles Hoffstetter who is buried in Sector B and Anne Amelie (Meget) Hooffstetter, Sector C.  Her tomb matches that for her father's second wife, but has not lost its cross


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1867. Ambito toscano. Croce su roccie in marmo su base in pietra serena. Intervento di restauro dopo il temporale, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2014. [M: A:  107; L: 50; P: 39; P.s. A: 14; L: 52; P: 40.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ANNA HAUPT/ . . . 19 SEPTEMBER 1835/ . . . 25 SEPTEMBER 1867 /DER HERR IST MEIN LICHT UND IST MEIN HEIL (Psalm 27.1)/ . . . / Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Anna Sidonie Haupt, Saxe, fille de Gustave Verner, et de Christine Wilhelmina, née Seifert/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 261/Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Haupt nata Werner/ Anna Sidonia/ Gustavo/ Germania/ Firenze/ 27 Settembre/ 1867/ Anni 32/ 1989/ Werner nei Haupt/ Anna Sidonia/ Gustavo/ Germania/ Firenze/ 27 Settembre/ 1867/ Anni 32/ 989// Sassonia. Croce in marmo danneggiata dall'albero #22, 5/3/2014. Restauro, Dumitrescu, 2014. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Her father William Archer Shee's portrait had been painted by his father, the Irish artist Sir Martin Arthur Shee, President of the Royal Academy, in 1820. She has died unmarried at 28 in Florence.


'The Artist's Son', William Archer Shee, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1872. Ambito toscano. Croce in un basamanto di marmo bianco., recinto con marmo sopra pietra serena e con ferro Ferro conservato, Daniel Dunitrescu, 2008. [M: A: 133; L: 51.5; P: 36; RM: A: L: 80; P: 190; RF: A: 30; L: 183; P: 73.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ MARY SOPHIA ARCHER SHEE/ ELDEST DAUGHTER OF WILLIAM AND MARGARET ARCHER SHEE/ BORN IN LONDON 23 OF OCTOBER 1843/ DIED IN FLORENCE 20 OF FEBRUARY 1872/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 435 Burial 22/02 Rev Tottenham, Casa Villa sul Prato/ Obituary, Times, diphtheria/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Archer Shee/ Maria/ Guglielmo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Febbraio/ 1872/ Anni 27/ 1162/ NDNB entry on her grandfather Sir Martin Archer Shee, Irish Catholic painter, poet/N&Q 349. Mary Sophia Archer Shee, eldest d. of Wm. and Harriet Archer Shee, b. in London, 13 Oct., 1843: ob. 20 Feb., 1872. Henderson. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F77/ 863/
She was widowed from an Italian Fabbri, then married the 'Marchese Achille Giuseppe Rusconi (born Bologna 19/3/1830 + ?), Nobile di Bologna e Nobile di Ravenna=1864 Giovanna Maria Beaufoy-Field (+ premorta al marito)', who erects her tomb. She dies at 32. The tombstone states that her cousin Clara Walsh was also buried here.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1864. Ambito toscano. Recinzione in ghisa restaurata, Romagnoli, 2008. [M: A: 8.5; L: 146; P: 72.5; P.s. A: 20; L: 155; P: 82; RP.s.F: A: 144; L: 205; P: 121.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: QUI RIPOSA/ LA MARCHESA JEANNETTE RUSCONI/ NATA DE BEAUFOY FIELD/ VEDOVA FABRI IN PRIME NOZZE/ INGLESE DI PATRIA/ . . . LIVORNO/ IL MARCHESE ACHILLE RUSCONI/ DI LEI MARITO/ VOLLE QUI FOSSE DEPOSTA/ PERCHE DORM . . . /ESULTASE LO SPIRITO DI CLARA WALSH/ CHE FU CUGINA ED AMICA/ QUESTA LAPIDE POTESSE . . ./ DEFUNTA/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 342, Burial 25/02/64, Rev Isaac King/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Rusconi Vedova Fabbri nata Beaufoy Field/ Giovanna/ Inghilterra/ Livorno/ 22 Febbraio/ 1864/ Anni 32/ 863/ See Field Beaufoy/ CLARA WALSH/ ENGLAND/  Clara Walsh, l'Angleterre/ CemArchives 3: 815 Claire Walsh F499.55/ 816 Claire Walsh F39.40/ GL23777/1 N° 318 Burial 13/02 Rev Ponton, 'inward complaint'/ Walsh/ Clara/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 11 Febbraio/ 1863/ Anni 63/ 815/ See tomb of the Marchesa Jeannette Rusconi. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

The Webbs have further information on Meiklam/Dennistoun family members. See their Anglo-Florentines, pp. 116-117, 189, 191, 281, 505, 516.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1867. Ambito toscano. Obelisco inghirlandato, marmo sporco. Da pulire. [M: A:  26.1; L: 67; P: 67; P.s. A: 2.5; L: 66; P: 73; R: A: 65; L: 91.5; P: 204.5] / Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi sull'obelisco: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ HANNAH MEIKLAM/ RELICT OF THE LATE RICHARD DENNISTOUN/ LATE OF RAVENSWOOD/ ROXBURGH SCOTLAND/ WHO / DIED AT FLORENCE/ 27TH DEC 1867/ [On Base] WEEP NOT SHE IS NOT DEAD BUT SLEEPETH/ S. LUKE C.8 V.52/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Anna Denniston, l'Angleterre, fille de John Macklacy/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Denniston nata Maclacy/ Anna/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 24 Dicembre/ 1867/ Anni 56/ 1000/N&Q 348. Hannah Meiklam, relict of Richard Dennistoun, late of Ravenswood, Roxburgh, Scot., ob. 24 Dec., 1867. Tassinari, p. 193, notes likely the mother of Archibald Dennistoun who served on the Swiss Church's committee, 1852-1878. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F79/ 1008/
Back of tomb says it is erected to her memory by her sister Susanna Fullerton Maxwell. Her father, George Alexander Fullerton, was born on 30 November 1775. He was the son of Dawson Downing and Catherine Fullerton. He was given the name of George Alexander Downing at birth. His name was legally changed to George Alexander Fullerton by Royal Licence. His daughter has her paternal grandmother's maiden name. B35/ JOHN NESBIT MAXWELL and Catherine's sister, SUSANNA (FULLERTON) MAXWELL, are later buried together in Sector B in 1874 and 1876 respectively.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1868. Ambito toscano. Colonna di marmo surmontata da una croce, sporca su basamento di marmo, recinto dello stesso con 4 colonne A: 55; L. 15; P: 15. [M: A: 256; L: 61; P: 61; M:. A: 2.75L: P: ; R: A: 55; L: 84; P: 200.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF CATHERINE FULLERTON FULLERTON/ ELDEST DAUGHTER/ OF THE LATE GEORGE ALEXANDER FULLERTON ESQ OF BALLANTON CASTLE/ CO ANTRIM IRELAND/ TOLLINGTON GLOUCESTERSHIRE/ AND LATE OF WESTWOOD/ N. SOUTHAMPTON HAMPSHIRE/ SHE DIED IN FLORENCE/ AT THE RESIDENCE OF HER BROTHER-IN-LAW/ JOHN NESBITT MAXWELL ESQ/ ON THE 20 DAY OF FEBRUARY 1868/ AGED 66 YEARS/ ABSENT FROM THE BODY/ PRESENT IN THE LORD/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Catherine Fullerton, l'Angleterre, fille de George Alexandre Fullerton/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 396, Burial 22/02, Age 66, Rev Pendleton/ Obituary, Pall Mall Gazette/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Fullerton/ Caterina/ Giorgio/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Febbraio/ 1868/ Anni 65/ 1008/ See Maxwell entries. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Her father is the ninth Laird of Auchleeks, and we see two of his daughters and his wife in the family portrait by Frederick Richard Say. The Laird's youngest child, she dies unmarried at 37.  Web: 'Auchleeks is a classical Georgian house with a large herbaceous walled garden in a beautiful glen setting surrounded by hills and mature trees'.


Portrait of Robert Robertson, Ninth Laird of Auchleeks (1777-1859), his wife Bridget, and two of their daughters, Bridget and Amelia.

Tomba in forma di croce.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1869. Ambito toscano. Tomba e recinto di marmo bianco, ora sporco, in forma di una croce orizzontale gotica. [M: A: 114.5; L: 67; P: 205; R: A: 28; L: 122; P: 235.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF AUGUSTA ROBERTSON/ OF AUCHILEEKS/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE ON THE 18TH MAY 1869/ I KNOW THAT MY REDEEMER LIVETH (Job 19.25)/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Augusta Robertson, l'Angleterre, fille de Robert Robertson/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 407 Burial 20/05 Rev Tottenham, Hotel d'Italie/ Western Mail, of Auchlecks, Blair Atghole, and of Memblend, Devon/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Robertson d'Auchleeks/ Augusta/ Roberto/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Maggio/ 1869/ Anni 37/ 1050. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F81/ 1051/
Web yields: 'Albert Emil Otto Von Parpart Rrr Des Joho [247] was born on 22 May 1813 in Wibsch Bei Kulmsee, Westpreussen and died on 24 May 1869 in Florenz at age 56. Albert married Germania Adelaide Mathilde Von Bonstetten [248] [MRIN: 149]. Germania was born in 1813 and died on 20 Jun 1883 in Hönegg, Ch at age 70'. Emil Otto Adolf Albert von Parpart, Knight of Malta, was Prussian, who built a fairy tale castle on a lake in Switzerland. There being no heirs the castle is now owned by the Canton of Berne who graciously paid for the tomb's restoration and cleaning. We should like to plant the rambler 'Asta Von Parpart' rose behind the tomb.

Hönegg Castle on Lake Thun


Croce. Scultore: Giuseppe Bondi Sec. XIX, post 5/1869. Ambito toscano. Croce gotica, lasttra scolpito in rilievo da una croce di Malta, recinto con ferro. 
Pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2017. [M (cippo con croce gotica): A: 175; L: 77.5; P: 37; P.s. A: 43; L: 82; P: 38.5; M (lastra con croce di Malta): A: 6; L: 78.4; P: 163.8; P.s. A: 19.5; L: 84.1; P: 167.2; RP.s. A: 31; L: 122.8; P: 202; RF: A: 77.L: 122: P: 202.] Iscrizione sepolcrale tedesca incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: DEINE SONNE WIRD/ NICHT MEHR UNTERGEHEN/ NOCH DEIN MOND/ DEN SCHEIN VERLIEREN/ DENN DER HERR WIRD/ DEIN EWIGES LICHT (Isaiah 60.20)  [Croce di Malta in rilievo] HIER RUIT/ ALBERT VON PARPART/ RECHTS RITTER DES JOHANITER ORDENS/ GESTORBEN IN FLORENZ DEN 24 MAI 1869/ IM ALTER VON 56 JAHREN/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Emile Othun Albert de Parpart, Prusse, rentier, fils de Charles de Parpart, et de Henriette, née Porsch/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Parpart/ Emilio, Ottone, Adolfo, Alberto/ Carlo/ Germania/ Firenze/ 24 Maggio/ 1869/ Anni 56/ 1051/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Intervento di pulitura e restauro, del marmo e del ferro, Alberto Casciani, Mauro Romagnoli, 2010. Intervento di pulitura e conservazione del marmo e del ferro, lettere depinte, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012..Intervento di pulitura e restauro delle lettere, Dumitrescu, 2017.  Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei holdings, TAU

F82/ 892/
Pastor Luigi Santini notes that he came to Italy to work with the Abbot Lambruschini in his Institute at S. Cerbone. He also contributed to the Guida all'educatore, putting all his faith in Pestalozzi's teaching methods. He had great expectations for the liberal Catholic movement in Italy, and suffered considerably from the deceptions that followed. His infant daughter F85/ ELISABETH HENRIETTA PAULINA SCHNEIDER is buried beside him.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1864. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo biano, ora sporca. Da pulire. [M: A: 2; L: 60.5; P: 136; P.s. A: 15; L: 69.5; P: 14.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi:
HENRI SCHNEIDER/ NE A EGLISAU/ LE 16 AVRIL 1816/ LE SEIGNEUR L'APPELLA/ A LUI APRIS UNE MALADIE/ DE 4 HEURES LE 23 DECEMBRE 1864/ O PROFONDEUR DES RICHESSES ET/ DE LA SAGESSE ET DE LA CONNOISSANCE/ DE DIEU QUE SES JUGEMENTS SONT INPENETRABLES ET QUE SES VOIES/ SON INCOMPREHENSIBLE/ ROM xi.33/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Schneider/ Enrico/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 24 Dicembre/ 1864/ Anni 47/ 892/ + cancelled/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F83/ 1184
William Thomas Haskard's son. B55/ TIMOTHY HASKARD, his one-legged banker grandfather, is buried in Sector B. This child only lives nine months. The descendants have visited the tombs. 


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1872. Ambito toscano. Croce su basi di marmo e pietra serence, recinto con stesso. 
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2018. [M: A: 68; L: 36; P: 36; P.s. 1st base: A: 26.5; L: 62.5; P: 35.5; 2nd base: A: 17.5; L: 60; P: 117; R: A: 58; L: 87.5; P: 148.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM FRANCIS RAM/ INFANT SONE OF WILLIAM AND MARGARET HASKARD/ BORN 31 DEC 1871 DIED 15 OCT 1872/ SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN TO COME/ UNTO ME AND FORBID THEM NOT FOR OF SUCH IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD LUKE XVIII 16 V/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Guillaume Haskard, l'Angleterre, fils de Giullaume/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Haskard/ Guglielmo/ Guglielmo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 13 Ottobre/ 1872/ Mesi 9/ 1184/ N&Q 347. Wm. Francis Ram, inf. s. of Wm. and Margt. Haskard, b. 31 Dec., 1871 ; ob. 13 Oct., 1872. Pulitura, Dunitrescu, 2018.  Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Again, the burial of a child, this one Swiss, who is five months old. A lost tomb was for his year-old brother, Albert Pierre François.

This child's parents are from a French-speaking part of Switzerland.

Albert Pierre François Conod, fils de Emmanuel Conod, et de Mathilde Anne Jeane, née Ulrich/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 195.55/ Conod/ Alberto Pietro Francesco/ Emanuele/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 4 Luglio/ 1865/ Anni 1/ 912/ 

AIME FRANCOIS EMILE CONOD/ NE LE 13 JUILLET 1865/ MORT LE 16 NOVEMBRE 1865/ - / LAISSEZ VENIR A MOI LES PETITS ENFANTS/ MATTH. XIX. V. 24 (Matt.19.14)/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Conod/ Amato Francesco Emilio/ Emanuele/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 16 Novembre/ 1865/ Mesi 5/ 929. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F85/ 833/
This seven-month-old girl child was born to the pedagogue and theologian F82/ HENRI SCHNEIDER.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1863. Ambito toscano. Croce incisa sulla lastra di marmo bianco, ora sporca, con spazio per ottone o piombo. [M: A: 2; L: 47; P: 87.5; P.s. A: 15; L: 53; P: 94.] Iscrizione sepolcrale francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ELISABETH H.P. SCHNEIDER/ NEE LE 1ER DEC. 1862/ LE SEIGNEUR LA REPRIT APRES 7 MOIS/ LE 1 JULIET 1863/ VOUS NE SAVEZ PAS MAINTENANT CI/ VE JE FAIS MAIS VOUS LE SAUREZ APRES JEAN VIII (Jean 13.7)/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Elisabeth Henriette Pauline Schneider, Eglisan, Canton de Zurich, fille de Henri Schneider, et de Pauline, née Gutmann/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Schneider/ Elisabetta Enrichetta Paolina/ Enrico/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 1 Luglio/ 1863/ Mesi 7/ 833/ + cancelled. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F86/ 751/
Descendants note the marchant Jacques Mejean was the grandson of the Swiss Ambassador to France at the time of Napoleon Ier, and President of the French Protestant Church. He has already buried his thirteen-year-old daughter and his wife in this Sector, F90/ LOUISE CLARA MEJEAN and F89/ HENRIETTE TESSONNIERE MEJEAN. The family intermarries with the Meyrveis family, likewise from Ganges in France, with burials in Sector D (D142/ GEORGINE (GENARD) MEYRVEIS, D141/SOPHIE MEYRVEIS, D140/ JULES MEJEAN). 

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1861. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco rotto su basimento di pietra. [M: A: 2.5;  L: 70; P: 137; P.s. A: 10; L: 75; P: 145.] Iscrizione sepolcrale francese incisa in lettere capitali: . . . MARCHANT . . .  Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: mort à Pescia, Jacques Mejean, Ganges (Dept de l'Herault - France), négociant, fils de Alexandre Mejean/ Q 474: 98 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Méjean/ Giacomo/ Alessandro/ Francia/ Pescia/ 24 Agosto/ 1861/ Anni 66/ 751/ See Mejean, Meyrueis/ Descendants=Gilles & Marie-Hélène Peugeot.. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

She is the baby daughter of the Swiss couple Emmanuel  and Mathilde Anne Jeane Conod.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1865. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo molto sporco su pietra. [M: A: 1.5; L: 53; P: 102; P.s. A: 13.5; L: 60.5; P: 111.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: JOSEPHINE JENNY CONOD/ NEE LE 2 SEPTEMBRE 1862/ MORTE LE 27 JUIN 1865/ L'ETERNELE AVAIT DONEE, L'ETERNELE L'A OTEE, LE NOM DE L'ETERNELE SOIT BENIT JOB 1.22/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Joséphine Jenny Conod, Arney et des Claes, Canton de Vaud, Suisse, fille de Emmanuel Conod et de Mathilde Anne Jeane, née Ulrich/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Conod/ Giuseppe Giovanni/ Emanuele/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 27 Giugno/ 1863/ Mesi 10/ 834 [wrong gender listed in elenco]. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F88/ 704/
She is English, born in Livorno, daughter to Thomas and Louise Panton. The Web gives the following information: 'Her father was the youngest child of Thomas Panton Sr., and his wife, the former Margaret Douglass, 43-year-old Thomas Panton Jr. was a Leghorn merchant like his father. The second of his parents' sons to be called Thomas, he was the namesake of their firstborn, a boy who had died at age 3, 11 years before this Thomas' birth. On January 29, 1792 Thomas Jr. married the daughter of a prominent Huguenot merchant family in Livorno, Anna Louisa (a.k.a Louisa Jane) Desmaretz. The couple subsequently had 7 children, all daughters. Four of the girls died in childhood, however, predeceasing their parents. Mr. Panton's widow Louisa survived him by less than 3 months, dying at age 36 in May 1811. Their three remaining young children, Jane, Josephine and Martha, all survived to adulthood'. Both Josephine (F65/ JOSEPHINE LOUISE PANTON) and Martha are buried here. They are related to the Saptes (B5/ ANTHONY MEEKE SAPTE).

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1860. Ambito toscano. Tomba con lastra di marmo persa identificato soltanto dal numero '704' su base di pietra.  [M: A: 15; L: 70.5; P: 143.5.] Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Martha Charlotte Panton, Angleterre, née a Livourne, rentiere, fille de Thomas Panton, et de Louise Panton/ Q413: 351 Paoli/
Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Panton/ Marta Carlotta/ Tommaso/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 22 Agosto/ 1860/ Anni 57/ 704. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F89/ 663/
She is the French mother of F90/ LOUISE CLARA MEJEAN, by whose side she will come to be buried in 1859, her husband, F86/ JACQUES MEJEAN soon after at a short distance from them.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1859. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco, inciso, ora fratturata e sporca, su basimento di pietra. [M: A: 2.5; L: 65.5; P: 131; P.s. A: 10; L: 68.5; P: 137.] Iscrizione sepolcrale francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: HENRIETTE MEJEAN NEE TESSONNIERE/ DECEDE 6 FEVRIER 1859/ A L'AGE DE 60 ANS/ LE SOIN DE SA FAMILLE L'OCCUPA TOUJOURS/ 663/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Henriette Mejean, née Teisonniere, Ganges (Departement de l'Herault en France, mariée a Giacomo Mejean/ Q 345: 118 Paoli/
Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Méjean nata Teissonnière/ Enrichetta/ / Francia/ Peschia/ 6 Febbraio/ 1859/ Anni 58/ 663/ See Mejean, Meyrueis/ Descendants=Gilles & Marie-Hélène Peugeot. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F90/ 403/
She is only 13 years old. Her mother F89/ HENRIETTE TESSONNIERE MEJEAN will come to lie beside her ten years later, her father F86/ JACQUES MEJEAN soon after. This family is associated with the Meyrveis (D142/ GEORGINE (GENARD) MEYRVEIS, D141/ SOPHIE MEYRVEIS) family, both from Ganges (Hérault) in France, both families being Huguenot Protestant and involved with silk weaving in Pescia and at 'La Florentine', Orléans. They also have a burial, D140/ JULES MEJEAN, in Sector D.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1849. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo, ora sporca, su basimento di pietra. [M: A: 2.5; L: 58.5; P: 127; P.s. A: 8; L: 68; P: 136.] Iscrizione sepolcrale francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: 1849/ CLARA MEJEAN/ VOUS ESTE SAUVES PAR GRACE PAR LA FOI/ ET C'EST UNE VIENT PAS DE VOUS C'EST NON DE DIEU/ EP[hesi]ANS. II.v.8/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Louise Clara Mejean, née a Pescia, agé de 13 ans, fille de Jacques Mejean de Ganges, Departement de l'Héraulte en France, et de Dame Henriette, née Tressoniere/
Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Méjean/ Clara/ / Francia/ Pescia/ 22 Aprile/ 1849/ / 403/ See Mejean, Meyrueis/ Descendants=Gilles & Marie-Hèéène Peugeot. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


Again from an English family of long duration in Florence, of which he is the earliest, the partriarch, his wife D23O 484/ MARY TOWNLEY, Sector D, survives him as his widow, his sons are E144/ ROBERT TOWNLEY, Sector E,  George (buried here but without a surviving tombstone), who in turn has four children, their mother being the Italian, Annunziata Donati, the third son, Henry, raising the tombstone to Mary Townley(D58)'s memory. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, pp. 428,  473, noting Thomas Townley offering marble from his quarry to William IV, etc.
He is the son of Thomas Townley (F91) and Mary Townley (D58), the brother of Robert Townley (E144). He was buried in the original Sector B but now lacks a tomb.
Townley/ Giorgio/ Tommaso/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 7 Dicembre/ 1871/ Anni 58/ 1152/ George Townley, l'Angleterre, fils de Thomas/ GL23777/1 N° 434 Burial 09/12 Rev Tottenham; Baptism children Albert b 15/07/69, Alfred b 11/09/60 Henry b 12/02/57,  Mary Victoria b 11/12/65, all bp 26/02/70 Rev Tottenham, father George, mother Annunciata Donati/
IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 337, B.

 Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1839. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco, che è spezzata, su pietra. [M: A: 2.5; L: 67; P: 138; P.s. A: 10; L: 75; P: 149.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY/ OF THOMAS TOWNLEY/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE/ ON THE 14th DAY OF FEBRUARY 1839/ AGED 52 YEARS/ 179/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 71 Burial 16-02, Rev Tennant
(F49)/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Townley/ Tommaso/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 14 Febbraio/ 1839/ Anni 52/ 179. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F92/ 279/
By 1852 Daniel Price had sold the family property and was living in Mexico. The Webbs list her descendants.

Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N� 61: spells name, Pryce, Burial 16-02, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Price/ Margherita/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 13 Febbraio/ 1844/ / 279/ N&Q 399. Erected by Daniel Price, Esq., to his mother Margaret, w. of Stafford Price, Esq., of Hendon House Midd., d. of William Davies, Esq., of 9 June, 1776; ob. 13 Feb., 1844/ Webbs have further material. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F93/ 166
This young cosmopolitan is christened, 1806, in Lisbon, Portugal, then is married to Augustus Harold de Bourbel de Monpicon Marquis De Bourbel, playboy and fraudster, on 28 Mar 1828 in British Embassy Chapel, Paris, and at the Madeleine, and dies at 31 in Florence, the Times noting this is in childbirth, having been deserted by her husband in the last month of her pregnancy. Maquay attends her funeral. She has an elaborate tomb with her coat of arms. From the Web we learn that their daughter, who survived, Constance Georgina Louise de Bourbel de Monpicon Countess Wachtmeister (1838-1910), and even more of a Citizen of the World, was a close friend of Helena P. Blavatsky. She was born on March 28, 1838, in Florence, Italy. She lost her parents, the Marquis de Bourbel, formerly of the French diplomatic service, and Constance Bulkley, when she was very young and was sent to an aunt in England, where she lived, and in 1863 married a cousin, Count Karl Wachtmeister, then Swedish and Norwegian minister at the Court of St. James. After three years, they moved to Scandinavia, where her husband served as a government minister in Copenhagen and Stockholm. Wachtmeister was widowed in 1871. She had one son, Count Axel Raoul, a well-known musical composer in his day. Wachtmeister joined the Theosophical Society in 1881 and met H. P. Blavatsky in London in April 1884. She was secretary and treasurer of the Blavatsky Lodge in London and also worked for the Theosophical publishing company there, contributing generously to its funds. In 1887, Wachtmeister, the Keightleys, and Blavatsky acquired a large house at 17 Lansdowne Road, London, where Blavatsky continued to write The Secret Doctrine. In March 1888, the President, Henry S. Olcott, who had just finished a strenuous Indian tour, decided to leave Adyar, the Theosophical headquarters near Madras (now Chennai), India, and recuperate at Ootacamund. He held a meeting of the Executive Council, which appointed Wachtmeister as an additional secretary to the Western Section of the TS. In 1891, Olcott formed a League of Theosophical Workers, of which Wachtmeister became the first president; later that year, after the death of Blavatsky, Wachtmeister traveled to Adyar, where Olcott appointed her as president of the Women' s Education League, which worked to further the education of Indian women. Olcott had kept a diary covering the years since his first meeting with Blavatsky in America (1874). In 1893 he asked Wachtmeister to arrange for its publication. She wanted Olcott to delete passages that she considered derogatory to Blavatsky. Olcott did not agree, so he had the diary published as Old Diary Leaves (London: Putnam, 1895). Late that year, Wachtmeister, Besant, and Bertrand Keightley rented a property on four acres of land at Benares (now Varanasi), which eventually became the headquarters of the Indian Section. In February 1895, Olcott learned that William Q. Judge was considering secession from the Society; he left immediately for Calcutta to consult with Wachtmeister and Annie Besant regarding the best course of action. At the 1896 Adyar convention, Olcott paid glowing tribute to Wachtmeister in his presidential address, saying that she, "after performing prodigies of platform, social, and private work in Australasia, is now devoting herself enthusiastically to the helping of the American loyalists to reconstitute their Section." Annie Besant went to America in March 1897 to help rebuild the Section, which had been devastated by the Judge secession. She was met in New York by Wachtmeister, who travelled with her on a long tour that included lectures in seventy cities. After a considerable period in America, in 1899 Wachtmeister did an extensive lecture tour of France and India, resulting in the formation of many new lodges. Wachtmeister published an important account of her early association with Blavatsky as Reminiscences of H. P. Blavatsky and "The Secret Doctrine" (1893). She died, September 23, 1910. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, on husband, pp. 87, 99, 482.

Constance Georgina Louise de Bourbel de Monpicon Countess Wachtmeister

Tomba. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1838. Ambito toscano. Tomba complessa di marmo incisa recinto con colonne. [M: A: 57; L: 97; P: 215.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: L'AN 936 [Stemma] CONSTANCE CECILIA/ BULKELEY/ MARQUISE DE BOURBEL/ MONTPINCON/ DE 31 ANS D'AGE/ FLORENCE LE 9 AVRIL 1838 [Giglio]. Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 62, La Marquise de Bourbel, formerly Miss Buckley, Burial 17-04, Rev. Knapp/ Obituary, Morning Post, Times/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: 173. Bourbel/de/(Bulkeley)/ Constanza/ Cecilia/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 9 Aprile/ 1838/ Anni 31/ 166/ N&Q 400. Constance Cecilia Bulkeley, Marquise de Bourbel Montpingon, ob. 9 Apr., 1838, a. 31/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F94/ 708
This family also has a presence in the Dutch/German Cemetery in Livorno. They have come from the poverty-stricken Rumantsch-speaking region of Switzerland.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1860. Ambito toscano. Lastra di cimento rotta e sporca su pietra. Identificato soltanto dal numero. [M: A: 2; L: 60; P: 69; P.s. A: 10; L: 70; P: 78.] Iscrizione persa. Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Annine Crastan, Sins (Canton des Grisons) fille de Ermanno Crastan, et de Anna, née Fens/ II: 1859-1865 Anna Crastan, 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Paoli 193/ Q 421: 48 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Crastan/ Anna/ Ermanno/ Svizzera/ Empoli/ 8 Ottobre/ 1860/ Mesi 10/ 708. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F95/ 696/

Born in the Grigione, he has died in Empoli at 23, mourned by his family, but who remember Christ's Resurrection.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1860. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo rotta e sporca su pietra.  [M: A:  ; L:   ; P: 69; P.s.  :  ; L:  ; P:  .] QUI RIPOSA NICOLA D'ANGIOLO FENT/ IL MAGGIORE/ NATO IN S. NELLA CANTONE GRIGIONE/ LE . . GENNAIO 1839/ MORTO IN EMPOLI IL 18 APRILE 1860/ L'AFFLITTI CONGIUNTI/ Q.M.R. SONO LA RISURREZIONE . . ./ Q 400: 125 Paoli/ Fint/ Niccola/ Angiolo/ Svizzera/ Empoli/ 18 Aprile/ 1860/ Anni 23/ 696/ See Fint. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F96/ 777/

Of a Swiss family, he was born in Berlin and served in the Dutch Navy. His father and uncle led Anglo-Dutch forces against Napoleon at Waterloo, his father countermanding Wellington's order for the Dutch troops to evacuate Quattre Bras. Willem Anne Constant de Rebecque was a staunch follower of Auguste Comte's Positivism, and was staying in Florence's Piazza Santa Novella working on the translation into Italian of Comte's Cathechisme positiviste when he fell ill with smallpox, dying in Santa Maria Nuova hospital. His brother Charles ordered his tombstone. He is buried near his Positivist relative F103/ CHEVALIER HENRI D'ARLENS (father, Marc Antoine Casanove d'Arlens, mother, Constance Charlotte de Constant Rebecque). A further relative, Benjamin Constant, was associated with Madame de Staēl. A descendant was one of the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1909. It is interesting that this Cemetery clusters the Positivists in this Sector F, the Swedenborgian Spiritualists in Sector B, while Freemasons are in Sectors C (British) and F (American, the Harts).

Jean-Victoire de Constant Rebecque  Willem Anne Baron de Constant Rebecque

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1862. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco, sporco su pietra. [M: A: 2.5; L: 61; P: 134.5; P.s. A: 16.5; L: 72; P: 142.] Iscrizione sepolcrale francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: GUILLAUME BARON DE CONSTANT REBECQUE/ CAPITAINE DE FREGATE DE LA MARINE/ ROYALE DES PAYS BAS,/ CHEVALIER DE L'ORDRE MILITAIRE DE GUILLAUME/ DE LION NEERLANDAIS ET DU DANMERQUE/ DECORE DE PLUSIEURS MEDAILLES/ NE A BERLIN LE 6 JANVIERS 1807/ DECEDE A FLORENCE LE 25 FEVRIER 1862/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: le baron Guillaume Constant Rebecque, Suisse [but tombstone says Dutch], domicilé dans les Pays-Bas, ancien officier de la marine hollandaise, fils de le baron Jean Victor de Constant Rebecque, et de Isabelle Catherine Anne Jacqueline, née de Lynden, origin d'Arnheim/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Constant Rebecque/ Barone Guglielmo/ Giovanni Vittorio/ Olanda/ Firenze/ 25 Febbraio/ 1862/ Anni 55/ 777/ See D'Arlens. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

From the Rumantsch-speaking part of Switzerland, he is a property owner. See also F132/ BALDASSARE STALVIES

Urna su colonna.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1860. Ambito toscano. Urna su colonna quadrata in marmo bianco su base di pietra serena. [M: A: 108; L: 42; P: 42; P.s. A: 48; L: 60; P: 60.] Inscrizione illegibile, identificato soltanto dal '700'/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Baldassare Biagio Stalvies, Sens, Canton des Grisons, proprietaire, fils de Biagio (Ambrogio) Stalvies, et de Domenica, née Bazell, sa femme/ Q407: 310 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Stalvies/ Baldassare/ Ambrogio/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 15 Giugno/ 1860/ Anni 35/ 700. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Her father's obituary is given in the Caledonian, 1809: 'At Cleland House, on the 23d ult. much and deservely regretted, Marton Dalrymple, Esq. of Fordel; eminently distinguished for the best qualities both of the head and heart. He was a warm friend, a tender parent, an affectionate husband, an indulgent master, an able man of business, and a most excellent country gentleman. The great national design of a Rail Road from Glasgow to Berwick, now in contemplation, owed its origin to his ingenuity; and, when carried into execution, it will remain an honourable monument of his enlightened views, his sound judgement, and his indefatigable and persevering activity. While private worth and public usefulness are held in esteem, the memory of this gentleman will be dear to his numerous friends, and to the populous neighbourhood in which he resided.' He worked with members of the Hay family (see F56/ FRANCES ANNE (OGLE) HAY, F53/ HENRIETTA MARIA HAY in this Sector) and with Telford on this scheme for a pre-steam railroad to transport the iron and coal from his mines. His second daughter has died a spinster at 36.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1843. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo fratturata e sporca. Da consolidare e pulire. [M: A:  2.5; L: 70; P: 140; P.s. A: 9; L: 74; P: 138.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ GERTRUDE EMMA DALRYMPLE/ SECOND DAUGHTER OF MARTON DALRYMPLE ESQ. OF FORDEL/ AND CLELAND IN SCOTLAND/ DIED THE 4TH DAY OF MAY 1843/ AGED 36 YEARS/ 261/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 48: and of Frances Ingram his wife born at Cleland House County Lanark, Burial 06-05, Rev Irving/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Dalrymple/ Gertrude Emma/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 4 Maggio/ 1843/ Anni 28/ 261/ N&Q 401. Gertrude Emma, 2nd d. of Marton Dalrymple , Esq., of Fordel and Cleland in Scotland/ Henderson. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

A young English spinster (unless she is married to a Baker), from Leicester, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Bruce.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1845. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco sporco. [M: A: 3; L: 68.5; P: 135; P.s. A: 9.5; L: 76; P: 151.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY/ OF SARAH BRUCE WHO/ DIED THE FIFTH OF MAY/ 1845/ REQUIESCAT IN PACE/ 262/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 49: spinster of Leicester, d of Thomas & Elizabeth Bruce, born 06-05-17, Burial 07-05, age day short of 26, Rev. Irving/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Bruce (Baker)/ Sara/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 5 Maggio/ 1843 [sic]/ / 262/ N&Q 402. Sarah Bruce, ob. 5 May, 1843. R.I. P. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

A young Englishman of whom not much information is given.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1844. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco, sporca, in base di pietra serena. Da pulire. [M: A: 2.5; L: 67; P: 137; P.s. A: 8; L: 76; P: or143.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY/ OF WILLIAM HALLS/ WHO DIED/ THE 21 DAY OF MARCH 1844/ AGED 35 YEARS/ 282/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 63 Burial 23-03, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Halls/ Guglielmo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 21 Marzo/ 1844/ / 282/ N&Q 403. William Halls, ob 21 Mar 1844, a. 35/ Indagine Cognoscitiva, Preparatoria al Restauro delle opere site nel Cimitero Protestante di Firenze detto 'degli Inglesi', Gianguido Fumelli, Adriano Giachi, Stefano Landi, Antonella Malavolti, Sabrina Milani, 1991, 66. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F101/ 1067/
His father was Hugh Fraser and he grew up in Eskadale, Invernessshire, Scotland. See Captain Hugh Fraser, of Eskadale (c1720-1801), who may be his grandfather, son of Alexander Fraser 3rd of Eskadale & Isabel Fraser - raised on the Lovat estates, Hugh 'carryed arms' as a gentleman volunteer in the ranks of General Blakeney's 27th Foot (Enniskillens) during the Cartenega expedition of 1740 in the West Indies. He survived the catastrophic death rate caused by rampant sickness and was made ensign in 1742; fought at Culloden with his regiment in 1746 and was promoted to lieutenant on September 4, 1754.  In the summer of 1757, he came to North America with the 27th Foot to participate in the expedition against Louisbourg. When it was aborted, he and his regiment were assigned to Fort Edward for the winter.  He fought at the Battle of Ticonderoga in 1758 and returned the following year with his regiment for Amherst's successful expedition against Ticonderoga and Crown Point. He is the likely author of an anonymous letter fragment relating to the aftermath of Ticonderoga in which he refers to a brother named "Wullie" who also served in the battle. This may have been William Fraser, snr, a "gentleman volunteer" of the 42nd who was commissioned ensign in the 80th Foot (Gage's Light Infantry) on December 27, 1757; promoted lieutenant September 25, 1760, and killed in action five years later on the Niagara Portage, September 14, 1763. In 1760, Hugh marched on Montreal as part of Brigadier Haviland's army and met up with Murray and Amherst's armies on September 13, 1760. The following year he was at Crown Point, the senior or eldest lieutenant with his regiment which was warned off for the Caribbean campaign against Martinique and Guadeloupe. He was exchanged to the 78th on promotion to captain on October 23, 1761. He commanded a company at Quebec when the regiment was disbanded in December 1763; retired on half-pay. The son is a neighbour to the Smiths of Bolton Street, Piccadilly, when in London.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1869. Ambito toscano. Obelisco in marmo, scolpito con grano e ulivo, alfa, omega, chi rho, sporco, sopra basamento di pietra serena degrada. [M: A: 204; L: 78; P: 78; P.s. A: 22; L: 92; P: 92.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: THOMAS FRASER OF EXKADALE/ IN INVERNESSHIRE/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE/ ON THE 2 DAY OF NOVEMBER 1869/ AGED 62 YEARS/ DEEPLY LAMENTED/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: +/ Fraser/ Tommaso/ Ugo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 2 Novembre/ 1869/ Anni 63/ 1067/ GL Burial, 05/11, Rev Tottenham, Borgo Ognissanto, 1/ Times, late of Eshadale and 21 Bolton Street, Piccadilly, London/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Emil Schneider from Zurich in the hand-written Swiss records is carefully presented with his father's and his mother's maiden name.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1873. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo su basamenti di marmo e pietra serena. [M: A: 81; L: 40; P: 28; P.s. A: 50; L: 50; P: 36.] Iscrizione sepolcrale tedesca incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: EMIL SCHNEIDER/ VON ZURICH/ GEB 3 NOVEMBER 1864/ GEST 8 APRIL 1873// 1206/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Emile Schnieder, Suisse, fils de Felix Schneider et de Joséphine, née Wohler/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Schneider/ Emilio/ Felice/ / Firenze/ 8 Aprile/ 1873/ Anni 8/ 1206. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F103/ 1002
This Huguenot Swiss nobleman is related to F96/ WILLEM ANNE BARON DE CONSTANT REBECQUE.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1867. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo incisa, sporca. [M: A: 2; L: 59.5; P: 129; P.s. A: 10.5; L: 69.5; P: 139.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ICI REPOSE/ LE CHEVALIER HENRI D'ARLENS/ DECEDE A FLORENCE/ LE 12 JANVIER 1863/ 1002/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Henri D'Arlens, Chevalier, Lausanne, Suisse, rentier, fils de Marc Antoine Casenove d'Arlens, et de Constance Charlotte, née de Constant Rebeque/
Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: D'Arlens/ Enrico/ Marco Antonio C./ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 12 Gennaio/ 1868/ Anni 77/ 1002/ See Constant Rebecque. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F104/ 997/
Jane Ricketts of East Knoyle was listed in the English Census of 1861. Janet and Henry Ross, who arrange for her tomb, came to settle in Florence in 1867, later acquiring Poggio Gherardo.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1867. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco, ora molto sporco su pietra serena. [M: A: 2; L: 56.5; P: 133.5; P.s. A: 19; L: 71.6; P: 145.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: THIS STONE IN MEMORY OF/ JANE RICKETTS/ BORN AT EAST KNOYLE 16 FEBRUARY 1836/ DIED AT FLORENCE 13 DECEMBER 1867/ HAS BEEN PLACED BY HENRY AND JANET ROSS/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jeanne Ricketts, l'Angleterre/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: G23777/1 N° 390, Burial 17/12, Rev Pendleton/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Ricketts/ Giovanna/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 15 Dicembre. 1867/ Anni 29/ 997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU

F105/ 187/
An Italian portrait miniature of her husband, George Chichester, is held by the National Trust at Arlington Court, Devon. He served with the 59th Regiment sent to Colombo, 1818, later taking part in the seige of Bhurtpoor. Their eight-month-old daughter had died the previous year and she dies in turn, suddenly, suspiciously, at Livorno. JLMaquay, Diaries 15/7/1840 goes to Leghorn following the sudden death of Mrs Chichester who died on 14th curious accounts from the servant, it was settled during the day by White that should go down to see about it' Maquay waits for the arrival of her husband from Naples and returns to Florence on 20/7. 22/7/1840 attends Mrs Chicheter's funeral 'quite private.' Her tomb is elegant with lacrimals, classical vases for tears, and placed in the area originally used for burying infants, in this case over the child who predeceased her. A further indication of the family's taste is the exquisite Blake watercolour they owned, still at Arlington Court. The Webbs note the following families are connected: Chichester, Whyte, Moyser, Baldelli, Fleetwood Wilson, Walker, Riddell.

George Chichester       Arlington Court, Devon

Sarcofago e colonne con urne lacrimali. Scultore, Pietro Bazzanti/ Signature: P.BAZZANTI.F. Sec. XIX, post 7/1840. Ambito toscano. Monumento con sarcofago fra due colonne scanalate surmontate di lacrimali scolpito con lampade e inciso su un basamento di pietra serena, pulito in parte di Palazzo Spinelli, una lastra al fronte per la bambina, ora illegibile, in un recinto di pietra serena con colonne scanalate, una volta con ferro. [M: A: 193.5, L: 186, P: 49; P.s. A: 205, L: 188, P: 49; RP.s.: A: 70.5; L: 230.5; P: 212.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: BENEATH ARE DEPOSITED THE REMAINS OF/ MARIA WIFE OF CAPT GEORGE CHICHESTER/ OF ARLINGTON DEVON/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE AT LEGHORN ON JULY 14 1840 AGED 24/ CUSTOM PRESCRIBES A MONUMENT AND WHATSOEVER/ IS DECOROUS BECOMES THEE AND SHOULD BE, ELSE MEMORY WILL NEED NO ARTIFICIAL AID FOR AS WIFE MOTHER OR A FRIEND THOU LIVEST IN ALL OUR HEARTS AND SHALL LIVE STILL/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 8: "died suddenly at Leghorn", Burial 22/07, Rev. Tennant (F49)/ Maquay Diaries: 15 Jul 1840, 20 Jul., 22 Jul. Consults with Chichester's brother-in-law, Edward Marcus Whyte/ Obituary, Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Chichester/ Firenze/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 23 Ottobre/ 1839/ Mesi 8/ 187/ Chichester/ Madama [Maria]/ / Inghilterra/ Livorno/ 20 Luglio/ 1840/ / 204/ Henderson/ Descendant=Arthur Waddle. FLORENCE SUSAN CHICHESTER/ ENGLAND/ GL 23773/4 N° 78: d of Capt Chichester, born 03/02/39, baptized 14/03/39, Rev Tennant (F49); Burial 23-10, Rev. Tennant (F49). Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

He is mentioned in the Atti of the Accademia dei Nuovi Lincei for January 1856 as consultant  concerning using the bark of mulberry trees for fabric and paper.

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1867. Ambito toscano. Croce di marmo bianco, recinto in pietra serena. [M: A: 82.5; L: 40; P: 28.8; P.s. A: 18; L: 44; P: 34; RP.s.: A: 27; L: 90.5; P: 193.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: NAPOLEONE VALENTINI/ NATO IL 2 GIUGNO 1806/ MORTO A FIRENZE IL 1 APRILE 1867/ IL SIGNORE HA DATO, IL SIGNORE HA TOLTO, SIA BENEDETTO IL NOME/ DEL SIGNORE (Giobbe 1.21)/ 975/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Napoleon Valentini, peintre, fils de Octaviano/ . . . Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Valentini/ Napoleone/ Ottaviano/ Italia/ Firenze/ 1 Aprile/ 1867/ Anni 61/ 975. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F107/ 898
Here the Marchesa Louisa Guadagni buries her mother and will also bury her sister's husband in this cemetery (E63/ ISAAC LUMLEY). Again an English woman marries into an Italian family, in this case of one of Florence's nobility, a family which owned palaces and Dante manuscripts. Sarah's husband Colonel Sir Francis Lee served in the Royal Marines where the pay was low and promotion much slower than in the regular army or navy. He spoke to this issue in Parliament in 1838, noting his pay was but £700 a year. He died suddenly while still on active duty, 29/10/1841, at Woolwich, the news reaching his wife in Florence (Genteman's Magazine, Elizabeth Maquay, Diary 7 58v). Allori inscription: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF THE/ MARCHESA/ LOUISA GUADAGNI/ DAUGHTER OF/ SIR FRANCIS AND LADY LEE/ BORN 5TH DEC 1819/ DIED 30TH APRIL 1886. Their son Guadagno Guadagni fought with the British in the Crimea. Adriano Guadagni read the 'English' Cemetery tomb inscription, which is very indistinct, and gave copies of the original wedding announcement and of a letter from Luisa to the Marchese Donato to the Swiss archives. The Webbs have genealogy. See their Anglo-Florentines, pp. 65, 87, 188-189, 512.

Adriano Guadagni, son of Giacomo, grandson of Guadagno, greatgrandson of Donato, Marquis of San Leolino (married, 1828, to Louisa, daughter of Sara and Sir Francis Lee), marrying Elisabetta Stavro Santarosa, 1943.

Croce. Scultore, R.BENCINI. Sec. XIX, post 1/1865. Ambito toscano. Croce sopre roccie scolpite in marmo bianco, recinto con colonne che ora mancano tre.  [M: A: 260; L: 140; P: 68; R: A: 65; L: 197; P:  81.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: R.BENCINI.  SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF SARAH WIFE OF COL. SIR FRANCIS LEE/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE 3RD FEBRUARY 1865/ IN THE 89TH YEAR OF HER AGE/ THIS TOMB WAS ERECTED IN MEMORY OF HIS BELOVED WIFE/ HER DAUGHTER LOUISA MARCHESA GUADAGNI/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Sarah Lee, l'Angleterre, agee de 89 ans/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL age 88, Burial 28/01, Rev Pendleton/ Marriage GL20990 N° 56 Isaac Lumley to Sarah Lee, who may be daughter of Sir Francis and Sarah Lady Lee, at BCL, groom of Richmond Yorks, bride born in Florence, Rev Crokat/ Leeds Mercury, Morning Post, Examiner/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Lee/ Sara/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 25 Gennaio/ 1865/ Anni 89/ 898/ Tomb of Louisa Lee, similarly a daughter of Sir Francis and Lady Lee, who died in 1886, aged 75, is listed in Allori Register/ See identical tomb for Isaac Lumley (1856, 24 Marzo, 'L'an mil huit cent cinquante six, vingt quatrième jour du mois de Mars a eté enseveli dans le cimitière de la susdite Eglise [1856, 24 marzo], Un Enfant du sexe masculin, fils de Isaac Lumley, Anglais, domicilié a Florence, et de Sarah Lumley, sa femme'/ GL23777/1 N° 234, Burial 14/05, Rev O'Neill/ Lumley/ Isacco/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 12 Maggio/ 1857/ Anni 30/ 612).
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

She is 70, her tombstone simple, with a fine scriptural quotation. We remember that Italians at this period were forbidden the Bible in their language, but here within this island sanctuary, having as it were diplomatic immunity, Biblical texts abound in all languages.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1869. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco, sporca. [M: A: 2; L: 63; P: 146;  P.s. A: 30.5; L: 80; P: 163.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: 1073/ CHARLOTTE COURTENAY JOHNSON/ WHO FELLE ASLEEP IN THE LORD/ DEC 4TH 1869/ AGED 70/ UNTO HIM THAT LOVED US, AND WASHED/ US FROM OUR SINS IN HIS OWN BLOOD/ AND HATH MADE US KINGS AND PRIESTS/ UNTO GOD AND HIS FATHER, TO HIM BE GLORY AND DOMINION FOR/ EVER AND EVER/ AMEN. REV 1.6./ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Charlotte Johnson, l'Angleterre/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Johnson/ Carlotta/ Riccardo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 4 Dicembre/ 1869/ Anni 70/ N&Q 408. Charlotte Courtenay Johnson, ob. 4 Dec. 1869., a. 70. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


This Swiss widow dies later than does the similarly-named Erminio Hermann but was not married to him. Rohrbach can be found in the Canton of Berne in Switzerland, but also in Bavaria and Austria. The other Mayer in the Cemetery, Andrea Mayer, Sector C, dies much earlier in the century and at the age of 20 and is from a Prussian brewing family. Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1876. Ambito toscano. Cippo su base in marmo bianco, sporco, su base di pietra serena e mattoni.

[M: A: 85; L: 52; P: 17; P.s. A: 32; L: 57.5; P: 21.5; R: A: 11; L: 46.5; P: 32.] Iscrizione sepolcrale francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ANNA HERMANN/ NEE A ROHRBACH/ DECEDEE A FLORENCE/ LE 6 MARS 1876/ A L'AGE DE 79 ANS/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hermann nata Mayer/ Vedova Anna/ Giovanni/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 6 Marzo/ 1876/ Anni 79/ 1347.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Father and child lie side by side in identical tombs. The Death Certificate was left in the Cemetery's archives. The Webbs note National Archives Will of his sister Anna Maria Margaret who becomes the wife of Luigi Frescobaldi.


Tomba in forma di croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1863. Ambito toscano. Tombe in pietra serena formate in forma di una croce orizzontale, gotiche in stilo, molto erose. [P.s.: A: 35; L: 196; P: 71.] Algernon Parkes/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Algernon Parkes, l'Angleterre, rentier, fils de John Parkes et de Anna Marie Françoise, née Rees [Register I has Death Certificate at this page]/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Parkes/ Algernon/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 13 Settembre/ 1863. Anni 42/ 846. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

The four-year-old orphaned son comes to lie, the following year, beside his father. His mother is from the same Rumantsch-speaking family from Sent in Switzerland as is F135/ ERMINIO HERMANN.


Tomba in forma di croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1864. Ambito toscano. Tomba in forma di croce di pietra serena formate in forma di una croce orizzontale, gotiche in stilo, molto erose. [P.s.: A: 34; L: 173; P: 62.3.]  Hermann Parkes/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Hermann Parkes, l'Angleterre, fils de Algernon Parkes, et de Rosa, née Hermann/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Parkes/ Ermanno/ Algernon/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 17 Ottobre/ 1864/ Anni 4/ 884. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F112/ UNKNOWN Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1828. Ambito toscano. Lastra degrada. [P.s. A:?; L: 71; P: 140.]

F113/ 147/
Walt Steesy of 'Olmste(a)d Genealogy', explains that her family originates with the Dutch settlers of early New York City, New Amsterdam.  She was born in 1796 to Hendrick Wyckoff and Phebe Suydam, she married Francis Olmsted, 15/10/1817, in New York, and had one daughter, Caroline, who married the Bostonian Henry Winthrop Sargent, landscape architect: They had two sons, Winthrop Henry and Francis Turner, but there are no surviving descendants. Her name evokes the great landscape gardener, Frederick Law Olmsted.

Sarcofago. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Signature: P.BAZZANTI.F. Sec. XIX, post 11/1864. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo bianco scolpito con una farfalla, sporco. Ricerca sui licheni, CNR 'Nello Carrara', 2013. [M: A: 96; L: 141; P: 80. P.s. troppo erosa a misurare.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: Mrs MARIA ANN OLMSTED/ OF NEW YORK/ U.S. OF AMERICA/ DIED 20TH NOVEMBER/ 1836/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Olmsted/ Maria Anna/ / America/ Firenze/ 20 Novembre/ 1836/ / 147/ N&Q 446. Mrs. Maria Ann Olmsted, of New York, ob. 20 Nov., 1836/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F114/ 728/

Arthur Bluett was listed in the Isle of Man census, 1841, when  he was six years old. His father was High Bailiff of the Island. High Bailiff Laughton's Reminiscences, published in Douglas, Isle of Man, 1916, gives the following humorous account:
The settlement of this case immediately preceded a very bright Summer vacation, wherein Henry Watts, Arthur Bluett, Dr. Cox, and I made up a happy quartette to visit the English Lakes, Low-wood Cottage Ambleside, being our headquarters. En route, we spent one night at the Globe Hotel, Cockermouth, the birthplace of Wordsworth, where the only sleeping accommodation we could obtain was two double-bedded rooms. We tossed up, and it fell to Arthur Bluett's lot to occupy a bed in my room.
We were to start the next morning at eight sharp by the one and only coach of those times; and, acting upon the advice of a gentleman staying in the Hotel, who warned us that visitors frequently missed the coach on account of the " Boots " forgetting to call them, we carefully booked our seats, and impressing upon the Landlord the absolute importance of our being awakened not a minute later than half-past six, we retired to bed. Arthur Bluett slept the sleep of a weary traveller. I awoke early, and found to my surprise, that it was only half-past three. It was a lovely Summer morning; so bright and sunny that it might have been ten o'clock. I beheld Arthur in his bed, giving conclusive signs, both aural and ocular, of heavy slumber; and I felt that the occasion might be improved.
I quietly got out of bed, went over and took his watch out of his bed-pocket, altered the hour from halfpast three to a quarter to eight, replaced it, and returned to my bed. I then commenced making huge yawning noises, as though reluctantly awaking, which soon aroused him. I remarked, in a sleepy sort of way, that it seemed late, and asked him to look at his watch, which, in a half-awake sort of manner he did. The moment he saw it, what a change in his action! He literally sprang out of bed, made madly for the bellpull, at which he violently tugged as if the house were on fire. He then rushed to his clothes and began dragging them on; then another frantic pull at the bellrope, and a still more frantic rush to his clothes, at the same time calling excitedly to me to get up.
Presently the Landlord appeared at the door in his night costume, and evidently in great alarm, asked, "What's the matter, gentlemen?"
"Matter," said Arthur, opening the door, "you know what's the matter! Here we are never called, and the Coach starting in ten minutes, you ought to be ashamed of yourself "
" Why, sir, the Coach does not start until eight o'clock."
" I know that." replied Arthur, still hurrying on his clothes, " how are we to get dressed and have breakfast in ten minutes ? "
" Ten minutes, sir! Why, it's not much more than half-past three! "
" What! " said Arthur, darting a look across at me.
Now during this scene of excitement I had been holding the bed clothes up so that my face should not by visible, for I was shaking with smothered laughter. Directly he turned towards me, he, from the movement of the bed clothes, guessed how it was, and made for me with a bound. But I was prepared, and wound the clothes tightly around me, shouting with laughter, which I no longer tried to suppress.
After apologising to the Landlord, Arthur then quietly undressed and returned to bed; and we both enjoyed several hours of refreshing slumber.
Poor Arthur! He was a general favourite. He now sleeps in a churchyard in Florence. Doubtless he will be awakened in good time for the last coach!

Tomba di pietra serena formata come una croce orizzontale gotica, spezzata e erosa.
[P.s. A: 32; L: 197; P: 77.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF ARTHUR BLUETT / . . . THE ISLE OF MAN . . . / . . . / WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE THE 25 OF APRIL 1861 IN THE 26TH YEAR OF HIS AGE DEEPLY REGRETTED/ I KNOW THAT MY REDEEMER LIVETH/ JOB 19.25 ACTS / Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Arthur Bluett, l'Angleterre/ Q 448: 295 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°291 Burial 27/04 Rev O'Neill/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: 140. Bluett/ Arturo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 25 Aprile/ 1861/ Anni 26/ 728/ Henderson. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F115/ 735
It is a beautiful tomb for a nobleman from Aachen, with an exquisite sculpted coat of arms, raised by his sister, but little information can be found about the Baron.


Tomba in forma di croce.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1802. Ambito toscano. Tomba gotica orizziontale  formata come una croce, inciso con lettere capitale e minuscule in fraktura, una stemma al piede, in marmo bianco. [M: A: 38.5; L: 197.5; P: 71.1 Iscrizione sepolcrale tedesca incisa in lettere gotiche, capitali e non, e numeri arabi: Hier ruht/ Gustav Gabriel von Loewenich/ geb in Burstcheidt bei Aachen/ den 8 maerz 1802/ gest in Florenz den 30 maerz 1861// Ev. Joh: vi.40/ Das ist aber der Wille des der mich/ gesandt hat das wer den Sohn/ soeth und glaust an ihn habe/ das ewige leben Ich werde ihn/ auferwechen am wengsten tage/ Dem geliesten Bruder die tief/ betrueste Schwester/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: baron Gustave Loewenich, Aix-la-Chapelle (Aquagrani), Trage du Rhin, proprietaire/ Q 445: 320 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Loewenich (de)/ Gustavo/ / Germania/ Firenze/ 30 Marzo/ 1861/ Anni 65/ 725/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F116/ 588/
She is listed in the English Census at Paddington in 1835. Her obituary says 'Sophia Roberts, widow of the late William Roberts of Brighthelmstone, died while on a visit to her son Henry'. Webbs note there were two Henry Roberts in Florence at this time, one a chemist, one an architect, the architect married to a Russian Catherine de Schwetschine, Anglo-Florentines, p. 334.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1856. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in pietra serena molto erosa e marmo molto sporco. [P.s. A: 10; L: 90; P: 207; M: A: 45; L: 64; P: 181; P.s.; A: 43.5; L 87; P: 200.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF/ SOPHIA ROBERTS/ LATE OF PADDINGTON/ LONDON WHO DIED 20 JANUARY 1856/ AGED 62/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Sophia Roberts, Londres, royaume d'Angleterre/ Q 218: 350 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 225 Burial 22/01 Rev O'Neill, 'general decay'/ Obituary, Morning Post, Morning Chronicle,  Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Roberts/ Sofia/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Gennaio/ 1856/ Anni 62/ 588/ N&Q 406. Sophia Roberts, late of Paddington, ob./ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F117/ 129/
The Swiss Louis Wolff from Neuchatel, who has died at Pavullo in the Duchy of Modena, is buried with his countrymen.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1863. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo non molto sporco. [M: A: 2.5; L: 75.6; P: 151.] Iscrizione sepolcrale francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: LOUIS WOLFF/ DE NEUCHATEL EN SUISSE/ AGE DE 48 ANS/ MORT A PAVULLO/ DUCHE DE MODENE/ LE 7 NOVEMBRE 1835/ N. 129/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wolff/ Luigi/ / Svizzera/ Paullo/ 7 Novembre/ 1835/ Anni 47/ 129
. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F118/ 347
Richard Crewe was born in 1816, became Colonel in the Madras Army of the East India Company. She is his widow.

Urna su colonna. Sculttore: Pietro Bazzanti, Signature: P.BAZZANTI.F.  Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1846. Ambito toscano. Urna con panni su colonna in marmo bianco, base di pietra serena. [M: A: 173; L: 38; P: 38; P.s. A: 22; L: 71; P: 134.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ FANNY RELICT OF THE LATE/ COL RICHARD CREWE/ OF THE MADRAS ARMY/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE NOV 15TH 1846/ WEEP NOT SHE IS NOT DEAD BUT SLEEPETH (Luke 8.52)/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 101: Burial 15-11, widow of Capt Crewe of East India Company, Age 54, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Crewe/ Fanny/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 13 Novembre/ 1846/ Anni 56/ 347/ N&Q 405 Fanny, relict of Col. Richard Crewe, of the Madras Army, ob. 13 Nov., 1846. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F119/ 173/
Unbaptized children, like this four-month-old baby, were generally buried in this Sector F.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1836. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo bianco, sporco. [M: A:   45; L: 3.5; P: 43.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: DIED ON THE 2 OCT 1836/ WILLIAM EDWARD/ THE/ BELOVED INFANT/ OF/ WILLIAM AND MARIA M. HUBARD/ OF/ VIRGINIA U.S. AMERICA/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 67: s of William and Maria Huband, US, Burial 3-10, 'called William Edward but not baptized', Rev Tennant (F49)/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hubard/ Guglielmo Edoardo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 2 Ottobre/ 1838/ Mesi 4/ 173. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

The son of Daniel Gabbett and Alicia Fitzgerald, he married Anastasia Magrath Fitzgerald, 21 August 1827. A relative, Daniel Fitzggerald Gabbett, would  work for Home Rule for Ireland with Parnell and has a Wikipedia entry.

Urna su colonna. Sculptor: Pietro Bazzanti, Signature P.BAZZANTI.F. Sec. XIX, post 11/1835. Ambito toscano. Urna sopra colonna con dado su base di pietra serena. [M: A: 173; L: 38.5; P: 38.5; P.s. A: 13; L: 59.5; P: 60.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ JOHN FITZGERALD GABBET ESQ/ GEORGE STREET LIMERICK AND REDMONSTOWN/ IN THE COUNTY OF TIPPERARY IRELAND WHO/ DEPARTED THE LIFE ON THE 8TH NOV 1835// P.BAZZANTI.F./ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 44: gives age as 36, Burial 12-11, Rev Hutchinson/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gabbet/ Giovanni Fitzgerald/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 9 Novembre/ 1835/ Anni 30/ 128/ N&Q 447. John Fitzgerald Gabbett, Esq., of Georges Street, Limerick, arid Redmonstown, Tipperary, ob. 8 Nov., 1835/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

There are descendants named Ferdinand Hildenbrand in Illinois, United States of America.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1835. Ambito toscano. Angolo della lastra rotto, perso. [M: A: 3; L: 76.5; P: 91.] Iscrizione sepolcrale tedesca incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: /. . ./ MOEGE DER TAG WIEDERKUNFT/ DESERRN MIT IHM IN FREUDE/ ALLE VEREINENN VON DENEN/ ER INS BESSERE LEBEN HINU BERSCHEID/ HIM SEITZTER DIES DENKMAL TREVER/ HEM SEINE GATTIN DIE MUTTER ZWEIER/ WIUNDIGER KINDER UND SEINESCHWEISTER/ VON GRAMERFULLT/ RUHESEINER ASCHE FRIEDENEINER/ SEELE!/ N. 116/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hildenbrand/ Ferdinando/ / Germania/ Firenze/ 15 Luglio/ 1835/# /116. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

This four-year-old Russian princess buried beneath the now-felled great cedar of Lebanon comes from a family who were great friends with the Tolstoy family, Prince Leonid Dmitrievic Urosov being Vice-Governor of Tula. Princess Selene-Maria A. Obelensky explains that Vera is only distantly connected to her grandmother, Princess Orussov.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1872. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco inciso con lettere cirilliche. [M: A: 2; L: 60; P: 129; P.s. A: 13; L: 72; P: 140.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese russa in lettere cirilliche e numeri arabi: Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: fille du Prince Leonid Ourousoff/ Talalay: Urusova Vera Leonidovna, principessina, 1868 - 28.4.1872, figlia del principe Leonid Dmitrievic Urosov (1837-1885), vice-governatore della citta Tula e di Maria Segeevna Malzeva (1844-Roma 1904); N° 1165, RC/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: +/ Ouroussoff/ Vera/ Principe Leonida/ Russia/ Firenze/ 28 Aprile/ 1872/ Anni 4/ [1165] / +/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


He is a French diplomat present at the Court of Tuscany and a noted bibliophile, at his death a catalogue being published of his books, including Elzevirs, in his extensive library. We recall Elizabeth Barrett Browning speaking in Aurora Leigh of  such a library with Elzevirs.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1871. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo bianco, ora sporco, su base di pietra. [M: A: 2; L: 58.5; P: 108.5; P.s. A: 16; L: 70; P: 120.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ICI REPOSE LE BARON/ PAUL DE LA VILLESTREUX/ CHARGE D'AFFAIRES DE FRANCE/ EN ITALIE, OFFICIER DE LA LEGION D'HONNEUR/ DECEDE A FLORENCE LE 20 SETTEMBRE 1871/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: la Baron Paul de la Villestreux, France, Chargé d'affaire à la legation Fr/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Villestreux (de la)/ Paolo/ Carlo/ Francia/ Firenze/ 20 Settembre/ 1871/ Anni 43/ 1146. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings,

F124/ 1138
She was born in Calcutta, India, she married in Florence, her husband A94/ HENRY BROOKS BANKES has died five years ago at 52, her son A82/ HENRY BANKES two years ago at 21, her daughter F125/ ESTHER SUSAN AMELIA BANKES two months ago, also at 21, and she now dies in Livorno at the age of 50. They had two children, Esther and Henry, her menfolk being buried in Sector A, she and her daughter in Sector F. For her father, Vice-Admiral Charles Watson, who served as governor of Newfoundland and who is buried in St John's Churchyard, Calcutta, see Wikipedia.


Vice-Admiral Charles Watson, Tomb

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1871. Ambito toscano. Dippo di marmo bianco, ora sporco.  Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. Pietra serena degrada. [M: A: 75; L: 34.5; P: 8.5; P.s. A: 28; L: 51; P: 24.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: AMELIA/ WIDOW OF/ HENRY BANKES/ BORN WATSON AT CALCUTTA/ DIED AT LEGHORN/ AGED 50 YEARS/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: A Livourne, Emilie Bankes/ + Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/ N° 433/ Marriage G23774 N° 56+33/114 N° 56 19/03/46 Henry Brooks Banks to Amelia Watson at HBM, son of late Henry Bankes of Chelsea London, bride daughter of Charles Peter Watson of Calcutta, Rev Robbins (E101); Burial of husband Henry 16/08/66, of children Esther 12/07/71, Henry 10/07/69/ Obituary, Times, 'widow of Henry James Swift Bankes, formerly of Liege, Belgium'/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: 66. Bankes/ Emilia/ / / Livorno/ 1 Settembre/ 1871/ / 1138/ See Bankes, Sector A/ N&Q 450. Amelia, wid. of Henry Bankes, born Watson, at Calcutta; ob. at Leghorn, 1 Sep., 1871, a. 30. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F125/ 1145/
Times notes her father was the late Henry Bankes of Liege, Belgium. Her father A94/ HENRY BROOKS BANKES and her brother A82/ HENRY BANKES having already been buried here in Sector A, her mother F124/ AMELIA (WATSON) BANKES, seemingly, arranges for her daughter and herself to be brought here from Livorno for burial. Her father and brother had died at Seravezza.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1871. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo, caduto, sporco. Da sistemizzare e pulire.  [M: A:  78; L: P: 8.5; P.s. A: 20; L: 50; P: 24.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ESTHER SUSAN AMELIA/ DAUGHTER OF/ HENRY AND AMELIA BANKES/ DIED AT LEGHORN/ JULY 12 1871/ AGED 21 YEARS/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Esther Bankes, l'Angleterre/ Obituary, Times,, / Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: 69. Bankes/ Ester/ / Inghilterra/ Livorno/ / 1871/ / 1145/ For marriage of parents, Henry Brooks Banks to Amelia Watson, burial of brother, Henry Watson, see Amelia (Watson) Bankes/ See Bankes, Sector A/ N&Q 449. Esther Susan Amelia, d. of Henry and Amelia Bankes, ob. at Leghorn, 12 July, 1871, a. 21. Intervento di pulitura, Dumitrescu, 2012. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F126/ 1137/

She has died following childbirth, having lost an earlier child, LETA STALVIES, the second child, PLACIDO STALVIES, surviving her by one week. She is related to the Swiss Pults (A75/ FIORINO PULT, A102/ DOMENICO PULT C50/ FIORINO PULT, D43/ JACQUES PULT, D135/ GIOVANNI PULT), Peers (A76/ GIACOMO PEER, F58/ GIACOMO PEER), and by marriage to the Stalvies (F97/ BALDASSARE BIAGIO STALVIES, F132/ BALDASSARE STALVIES), all from the Rumantsch-speaking region of Switzerland.

Urna su colonna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1871. Ambito toscano. Urna e colonna quadratra sopra basamento di pietra serena, pietra serena erosa.  [M: A: 104; L: 41; P: 41; P.s. A: 58; L: 60.5;  P: 60.5; R: A: L: P: ] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: COSA BELLA E MORTAL PASSA E NON DURA/ QUI/ INSIEME A DUE SUE FIGLIE RIPOSA/ DOMENICA P. STALVIES NATA PEER/ NATA IN SINS SVIZZERA IL 12 GENNAIO 1843/ MORTA IN FIRENZE IL 12 LUGLIO 1871/ L'AFFLITTO CONSORTE E PADRE/ QUESTA MEMORIA POSA/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Mengia Stalvies, née Peer, Sent (Grisons), fille de Nicola Peer, et de Barbera, née Pult/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Stalvies nata Peer/ Domenica/ Niccola/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 12 Luglio/ 1871/ Anni 28/ 1137/ Con lei sepolti: Leta Stalvies, 21 Febbraio 1870, Giorni 2; Placido Stalvies, 19 Luglio 1871, 9 giorni/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997, 45.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F127/ 1131/
See his father E23/ THOMAS TRINGHAM SMITH's tomb in Sector E, also mentioning Palazzo Bruciato. The Melbourne Argus, 22 October 1867, notes a younger brother of the same parents, William Arabin, who predeceased him, dying in Goolong, Australia, the death notice likewise carefully listing Bolton Street, London and Palazzo Bruciato, Florence. The Webbs note they are related also to the Stisteds and Woods. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, p. 228 - he is arrested as a supposed revolutionary

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1871. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco, ora sporco. Da pulire. [M: A: 2; L: 59.5; P: 125; P.s. A: 25; L: 69; P: 135.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ NORBONE GILPIN SMITH/ ELDEST SON OF/ THOMAS TRINGHAM AND EMMA SMITH/ OF/ PALAZZO BRUCIATO FLORENCE/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ MAY THE 16TH 1871/ AGED 40 YEARS/ - / I SHALL GO TO HIM/ BUT HE SHALL NOT RETURN TO ME/ 2ND BOOK SAM 12 CHAP 23 VERSE/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Norbonne Tringham Smith, l'Angleterre, fils de Thomas Tringham Smith, et de Emma Smith/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777 N° 431 Burial 19/05 Rev Tottenham, Villa Brucciata Ponte a Rifredi. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F128/ 1127/
The figure on the tomb is Mrs Walter Savage Landor, Julia ThuilIier Savage Landor, mourning the death of her son Arnold Savage Landor whom she did not permit her husband to see while he was growing up. At the end she threw her husband out of the Villa Gherardesca in San Domenico, Fiesole, that he had given them, leaving him homeless in the streets of Florence until the Brownings took care of him, lodging him with their former maid, Lily Wilson, in Via della Chiesa. Not a happy marriage. Walter had been much in love with an earl's daughter, Rose Aymler, writing exquisite quatrains to her. She died of fever in India and is buried there with his verse on her tomb. Then he met Julia Thuillier, the pretty daughter of a bankrupt Swiss banker, at a dance in Bath and married her. Their son Arnold is described by a family member as being paralyzed with mad eyes, sounding very much like a syphilis patient. In less unhappy days she had her portrait with her children Arnold and Julia painted by Trajan Wallis, the son of A64/ GEORGE AUGUSTUS WALLIS, who is buried in Sector A. She spends a fortune on the son's tomb, nothing for her husband's. Walter Savage Landor's is at A29, this one for their son as far from him as she can get, with her back turned to it. Webbs, 191., pp. 190-

Trajan Wallis
Julia, Arnold and Julia Savage Landor


Their bones brought here from their chapel in San Miniato's Porte Sante, this memorial stone placed at her feet, in 2007, by the Conti Pier Lamberto Negroni Bentivoglio and Paolo Andalò Negroni Bentivoglio, descendants of Julia Savage Landor's daughter, Julia. Two other sons, besides Arnold Savage Landor,  of  Julia Savage Landor having been this Walter Savage Landor II who died in 1899, and Charles, who became in turn the father of Arnold Henry Savage Landor, Artist, Writer, Explorer, Inventor. A. Henry Savage Landor's Death Certificate says he died of anthrax. Charles and Julia are buried in the Allori Cemetery.

Photograph given to Mrs and Mrs Charles  AHSL, Japan, Cherry Blossom             2007, Landor Celebration
Lowe by A. Henry Savage Landor, 1906

F128A/ WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR II/ Nato, 15/11/1822, a Firenze, Morto, 9/3/1899, a Ginevra, Seppellimento, Cimitero 'degli Inglesi, 13/10/2007/ Paternità, Walter Savage Landor, Maternità; Julia Thuiller/ ARNOLD HENRY SAVAGE LANDOR/ ITALY/ Nato, 2/6/1865, Firenze, Morto, 26/12/1924, Seppellimento, Cimitero detto 'degli Inglesi, 13/10/2007, Paternità, Charles Savage Landor, Maternità,  /59. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See Piero Fusi, 'A. Henry Savage Landor', http://www.florin.ms/hsl.html , Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei', TAU has A.Henry Savage Landor's autobiography, Everywhere. 
Scultura. Scultore, Michele Auteri Pomar. Sec. XIX, post 4/1871. Ambito toscano. Donna in luto a un prieux-dieu scolpito in marmo bianco su basamento di pietra serene, con lo stemma in marmo in fronte. [Sculpted figure of grieving mother, back turned to and farthest from Republican father's tomb, the coat of arms and the crest of a 'savage'] Restaurato Opificio delle Pietre Dure e Palazzo Spinelli. [M: A: 118; L: 71; P: 180; P.s. A: 110; L: 99; P: 282.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese in piombo in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF ARNOLD SAVAGE LANDOR ESQ./ BORN 5TH OF MARCH 1818/ DIED 2nd OF APRIL 1871// M. AUTERI POMAR 1873// M. AUTERI POMAR 1873/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Arnault Landor, l'Angleterre/ Freeman incorrectly identifies as Fanny Trollope, 237-239/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Landor/ Arnold/ [Savage]/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 6 Aprile/ 1871/ Anni 52/ 1127/ N&Q 454. Arnold Savage Landor, Esq., b. 5 Mar., 1818 ; ob. 2 Ap., 1871/ Freeman incorrectly identifies as Fanny Trollope, 237-239/ NDNB entry for father, Walter Savage Landor. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F129/ 1124/
Rosa had been a servant in England for 17 years, her husband having a brother in America. During the Austrian occupation of Florence, 1851-1852,  Francesco and Rosa Madiai were imprisoned, then exiled, for being Italians who became Protestant, Rosa translating the Bible into Italian which was forbidden. Her husband died three years earlier in Switzerland, his health, both physical and mental, broken, and is buried there. She returned from exile in 1859, living simply in Piazza del Carmine. A29/ WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR's last Imaginary Conversation is of the Cardinal of Florence pleading with Francesco Madiai in his prison cell that he reconsider and reconvert to Catholicism, offering him in return freedom and his wife. His reply, 'I love my wife, but I love God more'. He wrote this as part of a world-wide campaign to release these two prisoners of conscience, a sort of earlier day Amnesty International. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, pp. 289, 309, 456.

Croce su colonna.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1871. Ambito toscano. Croce, riparata male, su colonna di marmo sopra un basimento di pietra serena. [M: A: 103; L: 42; P: 36; P.s. A: 57; L: 69.6; P: 178.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ROSA/ PULINI/ NEI MADIAI/ L'ANIMA MIA MAGNIFICA IL SIGNORE E LO SPIRITO/ MIO . . . ESTEGGIA IN DIO MIO SALVATORE (Luke 1.46-47)/ . . . / CREDETTI IL VANGELO/ PATII IL MONDO TRISTO/ SON ORA NEL CIELO/ RISIEDO CON CRISTO//1124/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Rosa Madiai, Rome/ FO881 nos 264 & 301, FO79/ The Times/
Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Madiai/ Rosa/ / Italia/ Firenze/ 28 Marzo/ 1871/ / 1124/+/ Giuliana Artom Treves, Golden Ring , pp. 196-99/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
http://www.ilcristiano.it/2003/giu03/passato3.htm, http://www.florin.ms/madiai.html, Mediatheca Fioretta Mazzei holdings, TAU

F130/ 1123
This humble tombstone is for a young American artist, whose family have connections with Iowa.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1871. Ambito toscano. Cippo di marmo bianco, sporco, su base di pietra serena.  [M: A: 57; L: 17.5; P: 43; P.s. A: 17; L: 34.5; P: 60.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: CHARLES THEODORE GIPNER/ DIED/ 21 MARCH 1871/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Charles Théodore Gypner, l'Amerique/ Consular Records, James Lorimer Graham, Hiram Powers and family take charge of his effects/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gypner/ Carlo Teodoro/ / America/ Firenze/ 21 Marzo/ 1871/ Anni 32/ 1123/ N&Q 455. Charles Theodore Gipner, ob. 20 Mar., 1871.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F131/ 1122/

This Russian Radetsky is an engineer, likely of the telegraph, and also a government advisor. His name would not be exactly popular during the Risorgimento as it is shared with the Czech General who served Austria against Italy, defeating both Napoleon and Carlo Alberto, and for whom the Radetsky March was composed by Strauss.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1871. Ambito toscano. Cippo di marmo bianco, sporco, inciso con lettere cirilliche, sopra pietra serena erosa. Pulito, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. Radeckij (Radetzky) Vladimir Fedorovic/
Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: W. Radesky, la Russie, fils de Boudoro Radesky/  Talalay: 11.3.(27.2).1871, di anni 49; 'ingegnere delle vie di comunicazione, consigliere di Stato effetivo', MFK; N° 1122, RC/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Radetzky/ W./ Teodoro/ Russia/ Firenze/ 11 Marzo/ 1871/ Anni 49/ 1122. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F132/ 1120/
This Swiss Rumantsch-language labourer has an elegant tomb. Unmarried, we learn that he shares his father's name, Balthazar, and also we learn his mother's maiden name, Stupan (C26/ GIOVANNI STUPAN, D57/ ANNA CLA EGIA STUPAN BAZZELL, D53/ NICCOLO' ENRICO STUPAN, D55/ ORSOLINA STUPAN, D54/ BARBLA/BARBARINA STUPAN), of whom we have several burials in this Cemetery.

Urna su colonna.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1871. Ambito toscano. Urna sopra colonna quadrata con basamento di pietra serena erosa. [M: A: 112; L: 41; P: 41; P.s. A: 45; L: 60.5; P: 60.5.] Iscrizione illegibile/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Sent, Grisons, ouvrier, fils de Balthazar Stalvies et de Mazzini, née Stupan/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Stalvies/ Baldassare/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 8 Marzo/ 1871/ Anni 63/ 1120. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F133/ 1118/

Elizabeth Okell of Chester comes from a long line of similarly named women in that city and, widowed, lives to a ripe old age. She has seemingly raised her son speaking English. Again this is a mixed English/Florentine marriage, celebrated here by an Egyptian obelisk out of Champollion and Rosellini's book. Her husband, Dottor Angiolo Grazzini, appears in a court case involving the inheritance of a chapel and its benefice in San Giovanni Valdarno in 1831, a law suit which he loses.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1871. Ambito toscano. .Obelisco in mamro bianco, recinto con colonne e ferro.  [M: A:  267; L: 70; P: 70; P.s. A: 9; L: 61; P: 73.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: TO THE MEMORY OF/ ELIZABETH OKELL OF CHESTER/ WIDOW OF/ THE LATE ANGIOLO GRAZZINI/ DIED FEBRUARY 1871/ AGED 83 YEARS/ - / THIS MONUMENT ERECTED BY HER SON/ ANGIOLO/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Elizabeth Grazzini, l'Angleterre, fille de Jean OKell/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 429, Burial 05/02, Rev Tottenham/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Grazzini nata Okell/ Elisabetta/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 3 Febbraio/ 1871/ Anni 83/ 1118/ N&Q 456. Elizabeth Okell, of Chester, wid. of Angelo Grazzini, ob. 3 Feb., 1871, a. 83. Erected by her s. Angiolo.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012..Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F134/ 1116/
Often our English women marry Italian men, while American women rarely do so. Here it seems that Henrietta Ann has been married twice to Italians, the first time to Giovanni Biagio, the second to Domenico Tomei, from Certaldo near Siena, both predeceasing her, her daughters by her first marriage being Maria Ann and Mary Rosina, who remember, according to the tombstone, their English, while forgetting their father.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1871. Ambito toscano. Lastra di marmo  bianco inciso non molto sporco. [M: A: 2;  L: 57.5;  P:  128.8; P.s. A: 11; L: 68.5; P: 140.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF HENRIETTA ANNE/ DAUGHTER OF THE LATE CAPT. FALCONER HARDY/ AND WIDOW OF THE LATE DOMENICO TOMEI/ SHE DEPARTED THIS LIFE ON THE 19TH DAY OF JANUARY 1871/ AGED 72 IN THE FULL TRUST OF WAKING WITH HER SAVIOUR/ THIS TOKEN OF FILIAL AFFECTION HAS BEEN PLACED/ BY HER SORROWING DAUGHTERS/ OH! MOTHER MOTHER NEVER SHALL WE FORGET THEE/ 1116Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Henriette Hardy veuve Tomei, l'Angleterre/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 428 Burial 24/01, from Certaldo, Rev Tottenham; Baptisms GL23773 N° 2 Catherine b 05/09/25 bp 20/05/33, Rev Hutton, GL23773 N° 3, Maria Ann b 22/01/29 bp 20/05/33 Rev Hutton, GL23773 N° 4 Mary Rosina b 21/03/33 bp 20/05/33, Rev Hutton/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Tommei nata Hardy/ Enrichetta/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Gennaio/ 1871/ / 1116/ N&Q 457. Henrietta Ann, d. of the late Capt. Falconer Hardy, wid. of Domenico Tomei, ob. 19 Jan., 1871, a 72. Erected by her ds. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F135/ 1113/
This simple slab commemorates the Swiss Erminio Hermann, husband to a Maria of the Vital family (buried in a cluster in Sector D, D120), both from the Rumantsch-language region of Switzerland. While it speaks of 'ashes/ceneri', at this period cremation was still forbidden and is only an archaicized figure of speech. In Swiss fashion we know not only his father's name, Jacques Armon, but also that of his mother's maiden name, Mengia Jon.

Lastra.Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1870. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco, sporco. [M: A: 2.5; L: 124; P: 60.5; P.s. A: 15.5; L: 136; P: 67.5.]  Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: [Alpha Chi/Rho Omega] QUI/ RIPOSANO LE CENERI/ DI ERMINIO DI GIACOMO HERMANN/ NATO IN SVIZZERA/ COMUNITA DI SENT/ IL DI XVII MAGGIO MDCCCXXXVII/ RAPITO ALLA CONSORTE/ MARIA VITAL/ ED AI FIGLI PIANGENTI/ IL DI XVI DICEMBRE MDCCCLXX/ MODELLO/ PATERNO E CONGIUNGALE AMORE/ . . . DI TUTTI/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Hermann Armon, Sent, Grisons, fills de Jacques Armon, et de Mengia, née Jon/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hermann/ Erminio/ Giacomo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 16 Dicembre/ 1870/ Anni 33/ 1113. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

F136/ 142/
The urn on a column copies Greek funerary customs, though she is buried in the earth in the Judaeo-Christian manner. She dies following six years of marriage to a devoted husband of Italian ancestry.

Urna su colonna.
Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Signature: P.BAZZANTI.F. Sec. XIX, post 9/1836. Ambito toscano. Urna sopra colonna in marmo bianco su basamento di pietra serena. [M: A: 177; circum: 100; L: 54; P: 54; P.s. A: 35; L: 100; P: 100.] Iscrizione sepolcrale inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ MARIA STONEHOUSE SMITH/ WIFE OF/ ANGELO DELLA MAGGIORE/ WHO DIED IN FLORENCE/ 29 SEPTEMBER 1836/ THIS MONUMENT IS RAISED/ BY HER TRULY AFFECTIONATE AND AFFLICTED HUSBAND/ P.BAZZANTI.F. Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 53, Rev Knapp, noting that her husband is a schoolmaster in Florence; Marriage FO79/61 30/12/30 Angelo Della Maggiore to Maria Smith at HBM (Bligh), groom described as native of England, Rev Apthorp/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazione nel Cimitero di Pinti: Della Maggiore/ Maria/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 29 Settembre/ 1836/ / 142/ N&Q 444. Maria Stonhouse Smith, w. of Angelo della Maggiore, ob. 29 Sep., 1836/ Belle Arti scheda, 1993-1997. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


Notes and Queries: 3 Lost Tombs from Sector F:

N&Q 353. Charles Sidney Lever, Lieut. 2nd Dragoon Guards, ob. 28 Sept., 1865, a. 26. An only son.

448. Eliza Stewart, ob. 14 Aug., 1873. (In French.)

445. Alexander Glynn Campbell, only s. of Col. C., of Gatcombe Park, I. of Wight, ob. 5 Nov., 1836. Erected by his f. and sister.

Seven tombs in this sector have crumbled away and are at present unidentified.

Our final two chapters are on the Lost Tombs of the Cemetery, and of its Restoration



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