Dante vivo || White Silence 
With thanks to Architect Francesco Torrini of the University of Florence for his maps.



Juliana Dresvina writes: Nikolay Alexandrovic Korsakov, Корсаков Николай Александрович (1800-1820), Pushkin's classmate in the Lyceum, was a poet and a musician who collaborated with Pushkin, composing music for several songs, with lyrics by Pushkin. He was part of the Roman diplomatic mission and died of galloping consumption in Livorno; his grave is in the Greek Cemetery there. In 1821 Pushkin wrote 'Young man's tomb' in his memory, and also this stanza in his famous '19 December' (1825), the anniversary of the Lyceum's foundation:
Он не пришел, кудрявый наш певец (Click for reading by Juliana Dresvina in Russian)

С огнем в очах, с гитарой сладкогласной:
Под миртами Италии прекрасной
Он тихо спит, и дружеский резец
Не начертал над русскою могилой
Слов несколько на языке родном,
Чтоб некогда нашел привет унылый
Сын севера, бродя в краю чужом.

[He didn't come, our curly bard/ with fire in his eyes and with his sweet-voiced guitar:/ Under the myrtles of sweet Italy/ He sleeps quietly, and a friendly chisel/ Didn't trace over the Russian grave/ A few words in the familiar language/ So that a son of the North, wandering the foreign land/ Does not find this grieving greeting.]

                                                                                                   THEODORE PARKER . . .
                                                                                                   HIS NAME IS ENGRAVED IN MARBLE
                                                                                                   HIS VIRTUES IN THE HEARTS OF THOSE HE
                                                                                                   HELPED TO FREE FROM SLAVERY
                                                                                                   AND SUPERSTITION                     
                                                                                                                                                   Frederick Douglass

Clergy: Luigi De Sanctis, D23; Otto Dieckmann, D95; Theodore Parker, D108
Military: George Suckling Smith, D21; Harcourt Popham, D25;
Aleksandre Zukovsky, D36; Alexander Tomkins, D87; Arthur Boyd, D133; John Williams, D136, Henry Tucker Montresor (D148)
John Williams, D136
Medical: James Annesley, D72; Thomas P. Jackson, D86; John
Williams, D136
Diplomat: Frederic Begre, D15: Richard Hildreth, D110
Artists: Louise LeComte Counis, D12, Solomon Counis, D13; Eduard Bosse, D106; Ernst Gotthilf Bosse, D107
Richard Hildreth, D110
Sculptor: Lorenzo Bartolini, D31
Swiss: Kubli, D2; Fierz, D3; Champendal, D4; Prevost, D5; Counis, D12, D13; Du Fresne, D7, D8, D9, D10, D11; Frappa, D14; Begre, D15; Aguet, D17; Pult, D43, D134; Galiffe, D47; Mercadanti, D50, D51, D52, D102; Stupan, D53, D54, D55, Bazzel, D57, Gilli, D62, D63-66; Salvetti, D67, D68, D69, D71; Schwarzenberg, D76; Schmuts, D98; Ruedi, D104; Battaglia, D118; Wital, D103, D119, D120, D121, D122, D123, D125, D126; Doenz, D124; Augier, D128; Patry, D130; Girod, D132; Koemetter, D151, D153; Pitschen, D152, D161; Berthex, D154; Borel, D163 
Russian Empire, Romania: Zukovsky, D36; Stenbock-Fermor, D74; Bernova, D78; Chrapovitski, D79; Kudraceva, D80; Kantakuzin, D81; Ventura, D83; Chlebnikov, D84 ; Manteuffel, D115
American: Hopkins, D6; Ferguson, D16; Benjamin, D26; Dwight, D35; Altrocchi, D42;
Jackson, D86; Parker, D108; Hildreth, D110

Mappa con le coordinate delle tombe

                                     marrone, intervento conservativo sul ferro
                                     rosso, tombe danneggiate, intervento di ripristino
                                     azzurro, tombe, intervento di pulitura

                     Cliccare per aggrandirle


Paragraph that distills the archival material into a portrait, the story of each person.


Belle Arti description: [Misure/Measurements: Marmo/Marble: Altezza/Height;  Lunghezza/Length; Profondita/Depth; Pietra serena: A: L: P: Recinto/Frame: Marmo o Pietra Serena con Ferro/Iron: A: L: P: ]/ INSCRIPTION ON TOMB/ Archival materials retrieved from:
1828-1844 = the earliest Register of Burials in the Swiss Cemetery.
Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts:
I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli = Expense entries for funerals where here the total is given, while the accounting in the Register also carefully lists in that total the costs for the coffin, its lining, the grave, the crepe and gloves for the bearers, the carriage for the pastor, etc.
II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Paoli e Francs
III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs
IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs. This register is the only one indicating the zone of burial. Its A comprises Sectors A,B, its B comrpises Sectors E,F, its C corresponds with Sectors C and D.
Quittance receipts, Q plus number.
Guildhall Library Records, etc./
Orbituaries supplied by the Webbs, etc.
1873 Chronological Register in French, then Italian/#/Cognome/Nom/Age/Patria/Domicile/Décés/Enterrement/Remarques
1877 Alphabetical Register in Italian gives following information in columns:
[Flyleaves] Cognome/ Nome/ Paternita` / Patria/ Data della Morte/ Eta/ Tomba
[Surname/ Christian name/ Father's Christian name/ Country/ Date of death/ Age/ Tomb number]
Mediterranean culture has the woman retain her maiden surname, northern European culture has her renounce it in favour of her husband's surname. We attempt to follow cultural practices so: Mediterranean women being listed under their maiden surnames; English and American wives having their maiden names given in brackets before their husband's surname/
Notes and Queries (N&Q) then extant tomb inscriptions, published 100 years ago by Lieut. Col. G.S. Parry, 'Inscriptions at Florence in the Protestant Cemetery'.
Further information from descendants, etc.
Schede di Belle Arti, 1993-1997
Trizzino: Università degli studi di Firenze, Prof. L. Trizzino, Corso di Restauro dei Monumenti, 2006/7

Web materials, also Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei', TAU, holdings

In this section we will find mainly Swiss and Russian burials with English ones amongst them. From the Column with the Cross first go north along the path leading towards Villa Donatello, starting from there.

D1/ 1320

This seven-year-old boy, son of a banker who keeps an informative, though terse, diary, now at the British Institute, has an enormous plot for his tombstone, and with it an iron arch for roses. The Maquay (Sector E, E74/ ELIZABETH (DISNEY) MAQUAY) and Caccia (Sector B, B47/ CLARA ARABELLA (BIRCH) CACCIA, E ALMA E MARIA CACCIA, FIGLIE) families are linked. And lose these children at the same time.


Cippo. Scultore ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1875. Stele scolpita in marmo, raffigurazione dell'anima come giovinetto che ascende al cielo sorretto da un angelo, un arco in ferro sovrasta la stele, recinto con sei colonnine in marmo, pietra serena e ferro. Intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 164; L: 83.5; P: 37; ArcaF: A: 196; L: 133; P: 12.8; RMP.s A: 53; L: 187.5; P: 230.] Iscrizione in lettere capitali e numeri arabi incisi:  IN LOVING MEMORY OF/ HUGH MAQUAY/ BORN NOVEMBER 1ST 1867/ DIED JUNE 16 1875/ Angel with child in arms/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 488, Burial 17/06, Rev Tottenham, Casa Maquay, via del Maglio/ Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Maquay/ Ugo/ Giorgio/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 16 Giugno/ 1875/ Anni 7/ 1320/ N&Q 43. HughMaquay, b. 1 Nov 1867, ob. 16 June 1875/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei, Maquay Diary excerpts, TAU

D2A/ 1291
This son and father, from the German-speaking part of Switzerland, both of them shopkeepers, likely of the same shop, are buried side by side, in matching, conjoined tombs. Adelina Kubli is the daughter of Jean Jacques, the sister of Emanuele Kubli, and is buried in Sector C, C25.


Due cippi. Scultore: Giuseppe Bondi. Sec. XIX, post 1/1875. Ambito toscano. Monumento a doppia stele in marmo bianco, tomba a due sepolture, padre e figlio, decorato con clessidra alata, ghirlanda di fiori di campo, festoni, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, recinto con colonnine lisce angolari e ferro. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 112; L: 146; P: 49.5; P.s. A: 25; L: 150; P: 55.5; RMF: A: 64.5; L: 175; P: 203.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: QUI RIPOSA/ EMANUELE KUBLI/ NATO A FIRENZE/ ADDI 2 NOVEMBRE 1835/ MORTO IL 5 GENNAIO 1875/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kubli/ Emanuele/ Gian Giacomo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 5 Gennaio/ 1875/ Anni 39/ 1291/ Emmanuel Kubli, Suisse, Negociant, fils de Jean-Jacques et de Louise Antoinette, née Duclaux // D2B/ 1295/ JEAN-JACQUES KUBLI/ SVIZZERA/ QUI RIPOSA/ GIOV[anni] GIACOMO KUBLI/ NATO GUIGNO 1781/ MORTO IL 5 GENNAIO 1875/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jean-Jacques Kubli, Suisse (canton de Glaris), negociant, fils de Jean Jacques Kubli et de Barbara/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kubli/ Gian Giacomo/ Gian Giacomo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 12 Gennaio/ 1875/ Anni 88/ 1295. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D3/ 1228/
This young man has a most beautiful tomb, is from Zurich, but with a tomb inscription in French.


Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 101875. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo bianco a finto tronco d'albero con ghirlanda posta su finte rocce, mirto e scudo inciso. Ancora da ripiantare il mirto che esisteva in origine. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2013.. [M: A:  213; L: 87; P: 83; RMF: A: 72; L: 115; P: 200.]  [Mirto scolpito in marmo, pianta viva] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: HENRI FIERZ DE ZURICH/ NE A ZURICH LE 14 MARS 1851/ DECEDE A FLORENCE LE 19 OTTOBRE 1875/ LAISSANT SA FAMILLE ET SES AMIS/ DANS LE PLU PROFOND DEUIL/ 1228/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jean Henri Fierz, Suisse, fils de Jean Henri, et de  . . . née Locker/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Fierz/ Gio: Enrico/ Gio: Enrico/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 19 Settembre/ 1873/ Anni 22/ 1228/ + . Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D4/ 1223
Her grandchildren erect this tomb to their grandmother from French-speaking Geneva, Switzerland. Perhaps her husband is the Pastor who baptized the Augier granddaughter in 1860, D128.


Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1873. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo inciso. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 11; L: 56; P: 112; P.s. A: 26; L: 71; P: 30.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: UNE BONNE MERE/ LOUISE MARGUERITE CHAMPENDAL/ NEE A GENEVE/ DECEDEE A FLORENCE LE 9 JUILLET 1873/ A L'AGE DE 71 ANS/ O ETERNEL, J'AI ATTENDU TON SALUT . . .[Ps 130.5]/ HEUREUX DE A PRESENT CEUX QUI MEURENT . . .[Rev. 14.13] / Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Louise Champendal, Suisse, Rentier, fille de Antoine le Blanc/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Champendal nata Le Blanc/ Luisa/ Antonio/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 9 Luglio/ 1873/ Anni 71/ 1223. Le Blanc nei Champendal/ Luisa/ Antonio/ Svizzera. Firenze. 9 Luglio/ 1873/ Anni 71/ 1223. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D5/ 1222
He is a French-speaking Swiss merchant in the silk trade, associated with the Wagnières (PIERRE SIMEON WAGNIERE, C6MANFRED WAGNIERE, A4). His mother, who is also buried in this Sector (ELISA PREVOST PATRY, D130), seems to have strong connections with England, her death being announced in the  Morning Post. Others involved in the straw trade were DENZIL EDE, C48, and the Wyse family (FREDERICK VYSE, C82 FLORENCE ANN VYSE, C83).


Croce. Scultore; Francesco Mattei. Sec. XIX, post 1/1860. Ambito toscano. Croce inghirlandata posta su basamento in marmo scolpito, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 287; L: 86; P: 86; P.s. A: 18; L: 96; P: 96; RP.s.:: A: 18; L: 95.5; P: 110.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ICI REPOSE/ EDOUARD PREVOST/ NE LE 14 MARS 1814/ MORT LE 1 JUILLET 1873/ LE JUSTE SERA EN/ MEMOIRE PERPETUELLE/ PS. CXII.6/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Eduard Prévost, Suisse, Negociant, fils de Jean et de Elisa, née Patry/ Morning Post, on his mother's death, 5/2/60, Eliza Prevost, widow of the late John Prevost, of Geneva/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Prévost/ Edoardo/ Giovanni/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 1 Luglio/ 1873/ Anni 58/ 1222/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holding on Wagnières, TAU. Also Oliva Rucellai, La paglia: intrecci svizzeri a Firenze. Firenze: Polistampa, 2001.

D6/ 1144
Basil B. Hopkins married out of Quaker Meeting, was associated with banks with Johns Hopkins. We do not know their daughter's age. She dies in Bagni di Lucca and her body is brought here for burial. Later, in 1886, her father remarries in Brighton, New York, to Carrie S. Ellis.


Cippo. Scultore: Francesco Mattei/ F:MATTEI  Sec. XIX, post 8/1871. Ambito toscano. Cippo scolpito, in alto con palmette, con torce accese rovesciate nella parte inferiore. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 148; L: 100.5; P: 28.5.] 1144/ Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF ELIZABETH J. DAUGHTER/ OF BASIL B. AND/ ELIZABETH HOPKINS/ OF BALTIMORE U.S. AMERICA/ WHO/ DIED AT THE BATHS OF LUCCA/ AUGUST 25TH 1871/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: A Lucques, Elisabeth Hopkins/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 252, D/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hopkins/ Elisabetta/ / / Lucca/ 26 Agosto/ 1871/ 1144/ N&Q 42. Elizabeth J., d. of Basil B. and Eliz. B. Hopkins of Baltimore U.S. ob. at the Baths of Lucca, 25 Aug 1871/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D7/ 1231/
He is a banker in Florence, his sister, Marie Catherine Pauline du Fresne, D8, and their mother, Frederique Marie Louise Du Fresne, D10, also being buried  in this row of Du Fresnes.


Obelisco. Scultore: Bondi/ Mattei? Sec. XIX, post 12/1873. Ambito toscano. Obelisco in marmo bianco scolpito con croce e ghirlanda. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 254.5; L: 69; P: 69; P.s. A: 22; L: 71.5; P: 71.5; RMF: A: 80; L: 680; P: 270.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi e romani: LOUIS R. DU FRESNE/ NE LE 29 DECEMBRE 1807/ DECEDE LE 6 DECEMBRE 1873/ PS XXVI.V.4 [I have not sat with vain persons, neither will I go with dissemblers] PS V.1 [Give ear, to my words, O Lord, consoler of my meditations]/ NOUS N'AVONS POINT/ ICI-BAS DE CITE PER-/MANENTE MAIS NOUS/ CHERCHONS CELLE QUI/ EST A VENIR/ HEB XIII.14// NE CRAINS POINT CAR/ JE T'AI RACHETE/ ESAIE XLIII.1/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts:  Louis Richard du Fresne, Suisse, banquier, fils de Jean André et de Frederique Marie Louise, née Colland/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Du-Fresne/ Cav: Luigi/ Giovanni Andrea/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 6 Dicembre/ 1873/ Anni 65/ 1231/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D8/ 866/
Her mother has the second Du Fresne tomb (D10/ FREDERIQUE MARIE LOUISE (COLLOMBE) DU FRESNE) we see in this row, her father being Jean Louis André Du Fresne. We do not learn of her marrying.


Tomba. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1864. Ambito toscano. Tomba in marmo bianco con profilo curvilineo. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 41; L: 68; P: 150; P.s. A: 16; L: 78; P: 160; RMF: A: 80; L: 680; P: 270.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali: C.P. MARIE DU FRESNE/ . . . / . . . / Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Marie Catherine Pauline Du Fresne, Vevey, en Suisse, rentière, fille de Jean Louis André Du Fresne, et de Frederique Marie Louise, née Collomb/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 257.95/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Du-Fresne/ Maria Caterina Carolina/ Gio: Luigi Andrea/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 7 Aprile/ 1864/ Anni 68/ 866. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D9/ 1141/
He is a Swiss banker in Florence, his father, Jean Theodore Adolphe Du Fresne, co-founder of this Swiss/Florentine dynasty, his baby sister, D11/ HELENE LOUISE MARIE DU FRESNE.


Croce. Sculptor: Giuseppe Bondi?
Sec. XIX, post 6/1871. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo posta su basamento in marmo bianco scolpito con ghirlanda. Possibile intervento di pulitura. /[M: A: 257.5; L: 116; P: 84.5; P.s. A: 23; L: 124.5; P: 92; RMF: A: 80; L: 680; P: 270.]  Du Fresne/ Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani e arabi: L.R.G. ADOLPHE DU FRESNE/ LE VI MARS MDCCCXXXIX/ LE 1 AOUT MDCCCLXXI/ VIEULLEZ DONC CAR VOUS NE SAVEZ NE LE/ JOUR NE L'HEURE OU LE FILS DE L'H OMME VIENDRA/ MATH. XXV.13/ RASSUREZ VOUS C'EST MOI N'AYEZ POINT PEUR/ MATH. XIV.27/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Louis Rodolphe Gustave Adolphe Du Fresne, Vevey, en Suisse, banquier, fils de Jean Théodore Adolphe/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 466, D/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Du Fresne/ Adolfo/ Adolfo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 2 Agosto/ 1871/ Anni 32/ 1141/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D10/ 194/
A Collombe, she marries into the likewise French-speaking Swiss Du Fresne family, her husband, Jean Louis André Du Fresne, co-founder of this Swiss/Florentine dynasty, her children, Louis Richard Du Fresne, D7, Marie Catherine Pauline Du Fresne, D8.


Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1840. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo bianco scolpito, sul fronte farfalla. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 151.5; L: 86.5; P: 63; P.s. A: 15; L: 111.5X; P: 77; RMF: A: 80; L: 680; P: 270.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: FREDERIQUE MARIE LOUISE DU FRESNE/ COLLOMBE/ NEE LE 3 JUIN 177. . . / DECEDEE LE 6 MARS 1840/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Du-Fresne/ Maria Luisa/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 6 Marzo/ 1840/ Anni 64/ 194. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

A thirteen-month-old Swiss Du Fresne child, daughter of Jean Theodore Adolphe Du Fresne. Her brother is D9/ LOUIS RODOLPHE GUSTAVE ADOLPHE DU FRESNE.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1858. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo bianco a finto tronco d'albero. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 112; L: 56; P: 55; P.s. A: 27; L: 63; P: 72; RMF: A: 80; L: 680; P: 270.] Marie du Fresne/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Helene Louise Marie Du Fresne, fille de Jean Theodore Adolph Du Fresne, et de Theodora Elisabeth Charlotte, née Corsica/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 332 + Paoli 60/ Q 313: 175 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Du-Fresne/ Elena Luisa Maria/ Adolfo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 12 Giugno/ 1858/ Mesi 13/ 643. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

She is the wife of  D13/ VICE PRESIDENTE SALOMON GUILLAUME COUNIS. Their daughter, D12B/ LOUISE LE COMTE COUNIS, is also buried with them.


Colonna sormontata da un'urna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1873. Ambito toscano. Colonna in marmo bianco sormontata da un'urna posta su basamento in pietra serena. [M: A: L: P: ; P.s. A: L: P: ; RMF: A: 54; L: 210; P: 165.] Eglise Evangelique-Reformé de Florence Régistre des Morts: Elizabeth Counis, née Harmand, Suisse, fille de Jean Harmand et de Marie, née Noéle/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 392, D/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Counis nata Hammand/ Elisabetta/ Giovanni/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 24 Gennaio/ 1873/ Anni 89/ 1195/ See Counis, Salomon Guillaume, and Le Comte, Louise. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D12B/ 379
Buried with them is their daughter, who is listed in the Archives as having no profession. In actual fact, Elisa/Louise was a gifted painter like her father, her orphaned daughter Lisine, when the young mother dies following childbirth in 1847, being raised by her grandparents: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani 30 (1984); Wikipedia: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elisa_Counis#Biografia.

Urna posta su colonna. Marmista: F[rancesco] MATTEI. Sec. XIX, post 12/1847. Ambito toscano. Colonna in marmo bianco sormontata da un'urna, marmo sporco, posta su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in marmo. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 145; circum: 85; L: 35.5; P: 35.5; P.s. A: 37; L: 43.5; P: 43.5; RMF: A: 54; L: 210; P: 165.] Luisa LeConte, nee Counis/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Dame Louise Le Comte, nee Counis, Geneve, sans profession, fille de Solomon Guillaume Counis, peintre, e de Dame Elisabeth née Harmand/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Le Comte/ Elisa/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 5 Dicembre/ 1847/ / 379/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D13/ 657/
A painter, he was also Vice-President of the Swiss Evangelical Reformed Church in Florence. His widow was D12AELISABETH (HARMAND) COUNIS (d. 1873), his daughter, D12B/ LOUISE LE COMTE COUNIS (died 1847) who are buried beside him. He paints the portrait of C106/ JEAN DAVID MARC GONIN, the Cemetery's first burial, as if he were not just 15, but 22.


Self-portrait                                Portrait of Jean David Marc Gonin   Pauline Bonaparte                        Empress Marie Louise


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1859. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo scolpita, incisa in lingua italiana in lettere romane, recinto in marmo e catene in ferro.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2011; Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2018. [M: A: 6.5; L: 72; P: 135; RMF: A: 54; L: 210; P: 165.] Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Sm Gme Counis, Genève, Peintre, né à Genève le 22 Juilett 1785/ Q 335: 175 Paoli/  Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Counis/ Salomone Guglielmo/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 10 Gennaio/ 1859/ Anni 73/ 657. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

This elderly widow is from Switzerland.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1876. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco rialzata su basamento in pietra serena, marmo sporco, nella parte retrostante scolpita in rilievo croce distesa, ramo d'edera sulla croce, recinto in ferro e colonnini. 
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. M: A: 138; L: 60; P: 143; P.s. A: 27; L: 71; P: 153.5.] Eleanore Frappa/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Frappa nata Boizard/ Vedova Eleonora/ Giovanni/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 8 Dicembre/ 1876/ Anni 82/ 1374. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D15/ 432
He has been Swiss Consul in Rome, his mother a Wagnière (see Sectors A, A4/ MANFRED WAGNIERE and C, C6/ PIERRE SIMEON WAGNIERE ), the family from the French-speaking Canton of Vaud.


Cippa. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1850. Ambito Toscano. Cippo di forma complessa sormontato da un'urna, scolpito con ghirlanda in marmo bianco, marmo sporco.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. [M: A: 238; L: 126;  P: 91; RMF: A: 50; L: 260; P: 250.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: FREDERIG BEGRE/ NE A YVERDON DE 17 OCT 1802/ DECEDE A FLORENCE/ DE 30 JUIN 1850/ CEUX QUI DORMENT EN JESUS/ DIEU LES RAMENERA AVEC LUI [I Thess. 4.18]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Frédéric Bégré, Yverdon, canton de Vaud, en Suisse, negociant et consul Suisse a Roma, fils de Jacob Bégré et de Dame Jeanette, née Wagniére/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 96. Begré/ Federigo/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 30 Giugno/ 1850/ Anni 48/ 432/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D16/ 742
She was four years old, unbaptized, and had been born in Kentucky. Her father was an American colonel of Scottish background. Her burial is just before that of Elizabeth Barrett Browning.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1861. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco rialzata su basamento in pietra. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 63; P: 128; P.s. A: 16; L: 73; P: 138.] Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Blanche Mary Letitia Ferguson, l'Amerique, Kentucky, fille de A.T. Ferguson et de Cécile/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 340/ Q 467: 175 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 2, Death 27/07, Burial 28/07, Age 4 years 2 months, rev F C Finch LLD; no baptism, except for 2 younger siblings, GL23775 N° 129 Beatrice Louisa Florence, b 20/09/58, Rev O'Neill, GL23775 N° 116 Thomas Wyndham Nugent b 15/09/58, bp 06/01/59, Rev O'Neil, father American colonel/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti:. Ferguson/ Bianca Maria Letizia/ A.T./ America/ Firenze/ 26 Luglio/ 1861/ Anni 4/ 742/ N&Q 41. Blanche Mary Letitia, d. of Col. T.A. Ferguson, of Kentucky, ob. 27 July 1861. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D17/ 487/
This two-year-old boy has been born to Swiss bourgeois parents from the French-speaking town of Lutry on the shores of Lake Geneva in the Canton of Vaud. We also see this rose-bud motif on a tomb for a Russian child, E18/ GEORGIJ DMITRIEVIC REBESOV, likely by the same sculptor.


Cippo. Marmista e fabbro ignoti. Sec. XIX, post 12/1850. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo bianco scolpito e inciso, bocciolino sul fronte, recinto in ferro battuto con funzione ornamentale. Intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. [M: A: 96; L: 36; P: 8.5; RF. A: 50; L: 118 P: 74.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese inciso in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: JULES AGUET/ NE LE 21 DECEMBRE 1850/ MORT LE 7 OCTOBRE 1852/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts:  Jules Auguste Aguet, bourgeois de Lutry, Canton de Vaud, Suisse, fils de J Paul Abraham Gabriel Aguet, et de Marie Louise Elise, nee Monnerat, son epouse/ I: I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 289/ Q 35: 135 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Aguet/ Giulio/ di Paolo/ Svizzera/ S. Marco Vecchio/ 7 Ottobre/ 1852/ Mesi 21/ 487. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Husband Capt. Charles Edmund Tennant, RN. Their daughter, Constance Augusta of Needwood House, Burton-on-Trent, would marry Sir Eric Alexander Buchanan, 3rd Baronet (1848-1928), in 1898 (d 1914). Tomb used by Franco Zeffirelli for that of Elizabeth Barrett Browning in Tea with Mussolini's opening scene.


Sarcofago. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Signature:
P.BAZZANTI.F Sec. XIX, post 5/1857. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago scolpito e inciso in marmo bianco. Belle Arti/Europeana: Monumento entro recinto a terra poggiante su zoccolo a sezione rettangolare e su basamento monolitico a due ordini dei quali quello superiore con profilatura perimetrale e con iscrizione sulla fronte. Sarcofago sostenuto da zampe leonine e decorato da un motivo a rete con losanghe a rilievo interrotto sul davanti da una tabula ansata e da volute di foglie d'acanto sugli spigoli e sulle mensole dei sostegni. Coperchio liscio a punta di diamante con bordo ornato da un nastro intrecciato con perline e con coronamento a foglie d'acanto. Un tempo il sarcofago era concluso da una crocetta apicale.
Intervento di pulitura e sostituzione lettere in piombo mancanti, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2010.Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2013.. [M: A: 108; L: 180; P: 93; P.s. A: 15; L: 187; P: 99; RP.s.: A: 45; L: 233; P: 204.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: HERE LIES IN THIS PLACE ANNE SOPHIA WIFE OF CAPT CL TENNANT RN OF NEEDWOOD HOUSE STAFFORDSHIRE WHO DIED AT FLORENCE MAY 8 1857 AGED 30/ BLESSED ARE THE PURE OF HEART FOR THEY SHALL SEE GOD/ MATT. CHAP. V.8//610 Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Anne Sophia Tennant, Angleterre/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 1124/ Q 261: 433 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 233 Burial 11/05 Rev O'Neill, fever/ Times/Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Tennant/ Anna Sofia/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 8 Maggio/ 1857/ Anni 30/ 610/ N&Q 40. Sophia, w. of Capt C.L. Tennant, of Needwood House, Staff, ob. 8 May 1857, a. 30/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

One learns from the web that Anselmo Gobba was from Tortona, an industrialist and agriculturalist using advanced methods, founding the company that eventually would manufacture the Alfa Romeo. Belle Arti/Europeana's schedatura gives a photograph taken when this tomb was black from traffic pollution.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XX, post 1911. Ambito toscano. Belle Arti/Europeana: Base a sezione rettangolare sulla quale poggia un elemento di raccordo che sostiene l'urna a cratere ovale ansato con piede decorato da un giro di foglie d'acanto e da scanalature. Nodo a torciglione. Coppa con baccellature che delimitano una specchiatura centrale con iscrizione. Collo decorato da scanalature e da un giro di ovuli e dardi sormontato da perle. Coperchio a foglie d'acanto con croce apicale. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2011;
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. [M: A: 132; circum: 155; P.s.: A: 39; L: 50; P: 50.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ANSELMO GOBBA 1849-1911/ ING[egnere]/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ Europeana. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

This terrace, N, lacks a path and you will need to be accompanied by the Custodian of the Cemetery to see the following tombs.

D20/ 202
For her father, Robert Clive, see Wikipedia entry. Her mother, widowed, was made Baroness of Windsor in her own right. Henderson notes that her great grandfather was Clive of India.

Colonna spezzata. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1840. Ambito toscano. Colonna spezzata in marmo bianco su basamento in pietra serena.  Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012;
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. [M: A: 161; L: 48; P: 48; circum 71.5; P.s. A: 26; L: 101; P: 101.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: CHARLOTTE MARY FLORENTIA CLIVE AGED 17 YEARS 9 MONTHS AND DAUGHTER OF HON ROBERT HENRY AND THE LADY HARRIET CLIVE DIED MAY 27 1846. Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 7: d of Hon Robert and Lady Harriet Clive of Oakly Park Shropshire, Age 17.9 Burial 30-05, Rev. Tennant (F49)/ Standard, Morning Post adds that she was niece to the Earl and Countess of Powis and the Duchess of Northumberland, also that Robert Clive was an MP/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Clive/ Carlotta M.a Flor.a/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 27 Maggio/ 1840/ Anni 17/ 202/ N&Q 54. Charlotte Mary Florentia Clive, 2nd d. of the Hon Robert Henry and Lady Harriet Clive, ob. 27 May 1846, a. 17 yrs 9 mths. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D21/ 207
His father was Colonel William P. Smith, Major in RA 25 April 1796; Lieutenant-Colonel 8 January 1799; Colonel 20 July 1804; died Leith 1806, whose 'youngest and last remaining son' dies at Bagni di Lucca, his sole surviving and spinster sister burying him in Florence. Waterloo participant. The letters of the inscription are no longer distinct and are now transcribed with the help of the N&Q one made a hundred years ago.

Tomba orizzontale.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1840. Ambito toscano. Lastra scolpita con croce distesa, marmo sporco, spigolo rotto, posta su una struttura rettangolare in marmo. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 34; L: 78; P: 155.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF CAPTAIN ROBERT GEORGE SUCKLING SMITH OF THE ROYAL ARTILLERY YOUNGEST AND LAST REMAINING SON OF THE LATE COLONEL WILLIAM PETER SMITH COMMANDANT OF THE ROYAL ARTILLERY IN NORTH BRITAIN AND ANNA ELIZABETH ROOMER HIS WIFE WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE AT THE BATHS OF LUCCA ON THE 16 SEPT 1840 AGED 47 THIS MONUMENT TO THE MEMORY OF A BELOVED BROTHER IS ERECTED BY HIS ONLY SURVIVING SISTER LOUISA SMITH/ 207/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23774 N° 9, Burial 19/08, Rev Tennant (F49)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Capt. R.G. Sucking/ / / Bagni di Lucca/ 16 Settembre/ 1840/ Anni 47/ 207/ N&Q 53. Capt Robert George Sucklin(sic) Smith, Royal Artillery, youngest and only remaining s. of the late Col Wm Peter Smith, Commandant of the R. Artillery, and of Anna Eliz. Roomer his w. ob. at the Baths of Lucca, 16 Sept 1840, a. 47. Erectedby his only surviving sister, Luisa Smith.. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Too few clues to remember him by, no English country house, no Florentine villa. But his tomb is to the right of his grave space, meaning his wife has also acquired space for her own burial, then perhaps left Italy for England instead.

 Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1850. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo posto su basamento in pietra serena.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. [M: A: 88; L: 9; P: 43; P.s. A: 21; L: 35; P: 68] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ MR JAMES JOHNSTON ESQ/ DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ NOV. 11TH 1850/ AGED 81/ BLESSED ARE THE DEAD WHICH DIE IN THE LORD. REV. XIII.14 [14.13]/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 150: aged 82, Burial 13-11. Rev Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Johnston/ Giacomo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 11 Novembre/ 1850/ / 443/ N&Q. 52. Mr James Johnston, ob. 11 Nov 1850, a. 81. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D23/ 1076
Pastore Luigi Santini: 'Formerly a Roman Catholic priest he converted to Protestantism and played a leading role in the clandestine movement in the formation of the first communities in Italy. A theologian and polemical writer, he was the author of tracts and treatises which for decades provided a point of reference to the confrontation between the creeds. In his last years he taught dogmatics at the Waldensian Faculty of Theology which was then in Florence'. His grand tomb shaped as an Egyptian obelisk can only be identified by its Swiss acquisition number, its marble insert with the information concerning him now lost.


Obelisco. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1869. Ambito toscano. Obelisco in marmo su basamenti in marmo e pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura.[M: A: 384; L: 88; P: 88; P.s. A: 55; L: 110; P: 215.] III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 224/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Sanctis (De)/ Luigi/ Biagio/ Italia/ Firenze/ 31 Dicembre/ 1869/ Anni 61/ 1076. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D24/ 459/
Here we have a much more definite picture, the keeper of a livery stable and frequent witness to marriages, having driven the brides or grooms to Her Britannic Majesty's Legation in Florence, he himself marrying the widow, Elizabeth Mills (BENJAMIN MILLS, C54), there. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, p. 467.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1851. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo, con basamenti in marmo e pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 100; L: 42; P: 8; P.s. A: 28; L: 61; P: 28.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ JAMES HUBAND/ LIVERY STABLE KEEPER, FLORENCE/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE/  JULY 1ST 1851/ AGED 57 YEARS/ ESTEEMED AND REGRETTED BY ALL/ WHO KNEW HIM/ PRO RG 33/114: frequent witness to marriage at legation/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Huban/ Giacomo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 1 Luglio/ 1851/ Anni 57/ 459/ See Mills/ N&Q. 51. James Huband, livery stable keeper, Florence, ob. 1 July 1851, a. 57. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D25/ 209/

Youngest son of Sir Home Riggs Popham, who, in Bengal, had married Elizabeth Moffat Prince daughter of Captain Prince of the East India's military service. NDNB, Oxford University Press, gives permission for the entry for his father, Sir Home Riggs Popham (who invented the flag code used by Nelson at Trafalgar, 'England expects that every man to do his duty'), entry written by Hugh Popham, to be retrieved at http://www.oxforddnb.com/public/dnb/22541.html. His sister marries Admiral John Pakenham and is buried in Sector E (E118/ CAROLINE EMILY (THOMPSON/POPHAM) PAKENHAM) with his 21 year-old niece (E118/ELIZABETH ISABELLA PAKENHAM).  JLMaquay Diaries: 31/12/1840 'Harcourt Popham died of apoplexy at 6 having been complaining for a few days' 2/1/1841 'Harcourt Popham buried this morning but I did not attend as the family wished nobody to do so.' Maquays and Pophams were great friends, Webbs noting Popham (D25), Moffatt (E135), Pakenham (E118), Brooks (E114), Maquay (D1) connections. The broken column signifies he has died too young, at only 28. See Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, pp. 73, 393, 455.


Colonna spezzata. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1840. Ambito toscano. Colonna spezzata in marmo su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 120; L: 65; P: 65; P.s. A: 45; L: 85; P: 85.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ HARCOURT POPHAM/ OF THE ROYAL HORSE ARTILLERY/ YOUNGEST SON OF THE LATE ADMIRAL/ SIR HOME POPHAM WHO DIED/ 31 DECEMBER 1840 AGED 28/ N° 209/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 10 Burial 02-01 Rev Tennant (F49)/ Morning Post, Gentleman's Magazine, travelling on Continent, apoplexy/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Popham/ Harcourt/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 31 Dicembre/ 1840/ / 209/ N&Q 50. Harcourt Popham, of the Royal Horse Artillery, s. of of the late Admiral Sir Holme(sic) Popham, ob. 31 Dec 1840, a. 28/°=Katherine Pakenham. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

A Bostonian who has come to the Boston of Italy.

Sarcofago. Scultore: Francesco Mattei, Signature: F.MATTEI. Sec. XIX, post 12/1851. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago sormontato da un'urna poggiante su un basamento in marmo, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 308; L: 141; P: 74; RMF: A: 62; L: 180; P: 180.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF BENJAMIN HENRY BENJAMIN/ OF BOSTON IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ DECEMBER 1851 IN HIS 35 YEAR/ . . . LOVED AND REGRETTED/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL, Rev. Henry O'Neill, spinal complaint/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: +102. Benjamin/ Beniamino Enrico/ /America/ Firenze/ 3 Dicembre/ 1851/ Anni 34/ 466/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D27/ 639
An elderly Englishman in Florence who has come from Chawton House in Hampshire, famous for its connections with Jane Austen, as it was inherited by her brother, Edward Austen Knight, and their mother, Cassandra and she lived in its cottage for the last eight years of her life and from where she revised and published her novels. See also CHARLOTTE EMILIA PLUMPTRE, A45, a distant Jane Austen relative.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1858. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marrmo, marmo sporco, rialzata su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena con 3/4 colonnini, ferro mancante. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 70; P: 140; P.s. A: 20; L: 71; P: 145; R: A: 38; P: 98; L: 200.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ THOMAS HILL SPENCER/ WHO DIED ON/ 28 APRIL 1858/ AGED 78 YEARS/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Ths Hill Spencer, d'Angleterre/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 770.4/ Q 307: 457 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 251, Burial 30/04 Rev O'Neill, heart disease/ Morning Post, late of Chawton House, Hants/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Spencer (Hill)/ Tommaso/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 28 Aprile/ 1858/ Anni 78/ 639/ See Hill/ N&Q. 48. Thomas Hill Springer (sic), ob. 28 April 1858, a. 78. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. [A: 2; L: 62; P: 128; P.s.: A: 8; L: 73; P: 141.] Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


D29/ 159/
Signora Lanzoni, from Belgium, is an elderly Protestant widow who had married an Italian. Her late husband, Serafino Lanzoni, had been prior of Florence, 1807-8. Her niece and heir Chiara Malatesta raises her tomb. Her English servant, ANNA ROFFY, C61, died two years before her own death and is buried in Sector C. We witness amongst many of these tombs the great affection and respect their masters and mistresses paid to servants under their roof: CHARLES CROSBIE, A20 to MARY DUVALL, A80; THEODOSIA (GARROW) TROLLOPE, B85, FRANCES (MILTON) TROLLOPE, B80, HARRIET THEODOSIA FISHER (GARROW), C77, to ELIZABETH SHINNER, C71; ISABELLA BOUILLON LANZONI, D29, to ANNA ROFFY, C61SIR WILLIAM HENRY SEWELL, E58, to JAMES BANSFIELD, E59; Prince Demidoff to GEORGE FREDERIC WAIHINGER, E64; Rosina Buonarotti Simoni to MARY ANNE SALISBURY, F2.

Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1837.
Ambito toscano. Urna, ora caduta, su colonna quadrata in marmo bianco su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 130; L: 52; P: 52; P.s. A: 9; L: 61.5; P: 61.5; RP.s.: A: 22; L: 99; P: 180.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese e greco incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: [ALPHA CHI RHO OMEGA]/ SULLE TRANQUILLE CENERI/ DI ISABELLA BOUILLON LANZONI/ MOGLIE FEDELE VEDOVA ONORATA/ MADRI AI POVERELI/ LA QUALE PER AN LXXXVI/ VISSUTA ALLA VIRTU/ PASSO NEL SENO DELLA PACE/ IL GIORNO XXVII DI GIUGNO/ MDCXXXVII/ CHIARA MALATESTA/ NEPOTE ED EREDE/ DEL RESTO DELLE FORTUNE DI LEI/ VERSA LACRIME DI DOLORE/ E RICONO GENTILE/ P.O.M./ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 58: wife of Serafino Lanzoni of Florence, Burial 29/06, buried by Rev Gambier, entry by Knapp/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Lanzoni nata Bouillon/ Isabella/ / Belgio/ Firenze/ 27 Giugno/ 1837/ Anni 86/ 159. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

NON IDENTIFICATA Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. Basamento in pietra serena, in origine con urna in marmo andata perduta. Recinto condiviso con Bonfil e Lanzoni. [P.s. A: 88; L/P: 87.] Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


D31/ 132
D32CAV. ORAZIO KLEIBER HALL/ HORACE HALL and D33ALFRED CHARLES HALL, the sons of Thomas Hall, became heirs of their uncle Sebastian Kleiber's copper mine, their mother being his sister, Marianna Kleiber Hall. It is they who commissioned Lorenzo Bartolini to sculpt his massive  tomb with poppies. See the essay by Angela Acordon above. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, pp. 223, 413, 425, 432, 479.

Sarcofago. Scultore: Lorenzo Bartolini, Signature: BARTOLINI INVENTO E F./ Sec. XIX, post 1/1836. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo scolpito con papaveri, marmo molto sporco, basamento in marmo variegato. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: L: P: ; P.s. A: L: P: ; R: A: L: P: ] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SEBASTIANO KLEIBER/ CHE ANTEPOSE AD OGNI AMBIZIONE/ L'ONOR DI LODATISSIMO COMMERCIANTE/ FU PRONTO AD OGNI BEN PUBBLICO/ E NEI PRIVATI BENEFIZI AMO IL SECRETO/ MORI DA QUASI LXIII/ DESIDERATO CON LAGRIME/ DALLE DUE SORELLE AMANTISSIME/ E DAI TRE NIPOTI EREDI/ CHE GLI FECERO IL MONUMENTO/ MDCCCXXXVI/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kleiber/ Sebastiano/ / Germania/ Firenze/ 22 Gennaio/ 1836/ Anni 64/ 132/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holding,  Angela Acordon, 'Il monumento a Sebastiano Kleiber di Lorenzo Bartolini nel Cimitero degli Inglesi e alcune proposte sui suoi commitenti e sulla cronologia delle sue opere'. Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz 45. Bd., H. 1/2 (2001), pp. 263-284, TAU 

D32/ 998/ 
Co-heir to D31/ SEBASTIANO KLEIBER, oldest son of Thomas Hall and Marianna Kleiber, brother to D33ALFRED CHARLES HALL. Horace Hall is greatly involved with the Swiss Church and 'English' Cemetery. When his first wife. Costanza Lamberti, dies in 1858, he makes a donation to the Lady Don (E5/ MARY MARGARET (MURRAY) LADY DON) fund in her memory. He then marries the much younger Giulietta Corridi, daughter of Filippo Corridi, professor of Mathematics at Pisa, and tutor to the Grand Duke's children. Born in Livorno, he dies in Florence. Hall family members, who are intensely bi-cultural, as we see in the Italian of this English tomb, connect with the Kleiber and Matthews (E100) families. We do not know what was on the top of this impressive column, perhaps a bust, perhaps a now-stolen urn, as we see in the Harper's Monthly engraving below. Portrait of Horace Hall by Michele Gordigiani, Pitti Palace. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, p. 372, 516.


engraving showing Bartolini urn before its theft  Portrait of Orazio Hall by Michele Gordigiani

Colonna. Scultore, Lorenzo Bartolini. Sec. XIX, post 12/1867. Ambito toscano. Colonna e basamento in marmo, urna o busto andati perduti. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 230; L: 74; P: 74.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ALLA MEMORIA DEL CAV. ORAZIO/ FIGLIO DEL REVEREND TOMMASO HALL/ E DI MARIANNA KLEIBER/ NATO A LIVORNO NEL 1789/ MORTO IN FIRENZE IL 16 DCBRE 1867/ IL FRATELLO ALFREDO FRESSE/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Horace Hall, l'Angleterre, banquier, fils de Reverend [Thomas] Hall/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 624.80/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 391 Burial 19/12, Rev Pendleton. Brother to Alfred Charles Hall/  Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hall/ Orazio/ [in later pencil, Tommaso]/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 16 Dicembre/ 1867/ Anni 78/ 998/  See Kleiber. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.  

D33/ 1406/ 
Co-heir to D31/ SEBASTIANO KLEIBER. He places the tomb for his brother D32CAV. ORAZIO KLEIBER HALL/ HORACE HALL. He perhaps also places the tombs for his father-in-law E100/ JAMES ROBERT MATTHEWS, and sister-in-law, E101/ MARIANNE OCTAVIA MATTHEWS in Sector E. Webbs have baptisms and marriages of children. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, pp. 223, 241, 372, 496, 516.

Tomba. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1877. Ambito toscano. Tomba in marmo orizzontale in forma di croce, marmo molto sporco, recinto in pietra serena e ferro. Possibile intervento di ripristino e pulitura. [M: A: 37; L: 63; P: 171; P.s. A: 15; L: 67; P: 174.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF/ ALFRED CHARLES HALL/ OF CAMERATA/ SON OF THE REV. THOMAS HALL/ BORN 2ND JUNE 1810 DIED 16TH SEPBRE 1877/ ERECTED BY HIS SORROWING FAMILY/ 1406// AND THE WORK OF RIGHTEOUSNESS SHALL BE PEACE/ AND THE EFFECT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS QUIETNESS/ ASSURANCE FOR EVER [Isaiah 32.17] / LA MORTE DEI SANTI DEL IGNOTE PREZIOSE AL SUO COSPETTO [Ps. 1156.15]/ . . ./ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 516 Burial 18/09, Rev Tottenham, Camerata San Gervasio; Marriage GL23774 N° 24 16/03/42 Alfred Hall to Mary Eliza Matthews at HGM (Holland), groom son of late Thomas Hall, chaplain at Leghorn, bride d of Capt JR Matthews formerly HBM's Consul Gen at Lisbon, Rev Tennant (F49)/ Holy Trinity/Waldensian Church inscription: IN MEMORY OF ALFRED CHARLES HALL OF CAMERATA FOR MANY YEARS A ZEALOUS AND LIBERAL SUPPORTER OF THIS CHURCH AND VARIOUS CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS IN FLORENCE. REMARKABLE FOR CHRISTIAN KINDNESS AND UNOSTENTATIOUS BENEVOLENCE. HE DIED DESERVEDLY REGRETTED 16 SEPTEMBER 1877, AGED 67. THIS TABLET HAS BEEN ERECTED BY SOME FRIENDS AND MEMBERS OF THE CONGREGATION AS A RECORD OF THEIR REGARD AND OF HIS WORTH. 'BLESSED ARE THE MERCIFUL, FOR THEY SHALL OBTAIN MERCY' / Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hall/ Alfredo Carlo/ Tommaso/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 16 Settembre/ 1877/ Anni 67/ 1406/ N&Q 46. Alfred Chas Hall, of Camerata, s. of Rev Thos Hall, b. 23 June 1819, ob. 16 Sept 1877. Erected by his family. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

He has a son, D38BULKELEY HALL, who is likewise buried in this Sector. Another son, Alexander Charles, seems to have tutored Maquay's son. These Halls are not related to the above cluster of Halls.

Tomba. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1863. Ambito toscano. Piedistallo in pietra serena, monumento andato perduto. [P.s.: A: 30; L: 101; P: 67.2.] Iscrizione mancante.  Alexandre Hall, l'Angleterre/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 415.37/ GL23777/1 N° 338 Burial 03/11, Rev Pendleton; Baptism, GL20990 N° 214, Albert Tricodore bp 13/02/46 father Alexander Esq mother Mary Anne Jane, Rev Horne/ Times, late of Sloane-street, Belgravia, and Austin friars./ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hall/ Alessando/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 1 Novembre/ 1863/ Anni 75/ 852/ See Bulkeley Hall/ N&Q 76. Alexander Hall, Esq. of London, ob. l Nov 1863, a. 75. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D35/ 45/ 
He was the son of James Scutt Dwight and Mary Sandford Dwight of Springfield, Massachusetts.


Monumento. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1831. Ambito toscano. Monumento in marmo bianco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 162; L: 61; P: 39; P.s. A: 44; L: 85.7; P: 62.7.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF JAMES S. DWIGHT/ OF SPRINGFIELD.MASS/ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA/ DIED.FEBRUARY 24.1831/ AGED 37 YEARS/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Dwight/ See 1828-1844/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Giacomo/ / America/ 24 Febbraio/ 1831/ / 45/ N&Q 45. James S. Dwight, of Springfield, Mass, ob. 24 Febr 1831, a. 37. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D36/ 589/
Mikhail Talalay notes that he is Major General to His Imperial Majesty of Russia.


Tomba con croce, lastra, recinto in ferro. Zukovsky, Aleksandr Michajlovic/ Possibile intervento di consolidamento. Joukowsky/ Magg: Gen: Alessandro/ / Russia/ Firenze/ 6 Febbraio/ 1856/ Anni 43/ 589/ Aléxandre Joukowsky, Petersburg, Empire de Russie, General Major au service de Russie/ Talalay: /23.8.1812 - Firenze 6.2(25.1).1856; 'general-maggiore al seguito di Sua Maesta l'Imperatore', MFK; Epitaffio: upokoj Gospodi dusu raba Tvoego/ Accogli in pace, Signore, l'anima del Tuo schiavo. Q 219: 175 PaoliChiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
Жуковский Александр Михайлович, 23.8.1812 — Флоренция 6.2(25.1).1856, № 589 [“генерал-майор свиты Его Императорского Величества”, МКФ], упокой Господи душу раба Твоего.

Peerage: Her husband's father was the son of Sir Archibald Campbell of Succoth, 2nd Baronet, was Rector between 1853 and 1872 at Aston, Yorkshire. They had three sons and two daughters. There are three Palazzi Corsi in Florence, one in via Tornabuoni, one in via dei Benci (Museo Horne), one in via dell'Oriuolo.


Tomba gotica. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1872. Ambito toscano. Intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 44; L: 62; P: 199; P.s. A: 32; L: 51; P: 202.5; RF: A: 63; L: 80; P: 210] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: MARY ELPHINSTONE CHARLOTTE WIFE OF THE REVEREND ANDREW RAMSAY CAMPBELL// RECTOR OF ASTON// YORKSHIRE BORN JANUARY 17TH 1817 DIED JULY 4TH 1872/ HEREIN IS LOVE NOT THAT WE LOVED GOD// BUT THAT HE LOVED US .[I John IV].10 Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Maria Campbell, l'Angleterre/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 562, C/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°445, Palazzo Corsi, Burial 06/07, Rev S B Burtcheall, rectified entry, Rev Tottenham, 20/12/72/ Pall Mall Gazette/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Campbell nata Thomson/ Maria/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 4 Luglio/ 1872/ Anni 55/ 1176/ + / N&Q 44. Charlotte, w. of the Rev Andrew Ramsey Campbell, Rector of Aston, Yorks, b. 17 Jan 1817, ob. 4 July 1872/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

He is the son of D34/ ALEXANDER HALL, also buried in this Sector. These Halls are not related to the cluster around Horace Hall.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1854. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, marmo sporco, nella parte retrostante croce in marmo, ora mancante. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 23; L: 87.3; P: 174.5; P.s. A: 37; L: 146; P: 272.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ BULKELEY HALL/ SON OF ALEX HALL ESQUIRE LONDON/ WHO DIED 2 FEBRUARY 1854/ 529/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Bulkely Hall, Londres, Grande Bretagne, fils de Alexandre Hall/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 680/ Q 108: 279 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 195 Burial 04/02, Rev Greene (A51)/  Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hall/ Bulkeley/ Alessandro/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 2 Febbraio/ 1854/ Anni 23/ 529/ See Alexander Hall/ N&Q 79. Bulkeley, s. of Alexander Hall, Esq., of London, ob. 2 Feb 1854, a. 23. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

She is born in Turin in a Jewish family while Mestrezet is a Genevan Calvinist name. Her second husband is a Capello and Florentine? Her tomb is very grand, matching those of AB10/ MARY LOUISA (BRIGGS) KING in Sector AB and CATHERINE LOUISE ADAMS KUHN, formerly vandalized and on the path exterior to the tombs, its base by the empty niche on the back wall, its column and drum below this Sector, but which is now restored, thanks to the Massachusetts Historical Society, etc., and replaced at E1.


Croce  gotica. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1875. Ambito toscano. Croce gotica in marmo su basamento ottagonale in marmo bianco, recinto in marmo e ferro. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 266; L: 94; P: 94; RMF: A: 45; L: 113; P: 198.]  Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ICI REPOSE/ ADELE CAPELLO/ NEE BOLENS/ VEUVE MESTREZET/ NEE A TURIN/ LE 3 DECEMBRE 1836/ DECEDEE A FLORENCE/ LE 31 AOUT 1875/ 1326/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Capello nata Bolens/ Adele Sara/ Luigi/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 31 Agosto/ 1875/ Anni 39/ 1326/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

He was in Ahmedabad and Bombay where a daughter was born. One of the Great Pyramid's inner chambers is named 'Lady Arbuthnot's Chamber' after his Canadian wife, who is buried with him in the Allori Cemetery. Morning Post does not give obituary but instead a notice of the Will and Codicil, proved by John Alves Arbuthnot, Archibald Francis Arbuthnot, Hugh Gough Arbuthnot and Rev Robert Keith Arbuthnot, executors, with exception of annuity to a servant, in favour of widow and children. The family are related to the Wedderburns (D90/ ROSSLYN JANET (MACKENZIE) WEDDERBURN). Their descendants are the Capponi family in Florence and Viscount Gough.


Lastra. Scultore, Giuseppe Bondi. Sec. XIX, post 3/1873. Ambito Toscano. Lastra in marmo con croce celtica in marmo che richiama le croci celtiche presenti nel Cimitero 'Agli Allori'. [M: A: 30; L: 71;  P: 149.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo: SIR R.K. ARBUTHNOT BART/ BORN IN EDINBURGH 9TH SEPTR 1801/ DIED AT FLORENCE 4TH MARCH 1873/ EVEN SO THEM ALSO WHICH SLEEP IN JESUS WILL GOD BRING WITH HIM/ 1 THESS IV.14/ HE IS NOT DEAD BUT ONLY LIETH SLEEPING/ IN THE SWEET REFUGE OF HIS MASTER'S BREAST/ AND FAR AWAY FROM SORROW TOIL AND WEEPING/ HE IS NOT DEAD BUT ONLY TAKING REST [Matt. 9.24; Mark 5.39; Luke 8.52]/ REMAINS REMOVED TO THE CEMETERY OF THE ALLORI/ MARCH 17TH 1882/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Robert Arbuthnot, l'Angleterre, rentier, fils de Sir Guillaume/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 744, D/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 451, son of the late Sir William, Rev Peirce Connolly assisted by Rev Tottenham. via San Fieruccio, 5/ Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 31. Arbuthnot/ Roberto/ Guglielmo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 4 Marzo/ 1873/ Anni 73/ 1201/ N&Q 56. Sir R.K. Arbuthnot, Bart, b. in Edinburgh, ob. 4 March 1873. Remains removed to the Allori Cemetery, 17 March 1882/ Henderson/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/°=Conte Neri Capponi, Viscount Gough. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

He is eighteen when he dies in Florence.


Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1872. Ambito toscano. [M: A: 130; L: 70; P: 8; P.s. A: 15; L: 44; P: 41.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: WALTER BRADFORD/ DIED 14 MAY 1872/ AGED 18 YEARS/ BLESSED ARE THE PURE IN HEART/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Walter Bradford, l'Angleterre, fils di Victor/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 485, D/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°437, Rev. Tottenham, Casa Molini, Lungarno Guicciardini, 13/ Times, Pall Mall Gazette/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 180. Bradford/ Gualtiero/ Vittorio/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 14 Maggio/ 1872/ Anni 18/ 1167/ +/ N&Q 46. Walter Bradford, ob. May 1872, a. 18. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D42/ 1203
She is American whose father is Domenico Altrocchi of New Jersey. He writes of her as his 'bambina Lucietta' in 1870 from Connecticut, that she has a fever and coughs and that he is anxious for her also for other reasons.


Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX,.post 4/1873. Ambito toscano. Croce del Golgota scolpita in marmo a finto tronco d'albero, recinto in marmo e ferro a corda annodata. [M: A: 136; L: 46; P: 50; P.s. A: 17; L: 58; P: 58; RMF: A: 87; L: 83; P: 209.]
Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: LUCIA ALTROCCHI/ BORN JUNE 22ND 1855/ DIED APRIL 2D 1873/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 461, D/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Altrocchi/ Lucia/ Domenico/ Italia/ Firenze/ 2 Aprile/ 1873/ Anni 18/ 1203/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ °=Silvia & Volkmar Schoen. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D43/ 457/
He is from the Rumantsch-speaking Engadine in the Grigione Canton of Switzerland. See A75/ FIORINO PULT, A102/ DOMENICO PULT, D134/ GIOVANNI PULT,


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1831. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, marmo spezzato e sporco. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 22; L: 67; P: 147.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: D.O.M./ ALLA MEMORIA/ DI/ GIACOMO PULT/ SVIZZERO/ MORTO IN FIRENZE/ IL 4 GIUGNO 1831/ DE ANNI 1851/ QUESTA LAPIDA POSERO/ . . . DOLENTI/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: 3 Juin, Sent dans l'Engadine, Canton des Grisons, Cafetier, agé 58 ans, fils de Jean Pult/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Pult/ Giacomo/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 3 Giugno/ 1851/ Anni 60/ 457. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

Her father has a memorial in St James Church, Hampstead Road, Surry: 'SACRED/ To the Memory of/ WILLIAM PARKE/ late of the Hermitage St. Ann's in the/ Island of JAMAICA ESQre./ born the 5th. of November 1752/died the 27th. of April 1813/ in the 61st. Year of his Age.' She dies at Bagni di Lucca. There is also a marriage notice of later similarly-named family members: 'Kemble, (Hon.) Edward, puisne judge Jamaica 186-–70, sometime admiralty advocate Jamaica, a student of the Middle Temple 18 Jan., 1843, called to the bar 30 Jan., 1846 (youngest son of Gideon Kemble, Esq., of Kingston, Jamaica, dec.); married 2 Sept., 1858, Charlotte, 4th dau. of William Parke, Esq., of the Thickets, St. Anne's, Jamaica', likely a niece.


Urna su colonna. Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1839. Ambito toscano. Colonna in marmo sormontata da urna. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 167; L: 39; P: 39; P.s. A: 20; L: 58; P: 58.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF CHARLOTTE/ DAUGHTER OF WILLIAM PARKE/ OF THE ISLAND OF JAMAICA ESQRE/ AND RELICT OF GILBERT NEVILLE NEGLE ESQRE DIED AT THE BATHS/ OF LUCCA 8TH SEPT 1839/ AGED 53/ BLESSED ARE THE DEAD WHICH/ DIE IN THE LORD/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 76: Burial 12-09, Rev Tennant (F49)/ 's Oxford Journal/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Neyle/ Carlotta/ / / Bagni di Lucca/ 8 Settembre/ 1839/ Anni 56/ 184/ N&Q 58. Charlotte, d. of Wm Parke, Esq. of Jamaica, and w. of Gilbert Neville Negle, Esq, ob. at the Baths of Lucca, 8 Sept 1839, a. 53. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

She is listed in Debrett as the daughter of the first Viscount Donerail. Her husband publishes On the Terms of Peace with Russia, 1856. His nephew places a memorial stone to him in the church dedicated to St Andrew that he builds at Kingswood: 'The other memorial, on the north wall of the chancel, is dedicated to Lieut. Col. Thomas Alcock, who at an advanced age was asked by his nephew to lay the first stone of St. Andrew's in 1848 and was still there to celebrate its consecration 4 years later. Note at the bottom of the memorial the impaled arms of Alcock and St Leger'.


Sarcofago. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Signature/Firma: P.BAZZANTI.F. Sec. XIX, post 2/1840. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo bianco inciso,
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2014.[M: A: 130; L: 141.2; P: 80.5; P.s. A: 35; L: 144; P: 83; R: A: 58; L: 220; P: 164.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF THE HONORABLE/ CAROLINE CATHERINE LETITIA ALCOCK/ WIFE OF LT COLONEL THOS ALCOCK/ AND SISTER OF THE LATE HAYES ST LEGER/ VISCOUNT DONERAIL OF DONERAIL IRELAND/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE ON THE 1ST OF/ FEBRUARY 1840 AGED 66/ 190/ Records, Guildhall Library, London:  GL23774 N° 1 Burial 03/02 Rev. Tennant (F49)/ Henderson/ Hampshire Telegraph, Illustrated London News/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 16. Alcock nata St Leger/ Carolina Caterina Letizia/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 1 Febbraio/1840/ / 190/ N&Q 59. The Hon. Caroline Catherine Letitia Alcock, w. of Lt Col Thos Alcock and s. of the late Hayes St Leger, Viscount Donerail, ob. 1 Febr 1840, a. 66/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

A daughter places her aged mother's tomb stone, and records another burial as well on it, of a relative who is an elderly English widow. 469/ WILLIAM COLE, listed among the lost tombs, may also be a relative.
164/ WILLIAM COLE/ ENGLAND/ GL 23777/1 N°164, Burial 30/12, Rev O'Neill/ Cole/ Guglielmo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 28 Dicembre/ 1851/ Anni 52/ 469/
He is English. His relatives may be D46/ REBECCA BOND COLE, ELIZA ANN (COLE) MOORE.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1844. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo spezzata rialzata su basamento in pietra serena, marmo sporco, recinto con quattro colonnini scanalati. Possibile intervento di ripristino e pulitura. [M: A: 9; L: 76; P: 145; Ps A: 59; L: 146; P:.211.]  Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ REBECCA . . . / THIS HUMBLE TRIBUTE TO DEPARTED WORTH IS RAISED BY HER GRATEFUL AND AFFLICTED DAUGHTER, AND ALSO TO THE MEMORY OF ELISA ANNA MOORE WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE SEPTEMBER 18 1845 THEY SLEEP IN THE PEACE OF THE LORD  Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 65 : Rebecca Bond Cole, died 23 April 1844 and was buried in the Protestant burial ground at Florence the 25th April 1844, aged 74 years, by me George Robbins (E101), Chaplain/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Cole Bond/ Rebecca/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 23 Aprile/ 1844/ / 284/ ELIZA ANN (COLE) MOORE/ ENGLAND/ Moore nata Cole/ Vedova Elisa Anna +/ N./ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 10 Settembre/ 1875/ Anni 86/ 1328/ see Cole/ N&Q 59. Rebecca Bond Cope (sic), ob. 23 Apr 1845. Erected by her daughter. Also Elisa Anna Moore, ob. 18 Sept 1845. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

We thought that three tomb bases from which the marble slabs have long gone in Sector A, at A57-59 (sono probabilmente tre i membri della famiglia Galiffe che riposano in queste tombe, lastra in marmo mancante. Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1853. Ambito toscano. Basamento privo della lastra. [P.s.: A: 12; L: 82; P: 160.]) were for three members of the Galiffe family, but other clues suggest they were buried instead in Sector D, at D47, which are tombs that we had thought were for the Pellew husband and wife. Pastor Luigi Santini wrote concerning Jacques Galiffe, that this 'Genevan historian and genealogist [in the style of Sismondi, his contemporary], lived and engaged in trade for a time in Holland, Germany and Russia, but returned to Geneva during the Napoleonic period to share in the troubles of his city. Turning to history he was in a sense the first Genevan historian to make use of documentary and archivistic sources with scientific intent. The results of his historic research, however, stripped of artifice and adulation, made him the centre of such controversy and hostility that in the end he preferred to emigrate to Florence. Italy owes to him the first systematic study of the Italian religious exiles of the sixteenth century. His daughter Sophie (1825-1841) and his second wife, Amélie Franço Pictet (1790-1872), daughter of the Charles Pictet who was the Swiss delegate at the Congress of Vienna, are also buried in the cemetery'. On the Web we find, in English, the following account: 'Jaques (James) Augustin Galiffe, (son of Barthelemy Galiffe and Marie Naville, and brother of Colonel Jean-Pierre, No XII as above) born on 7th April 1776 godson of Jaques Rilliet-Plantamour and of Augustin de Candolle - historian and genealogist. His studies for the magistracy or diplomacy were unfortunately brought to an end by the Revolution which ruined his family and compelled him to emigrate. He then adopted the commercial profession for which he had no vocation, but it was the only one in which he could hope to acquire independent means, by his aptitude for work, and his remarkable gift for languages. Besides Latin and Greek of which he was a master and English which he spoke and wrote as his mother tongue, he knew German, Dutch, Russian, Spanish and Italian, and was conversant with most of the popular dialects of the latter. This enabled him to obtain very important posts in the best banking houses of London, Holland, Germany and Russia, but these occupations did not prevent him from continuing his favourite studies, literature, languages and specially history which his frequent travels gave him opportunities of studying in the principal libraries and archives of Europe. Deeply attached to his native land, he remained zealous for what was called "the good cause", the triumph of which could alone restore the independence of Geneva. When therefore Lord Carlisle, in 1798 introduced in Parliament a motion to help the Swiss against the French, Galiffe volunteered to undertake the dangerous task of intermediary. He was then in frequent communication with the principal members of Parliament, the Duke of Portland, Lord Fitzwilliam, Lord Grenville and the famous Pitt, whose support had to be obtained. Finding that negotiations were dragging he did not hesitate to sacrifice his excellent position in London to proceed with a few friends firmly determined to accomplish their object in the best way that circumstances would permit. Adverse news from the theatre of the war stopped him on the way, and he enlisted as a Volunteer in a Militia Corps which was raised in England when a French invasion was expected. - After several years spent in Holland, at Gottingen, Hamburg and Berlin, he entered in 1805 the firm of Baron de Rall, banker of the Imperial Court at St. Petersburg. - M. de Speransky who was then Prime Minister made him tempting offers to enter the Russian Civil Service, but the fear of sacrificing his independence led him to refuse them, as also a proposal to take the direction of a Russian National Bank which was then being discussed.  It was during that period of his life that he kept a very interesting correspondence with Mme de Stael. On receipt of the news that the independence of Geneva was seriously threatened by the return of Napoleon, Galiffe gave up his splendid prospects in Russia to return and enlist as a private in the Geneva contingent, in which he served throughout the campaign of Franche-Comte, first as Staff-secretary and afterwards as an Officer. After the death of his parents, he went to Italy in 1816, and related his travels in his first book, "Italy and its inhabitants" published (in English) in London, which the reviews of the time described as one of the best of its kind. In 1820, the brothers Brougham, appointed to defend Queen Carolina, called him twice to Milan, where his indispensable assistance was required by them in the preparation of that famous trial. Having returned to Geneva where he married and resided till 1841, he set himself to study the history of his country, and worked at it until his death. Appointed to the "Commission des Archives" he undertook by himself, and gratuitously, to sort and classify thousands of documents which had been completely neglected since the Revolution, and which during the foreign occupation had been left in a state of chaos and filth. For over twenty years he persevered in this fatiguing work with a zeal which undermined his health, but neither his illness, nor his infirmities nor even the difficulties placed in his way by the ignorance and contempt of those who should have helped him, could stop him in his self-imposed task. Not only did he reconstitute the Archives of Geneva and save them from certain destruction, but he searched for every item of information necessary to control and complete them, not only in the archives of neighbouring towns but all over Switzerland, in the registers of parishes and castles in Savoy, in the Pays de Gex, at Lyons, Dijon, Paris, Chambery, Turin, Lucca and Florence. From 1829 to 1831 he published successively as first result of his work, two volumes of "Materials for the History of Geneva" and 2 volumes of "Genealogical Notices on Genevese families" (the third appeared in 1835). This at once established his reputation as an historian of Geneva, but only the experts can realise the labour which these books represent. The "Letters on the Middle-Ages", addressed in 1838 to the famous historian Schlosser, are the last historical work which he gave to the public. Schlosser declared in his "Heidelberger Yahrbucher 1839" that it was the best and most learned essay he had read, as regards knowledge and criticism of the subject. The "Letters written from Paris" had been addressed by Galiffe in 1827 to his intimate friend, Lord Brougham, Chancellor of England. They were published in 1830 at the request of several persons to whom they had been communicated and who had been struck by the wonderful foresight with which the author had anticipated the events and solution of the political situation in France. Although he filled no public functions in Geneva, except that of Municipal Councillor for the commune of Satigny, he took an active part in all political and religious discussions. Full of sympathy with the principles of Aristocracy yet he condemned them when they were opposed to progress, of which he was a sincere partisan and consequently he sometimes felt himself awkwardly situated at a time when compromise was considered as a doctrine in the political system. Sincere and convinced protestant, although a declared enemy of the calvinist dogma and system, he was a zealous champion of the liberty of creed, and in 1835 he vehemently opposed the celebration of the Jubilee of the Reformation, which he considered a blunder likely to cause discord between the citizens of the two religions. (Lettres a un pasteur du Canton, 1835) The general public is only acquainted with a portion of Galiffe's works, as the major portion is still unpublished. Besides his writings on all branches of the history of Geneva, he left a large number of sketches, notes, extracts, historical, literary and artistic criticisms, studies on languages, a very learned genealogical notice on the principal houses of the princes and counts of Southern and Central Europe, shedding considerable light on the most obscure period of the Middle-Ages, and lastly a voluminous correspondence.  The latter part of his literary legacy is not the least interesting item, as he was in constant communication with the celebrities of many countries. To those already named, Mme de Staël and Lord Brougham, (Lord Chancellor of England and one of his intimate friends) must be added, Mr Backhouse, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Lord Grosvenor, afterwards Marquis of Westminster. Among politicians and statesmen may be named Lord Fitzwilliam, Viceroy of Ireland, Lord Carlisle, Lord Palmerston, William Russell, Capo d'Istria, Marquis Luchesini, Ambassador to Prussia, Count Rossi, Baron Stein, Wickham, British Minister with the Army of Princes, M.de Speransky, Prime Minister of Russia, and Count J de Maistre - among historians, Messrs de Barante, Thierry, Mignet, Michelet, Sismondi, Schlosser, Karamzine, Viasemsky, and in Switzerland, de Mulinen, de Grenus, d'Estavayer, de Gingins, de Charriere - among professors, Fellenberg and Bonstetten - among women-authors, Lady Charlotte Bury, Mme de Montolieu, Miss Edgeworth, Mme Necker de Saussure - among musicians, Dusseck, C M de Weber, Steibelt, Field and Abbe Litz who owed him his first letters of recommendation - the poet C Didier whom he was the first to encourage, the famous naturalist Agassiz whom he assisted pecuniarily in the prosecution of his studies, etc., etc. - As historian of Geneva, Galiffe is certainly the pioneer of the modern school of History. His publications, drawn direct from authentic documents shocked many people by the discredit which they seemed to throw on the conventional ideas of the old school, which the dominating party of the time considered as a sort of Palladium. Tired at least of the worries caused by his keen polemics, he preferred to go and settle with his family in Tuscany, without waiting for the political reaction which he had foreseen, and died at Florence 15th December 1853.  (See "Notice on the life and works of J A Galiffe" - D'un siecle a l'autre Journal de Geneve 31st December 1853 - Memoires de la Societe d'histoire et d'archeologie 1854 - Les etudes genealogiques a Geneve, by Professor Ritter - Histoire de Geneve, by Gaullieur.) Married 1st, 20th October 1817, Elizabeth Philippine only daughter of No: Jean Antoine de Claparede, President of the Civil Tribunal, and of Alexandrine-Jeanne-Antoinette Dunant died 18th April 1825. 2nd: 26th May 1827, Amelie Francoise, daughter of No: Charles Pictet, Honorary Councillor, plenipotentiary Minister of the Swiss Confederation at the Congress of Vienna, Paris and Turin, and of Sara de Rochemont, died at Florence 14th August 1872. He had by the first: (1) Jean-Barthelemy, who follows: (2) Sophie Anne Marie Catherine, born 16th April 1825 god-daughter of Prince Pierre Andreiowitch Viasemsky, died at Florence 14th November 1841. She showed remarkable dispositions for literature and music. Jean (John) Barthelemy Gaifre Galiffe, born at Geneva 31st July 1818, godson of John Thellusson, Lord Rendlesham, of John Backhouse, Minister of Foreign Affairs London, and of Mme Thellusson-Ployard.


Tabernacolo. Sec. XIX, post 9/1849. Ambito toscano. Tabernacolo in marmo scolpito con elementi gotichi, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 254; L: 64; P: 25; RM: 2.5; L: 286; P: 186; RPs: A: 77; L: 300; P: 227.] ( Eglise Evangelique-Reformèe de Florence Règistre des Morts: Jacques Augustin Galiffe, Genève, Confederation Suisse, Rentier/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 362/ Q 98: 300 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Galiffe/ Giacomo A./ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 15 Dicembre/ 1853/ Anni 77/ 523. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

Sophie Anne Marie Catherine, born 16th April 1825, daughter to Jacques Augustine Galiffe, god-daughter of Prince Pierre Andreiowitch Viasemsky, died at Florence 14th November 1841. She showed remarkable dispositions for literature and music. Her brother, Jean (John) Barthelemy Gaifre Galiffe, - who is not buried here - was 'Educated at the Fellenberg Institute, Hofwyl; Doctor of Law of the University of Heidelberg 1842, Mayor of the Commune of Satigny 1853-1858.  Deputy to the Grand Conseil (Legislative Council) 1854, professor of National history at the Academy of Geneva 1861-65, Consul 1866, and afterwards Consul-General for Denmark with the Swiss Confederation 1883 - represented that power at the 2nd Congress of the Red-Cross at Geneva 1868, and at the Congress of the Universal Postal Union at Berne 1875. - Member (active, honorary or corresponding) of nearly all the historical or archaeological societies of Switzerland, of the National Geneva Institute, of the Royal Committee of National History of Italy, of the Academy of Savoy, and of the Archaeological Society of the Rhenish Provinces, etc., etc., Knight of the Danish order of Danebrog, and of the Italian order of St. Maurice et Lazare.  Died 25th February 1890 - Following his father's footsteps he devoted the greater part of his life to studies of history, archaeology, genealogy and heraldry, in which his native country held the foremost part.  Expert as learned as he was exact and conscientious, he left a series of solid works the value of which is as much appreciated abroad as it is in Geneva, and he is justly entitled to be considered as one of the first, and possibly the best known of Geneva's National Historians.

N° 135       Sophie Galiffe Claparede, fille de Jacques Galiffe de Genève, âgé
                     de 16 ½ ans, morte à Florence le 14 9bre, 1841, a été enseveli le 16
                     du même mois dans le cimetière del'Eglise évangelique de Florence
                                                               Mse Droin Pr~

Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Galiffe [Claparede]/ Sofia/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 14 Novembre/ 1841/ Anni 16/ 228. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D47C/ 1178

Amelie Francoise, daughter of No: Charles Pictet, Honorary Councillor, plenipotentiary Minister of the Swiss Confederation at the Congress of Vienna, Paris and Turin, and of Sara de Rochemont, wife, then widow, to Jacques Augustin Galiff, died at Florence 14th August 1872. She had a long widowhood, but also the consolation of her husband's and her father's fame. Their tombs are now seemingly lost, but the records indicate that Amalie Pictet Galiffe was buried in Sector C, which corresponds to the modern Sectors C and D, while the number 1178 is chiseled to the left side of D47. Admiral Pellew's wife's tomb was relocated to be beside him in Sector A, A111-112.

Eglise Evangelique-Reforméée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Amalie Galiffe, fille de Charles Pictet/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 307, C/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Galiffe nata Pictet/ Amalia/ Carlo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 14 Agosto/ 1872/ Anni 82/ 1178. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

A relative (brother-in-law?) of D59/ ELIZABETH S. (BUTLER) MEEK in this same Sector, he dying eighteen years earlier than she.


Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1852. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo bianco, marmo sporco, posto su basamento poggiante su lastra in pietra serena.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. [M: A: 102; L: 38; P: 9.5; P.s. A: 23; L: 56; P: 28.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ ROBERT MEEK/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ MARCH 25 1852/ AGED 42 YEARS/ [inscription]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Robert Meek, Angleterre/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 663/ Q9: 285 Paoli/ Q13: 20 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 167, Burial 27/03, Rev O'Neill/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Meek/ Roberto/ Tommaso/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 25 Marzo/ 1852/ Anni 42/ 473/ N&Q 61. Robt Meek, ob. 24 March 1852, a. 42. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

A Jewish family first vying with the Rothschilds to loan money to the nascent Greek government, next speculating in Foreign Stocks and Shares, including the Pearl and Coral Company, then dealing with the Bavarian and Hanoverian governments on cloth producing and finishing machinery, lately building railroads in Italy and Austria, especially the line from Florence to Prato and Pistoia, the Maria Antonia,  and granted titles and coat of arms in the Grand Duchies of Tuscany and Lucca. Bonfil and Donkin (Sector C, C52) worked together on importing industrial machinery. The monumental stone for the Count was found in the bomb pile and is being restored to its current place. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, pp. 236, 428-431.


Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1854. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo, croce andata perduta, recinto in pietra serena, ferro mancante. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 121.5; L: 72.5; P: 21.5; RP.s. A: 46; L: 130.5; P: 208.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ LYDIA BONFIL RELIC OF THE/ COUNT ST GEORGE/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ THE 1 MARCH 1854/ AGED 57/ WHOSE LONG SUFFERINGS WERE BORNE/ WITH PATIENCE AND RESIGNATION/ TO THE WILL OF GOD/ WITH EVERY VIRTUE/ THAT COULD ADORN THE HUMAN HEART/ ESTEEMED BY ALL WHO KNEW HER/ A LOVING WIFE AND SISTER/ AN ANGELIC MIND/ SHE SLEEPS IN HAPPINESS/ AND REPOSE/ - / Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Lydia, Comtesse St George, rentier/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 762/ Q 115: 473 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 19, Rev Greene (A51)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Bonfil de St Georges/ Contessa Lydia/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 1 Marzo/ 1854/ Anni 58/ 533/ See Georges, St George/ N&Q. 55. Lydia Bonfil, relict of the Count St George, ob. 1 March 1854, a. 57. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
GL 23774 N° 138, husband to Contessa Lydia Bonfil de St Georges, died 26-09, aged 57, Burial 28-09, Rev. Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Bonfil/ Raffaello/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 26 Settembre/ 1849/ 413/ N&Q 45. Ralph Bonfil, Count of St George, Com. of the Order of San Giuseppe of Tuscany, Com of the Orders of Constantiniano of Parma and St George of Lucca, ob. 26 Sept 1849. Erected by his widow. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D50/ 81/
Again a cluster of tombs for a Swiss family, this large tomb for a year-old child. On the next tomb we see him weeping for his mother (MARIA MERCADANTI, D52) whom he has lost on being born.


Monument. Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti.
Sec. XIX, post 8/1833. Ambito toscano. Colonna scanalata sormontata da un'urna poggiante su zoccolo in marmo a zampe leonine in rame. Interevento di restauro, consolidamento e pulitura, 2010. [M: A: 160; L: 55; P: 56; P.s. A: 11; L: 111; P: 111.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: GAUDENZIO/ DI/ BALDASSARE E MARIA/ MERCADANTI/ NATO IL 15 GENNAIO 1832/ MORTO IL 22 AGOSTO 1833/// TU CH'A LE SCULTE NOTE/ HOR VOLGI L'ORME/ LEGGILE PUR MA PIAN/ SI CHENON DESTI/ CH'EGLI ESTINTO NON E/ MA POSA E DORME// DEPOSTO AI BEL FANCIULLO/ IL CARO IMPACCIO/ DELLE TUE MEMBRA/ IN PICCOL MARMO CHIUSE/ PER ALZARTI PIU LIEVE/ AL CIEL VOLANDO/  See N° 82 1828-1844/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Mercadant/ Gaudenzio/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 22 Agosto/ 1833/ Mesi 18/ 81/Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D51/ 489/
Twenty years later another Baldassare comes to be buried beside them. He is the son of Giuseppe Cristiano Mercadante (D102). Two years after him Baldassare Cristiano Mercadanti will be buried in the Cemetery but with no extant tomb.The family comes from the Grigione.
See Mercadanti, Settore D, from which it is clear that pastrymakers in Florence could prosper and afford fine funerals and grand tombs.
I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 440/ Q 117: 175 Paoli/ Mercadant/ Baldassare Cristiano/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 5 Marzo/ 1854/ Anni 70/ 535.

Lastra. Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1852.
Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco rialzata su basamento in pietra. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 18; L: 67; P: 139; P.s. A: 19; L: 73; P: 145.] I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 410/ Q 36: 145 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Mercadant/ Baldassare/ Giuseppe/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 8 Ottobre/ 1852/ Anni 21/ 489. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D52/ 57/ 
She has come from Thun in the Canton of Berne. She has died following childbirth fifteen days earlier, her baby, Gaudenzio following her the next year. The Russian tomb (VARVARA ARSEN'EVNA KUDRJAVCEVA NATA NELIDOVA, D80) below theirs will have a poem inscribed on it by the husband mourning his dead wife, speaking of himself as 'orphaned' rather than 'widowed', from the sight of this weeping child. The restoration and cleaning of this badly vandalized and broken open tomb was a major undertaking by Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu.


Monumento. Marmista  ignoto, scuola di Bazzanti. Sec. XIX, post 1/1832.
Ambito toscano. Monumento in marmo scolpito, orfano piangente in stile classico. Rimando presente nella tomba russa sottostante. Intervento di restauro conservativo, Alberto Casciani/ Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 5/2010. [M: A: 147; L: 78.5; P: 161; P.s. A: 50; L: 111; P: 207.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: QUI RIPOSANO IN PACELE CENERI DI MARIA MERCANDATI/ NATA TUN/ NATIVA DI REMIS IN SVIZZERA/ IN ETA DI ANNI 23 DOTATA DI VIRTU/ OLTRE OGNI CREDERE/ CHE DOPO PENOSA/ E BREVE MALATTIA/ PARTI DAI VIVENTI/ IL 29 GENNAIO 1832/ LASCIANDO DI SE MEMORIA/ IN FIGLIO DI GIORNI 15/ L'INCONSOLABILE CONSORTE/ BALDASSARE MERCADANTI/ ALLE SPOGLIE MORTALI/ QUEST'URNA POSE// PIANGE IL BAMBINO LA MADRE/ ESPRIMAMENTE COSI/ PERDEI QUEN BEN CHE SOLO/ SORGEVA I GIORNI MIEI/ PERDEI MIA CARA MADRE/ L'ANIMA DEL MIO CUOR/ See N° 59 1828-1844/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Mercadant/ Maria/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 29 Gennaio/ 1832/ Anni 23/ 57/  Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

These little children are buried near their Rumantsch-speaking Swiss grandmother, D57/ ANNA CLA EGIA STUPAN BAZZELL.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1871.
Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo rialzata su basamento in pietra serena, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 47; P: 83; P.s. A: 22; L: 57; P: 95.] Niccolo Stupan/ Stupan/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Niccola Enrico/ Enrico/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 13 Giugno/ 1871/ Anni 6/ 1133/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Niccolin Stupan, Sent, Canton des Grisons (Suisse), fils de Enrico Stupan, et de Barbera, née Egea/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 330.90,


D54/ 1174/
This is the mother of Nicolo and Orsolina, the children's Rumantsch-speaking grandmother (D57/ ANNA CLA EGIA STUPAN BAZZELL) being buried nearby, three generations together.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1871. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco rialzata su basamento in pietra serena, marmo sporco. Intervento ri pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016.
[M: A: 2; L: 47; P: 83; P.s. A: 22; L: 57; P: 95.] Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Barbla Stoppani, Sent (Canton des Grisons) fille de Enrico Nicolo Stoppani e de Barbara née Egea/ See Egia/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 387, C/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Stupan/ Barberina/ Enrico/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 16 Giugno/ 1872/ Anni 20/ 1174. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D55/ 1072/
These little children are buried near their Rumantsch-speaking Swiss grandmother, D57/ ANNA CLA EGIA STUPAN BAZZELL.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1869.
Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo erosa, marmo sporco, rialzata su basamento in pietra serena. [M: A: 2; L: 47; P: 83; P.s. A: 22; L: 57; P: 95.] Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des  Morts: Orsolino Stupani, Sent, Grisons, fille de Henri Stupani, et de Barbara, née Egia/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 241.50/ Registro alfabetico delle inumazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Stupan/ Orsolina/ Enrico/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 4 Dicembre/ 1869/ Mesi 34/ 1072. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

An elderly wife, whose husband from Chichester will remarry within two years and father a daughter. Her tomb echoes that for Letitia Zaida Ffrench in Sector B, B1.

Urna su colonna.
[Repeated] P. BAZZANTI.F Sec. XIX, post 9/1832. Ambito toscano. Colonna scanalata sormontata da un'urna, dado, su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 180; L: 37; P: 37; P.s. A: 7.5; L: 87.5; P: 87.5; RP.s.: A: 72; L: 163; P: 270.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: LYDIA WIFE OF MATTHEW SNOOK OF CHICHESTER DIED 14 SEPTEMBER 1832 AGED 46 YEARS/ See N° 67 1828-1844/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: Baptism G23773 N° 43 Florence Elizabeth Snook, 26/05/35, father Matthew of Chichester, mother, Elizabeth [second wife], Rev Peacock/ Hampshire Telegraph, Lydia, the wife of Matthew Brooke(sic), Esq, late of the Pallant, Chichester/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Snook/ Lidia/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 14 Settembre/ 1832/ Anni 46/ 66/ N&Q 62. Lydia, w. of Matthew Snook, of Chichester, ob. 14 Sept 1832, a. 46. Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D57/ 1296
This Rumantsch-speaking family from the Grigione have kept their language alive through four generations as we see in these inscriptions on this tomb which even quote from Job in the Bible in Rumantsch. Noam Chomsky says that a language dies when grandparents and grandchildren cannot speak it together. For another family member, Luzio Bazzell, see A99.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1875. Ambito Toscano. Stele in marmo bianco con clessidra alata, marmo inciso.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016.. [M: A: 225; L: 34; P: 34; P.s. A: 20; L: 53; P: 53] Iscrizione sepolcrale in romancio incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani: Q.R./ ANNA CLA EGIA/ NATA BAZZELL/ MORTA ALL'ETA D.ANNS LXXIX/ ANNO MDCCCLXXV/ ELLA FUT/ LA PLU BUNA DELLAS MAMMAS/ E LA PLU ADURATA DELLAS NONAS// MEIS PEI S'HA ARTIGNU VI'A/ SEIS FASTIZIS, EU HA SALVA/ SIA VIA, E NON SUN/ GIUNGHI DA QUELLA/ GIOB. XXIII.11// LA FIGLIA BARBLA ANDRI STUPAN/ ET IL ABIADIS/ ANNA, CLA, AISA E NINA/ METTETTEN QUAIS MARMI/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Anna Egia, fille de Louis Bazzel/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Egia nata Bazzel/ Vedova Anna/ Luigi/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 25 Gennaio/ 1875/ Anni 78/ 1296/ Bazzel Vedova Egia/ Anna/ Luigi/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 25 Gennaio/ 1875/ Anni 78/ 1296/ See Egia, Bazzell. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D58/ 484/
She is the widow of F91/ THOMAS TOWNLEY (died 1839), mother of E144/ ROBERT TOWNLEY (died 1870), of George Townley (buried here, 1871, but without a surviving tombstone, who in turn has four children, their mother being the Italian, Annunziata Donati), and of Henry, who alone raises the tombstone to Mary Townley's memory in 1852.
He is the son of Thomas Townley (F91) and Mary Townley (D56), the brother of Robert Townley (E144), and was buried in the original Sector B (now Sectors E,F), but who now lacks a tomb.
George Townley, l'Angleterre, fils de Thomas/ GL23777/1 N° 434 Burial 09/12 Rev Tottenham; Baptism children Albert b 15/07/69, Alfred b 11/09/60 Henry b 12/02/57, Mary Victoria b 11/12/65, all bp 26/02/70 Rev Tottenham, father George, mother Annunciata Donati/ IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 337, B/ Townley/ Giorgio/ Tommaso/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 7 Dicembre/ 1871/ Anni 58/ 1152/

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1852. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo, scolpito con una stemma, marmo sporco, posto su  basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 108; L: 51; P: 8; P.s. A: 20; L: 75; P: 31; R: A: L: P: ] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: MARY TOWNLEY DEPARTED THIS LIFE THE 30 OF JULY 1852 AGED 69 YEARS/ EVER SACRED TO HER MEMORY THIS LAST FILIAL TRIBUTE HENRY RECORDS/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 565 + Paoli 40/ Q 28: 300 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 174 Burial 09/12, Rev Tottenham/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Townley/ Vedova Marta/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 30 Luglio/ 1852/ Anni 69/ 484/ N&Q 63. Mary Townley, ob. 30 July 1852, a. 69. Erected by her s. Henry. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

Daughter of Robert Butler, she married Thomas Meek. A relative, perhaps brother-in-law, D48/ ROBERT MEEK, is also buried in this Sector.


Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1870. Ambito toscano. Cippo e lastra in marmo bianco, marmo sporco, posti su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 129; L: 55; P: 19; P.s. A: 28; L: 70; P: 150.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF ELIZABETH S. MEEK/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE JUNE THE 18TH 1870/ AGED 59 YEARS/ BLESSED ARE THE DEAD/ WHO DIE IN THE LORD [Rev, 14.13]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Elisabeth Meek, l'Angleterre, fille de Robert Butler/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 425, Burial 20/07, Rev Rothwell Johnson, Villa Cappacci, via San Donato, 44// Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Meek nata Butler/ Elisabetta/ Roberto/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 19 Luglio/ 1870/ Anni 59/ 1100/ N&Q 64. Eliz. S. Meek, ob 18 June 1870, a. 59 . Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


This is the burial of the mother of Eliza, the first wife of Thomas Cooper. Notes and Queries placed this tomb in Sector D where we found it beside those for D59/ ELIZABETH S. (BUTLER) MEEK and D61/ ANNA WHALEY
She is English. Her father marries a second time to an Italian. Both marriages seem to be in Common Law, lacking proper documentation until this is regularized at the Legation.
Elisa Cooper, l'Angleterre, fille de Thomas Cooper/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 401/ GL 23777/1 N°381, Burial 01/02, Rev Pierce Connolly; mother, Esther, buried 28/08/56, father, Thomas, 15/11/66, marriage of parents, no certificate for first, second marriage, GL 2077 N°146, 26/06/58, Thomas Cooper to Paolina Angiolini at HBM (Normanby) groom widower, Rev O'Neill/ Cooper/ Elisa/ Tommaso/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 31 Gennaio/ 1867/ Anni 33/ 969/ 

This is the burial of father and husband of the above two women.
Tommaso Cooper, l'Angleterre/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 423/ GL 23777/1 N° 377, Death 14/11, Burial 16/11, age 55, Rev Pendleton; no certificate for first marriage; second marriage, GL 2077 N°146, 26/06/58, Thomas Cooper to Paolina Angiolini at HBM (Normanby), groom widower, Rev O'Neill/  Cooper/ Tommaso/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 15 Novembre/ 1866/ Anni 56/ 954/ .

Lastra con recinzione in ferro. Ester Coper, Angleterre/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli  565 + Paoli 160/ GL 23777/1 N°230, Burial 30/08, Rev Gilbert; first wife of Thomas, baptism of child, G23773 N° 9, Eliza bp 13/10/33, father Thomas, mother, Esther, Rev Hutton/ Cooper/ Ester/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 28 Agosto/ 1856/ Anni 54/ 602/ N&Q 65. * Esther Coo(per?), ob 28 Aug 18(5?)6, a. 32.

D61/ 607/
Censuses show 'William Whaley' of Northumberland but not of the right dates.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1857.
Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo rialzata su basamento in pietra serena, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 3; L: 70; P: 175; P.s. A: 30; L: 96; P: 200.]  Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ ANN WHALEY/ WIFE OF WILLIAM WHALEY/ NORTHUMBERLAND/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ ON THE/ 25TH  JANUARY 1857/ IN THE 47TH YEAR OF HER AGE/ IN LIFE MUCH BELOVED/ IN DEATH MUCH REGRETTED/ 607/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Anna Whaley, Doveridge, en Angleterre, agée de 47 ans/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 565/ Q 252: 300 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777 N° 232 Burial 28/01 Rev O'Neill/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Whaley/ Anna/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 25 Gennaiso/ 1857/ Anni 47/ 607/ N&Q 66. Anna Whaley, w. of Wm Whaley, of Northumberland, ob 25 Jan 1857, a. 47. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D62/ 883/
From the same family as the cluster of tombs that follow in this virtual tour, whose inscriptions are now all illegible.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1864. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo bianco, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 130; L: 51; P:  21; P.s. A: 30; L: 89; P: 51.] Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Violante Gilli, Grisons, Suisse/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 340/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gilli/ Violante/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 15 Ottobre/ 1864/ Anni 59/ 883. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

This Swiss family from the Rumantsch-speaking Engadine valley in the Grigione Canton sponsored the Evangelical Reformed Church in Florence (1824) and have a famous café in via Calzaiuoli, Florence, begun in 1733. Their grand tombs cluster closely together in the same way as do those of the Salvetti family, two are for babies, while only one of the two adults is accounted for in the Swiss burial records. The inscriptions are illegible.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1836/1849/1876. Ambito toscano. Quattro colonne sormontate da urne e da una croce 
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. [M: A: 187/ 187/ 82; L: 52/ 52/ 30; P: 52/ 52/ 30; P.s. A: L: P: ; R: A: L: P: ] . Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
416/ CATHERINE ELISE GILLI/ SVIZZERA/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Catherine Elise Gilly, Samander dans le Canton des Grisons, en Suisse, fille de Louis Gilly, et de Dame Anna Léa, née Posio/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gilli/ Caterina Elisa/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 11 Ottobre/ 1849/ Mesi 17/ 416. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
1369/ CECILIA GILLI/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gilli/ Cecilia/ Luigi/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 18 Novembre/ 1876/ Anni 4/ 1369. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
139/ ELISA GILLI/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gilli/ Elisa/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 9 Agosto/ 1836/ Anni 39/ 139. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

The Swiss Salvetti community in Florence with its clustered tombs side by side with those of the Gilli, dates back at least to 1800, while the Gilli family has been present here since 1733. There are also Salvetti burials in the ancient Livorno delle Nazione/English Cemetery.

D67/ 100
She is born in Rumantsch-speaking Bevers, Engadine, Grigione Canton, Switzerland, and she marries Gaudenzio Salvetti, their son being Giacomo Gaudenzio Salvetti (D68).


Urna e colonna.
Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1834. Ambito toscano. Urna con iscrizione entro tabula, urna caduta dalla colonna, colonna in marmo bianco.
Intervento di restauro, consolidamento e pulitura, dopo il temporale, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2014-2015. [M: A: 179; L/P: circum: 133; L: 56; P: 56; P.s.: A: 22; L: 85; P: 85.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ICI SONT DEPOSES/ LE DEPOUILLES MORTELLES DE CATHERINE TOGNONO VEUVE SALVETTI/ QUI NACQUIT A BEVERS EN SUISSE LE 8 MARS 1767 ET MOURUT A FLORENCE LE 30/ AOUT/ J'AI COMBATTU LE BON COMBAT J'AI FINI/ MA COURSE JAI GARDE LA . . . / LA COURONNE DE JUSTICE . . . / Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Salvetti/ Caterina/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 30 Agosto/ 1834/ Anni 58/ 100/ See Giacomo Gaudenzio Salvetti. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.  Nulla osta.

D68/ 551/

He is a retired shopkeeper and the celibate son of Gaudenzio Salvetti and Catherine Tognioni Salvetti (D67). He is from Samadan, Engadine, in the Grigione Canton.


Intervento di restauro, consolidamento e pulitura, dopo il temporale, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. ALLA MEMORIA/ DI/ GIACOMO SALVETTI/ . . ./ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jacques (Giacomo) Gaudenzio Salvetti, Bourgeois de Samaden, Canton des Grisons en Suisse, né e domicilié a Florence, celibatair, ancien negociant, fils de Gaudenzio Salvetti et de Catherine, née Tognioni, son épouse/ Q 146: 465 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Salvetti/ Giacomo Gaudenzio/ Gaudenzio/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 11 Settembre/ 1854/ Anni 64/ 551/ See Catherine (Tognoni) Salvetti. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D69/ 845/
In this burial we see a Swiss woman born in Florence who is widowed from a Swedish/Finnish husband and who is the daughter of Gaudenzio and Catherine (D67). The statue on her tomb is sculpted by Giuseppe Lazzerini, Professor at Carrara, who also sculpted the 'Allegory of Death' on the tomb of Andrea Casentini (B76). This statue instead represents 'Faith' (not St Helen which would have been unacceptable in a Protestant cemetery). The cross has been vandalized but we have found all the fragments. Our hope is that Leonora Gioventu will receive the funding to restore this work. She has already restored the 'Allegory of Death' for her 2009 Opificio delle Pietre Dure thesis. The statue is a fitting companion to that of 'Speranza' by Odoardo Fantacchiotti on Reginald Routh's tomb (E25), in Sector E.

Scultura. Scultore: Giuseppe Lazzerini, docente presso l'Accademia di Carrara, pellicano con la sua pietà, sacro cuore, fenice, ouroboros sul globo celeste, faci capovolte, e 16 ancore a simboleggiare Fede, Speranza, Carità (virtù teologali), Risurrezione ed Eternità. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 295; L: 93.5; P: 93.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani e arabi: CLARA MATHILDE WETZYNTHUS/ NEE SALVETTI/ NEE A FLORENCE LE 2 JUILLET MDCCCII/ MORTE LE 8 SEPTEMBRE MDCCCLXIII/ J'AI COMBATTUE LE BON COMBAT/ J'ACHEVE MA COURSE J'AI GARDE LA FOI/ II TIM IV.7/ QUOIQU'IL EN SOIT IL EST MON ROCHER/ MA DELIVRANCE ET MA HAUTE/ RETRAIT/ JE NE SERAIT POINT EBRANLE/ PS LXII.7// TU NE REVIENDRAS PLUS VERS NOUS/ O MERE CHERIE/ MAIS NOUS IRONS VERS TOI!/ NOUS PLEURONS ET NOUS GEMISSONS/ MAIS NON PAS COMME SEUX/ QUI N'ONT POINT D'ESPERANCE// L'AGNEAU QUI EST AU MILIEU DU/ TRONE LES PAITRA ET LES CONDUIRA/ AUX SOURCES D'EAUX VIVES ET DIEU/ ESSUIERA TOUTE LARME DE LEURS YEUX/ APOC VIII.17/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Clara Mathilde Wetzinthius, veuve de George Thomas, Suisse, rentière, fille de Gaudenz Salvetti/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Salvetti in Westzynthius/ Clara Matilde/ Gaudenzio/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 8 Settembre/ 1863/ Anni 62/ 845/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

Their dead child is named after his Swedish father.

Urna su colonna.
Marmista: Francesco Giovanozzi. Sec. XIX, post 7/1833. Ambito toscano. Colonna in marmo sormontata da un'urna, iscrizione incisa. 
Intervento di restauro, consolidamento e pulitura, dopo il temporale, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2014-2015. [M: A: 162; L/ P circum: 122; P.s. A: 10; L: 50; P: 50.] See N° 80 1828-1844/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 366.99/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wetzynthius/ Giorgio Tommaso/ / Svezia/ Firenze/ 29 Luglio/ 1833/ Mesi 30/ 79/ See Salvetti. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D71/ 36
The Salvetti family from Samadan and Bevers in the Rumantsch-speaking Engadine valley, Grigione Canton, Switzerland, bury the daughter of Catherine Tognoni Salvetti, who in turn had children.


Urna su colonna.
Scultore: P.Bazzanti.F Sec. XIX, post 5/1830. Ambito toscano. Colonna in marmo bianco sormontata da un'urna, iscrizione entro tabula.
Intervento di restauro, consolidamento e pulitura, dopo il temporale, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2014-2015. [M:: A: 189; circum: 128; L: 52; P: 52.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: CATERINA SALVETTI/ L'ANCILLA PER LA DOLE E COSTUITI/ PREGIATA/ MORTA IL 30 MAGGIO 1830/ QUESTO TITOLO DI DOLORE/ LA MADRE E I FI..LI POSERO/

N° 35                   Le premier Juin mil huit cent trente, Catherine
Salvetti                 Salvetti, Ãgée de trente     ans, bourgeoise
                            de Bevers, Canton des Grisons, fille de feu
                            Gaudenzio Salvetti et de Catherine née Tognoni,
                            la veuve, décédé le trentaine Mai, a été enseve=
                            =lie dans le Cimètiere de l'Eglise Evangelique, en
                            présence de Mrs Gonin, Courvoisier, et plusiers
                            autres membres du Consistoire.
                                                                   Chs Recordon Past~

Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Salvetti/ Catarina/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 30 Maggio/ / 1830/ 36. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.  Nulla osta.

Turn left again and go along the path with the Russian and Swiss tombs, to find first on your left hand side these tombs:

D72/ 381/
He publishes Researches into the Causes, Nature and Treatment of the More Prevalent Diseases of India, and of Warm Climates Generally, 1841 (609 pp), with a fine engraved portrait. The Notes and Queries transcription records what was intact 100 years ago but of which most is now missing from the remaining slab fragment. This tomb needs to be repaired in the same manner that Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu and Nicholae Ovrei under Alberto Casciani did with that for B65/ EDWARD PORTEUS, building up the centre with bricks, then placing the marble slab sides, and last the top. The piece that is inscribed with FORT ST GEORGE, LATE PRESIDENT OF THE MEDICAL BOARD AT MADRAS/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE/ THE 15 DECEMBER 1847 is now in the collection of inscribed marble slabs. See Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, pp. 133-134.


Lastra parte di monumento. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1847. Ambito Toscano. Monumento in marmo, lastre con iscrizioni mancanti, lastra incisa con iscrizione posta accanto. Intervento di restauro e pulitura dopo il temporale, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 3/2014-2015. [Monumento: A: L: P: ; Lastra: M: A: ?; L: 61.2; P: 2.2] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ SIR JAMES ANNESLEY KT/ OF THE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT [HONORABLE EAST INDIA COMPANY, FORT ST GEORGE, LATE PRESIDENT OF THE MEDICAL BOARD AT MADRAS, DIED 15 DECEMBER 1847] / Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23774 N° 122, Sir James Annesley Death Tues 14-12, Burial, 17-12. Rev. Robbins (E101)/ Morning Chronicle, son of the late Honourable Marcus Annesley, County Down, President of the Medical Board of Madras, served on the expedition to Java, receiving the thanks of Sir Samuel Auchmuty, Commander in Chief, for his superintence of the field hospital, was head of medical staff in the Dekkan, received thanks from the Admiralty for his srvices in the Madras Roads, Cheltenham Looker-On/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 29. Annesley/ Giacomo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 15 Dicembre/ 1847/ / 381/ N&Q 67. Sir James Annesley, Kt. of the Medical Establishment,  H.E.I.C., Fort St George, late President of the Medical Board at Madras, ob. 15 Dec 1847. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
See http://books.google.it/books/about/Researches_into_the_causes_nature_and_tr.html?id=n1A_dTHrXEgC&redir_esc=y and Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holding, TAU: Sir James Annesley, Researches into the Causes , Nature and Treatment of the more Prevalent Diseases of India and of Warm Climates Generally, 1841.  

He comes from the Rumantsch-speaking area in the Canton of Grigioni in Switzerland. His family name is on the gate of the Cemetery as involved with the Swiss founding of it. We have the manuscript letters between his son, Pietro Ganzoni, and Giuseppe Poggi over the closing of the Swiss-owned so-called 'English' Cemetery, the demolition of its walls (built by Arnolfo di Cambio and Michelangelo Buonarotti), and its restructuring as an oval: GuiseppePoggi.html. Both are engineers involved with railroads in Tuscany, such as the Ferrovia Marmifera Carrara Privata.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1858. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo bianco, lettere in piombo. Restaurato con consolidamento e pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 3/2014-2015. dopo il temporale. [M: A: 113; L: 49; P: 7; P.s. A: 28; L: 65; P: 24.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: DOPO LUNGA LOTTA/ CONTRO LE INFERMITA' DEL CORPO/ E LE AVVERSITA' DEL MONDO/ QUI/ TROVARONO RIPOSO LE SPOGLIE MORTALI/ DEL CAPIT. GIAC. ANT. GANZONI/ DI CELERINA IN SVIZZERA/ N. IL 16 MAGGIO 1801/ M. IL 22 MARZO 1858/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jacob Anton Ganzoni, Celerina, Canton des Grisons, Capitaine, fils de Peter Ganzoni, et de Barbara Ganzoni, née Misani/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 622/ Q 300: 345 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Ganzoni/ Cap. Giacomo Antonio/ Pietro Gaspero/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 11 Marzo/ 1858/ Anni 57/ 636. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D74/ 664/
She is the daughter of Count Magnus Stenbock-Fermor, Russian Colonel. For her Oxford-educated PreRaphaelite poet nephew see the Wikipedia entry for Eric Stenbock.

       Another Countess Stenbock-Fermor, 1903 Winter Palace Ball, St Petersburg

Colonna con croce. Scultore, Francesco Mattei, firma: F.MATTEI  Sec. XIX, post 2/1859. Ambito toscano. Colonna in marmo sormontata da una croce, basamento in marmo bianco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. Colonna incisa in lingua tedesca con lettere in scrittura fraktura. [M: A: 174; circum: 90.5; L: 46; P: 46; ; RM: A: 57.5; L: 169.5; P: 188.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in tedesco incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: HIER RUHT IN GOTT/ ELEANORE STENBOCK FERMOR/ HEIMGEGANGEN / DEN 18TH FEBRUAR 1859/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Comtessa Eleanore Emilie Stenbock Fermor, Neuenhoff en Estonie, proprietaire, fille de Comte Magnus Johann Stenbock Fermor, Colonel Russe, et de Comtesse Friederike Auguste, née Gernet/ Talalay: N° 664, RC/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', burial of infant, Paoli 75/ Q 66: 15 Paoli/ Burial Q 348: 500 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Stenbock (Fermor) [pencilled brackets]/ Contessa Eleonora Emilia / / Russia [pencil, (Svezia)]/ /18 Febbraio/ 1859/ Anni 44/ 664/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
Стенбок-Фермор Элеонора-Эмилия Ивановна, графиня, † Флоренция 18.2.1859, 44 года, № 664, D22P.

D75/ 779/
A ten-year-old English child with a French tomb inscription; perhaps because of his mother, who is named as 'E. Walker, née Yarak', which seems to be a family name in Lebanon. It is also the maiden name of Charles Dalgas' wife, Heloise Yarak Dalgas, mother of LOUISE LAURE SOPHIE ALICE DALGAS,  RODOLPHE GUILLAUME DALGAS, C39 (died 1872).

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1862. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo scolpito con un bocciolino poggiante su base in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 105; L: 50; P: 7; P.s. A: 213; L: 72; P: 30.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: JOHN MAURICE WALKER/ NE A MANCHESTER/ MORT A FLORENCE LE 11 APRILE 1862/ N'AYANT PAS [peur]. . . / JOB 1.40/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: John Walker, Angleterre, fils de W.T. Walker et de E. Walker, née Yarak/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Francs 340/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Walker/ Giovanni/ Guglielmo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 11 Aprile/ 1862/ Anni 10/ 779/ N&Q 68. John Maurice Walker, b. at Manchester, ob. 11 April 1862, a. 10. (In French). Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D76/ 647/
Another child, eleven years old, this one said on the tomb stone to be from Leiden but in the Swiss records to be from Zurich. Claudia Vitale mentions a cultivated Schwarzenberg family in  Costa Scarpuccia, Florence, where the wife translated Mazzini and the daughter drew.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 10/1858. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo su basamento in pietra serena. Intervento di resetauro di consolidamento, dopo il secondo temporale, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 3/2015;
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2018. [M: A: 91; L: 63; P: 22; P.s. A: L: 21; P: ] Iscrizione sepolcrale in tedesco incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: HIER RUIT/ LUDWIG SCHWARZENBERG/ . . . LEIDEN/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Ludwig Schwarzenberg, Zurich (en Suisse) [correction], fils de Dr Philippe Schwarzenberg, et de son épouse, Jacobin, née Saddler/ Q 31\8; 175 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Schwarzenberg/ Gugl: Filippo Lodovico/ Filippo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 3 Ottobre/ 1858/ Anni 11/ 647. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D77/ UNKNOWN/ NON IDENTIFICATA Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo erosa su basamento in pietra. [(M: A: 1; L: 62.5; P: 133.7); P.s.: A: 24; L: 71.5; P: 146.] Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


D78/ 924/
She is the four-month-old daughter of a Russian colonel, and is buried beneath an arch of roses. It is her tomb, apart from that of the Countess Stenbock-Fermor, that begins the predominantly Russian/Romanian Row in the Cemetery.

Croce. Marmista e fabbro ignoti. Sec. XIX, post 9/1865. Ambito Toscano. Lastra in marmo incisa, nella parte retrostante croce con ghirlanda di rose, arco in ferro battuto. Intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008, pianta di rosa, 2008. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 118; L: 47; P:16; P.s. A: 23; L: 80; P: 166; RF: A: 155; L: 71; P: 155.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in russo incisa in cirillico e numeri arabi: Bernova Antonina Ivanovna/ Antonine de Bernhoff, Russie, fille du Colonel Jean de Bernhoff, et de M. née Danileffsky/ Talalay: Epitaffo: 'Da budet volja Tvoja Sviataja!' Che sia secondo la tua santa volontà  / 25.5.1865-25.9.1865, N° 924, RC/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 176.05/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 114. Bernoff (de)/ Antonina/ Giovanni/ Russia/ Firenze/ 25 Settembre/ 1865/ Mesi 4/ 924. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
Бернова Антонина Ивановна, 25(12).5.1865 — Флоренция 25(12).9.1865, № 924, D24Р, Да будет воля Твоя Святая!

A 7-year-old child, son of a Russian general. He had fallen from a window and died immediately, unable to receive the Orthodox Last Rites

Obelisco. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1858. Ambito toscano. Obelisco su basamento, recinto delimitato da colonnini in marmo.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. [M: A: 270; L: 73; P: 73; RM: 45; 106; 158.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in russo in cirillico e numeri arabi: Chrapovickij Boris Michajlovic/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Chrapowitzky/ Boris/ Michele/ Russia/ Firenze/ 5 Aprile/ 1858/ Anni 7/ 638/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Boris Chrapowitzky, Russie, fils de General Michel Chrapowitzky, et de Lydie, née Comtesse Apratine/ Q 306: 245 Paoli/ Talalay: 29(17).10.1850. Figlio di un general-maggiore a riposo, morto per le ferite riportate in seguito alla caduta da una finestra posta al secondo piano senza ricevere l'estrema unzione per morte quasi subitanea', MKF, lapide con croce, N° 638, RC. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
Храповицкий Борис Михайлович, 29(17).10.1850 — Флоренция 6.4(24.3).1858, № 638, D26P [«сын отставного генерала-майора», МКФ].

D80/ 609/
The widowed Professor Kudrjacev laments the death of his wife, speaking of himself as 'orphaned' in reference to the sculpture on the tomb of the dead Mercadanti mother and her orphaned son MARIA MERCADANTI, D52, GAUDENZIO MERCADANTI, D50. A scholar, he studied Dante.


Urna su colonna. Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1866.
Ambito toscano. Pilastro in marmo sormontato da un'urna, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 167; L: 40.5; P: 40.5; P.s. A: 55; L: 64; P: 64; RPs: A: 68; L: 113;  P: 197.] L'epitaffio fa riferimento alla scultura dell'orfano sulla tomba di Maria Mercadanti. Kudrjavceva, nata Nelidova, Varvara Arsen'evna. Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Bardera Kudrawzow, femme de Pierre Kudrawzow, Moscou, Empire Russe/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 640/ Q257: 175 Paoli/ Talalay: 6.2.1826 - 17(5).3.1857; 'moglie professore università di Mosca' (Petr Nikolaevic Kudrjavcev, noto storico, italianista (1816-1858), MKF; N° 609, RC; Epitaffo: nikto ne prinosil/ stol'ko scast'ja/ kak ona i tomu, kto znal/ i poterjal ee nikogda/ ne izbyt' gor'kogo sirostava/ Nessuno ha dato tanta felicità quanto lei e chi l'ha conosciuta e perduta sarà sempre amaramente orfano (epitaffio composto probabilmente dallo stesso professor Kudrjavcev rimasto vedovo)/ Kudranzow/ Bardera [sic]/ / Russia/ Firenze/ 17 Marzo/ 1857/ Anni 30/ 609. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
See City and Book III: gimel.html.
Кудрявцева, урожд. Нелидова, Варвара Арсеньевна, 6.2.1826 — Флоренция 17(5).3.1857, № 609, D25P [«жена профессора Московского университета» <П.Н. Кудрявцева>, МКФ], никто не приносил столько счастья как она и тому, кто знал и потерял ее никогда не избыть горького сиротства.

D81/ 650/
Descended from an Emperor of Constantinople, a Prince of Greece, Moldavia, Poland and Russia, he was an owner of Roma slaves, he died when a friend and guest of Prince Demidoff. A Romeo and Juliet story of a double suicide between a Frenchwoman and one of his Roma slaves, forbidden to marry each other by law, along with the translation of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin into Romanian, started the liberation of the Roma in that country. His tomb is in the same style as that for PAUL POLIDORE VENTURA, D83.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1859. Ambito toscano. Cippo con stemma, croce mancante, recinto in pietra serena, ferro mancante.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. [M: A: 155; L: 62.5; P: 55; P.s. A: 32; L: 74; P: 65; RP.s.: A: 70; L: 107; P: 192.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in rumeno incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: AICE ODIXNESTE/ VORNIKUL/ JOAN I. KANTAKUZIN/ NASKUT LA MOLDOVA LA 1823/ MORT LA FLORENCE LA 1859/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jean de Catacuzène, Moldavie/ Q 326 135 Paoli/ Talalay: Moldova 1825 - 4.11(21.10).1858;  di famiglia rumena della buona società : il capostirpe della così detta linea svizzera dei Kantakuzin; 'la cerimonia funebre è celebrata dal padre Platon Travlinskij, priore della cappella di Casa Demidov nella proprieta di San Donato", MKF, N° 650, RC/ Prince of Greece, Moldavia, Poland and Russia/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 499 + Paoli 40/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Cantucuzène/ Giovanni/ [Nicolai] / Romania/ Firenze/ 2 Novembre/ 1858/ Anni 35/ 650/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/°=Teodoru Catalin-Andrei. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
Кантакузин Иван Николаевич, Молдавия 1825 — Флоренция 4.11(21.10).1858 № 650, D24Q [родоначальник т.н. швейцарской линий Кантакузинов].
Romanian Wikipedia, Familia Cantacuzino: http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinastia_Cantacuzino


D83/ 662/
He is the three-year-old son of the Romanian Colonel Polydore Ventura, his tomb almost the same as that for JOAN I. KANTAKUZIN, D81, who died ten months after him.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1859. Ambito toscano. Colonna scolpita con stemma sormontata da un'urna e posta su basamento in pietra serena. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016.
[M: A: 175; L: 58; P: 58; P.s. A: 35; L: 87; P: 197.] Ventura Pavel Polidorovic, Moldova 30.12.1855 - Firenze, 13.1.1859, Stemma con motto: Ense et Consilio/ Iscrizione sepolcrale in rumeno incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: AICE ODIXXESTE/ PRUNKUL/ PAUL P. VENTURA/ NASKUT LA MOLDOVA/ IN 5 DEKEMBRE 1855/ MORI LA FLORENCE IN 25 IANUARI 1859/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Paul Ventura, Moldavie, fils du Colonel Polydore Ventura/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 369/ Q 344: 100 Paoli/ Talalay: Moldova 30.12.1855 - Firenze, 13.1.1859; N° 1091, RC; Stemma con motto: ENSE ET CONSILIO/Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Ventura/ Paolo/ Polidoro/ Germania/ Firenze/ 25 Gennaio/ 1859/ Anni 3/ 662/°=Teodoru Catalin-Andrei. Same style as Joan Kantakuzin tomb. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
Вентура Павел Полидорович, Молдавия 30.12.1855 — Флоренция 13.1.1859, № 662, герб с девизом Ense et Consilio.

D84/ 606/
The cursive cyrillic on this Russian tomb is particularly beautiful. Observe also the combined Easter and Western dating.

Colonna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1862. Ambito toscano. Colonna sormontata da una croce, colonna incisa. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 135; circum: 75; L: 45; P: 45; P.s. A: 17; L: 94; P: 182.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in russo incisa in cirillico, in corsivo e numeri arabi: Chlebnikov Nikolaj Nikolaevic/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Nicolas Chlabnikeff, Russie/ Q 250: 190 Paoli/ Talalay: Epitaffo: Da budet volja Tvoja/ Che sia secondo la tua santa volontà  / Mosca 1.2.1835, N° 606, RC/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Chlebnikoff/ Niccolò  / / Russia/ Firenze/ 26 Dicembre/ 1856/ Anni 24/ 606. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
Хлебников Николай Николаевич, Москва 1.2.1835 — Флоренция 26(14).12.1856, Да будет воля Твоя.

An empty space for another tomb lies between this tomb and the next.

He is the fifteen-year-old son of a Prussian army major and has died while his parents are living in Florence during the Austrian army's occupation of the city at the invitation of the Grand Duke Leopold. See Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Casa Guidi Windows. See also B96/ FREDERICK ADOLPH KLEINKAUF, (B116) ADOLF VON BERG.


Croce. Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1856. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 102; L: 58.4; P: 6.3; P.s. A: 52; L: 44.5; P: 44.5; R: A: 19.5; L: 88; P: 174.]  Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Charles Jean Eric Gustave Pagenstecher, Minden, Royaume de Prusse, Domicilié à  Florence, fils de Rodolphe Pagenstecher, major au service de Prusse, et de Caroline, née Lutz, son épouse/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 440/ Q 221: 175 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 346 Burial 18/06, Rev Connolly/Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Pagenstecher/ Carlo Giov: Enrico Gustavo/ Rodolfo/ Germania/ Firenze/ 8 Febbraio/ 1856/ Anni 15/ 591. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

Beyond the information on his tomb we have little information about him. It seems it was intended to have him shipped to America, yet later we find a record of his burial in Florence.

Colonna spezzata. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1854. Ambito toscano. Colonna spezzata in marmo posta su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 168; L: 51; P: 51; circum: 93; P.s. A: 17; L: 87; P: 209.]  Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ THOMAS P. JACKSON, M.D., OF BOSTON, UNITED STATES, WHO DIED IN FLORENCE/ JUNE 25TH 1854, AGED 44/  Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Thomas P. Jackson, Etats Unis de l'Amérique du Nord, né a Boston/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 664, for transport to America/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 172/ Q 133: 375 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 203, Burial 27/06, Rev O'Neill, pulmonary consumption/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Jackson/ Tommaso P./ / America/ Firenze/ 24 Giugno/ 1854/ Anni 44/ 541/ N&Q 69. Thos P. Jackson, M.D., of Boston, U.S., ob. 25 June 1854, a. 44. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D87/ 494/
Major Alexander Tomkins was in the 77th Infantry. A descendant writes: 'Burgoyne Tomkins (c. 1761-1836), was a physician, not a mere surgeon as his father had been. He took an MD at St Andrews and was a Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge, and held the sinecure post of Physician to the Tower of London garrison for over 50 years (Burgoyne's sons were officers in the Army and the Royal Navy, one dying at Waterloo, while two of his daughters married Army officers)'.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1852. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo rialzata su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 20; L: 68; P: 126; P.s. A: 20; L: 96; P: 207.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ MAJOR ALEXANDER TOMKINS 77 HIGH/ YOUNGEST SON OF THE LATE BORGOYNE TOMKINS/ PHYSICIAN AT THE TOWER OF LONDON/ DEPARTED THIS LIFE ON THE 2ND OF NOVEMBER 1852 AGED 52 YEARS/ 494/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Tomkins, major du 77 Regiment d'infanterie de S.M. Britannique, Angleterre/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 727/ Q 42: 438 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 180 Burial 26/11 Rev Gilbert, aneurism of the bowels/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Tomkins/ Major . . . [Alexander] / / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 24 Novembre/ 1852/ Anni 52/ 494. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

We only know this Englishman's name, not his father's, and that he dies in Florence at 24.

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1852. Ambito toscano. Croce gotica in marmo bianco su base in marmo incisa poggiante su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 183; L: 82; P: 44; P.s. A: 23; L:  94; P: 55.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: HENRY GREGORY/ DIED MAY 2 1852/ AGED 25 YEARS// BLESSED ARE THE DEAD WHICH/ DIE IN THE LORD EVEN SO SAITH THE SPIRIT/ THEY REST FROM THEIR LABOURS/ REV 14: 13 V. Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Henri Gregory, Angleterre/ Q15: 198 Paoli/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 170, Burial 04/05, Rev O'Neill/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gregory/ Enrico/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 2 Maggio/ 1852/ Anni 24/ 476/ N&Q 70. Henry Gregory, ob. 2 May 1852, a. 25. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D89/ 448/
Charles Perkins was a colliery owner in Birtley, Country Durham, and a statue to him still stands there. See also ANN MARY SHIPPERDSON, D160.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1851. Ambito toscano. Lastra scolpita con croce distesa poggiante su una struttura rettangolare, recinto in marmo. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 51; L:  59; P: 145; P.s. A: 25; L: 133; P: 208; M: A: 66;  L: 132.5; P: 206.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY/ OF/ CHARLES PERKINS ESQRE/ OF LONDON AND BIRTLEY/ IN THE COUNTY OF DURHAM/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ ON THE 15TH JANUARY 1851/ AGED 66/ 448/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 153: 67 Mark Lane London, aged 66, Burial 17-01, Rev James officiating for Robbins (E101)/ Times, Daily News/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Perkins/ Carlo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 15 Gennaio/ 1851/ Anni 67/ 448/ N&Q 71. Charles. Perkins, Esq., of London and Birtley, Durham, ob. 15 Jan 1851, a. 66. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 


The Wedderburns own Rosslyn Chapel but are unable to place her in their genealogy. She is buried near Sir Robert Keith Arbuthnot (D40) to whom the Wedderburns are related.


Urna e colonna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1838. Ambito toscano. Urna in marmo caduta dalla colonna, iscrizione entro tabula. Urna da ricollocare sulla colonna.  [M: Urn: A: 59; circum: 124; Colonna: A: 151; circum: 91; L: 48; P: 48 ; P.s. A: 8; L: 58; P: 59. ] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ROSLYNN JANET WEDDERBURN/ DAUGHTER OF JOHN AND ELIZABETH MACKENZIE/ . . . OF NOVEMBER 1838/ 12 OF NOVEMBER 1838/ AGED 30/ . . . PACE ANIMA BEATA/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23773/4 N° 68, Burial 15/11, Age 30. d of John Mackenzie deceased and Elizabeth his wife, Burial 15-11, Rev Tennant (F49)/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Mackenzie Wedderburn/ Rosslyn Janet/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 12 Novembre/ 1838/ Anni 30/ 175/ See Mackenzie, Wedderburn/ N&Q 72. Rosalyn(sic) Wedderburn, d. of John and Eliz. Mackenzie, ob. (11) Nov 1838, a. 30. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

A mature Prussian woman's tomb.

Sarcofago. Marmista: Francesco Mattei. 
Belle Arti scheda/ EMILIE PETSCHMANN/ NEE EN PRUSSE/ MORTE A FLORENCE/ LE 9. FEVRIER 1851/ A L'AMIE!!!/ LA PLUS DIGNE/ D'ETERNELS REGRETS!!!/  Petschmann/ Emilia/ / Germania/ Firenze/ 9 Febbraio/ 1851/ Anni 55/ 450/ Emilia Petschmann/ Magdebourg, Royaume de Prusse. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

She is 21, her mother a widow, seemingly unrelated to Thomas Turner who is buried nearby. Webbs note that her father Samuel Turner was buried, 15/4/1833 at Livorno.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1838.
Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo interrata. Possibile  intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 3; L: 74; P: 130.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ ELIZABETH SECOND DAUGHTER OF THE LATE SAMUEL CHARLES/ TURNER ESQ OF THE COUNTY OF DORSET/ DIED APRIL 17 1838 AGED 21 YEARS/ 167/ GL 23773/4 N° 63 Miss Turner, d of Mrs Turner widow of Florence, Burial 21-04 Rev Knapp/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Torner/ Elisabetta/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 17 Aprile/ 1838/ / 167/ N&Q 73. Elizabeth, 2nd d. of Samuel Charles (Horner?), of co. Dorset, ob. 17 April 1838, a. 21. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

Born in Tuscany, he dies at 20, the son of a Prussian brewer.


Colonna spezzata. Scultore: P.BAZZANTI.F. Sec. XIX, post 9/1849. Ambito toscano. Colonna spezzata con ghirlanda posta su basamento a pianta quadrata in marmo bianco, recinto in marmo e ferro. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 137.5; circum: 134; L: 65; P: 65; RMF: A: 73; L: 108; P: 180.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ANDREA MAYER/ BELLO DI FORME/ D'ANIMO GENTILE ED ELEVATO/ NON ANCOR QUADRIMESTRE/ IL DUOLO DELLE PATRIE SVENTURE/ CON OSTINATO MORBO/ RAPIVA ALLA LIBERTA DEI CIELI/ QUESTO MARMO BAGNATO DALLE LACRIME/ DEGLI ORBATI GENITORI E DEGLI INFELICI AMICI/ ISPIRI AI POSTERI TUOI SANTI AFFETTI/ NACQUE IN TOSCANA/ IL 30 . . . BRE 1830/ MORI IN FIRENZE IL 19 SETTEMBRE 1849/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: André Meyer, Prusse, Brasseur de bière, fils de Chrétien Meyer/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Meyer/ Andrea/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 19 Settembre/ 1849/ Anni 20/ 412. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D94/ 215/ Suggest could be LETITIA DILLON TENNENT/ ENGLAND
Her father published Prevailing Religious and Philosophical Opinions Investigated, London, 1837. She was his second daughter. Notes and Queries placed this tomb in Sector D, between D92/ ELIZABETH TURNER and D96/ JEAN TROTTER.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. [M: A: 2.5; L: 52; P: 97; P.s.: A: 10; L: 64; P: 102.]  GL 23774 N° 13: d of Richard Dillon Tennent of London, Burial 23-04, Rev Tennant (F49), fever/ Dillon (Tennent)/ Letizia/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 21 Aprile/ 1841/ Anni 15/ 215/ See Tennent. Identifed in N&Q as N&Q 74. *Letitia, d. of Richard Dillon (Tennent?) and Anne ____. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


This young candidate for ministry is from Brunswick, in Lower Saxony, Germany.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1847. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2.5; L: 75; P: 152; ; P.s. A: 11; L: 88; P: 164.] / Otto Dieckmann/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Othon Dieckman, Brunswick, candidat du saint ministère/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Dickmann/ Otto/ / Germania/ Firenze/ 12 Dicembre/ 1847/ Anni 24/ 380. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Web: 'Dyrham Park was sold in 1798 to John Trotter, Esq., the founder of the Soho Bazaar. The mansion is large and good; the park is 170 acres, pleasant and well timbered. The entrance gate by the St Albans Road - a tall central arch between Tuscan columns - is the triumphal arch erected in London by General Monk for the entry of Charles II in 1660.' The Soho Bazaar enabled destitute widows of the Napoleonic wars to sell items they created. Jean Trotter's sister married the 9th Earl of Lindsay, and their daughter married the 3rd Earl of Norbury. (seems incorrect)


 Sarcofago. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1843. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo posto su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 83; L: 103; P: 56; P.s. A: 34; L: 117; P: 69.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: TO THE MEMORY OF/ JEAN/ FOURTH DAUGHTER OF THE LATE JOHN TROTTER ESQUIRE/ OF DYRHAM PARK MIDDLESEX ENGLAND/ WHO DIED AT FLORENCE 29 OF AUGUST 1843 AGED 38 YEARS/ "LOOKING FOR THAT BLESSED HOPE" 2 CHAP TITUS 13 VER/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 52 d of John and Felicita Trotter, Age 34, Burial 01-09, Rev Willoughby Balfour officiates, Rev Robbins (E101) attests/ Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Trotter o Frotter/ Giovanni/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 29 Agosto/ 1843/ Anni 34/ 266/ [gender, age error]/ N&Q 75. Jean, 4th d. of the late John Trotter of Dyrham Park, Middlesex, ob. 20 Aug 1843, a. 38. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Her Scottish father, George Carr Bainbridge, is from Roxburgshire. She seems to have married twice, her second husband the avvocato Francesco Moratti, that marriage being performed at the British Embassy in Berne, Switzerland. Her portrait medallions, now much eroded, are given twice on the tomb.
124/ WILLIAM BAINBRIDGE/ SCOTLAND/ Bainbridge/ Guglielmo / / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 22 Settembre/ 1835/ / 124.
Lacking his parentage and age we know little about him. Related to Moratti Kline burial?

Tabernacolo. Scultori, PIETRO GAVAZZI/ MODELLO COMINCIO NON FINI/ SORPRESO DA MORTE/ NEL 1852// S . . . PUCCI/ PER AFFEZIONE ALL'AMICO PERDUTO/ ABBELLI TERMINO NEL 1853. Pietro Gavazzi from Pistoia was Bartolini's student/Pietro Gavazzi di Pistoia fu allievo di Bartolini. Sec. XIX, post 3/1851. Ambito toscano. / Tomba come tabernacolo, effigi entro medaglioni nello stile gotico di Félicie de Fauvau, copia degli archi di Santa Maria Novella, Orsanmichele e Santa Croce. Possibile intervento di pulitura.[M: A: 280; L: 143; P: 89.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi . . .R DILECTISSIMAE/ FRANCISCUS DE MORATTIS/ . GRATO ANIMO POSUIT// AD ANNA KLINE MORATTI FIGLIA A/ GIORGIO CARR BAINBRIDGE/ GENTILUOMO INGLESE/ MOGLIE ARMIGER/ NOBILE . . . DONNA . . . / NATA . . . / MORTA . . . / Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 154 Death 06/03/51/ Burial March 51, Age 42, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Caledonian Mercury, daughter of the late George C. Bainbridge, Esq., of Gattonside House, Roxburghshire/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Moratti Kline Baimbridge/ Anna/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 16 Marzo/ 1851/ Anni 41/ 451/ See Bainbridge/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D98/ 504
A Swiss shopkeeper from French-speaking Nant in Fribourg.


Colonna spezzata. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1853.
Ambito toscano. Colonna spezzata in marmo su basamenti in marmo e pietra serena, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 145; L: 60; P: 60; P.s. A: 26; L: 87; P: 87; circum: 95.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: A LA MEMOIRE/ DE/ DAVID SCHMUTS DE NANT/ DECEDE/ A/ FLORENCE/ LE 30 AVRIL/ 1853/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: David Schmutz, Nant, Canton des Fribourg, en Suisse, Negociant/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Schmuts/ David/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 30 Aprile/ 1853/ Anni 45/ 504. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

NON IDENTIFICATA Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [A: 2.5; L: 66; P: 136; P.s.: A: 16; L:  77; P: 145.]  Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


D100/ UNKNOWN/ NON IDENTIFICATA Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [P.s.: A: 18; L: 71; P: 145.]  Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


D101/ 611/
He is 21, the son of a publishing Prussian health officer, Gustav Leopold Cruse, who precedes Rudolf Virchow. Fragments of vandalized cross are in back room.


Cippo con croce in marmo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. [P.s. A: 62; L/P: 45; parte della croce in marmo: A: 39; L: 9; P: 5.] / Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts:Gustave Cruse, Konigsberg, en Prusse, fils de Dr Cruse (Conseiller de Santé) et de Lida Cruse, née Dressler/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 430/ Q262: 165 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti:Cruse/ Gustavo/ Gustavo/ Germania/ Firenze/ 12 Maggio/ 1857/ Anni 21/ 611. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

He is a pastrymaker from the Grigione and the father of D51/ BALDASSARE MERCADANTI above.


Cippo. Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1859. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo bianco, marmo porco, posto su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 98; L: 25; P: 10; P.s. A: 25; L: 71; P: 29; RF: A: 31; L: 81; P: 178.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: GIUSEPPE CRISTIANO MERCADANTI/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Joseph Mercadanti, Canton des Grisons (en Suisse), Patissier, agè de 68 ans, fils de Cristiano Mercadanti/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 575/ Q 352: 310 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Mercadanti/ Giuseppe/ Cristiano/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 19 Marzo/ 1859/ Anni 66/ 668. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

A Wital tomb from which the too-thin marble insert first buckled, then fell. The frame in pietra serena is beautifully carved.

D104/ 1343
She is a Swiss Passet widowed from a Swiss Ruedi.


Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1876. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, marmo sporco, iscrizione in romancio con lettere in ottone in caratteri romani, rialzata su basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 5; L: 61; P: 127; P.s. A: 10.5; L: 69; P: 138.] Frau Anna Ruedi née Passet/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Passett Vedova Ruedi/ Anna / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 16 Luglio/ 1876/ / 1363/ Ruedi nata Passett/ Vedova Anna/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 16 Luglio/ 1876/ / 1363. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

A young French shopkeeper dies in Florence.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1859. Ambito toscano. Colonna spezzata in marmo bianco posta su basamento e lastra in pietra serena, quest'ultima in stato di grande degrado. Intervento di consolidamento, Gheorghe Petrache, 2009. [M: A: 230; L: 65; P: 65; circum: 90; P.s. A: 30; L: 87; P: 205.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: CI GIT/ JULES GALTIER/ NE A LASALLE/ FRANCE/ DECEDE A FLORENCE/ LE 14 JUILLET 1859/ A L'AGE DE 35 ANS/ CELUI QUI CROIT EN MOI/ VIVRA QUAND MEME IL/ SERAIT MORE. JEAN 2.25 [John 11.25]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Elie Jules Galtier, Lassalle (Gard), negociant, agé de 35 ans, fils de David Galtier, et de Suzanne Martin/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 662.4/ Q 364: 809.4 Paoli, additional bill for lead, pasted to Quittance, of 51.4 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Galtier/ Giulio/ David/ Francia/ Firenze/ 11 Luglio/ 1859/ Anni 34/ 676/°=Bernd Erhardt. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D106/ 670
Son to D107/ ERNST GOTTHILF BOSSE, brother to D109/ ELISE BOSSE. Likewise an artist, he worked in the Uffizi copying paintings.


Tomba. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1859. Ambito toscano. Tomba in marmo e pietra serena, marmo scolpito con profilo curvilineo, lettere in rilievo. Possibile intervento di consolidamento sul basamento. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2013. [M: A: 47; L: 68; P: 136; P.s. A: 82; L: 90; P: 171.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in tedesco incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi a rilievo: EDUARD BOSSE/ GEB[oren] IN RIGA DEN 6 FEBRUAR 1810/ GEST[orben] IN FLORENZ DEN 3 APRIL 1859/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Edouard Bossé, l'Empire Russe (Provinces Baltiques), fils de Ernest Gotthelf Bossé, et de Milhelmina Bossé, née Danemark/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des ', Paoli 460/ Q 354: 195 Paoli/ Talalay: artista, ha lavorato agli Uffizi come copista/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 164. Bossé/ Eduardo/ Ernesto/ Russia/ Firenze/ 3 Aprile/ 1859/ Anni 49/  670/ °=Bernd Erhardt. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
Боссе Эдвард Эрнестович, Рига 6.2.1810 — Флоренция 3.4.1859, № 670, D22Q.

D107/ 812/
Father to Eduard Bosse (D107), he gave up being a merchant to become a painter of portraits and a copyist of Old Masters in Latvia, St Petersburg, Rome and Florence, where he was a Professor at the Accademia di Belle Arti.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1862. Ambito toscano. Tomba in marmo e pietra serena, marmo con profilo curvilineo, marmo scolpito, lettere in rilievo. Possibile intervento di consolidamento sul basamento. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2013. [M: A: 46; L: 69; P: 136; P.s. A: 82; L: 90; P: 171.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in tedesco in rilievo in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: GEB[oren] IN RIGA DEN 20 AUGUST 1785/ GEST[orben] IN FLORENZ 27 DECEMBR 1862/ ERNST G[otthilf] BOSSE/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Ernst Gotthilf Bossé, Riga en Livonie, professeur, fils de Pierre Joachim Gotthilf Bossé, et de . . . ,  née Ebel/ Talalay: N° 812, RC, al Cimitero agli Allori é sepolto  la sua moglie Wilhelmina Sophia Bosse, Riga 12-11-1787- Firenze 27.9.1884/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Bossé/ Ernesto Gotthilf/ Giovacchino/ Russia/ Firenze/ 27 Dicembre/ 1862/ Anni 77/ 812/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ °=Bernd Erhardt. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
Боссе Эрнест Готлибович, Рига 20.8.1785 — Флоренция 27.11.1862, № 812, D22Q [художник]
Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU

D108/ 698
Pastore Luigi Santini: 'Born of a modest family in Lexington, Massachusetts, he studied at Harvard Divinity School, specializing in a study of German theology. He was drawn to the ideas of Coleridge, Carlyle and Emerson. In 1842 his doubts led him to an open break with orthodox theology: he stressed the immediacy of God and saw the Church as a communion looking upon Christ as the supreme expression of God. He organized the first congregations, called Unitarian, in Boston, and participated in the fight for the abolition of slavery. Seriously ill, he sought refuge in Florence because of his friendship with the Brownings, Isa Blagden and F.P. Cobbe, but died scarcely a month following his arrival. Frances P. Cobbe collected and published his writings in 14 volumes; his compatriot John Hart made the original simple tombstone'. This is what Frederick Douglass published on him:
Next to Rome, in point of interest to me, is the classic city of Florence, and thither we went from the Eternal City. One might never tire of what is here to be seen. The first thing Mrs. Douglass and I did, on our arrival in Florence, was to visit the grave of Theodore Parker and at the same time that of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (B8). The preacher and the poet lie near each other. The soul of each was devoted to liberty. The brave stand taken by Theodore Parker during the antislavery conflict endeared him to my heart, and naturally enough the spot made sacred by his ashes was the first to draw me to its side. He had a voice for the slave when nearly all the pulpits of the land were dumb. Looking upon the little mound of earth that covered his dust, I felt the pathos of his simple grave. It did not seem well that the remains of the great American preacher should rest thus in a foreign soil, far away from the hearts and hands which would gladly linger about it and keep it well adorned with flowers. Than Theodore Parker no man was more intensely American. Broad as the land in his sympathy with mankind, he was yet a loving son of New England and thoroughly Bostonian in his thoughts, feelings, and activities. The liberal thought which he taught had in his native land its natural home and largest welcome, and I therefore felt that his dust should have been brought here. It was in his pulpit that I made my first antislavery speech in Roxbury. That its doors opened to me in that dark period was due to him. I remember, too, his lovingkindness when I was persecuted for my change of opinion as to political action. Theodore Parker never joined that warfare upon me. He loved Mr. Garrison, but was not a Garrisonian. He worked with the sects, but was not a sectarian. His character was cast in a mold too large to be pressed into a form or reform less broad than humanity. He would shed his blood as quickly for a black fugitive slave pursued by human hounds as for a white President of the United States. He was the friend of the non-voting and non-resistant class of abolitionists, but not less the friend of Henry Wilson, Charles Sumner, Gerrit Smith, and John Brown. He was the large and generous brother of all men, honestly endeavoring to bring about the abolition of Negro slavery. It has lately been attempted to class him with the contemners of the Negro. Could that be established, it would convict him of duplicity and hypocrisy of the most revolting kind. But his whole life and character are in direct contradiction to that assumption.
While he had written the following in his diary:

Following this visit
to see Theodore Parker's tomb, Douglass agitated for a better monument to honour him, William Wetmore Story being commissioned to carry out the present one. Story had already created a bust of Parker from life in Rome, and now portrayed him in bas-relief. This is one among several tombs with a portrait medallion: A64/ GEORGE AUGUSTUS WALLIS by Aristodemos Costoli; A15/ ANNE SUSANNA (LLOYD) HORNER by Francesco Jerace; AB7/ INA BOSS SAULTER, by Ettore Ximenes; B4/ ELENA NIKITICNA DIK, NATA AKZYNOVA by Fyodor Fyodorovitsch Kamensky; C3/ THOMAS SOUTHWOOD SMITH by Joel T. Hart; D108/ THEODORE PARKER by William Wetmore Story; D127/ JAMES ROBERTS, by Joel T. Hart?; E12/ JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM, JR by Launt Thompson; E9/ WALTER KENNEDY LAWRIE by Pietro Bazzanti, F27/ PHILIPPINA (SIMONS) CIAMPI, by Joel T. Hart? When President Obama ordered the carpet for the Oval Office he included words he thought originated with Martin Luther King, Jr., but which are actually Parker's words abbreviated by King from a sermon Parker preached against slavery in 1853: 'How long? Not long because the arc of the moral compass is long, but it bends towards justice'. He quoted them again at Nelson Mandela's funeral.

Theodore Parker's desk with statues                                      Frederick Douglass at Lloyd Garrison's tomb
of Jesus and Spartacus                    Joel Hart(F28)'s tomb for Theodore Parker                        William Wetmore Story's tomb for Theodore Parker

Primo cippo scultore Joel Tanner Hart, secondo cippo (l'attuale) di William Wetmore Story. Sec. XIX, post 5/1860. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo scolpito, entro medaglione con foglie d'alloro effige di Theodore Parker. Intervento di restauro conservativo Scuola per l'Arte ed il Restauro di Palazzo Spinelli, 1999; Intervento di restauro e pulitura dopo il temporale, di Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 3/2014-2015  [M: A: 200; L: 90.5; P: 29; RP.s. A: 24; L: 115; P: 200.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: THEODORE PARKER/ THE GREAT AMERICAN PREACHER/ BORN AT LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS/ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA/ AUGUST 24TH 1810/ DIED AT FLORENCE ITALY/ MAY 10 1860/ HIS NAME IS ENGRAVED IN MARBLE/ HIS VIRTUES IN THE HEARTS OF THOSE HE/ HELPED TO FREE FROM SLAVERY/ AND SUPERSTITION/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Le Reverent Theodore Parker, Lexington /Massachusetts aux Etats-Unis), fils de John Parker et de son épouse Hannah née Stearns/  II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 1768/ Q 403: 1103 Paoli/ Hull PacketRegistro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Parker/ Rev. Teodoro/ Giovanni/ America/ Firenze/ 10 Maggio/ 1860/ Anni 49/ 698/ Freeman, 232-235/ N&Q 75. Theodore Parker, the great American preacher, b. at Lexington, Mass. 24 Aug 1810, ob. 10 May 1860. Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. See Sally Mitchell, 'Theodore Parker's Graves':  CBVa.html#Mitchell, Elise Madeleine Ciregna, 'Marble Fauns, Angels and Cemeteries,: William Wetmore Story and Friends in Italy', CBVd.html: also Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holding, Dean Godzins' biography of Theodore Parker, American HereticAtlantic Monthly, 'Theodore Parker', etc. TAU

She is the last burial in the Swiss-owned so-called 'English' Cemetery. Her father is D107/ ERNST GOTTHILF BOSSE, her brother, D106/ EDUARD BOSSE, buried here, while her mother is buried in the Allori Cemetery when she dies in 1884. The family of artists came from Riga in Latvia, where there is a fine portrait of his wife, her mother, by Ernst Gotthilf Bosse.


Tomba. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1877. Ambito toscano. Tomba in marmo e pietra serena, marmo scolpito con profilo curvilineo, lettere a rilievo. Intervento di restauro, consolidamento e pulitura sul marmo e di consolidamento sul basamento, Daniel.Claudiud Dumitrescu, 2014. [M: A: 46; L: 69; P: 136; P.s. A: 82; L: 90; P: 171.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in tedesco in lettere capitali e numeri arabi a rilievo: ELISE BOSSE/ GEB[oren] IN RIGA DEN 28 JULI 1822/ GEBST[orben] IN FLORENZ DEN 24 SEPT 1877/ Talalay: N° 1409, RC/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 165. Bossé/ Elisa/ Ernesto/ Germania/ Firenze/ 24 Settembre/ 1877/ Anni 55/ 1409. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
Боссе (Bosse) Элиза Эрнестовна, Рига 6.2.1810 — Флоренция 24.9.1877, № 1409, D22Q. 

D110/ 914/
Frederick Douglass in his diary above notes he also visits the tomb of Richard Hildreth and comments at length on his writings. Jeffrey Begeal notes Richard Hildreth was American Consul in Trieste. William Lyons Phelps notes that he wrote an inspiring History of the United States in six volumes, stating in its Preface: 'Of centennial sermons and Fourth of July orations, whether professedly such or in the guise of history, there are more than enough. It is due to our fathers and ourselves, it is due to truth and philosophy, to present for once, on the historic stage, the founders of our American nationa unbedaubed with patriotic rouge, wrapped up in no fine-spun cloaks of excuses and apology, without stilts, buskins, tinsel, or edizenment, in their own proper persons.' The Dictionary of Unitarian and Universalist Biography notes that he wrote the first anti-slavery novel, The Slave, from witnessing slavery in Florida where he had gone because of his tuberculosis. This novel may be read on the Web at http://docsouth.unc.edu/neh/hildreth/hildreth.html. TAU has a copy of its Italian translation. Harriet Beecher Stowe, in Uncle Tom's Cabin, copies this novel and that of Frances Trollope (Sector B, B80), Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw. Buried near Theodore Parker (D108), he also is Unitarian. Frederick Douglass visited both their graves and in his handwritten diary, above, commented admiringly on Hildreth. Hildreth's wife, Caroline Negus, the portraitist who supported her husband's writing career, died of cholera in Naples in 1867.


Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1865. Ambito toscano. Intervento di restauro e pulitura, dopo il temporale, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2014. [M: A: 99; L: 61; P: 22; P.s. A: 45; L: 82.2; P: 47.1.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: RICHARD HILDRETH/ DIED JULY 10 1865/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Richard Hildrith, l'Amerique/  / III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 339.55/ Tiimothy Bigelow Lawrence, Consular Records 11/7/1865, Despath No. 109 to Seward, Death of Richard Hildreth, Boston, MA, aged 57, Late Consul of Trieste/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hildreth +/ Riccardo/ / America/ Firenze/ 10 Luglio/ 1865/ Anni 58/ 914/ DUUB (Dictionary of Universalist Unitarian Biography)/ N&Q 87. Richard Hildreth, ob. 10 July 1865. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
Sirpa Salenius, CBVa.html#salenius The Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' seeks these volumes by Richard Hildreth, History of the United States, History of Banking. We have the two volume translation into Italian of The White Slave, Lo schiavo bianco, Milan, 1853, the second anti-slavery novel. See TAU

D111/ 586/
Ann Dennis is buried in Meerut, not Florence, this tomb being raised as a cenotaph to her memory by her stricken husband while burying her father. Her tomb still exists in the Cantonment Cemetery, Meerut. James Dennis, Isaac Lumley, Massimiliano Zileri are all associated with Parma. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, p. 343. Her two sisters had married Austrian officers. James had eloped with another man's wife who pursued him at law unsuccessfully.


Obelisco. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1855. Ambito toscano. Obelisco posto su un basamento, scolpito con castello, recinzione in ferro e ghisa. Intervento conservativo sul ferro, Gheorghe Petrache, 2009;
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. Necessita un intervento di restauro su ferro dopo il temporale. [M: A: 270; L: 58; P: 58; P.s. A: 43; L: 73; P: 73; RF A: L: P: .] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese e latino incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: AT MEERUT OF THE NORTH WEST/ PROVINCES EAST INDIES IS BURRIED [sic]/ ANN THE DEARLY LOVED WIFE OF/ G. ROSS JOHNSON ESQUIRE OF THE INNER TEMPLE/ BARRISTER OF LAU (sic) AND THE SECOND DAUGHTER OF HIM COHOSE REMAINS LIE BURIED HERE/ DISTINGUISHED FOR THE GRACE AND LOVELINESS OF HER MIND AND PERSON SHE DIED . . ./. . AGED . . .  LEAVING A HUSBAND . . . TWO INFANT SONS TO DEPLORE THEIR LOSS// JACOBUS DENNIS. . . PATERNUS/ HUC RITE TRANSLATA/ LACRIMIS . . . SEQUITUR/ PARENTI OPTIMO/ . . . SOLVIT/ ATQUE UNA CUM  . . . / Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Dublin, royaume Irlanda/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 575.4/ Q 211: 215 Paoli 4 crazii/ FO79/162, Dennis living with former servant Mary Ann Steel, Ann their child/ Records, Guildhall Library, rupture of blood vessel in head/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Denis/ Giacomo/ / Inghilterra/ Parma/ 6 Dicembre/ 1855/ Anni 48/ 586/ BACSA (British Association for Cemeteries in South Asia): 1 January 1863 Ann Johnson, aged 26, wife of Henry Ross Johnson Esq, Barrister at Law/ N&Q 86. James John F. Dennis, of Dublin, ob. 55. At Meerut, in the North West Provinces, Ann, wife of H.C. Ross (J?)ohnson, Esq, of the Inner Temple, barrister, 2nd d. of him whose remains lie here, ob. 1 Jan 1863, leaving a husband and 2 inf. sons/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D112/ UNKNOWN/NON IDENTIFICATA Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [A. M: 2; L. 60; P: 125.5; P.s. A: 18; L: 70; P: 135.]  Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

The name 'Castellan' is frequent in America, but unknown in England.


Cippo Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1877. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo su basamento in pietra serena. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012.. [M: A: 102; L: 50; P: 8; P.s. A: 34; L: 71; P: 29.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: TO THE MEMORY OF/ ARTHUR WILLIAM/ THIRD SON OF/ EDWARD AND LUCY/ CASTELLAN/ WHO DIED ON THE 7TH OF MAY 1877/ AGED 3 1/2 MONTHS/ OF SUCH IS THE/ KINGDOM OF HEAVEN [Matt. 19.14]/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Castellan/ Arturo Guglielmo/ Edoardo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 7 Maggio/ 1877/ Mesi 4/ 1394/ N&Q 85. Arthur Wm, s. of Edward and Lucy Castellan, ob. 7 May 1877, a. 3 1/2 mths. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D114/ UNKNOWN/ NON IDENTIFICATA Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [M: A: 2; L: 62; P: 135; P.s. L: 69; P: 143.5.] Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Nulla osta.

Possibly the tomb of KENNETH MACLEOD/ SCOTLAND
A Scotsman for whom we have no parentage, no Guildhall documentation, Notes and Queries placing this tomb in Sector D, between D127/ JAMES ROBERTS and D113/ ARTHUR WILLIAM CASTELLAN:
85. Kenneth Mcleod, ob. 1 Sept 1862, at 61.



She is from Russian Latvia, like the Bosse family.

Tomba. Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1870. Ambito toscano. Tomba in marmo bianco, marmo sporco, lastra con profilo curvilineo, scolpita con coronet e croce . Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 13; L: 57; P: 127; P.s. A: 63; L: 75; P: 149.] Manteuffel, Julia Gottardovna/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Julie de Manteuffel, la Livonie, Russie, rentiere, fille de Gotard Manteuffel/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 406/ Talalay: N° 1114, RCRegistro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Manteuffel (de)/ Giulia/ Gottardo/ Russia/ Firenze/ 30 Dicembre/ 1870/ Anni 80/ 1114. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
де Мантейфель Юлия Готтардовна, † Флоренция 30.12.1870, 80 лет, № 1114, D22S, могила не сохр, могила не сохр.

D116/ UNKNOWN/ Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1870. Ambito toscano. Tomba in marmo bianco, marmo sporco, lastra con profilo curvilineo, scolpita con farfalle. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 13; L: 57; P: 127; P.s. A: 63; L: 75; P: 149.]
This tomb is similar to others from Latvia, Julia Manteuffel and the Bosse family members. But has no indication of the personage buried beneath it. One suggestion could be:


A Lithuanian noblewoman, whose mother may have been Swedish.
Thohn, nata Piontkovskaja, Dorothea Frederikovna/
Talalay: N° 862, RC/
Dorothèe Corinne de Thom, née Pionthowsky, Levonie, Russie, rentiere, fille de Jean Frédéric de Pionthowsky et de Jeanne Elisabeth, née Boström// Russia// 
II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Francs 218.55/ Thom (De) nata de Pionthowsky/ Vedova Dorotea/ Gio: Federigo/ Russia/ Firenze/ 27 Gennaio/ 1864/ Anni 59/ 862.



D118/ 1111
He is from the Rumantsch-speaking Grigione Canton of Switzerland and has a café in Florence.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1870. Ambito Toscano. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 60; P: 128.5; P.s. A: 25.5, L: 70.2; P: 141.] Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jean Battaglia, Farstenaw, Grisons, Cafetier, fils de Jacob Battaglia et de Anna Kieni/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 403/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 83. Battaglia/ Giovanni/ Giacomo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 5 Dicembre/ 1870/ Anni 55/ 1111. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

She dies unmarried at 21.


. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1869. Ambito toscano. Lastra sporca. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: L: P: ; P.s. A: L: P: ; R: A: L: P: ] Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Catherine Vital, Sent, Grisons, Paul Otto Vital, et de Marie, née Gohreith/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs 157/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wital/ Caterina/ Paolo/ Svizzera/ Chiavenna/ 2 Novembre/ 1869/ Anni 21/ 1068. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.                                                                                                             

D120/ 738
He is a head waiter, from Thusis in the Grigione. The Brun and Wital families, both from the same area of Switzerland, have joined forces in the erecting of a funerary chapel in Florence's Swiss cemetery in Piazzale Donatello.

Marmista ignoto; fonditore, D. Venturi e figli, Bologna. Sec. XIX, post 1892. Ambito emiliano. [Dieci urne cinerarie] Intervento conservativo sul marmo Scuola per l'Arte ed il Restauro di Palazzo Spinelli. Intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008./ Possibile intervento di pulitura sul marmo. [MF: A: 204; L: 210; P: 181.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: FAMIGLIE BRUN E WITAL/ D.VENTURI E F./ BOLOGNA 1892//// QUI GIACE GIACOMO MELCHIORRE BRUN/ DI THUSIS/ 12 AGOSTO 1804/ 7 LUGLIO 1861/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jacques Melchior Brun, Tusis (Grisons-Suisse), maitre d'hotel, fils de Chretien Brun et de Marie Schneller, née a Fluisis. Grisons/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 389 + Paoli 200/ Q 460: 125 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Brun/ Giacomo Melchiore/ Cristiano/ Svizzera/ Bologna/ 7 Luglio/ 1861/ Anni 57/ 738/ [Della stessa famiglia: al Cimitero agli Allori: Otto Paulo Wital/ Giovanni/ 29/3/1882/ 68/ 2PPsSD VII 08r; Orsolina Vital/ Ottoni/ 1/9/1931 70/ 2PPsSPII 112s; Brun/ Gabriel/ Augusto/ 77/ Ossario Comune]. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
His burial at the age of 70 in 1830 tells us of the longevity of this Rumantsch-speaking family in Florence.
N° 31               Le vingt-septième Mars mil huit cent trente

Wital               Nicolas Wital, agé de soixante dix ans,
                          bourgeous de Sins, Canton des Grison, fils de
                          feu Jaques Wital, décédé le vingt-cinq, du
                          meme mois, a eté enseveli dans le Cimetiere de
                          l'Eglise Evangélique, en présence de Mrs Carlo et
                          Giovanni Wital, et du soussigné.
                                                           Chs Recordon Past~

Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti
: Wital/ Niccola/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 25 Marzo/ 1830/ Anni 70/ 31. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D121/ 422/
This Swiss shopkeeper from the Grigione Canton was Prior of Florence, is involved in silk-dying works.


Sarcofago. Sculptor: Emanuele Caroni, student of Lorenzo Bartolini.
Sec. XIX, post 12/1849. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo bianco scolpito, entro medaglione pellicano con la sua pietà. Intervento di restauro conservativo Scuola per l'Arte e il Restauro di Palazzo Spinelli/  [M: A: 93; L: 170.5; P: 57; P.s. A: 39.5; L: 136.5 P: 83.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ALLA MEMORIA DI [Bust] GAUDENZIO WITAL/ NATO NEL GRIGIONE/ / IL 25 GENNAIO 1776/ MORTO A FIRENZE/ / IL 3 DICEMBRE 1849/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Gaudenzio Wital, Sens, dans le Canton des Grisons en Suisse, négociant, fils de Jean Martin Wital et de Dame Catherine, née Tscharner/ Priore di Firenze/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wital/ Gaudenzio/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 1 Dicembre/ 1849/ Anni 74/ 422/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D122/ 724
Here we see how useful for female genealogies the Swiss records can be. Her father was German-speaking. Her mother Barbara before her marriage was a Caflisch. Peter Michael-Caflisch is the President of the Rumantsch genealogical society in Grigione.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1861. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo spezzata e sporca. Possibile intervento di ripristino e pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 76; P: 105.5; P.s. A: 28; L: 77.5; P: 138; RP.s.: A: 247.5; L: 202; P: 26.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua tedesca incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: MARIA WITAL . . . ICH HABE DICHE./ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Marie Wital, née Schreiber, Thusis, Canton des Grisons, en Suisse, fille de Adam Schreiber, et de Barbara Schrieber, née Caflisch/  II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 577/ Q 444: 300 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wital nata Schreiber/ Maria/ Adamo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 27 Marzo/ 1861/ Anni 39/ 724// See Schreiber. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D123/ 492/
These two children share one tomb and are the half-brother and half-sister of D119/ CATHERINE WITAL. The family combine German and Italian on the tomb.


Cippo. Sculptor: Emanuele Caroni, L.CARONI.F. Sec. XIX, post 6/1851// 11/1852. Ambito toscano. Stele in marmo scolpito, sul fronte angelo. Intervento di restauro Scuola per l'Arte e il Restauro di Palazzo Spinelli. [M: A: 116; L: 53.5; P: 26; P.s. A: 25; L: 72; P: 41.2.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua tedesca incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi:
TRAUERT NICHT GELIEBTE/ ELTERN, DENN UBER EIN/ KLEINES WERDEN WIR UNS/ WIEDERSEHEN UND UNSER/ HERZ SOLL SICH FREUEN/ 492// [Smiling Angel] GIO.WITAL DUODECIMESTRE/ MORTO IL DI 8 LUGLIO 1851/ E ANNA ROSINA CHE NATA/ AL MORTE DEL FRATELLO/ MANCO IL DI NOVEM 1852/ POVERI GENITORI/ 460/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Anna Rosina Wital, Canton des Grisons, en Suisse, fille de Othon Paul Wital et de Marie Wital, née Schreiber// Wital/ Giovanni/ Svizzera/ [Otto Paolo] S. Marco/ 8 Luglio/ 1851/ Anni 1/ 460/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jean Wital, Sens, Canton des Grisons, en Suisse, fils de Otto Paul Wital et de Dame Marie, née Schreiber, son épouse/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 230/ Q 40: 85 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wital/ Anna Rosina/ Ottone Paolo/ Svizzera/ S. Marco Vecchio/ 7 Novembre/ 1852/ Mesi 18/ 492. German inscription corrected, 13/2/2017, Andrea Wenig.Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D124/ 671/

He is related to D122/ MARIA (SCHREIBER) WITAL above and is a pastrymaker.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1859. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco rialzata su basamento in pietra. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 69; P: 135; P.s. A: 29; L: 70; P: 138.2.] Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Adam Doenz, Fudenchs (Canton des Grissons) en Suisse, Pastissier, fils de Christian Doenz, et de Barbara Doenz, née Schreiber/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 440/ Q360: 175 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Doenz/ Adamo/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 25 Maggio/ 1859/ Anni 20/ 671. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D125/ 505/
She was residing in Modena and a family member buys more space to include her in the family's plot.


Cippo. Scultore: Emanuele Caroni. Sec. XIX, post 5/1853. Ambito toscano. Intervento conservativo sul ferro  Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. Cippo in ferro e ghisa, sul fronte stemma e iscrizione, sul tergo in alto ghirlanda con serpente, in basso croce inghirlandata. [F: A: 161; L: 106.5; P: 52; P.s. A: 40; L: 136; P: 83] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: MARIA/ DI G. MARTINO WITAL ET ANGELINA CA. . ARIS/ SVIZZERA/ MORTA CON RELIGIOSA RASSEGNAZIONE/ IL 6 MAGGIO 1853/ APPENA VENTICINQUENNE/ L'AFFLITTO PADRE E FRATELLO/ . M.P./ / 505/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Marie Wital, Sent, Canton des Grisons, en Suisse, fille de Jean Martin Wital, Negociant, domicilié à  Modena/  II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 112 paid by Otto Paolo Wital for lot enlargment/ Q 62: 175 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wital/ Maria/ Gio: Martino/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 6 Maggio/ 1853/ Anni 26/ 505/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 446/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ Trizzino. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D126A/ 468/ 
Charles Wital looks proudly over the Cemetery of which he is Inspector. The Swiss buried for free foreigners dying in transit who were paupers as a service to the city and out of compassion but were not necessarily compassionate to those who were more wealthy. One story of him is of his holding the possessions of an English child in custody until she is of age and can pay the bill for her father's burial, the trunk being sealed by him and by the British Consul. Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, p. 514, tells us that Josephine Hely was raised next as the ward of Mrs Tennant, the chaplain's widow, and that she later married Giacinto Achilli, a former Dominican turned Protestant, who involved John Henry Newman in a suit for libel, and who abandoned Josephine and their four children, the English Church coming to her support.
235/ JAMES JOSEPH FREDERICK HELY/ ENGLAND/ FO 170/6 piece 199: daughter Josephine promises to pay Charles Wital, 'Ispecteur du cemetiere', when of age, Lord Holland and Rev Tennant (F49) sealing and keeping 3 cases and a package of her father's effects until that time. John Pakenham RN attests her signature; GL 23774 N° 30, Burial 13-02, Rev Tennant/ Hely/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti:  Giacomo Giuseppe Federigo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 11 Febbraio/ 1842/ / 235. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Monumento. Scultore: Emanuele Caroni. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1851. Ambito toscano. Busto, 'Ispecteur de ce Cimitiere', orfano e vedova vestita in gramaglie accanto a colonna spezzata inghirlandata. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2016. [M: A: 370; L: 146.2; P: 68; RP.s. A: 372; L: 255; P: 245.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: CI GIT/ CHARLES WITAL ISPECTEUR DE CE CIMITIERE . . .// BON FILS, TENDRE EPOUX, COEUR AMANT ET DEVOUE/ TU PROTEGEAS LA VEUVE, TU SERVIS DE PERE A L'ORPHELIN/ NOTRE RECONNAISSANCE ET NOS REGRET ONT CONSACRE/ CE MARBRE A LA MEMOIRE MAIS TU AS DANS/ NOS COUERS, OU VIT TON SOUVENIR UN MONUMENT/PLUS DIGNE DE TOI/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Charles Wital, Sins, Canton des Grisons en Suisse, domiciliée à Florence, Proprietaire, fils de Gaudenzio Wital, et de Marguerite, sa femme/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Wital/ Carlo/ / Svizzera/ S. Andrea/ 16 Dicembre/ 1851/ Anni 45/ 468/ See Hely, Roulet/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

She is his French-speaking widow whom we saw on this tomb with her son, his stepson, mourning her husband at his death. She dies fifteen years later than he and had been older than he when they married, having previously been widowed from Joseph Augier. Amilcar Gramarcho writes from Brazil explaining that Joseph Augier's son, Joseph Charles Edward Frédéric Augier, hotel owner, who died in 1870, was the father of Caroline Sophie Jeanne Augier, born in Florence in 1860. She went to France where she married James Edward Moore, their child being Annette Moore, born 1881, who married the Russian Yakov Ganzelevitch in Gibralter and went to live in Tangier, Morocco. The family has the 'certificate de naissance et de baptême' of Caroline Sophie Jeanne Augier from the Eglise Evangelique Reformée de Florence, dated 24/1/1868. See JOSEPH AUGIER, D128

Monumento. Scultore: Emanuele Caroni. Sec. XIX, post 6/1866. Ambito toscano. Monumento in marmo, forma complessa, sul fronte nella parte alta busto di Charles Wital, consorte di Caroline Roulet, due figure classicheggianti per la vedova e l'orfano che compiangono la prematura perdita accanto a una colonna spezzata con ghirlanda. Parziale intervento di pulitura da parte della Scuola per l'Arte ed il Restauro di Palazzo Spinelli, 2006/ Ancora molto sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 58; L: 92.] [Sul tergo iscrizione sepolcrale di Charles Wital] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: CAROLINE WITAL AUGIER NEE ROULET/ MORTE LE 30 JUIN 1866/ J'AI VU DIEU FACE A FACE/ ET MON AME A ETE DELIVREE/ GENESE XXXII V 30/ CAR CHRIST EST MA VIE ET LA MORT M'EST UN GAIN/ PHIL. I.V.21Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Caroline Wital, née Roulet, Jreurn, Suisse, fille de Fréderic Roulet/ See Augier, Wital/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 373/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Roulet Vedova Augier Vedova Wital/ Carolina/ Federigo/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 30 Giugno/ 1866/ Anni 65/ 9447/°=Maria del Carmen Ganzelevitch, Amilca Gramacho. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D127/ 897/
A young Englishman who dies in Florence, with a fine medallion portrait on his tomb, perhaps by Joel Hart. This is one among several tombs with a portrait medallion: A64/ GEORGE AUGUSTUS WALLIS by Aristodemos Costoli, A15/ ANNE SUSANNA (LLOYD) HORNER by Francesco Jerace; AB7/ INA BOSS SAULTER, by Ettore Ximenes; B4/ ELENA NIKITICNA DIK, NATA AKZYNOVA by Fyodor Fyodorovitsch Kamensky; C3/ THOMAS SOUTHWOOD SMITH by Joel T. Hart; D108/ THEODORE PARKER by William Wetmore Story; D127/ JAMES ROBERTS, by Joel T. Hart?; E12/ JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM, JR by Launt Thompson; E9/ WALTER KENNEDY LAWRIE by Pietro Bazzanti, F27/ PHILIPPINA (SIMONS) CIAMPI, Joel T. Hart(?). We don't know which Roberts family in Florence he is from, one of a chemist, the other an architect.


Cippo con medaglione. Scultore: possibilmente Joel Tanner Hart. Sec. XIX, post 1/1865. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo scolpito con la sua effige, marmo sporco.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2018. [M: A: 152.5; L: 183; P: 23.5; P.s. A: 4.5; L: 90; P: 35.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ JAMES ROBERTS/ DIED 20 JANUARY 1865/ AGED 31 YEARS/ BLESSED ARE THE DEAD WHO DIE IN/ THE LORD [Rev.14.13]Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: James Roberts, l'Angleterre/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 393.55/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 354 Burial 16/03 Rev Tottenham/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Roberts/ Giacomo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 21 Gennaio/ 1865/ Anni 31/ 897/ Webbs have further materials/ N&Q 83. James Roberts, ob. 20 Jan 1865, a. 31/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

He is the son of the twice-widowed Caroline Roulet Augier Wital and thus likely the boy sculpted with her mourning his stepfather, Charles Wital. Amilcar Gramarcho writes from Brazil explaining that this Joseph Augier was the father of Caroline Sophie Jeanne Augier, born in Florence in 1860. She went to France where she married James Edward Moore, their daughter being Annette Moore, born 1861, who married the Russian Yakov Ganzelevitch in Gibralter and went to live in Tangier, Morrocco. The family has the 'certificate de naissance et de baptême' of Caroline Sophie Jeanne Augier from the Eglise Evangelique Reformée de Florence, 14/1/1868.


 Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1870. Ambito Toscano. Croce in marmo su basamento in marmo bianco, marmo inciso, marmo sporco. 
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2018. [M: A: 168; L: 67; P: 39.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: JOSEPH AUGIER/ NE LE 19 MARS 1837/ MORT LE 1 JANVIER 1870/ VEILLEZ DONC CAR VOUS NE SAVEZ POINT A QUELLE HEURE VOTRE/ SEIGNEUR DOIT/ VENIRE/ MATT XXIV V.42/ CA SA MISERICODE E SI GRANDE/ ENVERS NOUS ET LA MERITE DE L'ETERNEL DEMEURA TOUJOURS/ PSAUME CXVII. V.2. Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Joseph Charles Edward Frédéric Augier, Florence, hotelier, fils de Joseph Augier et de Caroline Augier Vital, née Roulet/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 453/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 43. Augier/ Giuseppe/ Giuseppe/ Italia/ Firenze/ 11 Gennaio/ 1870/ Anni 33/ 1077/ See Roulet, Warren, Wital. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

Web: 'The Rev. John Darcey, B.D., Fellow of Brasenose Coll., Oxf., incumbent of Marton, died 10 June 1844 aged 75. Mary, his second wife, died 25 March. 1857 aged 63. He had several sons by his first wife'. Alexander Darcey is one of these.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1854. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo, lastra, recinto e colonnini in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura sul marmo e di ripristino sul recinto con colonnini. [M: A: 84.2; L: 55; P: 19; P.s. A: 17; L: 66.5; P: 138; RP.s: A: 68; L: 97; P: 207.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ ALEXANDER DARCEY ESQ/ M.A. OF BRASENOSE COLLEGE, OXFORD AND MEMBER OF THE MIDDLE TEMPLE, LONDON. HE WAS THE SECOND SON OF THE REV. JOHN DARCEY B.D., RECTOR OF BEDSTONE IN COUNTY OF HEREFORD/ AND . . . OF MARTON CHESHIRE/ BORN JUNE 10 1816 DIED AT FLORENCE JANUARY 25 1854/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Alexandre Darcey, Iles Britanniques/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 695/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23777/1, Burial 26/01, Barrister at law, Rev Greene (A51)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Darcey/ Alessandro/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 25 Gennaio/ 1854/ / 528/ N&Q 78. Alexander Darcey, Esq. M.A., Brasenose College, Oxf., and member of the Middle Temple, London, 2nd s. of the Rev John Darcey, Rector of Tedstone, Heref., and Incumbent of Marton, Cheshire, b. 10 Jun 1816, ob. 25 Jan 1854. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D130/ 694
She is a French-speaking Swiss widow, born in Geneva, and mother of EDOUARD PREVOST, D5, who was in partnership in the silk trade with the Wagniere family: C6/ PIERRE SIMEON WAGNIERE. Her death is announced in the Morning Post, indicating strong English connections, which may well be explained by the international trading done by this family.


Pilastro sormontato da un'urna. Scultore: Francesco Mattei. Firma: F.MATTEI. Sec. XIX, post 1/1860. Ambito toscano. Pilastro in marmo sormontato da un'urna, recinto in marmo e ferro. Possibile intervento di ripristino. [M: A: 142; L: 50.5; P: 50.5; RMF: A: 51; L: 90; P: 208.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ICI REPOSE/ LA MIEILLEURE DES MERES/ ELISE PREVOST PATRY/ NEE A GENEVE LE 15 JUIN 1790/ DECEDEE A FLORENCE LE 26 JANVIER 1860/ SA FOI VIVE/ EN JESUS CHRIST/ L'A SOUTENUE/ PENDANT VINGT ANNEES/ DE SOUFFRANCE/ SON REDEMPTEUR EST VIVANT/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Elisa Prevost, Genève (en Suisse), née le 15 Juin 1790, veuve, fille de Alexandre Patry et de Jeanne Patry, née Emery/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 607/ Q 394: 330 Paoli/ Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Pattry nei Prévost/ Elisabetta/ Alessandro/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 26 Gennaio/ 1860/ Anni 69/ 694/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' TAU, Oliva Rucellai, La paglia: intrecci svizzeri a Firenze. Firenze: Polistampa, 2001.

NON IDENTIFICATA Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. [M: A: 2; L: 73.5; P: 133; P.s.: A: 21; ; L: 73; P: 133.] Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


D132/ 632/

She is widowed, and the daughter of a State Counsellor of the French-speaking Genevan Republic.

Lastra. Possibile intervento di consolidamentoEglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jeanne Louise Emilie Girod, Genève, en Suisse, marié, veuve de Pierre Girod, fille de Pierre Jolivet, ancien Conseiller d'Etat de la Republique de Genève, et de Anne Jolivet, née de Waldkirch/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 375/ Q 292: 110 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Girod nata Jolivet/ Giovanna Luisa Renata/ Svizzera/ Sesto/ 4 Gennaio/ 1858/ Anni 69/ 632. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D133/ 567
Like many of our military people he has likely retired to Florence. JLMaquay, Diaries 28/7/1855 'sent for to Mr Arthur Boyd . . . who is dying found him unconscious . . . nothing was to be done' 28/7/1855 'to Boyds and gave orders for his funeral. [Bridges?] and self looked over some of his things and found his will of 172 dollars which I took possession of. The Legation would not seal his effects hunted about for Wilson to give a certificate that he did not die of cholera.' Dr Wilson (A109) was one of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's doctors, also in attendance on Cornelia Goddard Loring (Sector AB, AB5). Cholera was raging in the summer of 1855, as it would be again in 1866, impeding the Hunts (B9) journeying to Jerusalem.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1855. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco e spezzata, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 66; P: 136; P.s. A: 20; L: 78; P: 145.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: LIEU. ARTHUR BOYD/ DIED AT FLORENCE 28 OF JULY 1855/ AGED 59 YEARS/ 567/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Boyd, Irlande/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°215, Rev. Gilbert/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 587/ Q 185: 310 Paoli/ Maquay, Diaries/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 177. Boyd/ / / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 28 Luglio/ 1855/ Anni 59/ 567/ N&Q 80. Lieut. Arthur Boyd, ob. 28 July, a. 59 Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D134/ 597/
A café owner from the Rumantsch-speaking Grigione Canton of Switzerland whose wife and heirs mourn him. See also A75/ FIORINO PULT;  A102/ DOMENICO PULT; C50/ FIORINO PULT; D43/ GIACOMO PULT.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1856.
Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 62; P: 134; P.s. A: 23; L: 73; P: 148.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ALLA MEMORIA DI GIOVANNI DI GIOVANNI PULT/ DI SENT CANTONE DEI GRIGIONI/ NATIO IL 25 LUGLIO 1825/ MORTO IN FIRENZE IL 24 APRILE 1856/ LA DESOLATE CONSORTE/ E GLI EREDI POSERO/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jean (Giovanni) Pult, bourgeois de Sent, Canton des Grisons, en Suisse, domicilié à  Florence, Cafetier, fils de Jean Pult et de Marie, née Pult, sa femme/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 446/ Q 233: 175 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Pult/ Giovanni/ Giovanni/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 24 Aprile/ 1856/ Anni 31/ 597. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

The archives do not give his father's name, though he places the tombstone for his 19 year-old son. Could he be related to the James Roberts of this Sector (D127) who, however, is too young to have fathered him.


Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1851. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo. [M: A: 132; L: 81; P: 21; P.s. A: 30; L:  91; P: 31.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese e latino incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ WILLIAM GEORGE ROBERTS/ DIED 20 AUGUST 1851/ AGED 19 YEARS/ EHEU SPES PATRIS/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 159, Burial 21/08, Rev Gilbert for Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Roberts/ Guglielmo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Agosto/ 1851/ Anni 19/ 463/ N&Q 81. Wm Geo. Roberts, ob. 20 Aug 1851, a. 19. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

He is one of our Waterloo participants. Has he instructed before his death that his tombstone carry this lengthy Latin inscription? His wife Paula carries out his desire in tears.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1841. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 66; P: 88; P.s. A: 35; L: 85; P: 107.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in latino incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani: IOANNI WILLIAMS LONDINENSI/ SANCTIS MORIBUS HUMANIS LITTERIS/ NATURA ET PHILOSOPHIA PRAETARO/ CUI AD MEDICAM ET CHIRUGIAM/ MILIT BRITANNIC . . ./RELICTO MEDICA / DOCTOR XXXV ANNOS PERITUM . . . /. . . AL AD AMORE/ MORBIS RAPITOS/ HONESTA MISSIONI DONATVS FLORENTIAE/ VBI LENIRE COARCTATIONIS MAGNORUM CORDIS VASORUM/ INCREMENTVM PASSVS/ DIEM OBIIT EXTREMVM/ XV FEBRVARI ANNO MDCCCXXXX1 AET SVAE LVIII/ RESVRRECTIONEM A.D.J. CHRISTO PROMISSAM EXPECTANS/ CONIVGI DILECTISSIMO PAVLA VXOR CVM LACRYMIS/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 12: MD surgeon to HBM's forces, Burial 18-02, Rev Tennant (F49)/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Williams/ Dr Giovanni/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 15 Febbraio/ 1841/ Anni 58/ 243/ N&Q 82. John Williams, Londoniensis/ sanctis moribus humanis litteris/ naturali philosophia praeclaro/ ove ad medicam et chirugicam (rem?)/ Militiae Britannicae adscitus/ a collegio medicorum universitatis Glasgowae/ Doctor emeritus declaratus per 35 annos tum proelis tum praesidiis/ maxime peritum misericordem consilio prudentem/ procul ab amore mercedes se protulit/ morbi laborans/ honesta missione donatus Florentiae (mansit?) ubi lentae coaretationis magnorum cordis vasorum/ incrementem passus/ diem obiit extremum 15 Feb 1841, a. 58.  Waterloo Committee. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
See waterloo.html

D137/ 182
Not a year old, her parents are from London.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1839. Ambito toscano. Lastra pendente e a rischio. Intervento di ripristino e pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2013.. [M: A: 2; L: 51; P: 100.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: AMY INFANT DAUGHTER OF JOSEPH AND GEORGINA HAIGH OF LONDON/ DIED JULY 13 1839/ AGED 11 MONTHS 13 DAYS/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 74: gives Amy, rather than Anna, d of Joseph Haigh, Burial 15-07, Rev Tennant (F49); Baptism GL23773 N° 74 born 28/07/38, bp 07/12/38 Florence Amy Charlotte, father Joseph of London mother Georgianna Emma, Rev Tennant (F49)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Haigh/ Firenze Anna Carlotta/ [Joseph]/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 13 Luglio/ 1839/ / 182. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

A Barrister of the Middle Temple.


Tomba orizzontale. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1850.
Ambito toscano. Tomba orizzontale in marmo interrata. Possibile intervento di ripristino. [M: A: 12; L: 86; P: 187.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: THOMAS TURNER/ 7 NOVEMBER 1850/ 442/  GL23774 N° 149 Barrister of Middle Temple, Age 66 Burial 09-11 Rev Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle tumulazioni nel Cimitero di Pinti: Turner/ Tommaso/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 7 Novembre/ 1850/ / 442. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D139/ UNKNOWN/ NON IDENTIFICATA Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. Possibile intervento di consolidamento. [A: 3; L: 72; P: 150.]  Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


D140/ 510
These two French families had the largest silk factory of its time in Pescia, Jules' father returning to Olivet, near Orleans, France, and building 'La Florentine,' after living at the Villa Ombrellino, Bellosguardo.

Cimitero agli Allori has:
IGN // 83 2PPsSZ I 01s
IGN 13/04/1890 62 2PPsSH IV 08s
EVA 23/08/1929 44 2PPsSZ III 23s BETTI EDOARDO

Lastra. Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 6/1853.
Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco posta su basamento in pietra, recinto in ferro battuto. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 17; L: 58.5; P: 121; P.s. A: 10; L: 66.7; P: 136; R: A: 76.5; L: 200; P: 258.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: JULES / Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jules , Ganges, en France, fils de Gustav , Negociant, et de Louise [Georgine?], née Meyrueis, sa femme/ See Meyrveis/ I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sèpultures avec detail des frais', Paoli 557 + Paoli 8/ Q 74: 280 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Méjean/ Giulio Achille/ Gustavo Adolfo/ Francia/ Firenze/ 17 Giugno/ 1853/ Anni 13/ 510/ /°=Gilles & Marie-Hélène Peugeot. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D141/ 176/
This stone commemorates the dates of two babies, the first date being the birth date of the first child.


Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 3/1841. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco incisa. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2013. [M: A: 2; L: 88; P: 48.5; RF: A: 76.5; L: 200; P: 258.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: Lapide commemorativa: 25 JUILLET 1836/ 25 MARS 1841/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Meyrveis/ Sofia/ / Francia/ Pescia/ 10 Ottobre/ 1838/ Mesi 26/ 176 / Another child, 'Meyrveis, Feto maschio 26 [febbraio per marzo], 1841, Meyrveis', followed by burial of mother//°=Gilles & Marie-Hélène Peugeot. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

This mother dies following childbirth (D141). She was a painter like her father, the Napoleonic General Genard, whose works hang in Versailles.


Lastra. Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1841.
Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, recinto in ferro battuto. Intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2013. [M: A: 15.5; L: 65.5; P: 137; P.s. A: 10; L: 73.5; P: 141; RF: A: 76.5; L: 200; P: 258.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ELLE N'EST PAS MORTE [Luke 8.52]/ CI GIT/ GEORGINE MERYUEIS/ NEE GENARD/ Q 77: 20 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Meyrveis/ Giorgina/ / Francia/ Firenze/ 1 Aprile/ 1841/ Anni 33/ 214/ See /°=Gilles & Marie-Hélène Peugeot. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D143/ 51/ 
This 11 month-old baby has died at Bellosguardo. Webb finds numerous baptismal records for family. Parents, Thomas and Harriet Frances (Baring) Kerrich of Harlston Norfolk. Father a banker. NDNB entry for relative, Thomas Kerrich, Norfolk. See Webbs, Anglo-Florentines, pp. 9-10, 99, 223, 432, 435, 482.


Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti. Sec. XIX, post 7/1831. Ambito toscano. Urna mancante, angoli scolpiti con papaveri e tarli
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2011.. [M: A: 140; L: 65; P: 63; RP.s. L: 170.] Iscrizione sepolcrale entro tabula incisa in lettere capitali e numeri romani: HEIC [sic]/ SITVS EST/ CAROLVS/ EDVARDVS// XL MENS/ NATVS// [Omega] XXIII. IVL // MDCCCXXI/ THOMAE/ KERRICH/ ANGLI FILIUS/ See 1828-1844/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kerrich/ Carlo Eduardo/ [Thomas]/ Firenze/ 23 Luglio/ 1831/ Mesi 11/ 51/ 87. Thomae Kerrich, Angli filius, XI mens natus XXIII. IVL 1831. Heic situs est Carolus Edwardus/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

The baby sister and brother lie side by side. The family lived in Bellosguardo, their father, Thomas Kerrich, carrying out banking business in Florence, the Kerrich-McCarthy bank, which failed, causing Pakenham (E118) and Maquay (D1) to form theirs, a bank which survived to the 1890s. Webbs notes they are related to the Story, Temple, Dillon, Baring families. Descendants in Canada.


Monumento. Scultore: P[ietro] BAZZANTI F[ece].
Sec. XIX, post 2/1837. Ambito toscano. Stele triangolare incisa sormontata da un'urna.
Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2011. [M: A: 160; L: 66; P: 55; RP.s. L: 170.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: BENEATH THIS/ MONUMENT BY THE SIDE/ OF HER BROTHER/ REPOSE THE REMAINS/ OF HARRIET MARY/ INFANT DAUGHTER/ OF THOMAS & HARRIET FRANCES KERRICH/ WHO DIED 12 FEBRUARY 1837/ N°. 152/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL237773/4 N° 55 Burial 14/02 Rev Knapp, Baptism Harriet Emily 21/09/36, Rev Knapp, d of Thomas Kerrich, Harlston Norfolk, mother Harriet Frances; Marriage of parents FO 79/49 Thomas Kerrich to Harriet Baring at HBM (Burghersh)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kerrich/ Enrichetta Emilia/ [Thomas] / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 13 Febbraio/ 1837/ Mesi 5/ 152/ N&Q 89. Harriet Mary, inf. d. of Thomas and Harriet Frances Kerrich, ob. 12 Feb 1837/ NDNB entry for relative, Thomas Kerrich, Norfolk/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/°=Robert Kerrich. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

His father becomes George Ives Irby, 4th Baron Boston, as well as Rev. The following two generations give as one of their names 'Florance'. They held Hedsor House, Hedsor, Taplow, Buckinghamshire, which became my godmother's home.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1862. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo? [M: A: 75; L: 51; P: 2.5.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: 170/ HERE LIETH INTERRED/ WILLIAM FREDERIC/ THE INFANT SON/ OF/ THE HON. GEO. IRBY/ AND FANNY ELIZABETH HIS WIFE/ HE SURVIVED HIS BIRTH BY 10 DAYS/ JUNE 1838/ ERE SIN COULD BLIGHT OR SORROW FADE/ DEATH CAME WITH . . . / Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23773/4 N° 65: infant son of Rev George Ives Irby, Burial 22-06, Rev Young; Baptism G23773 N° 66, 13/06/38, mother Fanny Elizabeth, Rev Knapp; sibling GL23773 N° 58 26/04/37 Florence George/ Morning Post/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Irby/ Guglielmo Federico/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 24 Giugno/ 1838/ / 170/ N&Q 88. Wm. Frederic, inf. s. of the Hon Geo. and Fanny Elizabeth Irby, a. 10 days, ob. June 1838. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D146 Needs to be turned over

NDNB entry for Sir James Burrough.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1840. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo incisa con  stemma e iscrizione. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 75; P: 150.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ WILLIAM FOULE BURROUGH ONLY SON OF/ JAMES AND SARAH BURROUGH/ OF ALTON PRIORS/ IN THE COUNTY OF WILTS WHO DEPARTED/ THIS LIFE THE 15TH OF FEBRUARY 1840 IN/ THE FIFTY-SIXTH YEAR/ OF HIS AGE/ THIS IS ERECTED BY HIS AFFECTIONATE SISTER/ WHO LAMENTS HIS LOSS/ N° 191/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 2 Age 55, Burial 17-02, Rev. Tennant (F49)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Burrough/ Guglielmo Faule/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 15 Febbraio/ 1840/ Anni 56/ 191/ N&Q 91. W, Foule Burrough, only son of James and Sarah Burrough, of Alton Priors, Wilts, ob. 15 Feb 1840. Erected by his sister. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

An early burial in the Cemetery of a twelve-year-old English girl. Her tombstone is broken and at first we though the burial was of 'Mary Montresor', until rectified by the Notes and Queries reading of 100 years ago. Her father was Lieutenant General Henry Tucker Montresor: Service 1793-1815: Corsica 1795 or 1796 commanding Anglo-Corsican Corps,  Elba 1796,  Egypt 1801, Malta 1801-1802, Elba 1802, Home Staff 1804, West Indies 1805-1808, on Home Staff 1808-1809, Walcheren 1809, Staff in Ireland 1810-1812, Sicily 1812-1814 and a division in Italy 1814 at Genoa, in Corsica 1814. Knight 1818. KCB 1820. GCH 1817. Colonel of the 11th Foot 1823-1837.


Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1830.
Ambito toscano. Tomba in marmo e pietra serena in frammenti. Possibile intervento di ripristino. Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: MARY MONTRESOR/ DIED AT FLORENCE/ THE 3D DECEMBER J83J/ AGED TWELVE YEARS/ [M: A: 30; L: 60; P: 100.] See 1828-1844/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Montresor/ Fanny/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 4 Dicembre/ 1830/ / 41/ N&Q 92. Frances Ann, d. of Liet. Gen and Mary Montresor, ob. 3 Dec 1830, a. 12/ NDNB entry for ancestor. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

A lone German from Bayreuth in his fifties.


Tomba. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1838. Ambito Toscano. Pilastro a pianta quadrata in marmo bianco su basamento in pietra serena, urna andata perduta. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 71; L: 32; P: 32; P.s. A: 20; L: 51; P: 51.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: GOTTLIEB CHRISTIAN BARTH/ VON/ BAYREUTH/ GEBOREN DEN 6 FEBRUARY 1779/ GESTORBEN DEN 28TH NOVEMBER 1838/ ICH WEISS DASS MEIN ERLOESER/ LEBET UND ER WIRD MICH/ HERRACH AUS DER ERDE/ AUFER WEDEN [Job 19.25]/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 80. Barth/ Amadio Cristiano/ / Germania/ Firenze/ 28 Novembre/ 1838/ Anni 59/ 176. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D150/ UNKNOWN /NON IDENTIFICATA Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX. Ambito toscano. Croce in marmo, interrata, nessuna iscrizione. [M: A: 151; L: 66; P: 13.5.] Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D151/ 940/
He is the son of Samuel Koemmeter (D153) and a shop-keeper, the family from the German-speaking part of Switzerland. We do not know his age.


Colonna spezzata. Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1866.
Ambito toscano. Colonna spezzata. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 117; circum: 90; L: 50; P: 50.]  Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Gottlieb Théophile Koemmeter, Aara, Suisse, negociant, fils de Samuel Koemmeter et de Salomé Hemmeler/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 264.66/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Koemetter/ Teofilo/ Samuele/ Svizzera/ Pignone/ 19 Aprile/ 1866/ / 940. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D152/ 764/
This sixteen/seventeen-year-old youth, the son of Gaspard Pitschen, is related by his mother to the Battaglia family, Giovanni Battaglia (D118) placing his tombstone. The family is from the Rumantsch-speaking Grigione Canton of Switzerland.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1861. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 67; P: 134; P.s. A: 10; L: X; P: X.] Iscrizione sepolcrale incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: GIOVANNI DEL FU GASPERO PITSCHEN . . . SVIZZERO/ MORTO IN FIRENZE IL DI 22 DECEMBRE 1861/ DI ANNI XVII/ TANTO BUONO/ ALLA MADRE E A TUTTI I SUOI CONGIUNTI/ ANIMA MIA ACQUIETATI IN DIO SOLO/ PERCIOCHE LA MIA SPERANZA PENDE DA LUI/ SALM l . . 6 [Psalm 62.5?]/ QUESTA MEMORIA POSE/ GIOVANNI BATTAGLIA/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jean Pierre Pitschen, (Sent, Canton des Grisons-en-Suisse), employé, fils de Gaspard Pitschen, et de Marie Battaglia, née Soliva, veuve en premier mariage de Gaspard Pitschen/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Pitschen/ Gian Pietro/ Gaspero/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 22 Dicembre/ 1861/ Anni 16/ 764. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D153/ 1047
This family is from the German-speaking Argavie Canton of Switzerland. See D151/ GOTTLIEB THEOPHILE KOEMMETER


Ancora. Fabbro e marmista ignoti. Sec. XIX, post 5/1869. Amibito toscano. Ancora infissa su piedistallo in marmo,  recinto in marmo smerlato. Intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008, intervento di ripristino sul recinto Gheorghe Petrache, 2009. [M: A: 44; L: 56; P: 38; F A: 87; L: 72; P: 2; R: A: 15; L: 88; P: 222.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in tedesco incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: HIER RUHT IM HERRN/ SAMUEL KOEMMETER VON AARAU/ GEB 21 SEPT/ 1806/ GEBST/ 28/ MAI/ 1869/ IST GOTT FUR UNS, WER KAN WIDER UNS SEIN!/ 1047/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Samuel Koemmetter, Aaran, Canton d'Argavie, Suisse, rentier, fils de Jean Koemetter, et de Elisabeth, née Hoffen/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 268/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Koemetter/ Samuele/ Giovanni/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 28 Aprile/ 1869/ Anni 63/ 1047. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D154/ 117/
He also dies in his fifties, has come from a French-speaking area of Switzerland.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1842. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco rialzata su basamento in pietra serena, marmo inciso. [Tomb number post is at edge of path between D and E]. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 61.2; P: 61.2; P.s. A: 7.5; L: 83; P: 85.2.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: A LA MEMOIRE DE MARC BERTHEX/ MORT A FLORENCE LE 28 JANVIER 1842/ AGE DE 56 ANS/ REGRETE DE TOUS SES PARENS ET SES AMIS/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 117. Berthex/ Marco/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 28 Gennaio/ 1842/ Anni 56/ 232. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

The Web gives information about her husband, Philip Lovell Phillips [1805-1869], Rev. W.B. Collyer's son-in-law. 'He was born in Bardados, and was baptised on 26 October 1805 at St. Michael, Barbados. He was the only son of John Randall Phillips and Elizabeth Went [IGI]. John Randall Phillips returned to England, lived at Tor Villa, Torquay [TNA, 1841 census, HO107/229/8, folio 13a and 13b] and he died in 1845 [GRO Index, Dec. qtr., 1845, Newton Abbott Reg. Dist., 10, 109]. Philip Lovell Phillips was educated at Exeter College, University of Oxford, where he received the degrees of Bachelor of Arts in 1826 [Jackson's Oxford Journal, issue 3834, 21 Oct. 1826], Bachelor of Medicine in 1830 [The Times, issue 14372, 1 Nov. 1830: 4] and Doctor of Medicine in 1833 [Jackson's Oxford Journal, issue 4171, 6 April 1833]. He married Mary Ann Hawkes Collyer, daughter of WBC, at St. Giles, Camberwell on 9 August 1832 [GM, 1832, 102: 173; IGI] and the couple had five children. In 1833 he wrote An Essay on Inflammation, sub-titled "An Inquiry into the Causes, Phenomena, Treatment, and Terminations of this Condition with a View to the Elucidation of the Proximate Cause". After his wife died in 1847, while travelling in Italy, Phillips put all his children into educational establishments: the son Philip, aged 13 years, entered Rugby School on 14 December 1850 [Temple, Frederick (1867), Rugby School Register from 1675 to 1867 Inclusive, London: Whittington & Co.: 171] and all four surviving daughters were placed in Mrs. Susan Smith's girls' school at Clapham [TNA, 1851 census, HO107/1576, folios 351b and 352a]. When WBC died in 1854, Phillips inherited the majority of his estate. Four years later, Dr. Phillips' only son, by now a lieutenant in the Rifle Brigade, died of dysentry on 22 August 1858, at Pointe-de-Galle, Ceylon: "It is scarcely twelve months since his majority was so joyfully celebrated here, by the tenantry at Lutterworth" [The Times, issue 23124, 14 Oct. 1858: 1; Morning Chronicle, issue 28638, 26 Oct. 1858]. By 1861, the daughters were back living with their father, now a retired physician, at Tor Villa, Torquay [TNA, 1861 census, R.G.9/1214, folio 80a]. Phillips died in 1869, aged 64 years [GRO Index, Sept. qtr., 1869, Exeter Reg. Dist., 5b, 71]. The tomb with the dove in marble is similar to that for B137/ GERALDINE (HATHORN) PERCEVAL


Scultore: Pietro Bazzanti, Firma: P.BAZZANTI.F, identico al sepolcro di Geraldine Hathorn Perceval con colomba. Sec. XIX, post 6/1847. Ambito toscano. Sarcofago in marmo con una colomba, poggiante su basamento in marmo.  Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 137; L: 120; P: 64; P.s. A: 21; L: 132.5; P: 78.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF/ MARY ANNE HAWKES/ WIFE OF/ P. LOVELL PHILLIPS OF TORQUAY DEVON ESQ M.D./ AND DAUGHTER OF/ THE REV. W.B. COLLYER D.D. OF PECKHAM SURREY/ SHE DIED ON THE 7 OF JUNE 1847/ IN THE 33 YEAR OF HER AGE/ THE MOST AFFECTIONATE MOTHER AND DEVOTED WIFE FELL/ VICTIM TO FEVER BROUGHT ON BY OVER ANXIETY AND FATIGUE/ IN ATTENDANCE UPON ONE OF HER CHILDREN, SCARCELY RESCUED/ FROM THE FATAL EFFECTS OF THE SAME DISEASE/ A SINCERE BUT HUMBLE CHRISTIAN CUT OFF IN THE/ MIDST OF LIFE BY AN INSCRUTABLE ORDER OF PROVIDENCE/ SHE OCCUPIES AN EARLY GRAVE DEEPLY LAMENTED BY FRIENDS AND RELATIVES/ BUT MOST BY HER HUSBAND WHO WOULD IN VAIN SEEK FOR WORDS/ TO EXPRESS HIS ATTACHMENT HIS ESTEEM OR HIS GRIEF/ IF IN HIS LIFE ONLY WE HAVE HOPE IN CHRIST WE/ ARE OF ALL MEN MOST MISERABLE I. COR. 15.C.19.V. N° 364/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 112: Mary Ann Hawker Phillips, wife of Dr Lowell Phillips, Burial 11-08, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Morning Chronicle, Times, at Arezzo en route from Rome to Florence / Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Phillips (Kawpre)/ Maria Anna/ / Inghilterra/ Arezzo/ 7 Giugno/ 1847/ / 364/ N&Q 93. Mary Ann Hawkes, w. of P. Lovell Phillips of Torquay, Devon, Esq, M.D., d. of the Rev. W.B. Collyer, of Peckham, Surrey, ob. 7 June 1847, a. 33/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D156/ BROKEN TOMBSTONE. Suggest could be either:
Intermarriage with the Irish Maquays. JLMaquay 27/3/1847 'Mrs Darby was delivered from her sufferings today . . took Darby to see the Burial ground' 29/3/1847 'brought home the little Mary and then sent them all of to [P---?] extraordinary letter from Darby.' Their castle in Ireland is said to be haunted: http://www.thedimensionzone.com/paranormal/most_haunted_leap_castle.htm Notes and Queries placed her tomb in Sector D, between D160/ MARY ANN MONEY and D159/ FLORENCE MARY BRAUER,
GL 23774 N°108: Laura Charlotte Darby, wife of Willliam Henry Darby of Leap Castle Kings County Ireland, Death 27-03 in her 53rd year, Burial 29-03, Rev Robbins
(E101)/ Maquay Diaries: 27 Mar 1847, 29 Mar/ Darby/ Maria Carlotta/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 27 Marzo/ 1847/ / 358/ N&Q 96. Laura Charlotte Darby, 3rd d. of E.J. Curteis, Esq, M.P. of Windmill Hill, Sussex, ob. 27 Mar 1847, at 53. She was for 25 yrs the w. of W.H. Darby, who with a s. and d. survive her. We have a marble fragment from the vandalized tomb which reads '. . . RBY/ . . . ESQ' corresponding to the first part of the N&Q transcription for this tomb.


We have received an offprint of Jill Davies, 'Two Cousins, Two Significant Careers', The Carmarthenshire Antiquary XLVI (2010), 80-99, which discusses this family in relation to Violet Paget (Vernon Lee), Emilia Sophia Adams being the grandmother of both Alice Abadam, the suffragette, and Vernon Lee, the writer, the family thus being fluent in Italian. Her son, Edward Abadam, of Middleton Hall, Llanarthney, Carmarthenshire, Wales, arranged the burial and visited the grave. A still birth is recorded for a Lady Paget (likely Catholic) is also recorded as near Florence, Pall Mall Gazette and Morning Post, 28 June 1873, for whom there is no 'English' Cemetery documentation. Notes and Queries placed this tomb in Sector D.
Edw. Abadam son fils, Middleton Hall, Llanarthney Camarthenshire, South Wales. 1828-1844:

N° 48                    Le trois Avril mil huit trente un,
Adams               Emilie Sophie Adams, anglaise, décédé
                             à l'hôtel Schneiderff, à Florence, le premier
                             du même mois, a été ensevelie dans le
                             Cimetière de l'Eglise évangélique.-
                                                                       Chs Recordon Pastr~

Adams (Abadam)/ Emilia Sofia/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 1 Aprile/ 1831/ / 47/
N&Q 100. Amelia Sophia, w. of Edward Hamlin Adams, of Middleton Hall, Carmarthensh., Esq. ob 1 April 1831, a. 54. See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei holdings, TAU

Web information: The Money family of Trowse Milgate are recorded as present there in the previous century. 'Trowse-Newton is a parish and village on the south-east bank of the river Yare, opposite Trowse-Millgate, 1 mile S.E. of Norwich, containing 562 inhabitants, and 1,125A. 3R. 9P. of land, belonging chiefly to Colonel A. Money, St. Giles' Hospital, in Norwich, and the Dean and Chapter of Norwich. The latter are lords of the manor, impropriators of the great tithes, patrons of the vicarage, and owners of Trowse-Newton Hall, now a farm-house; but formerly the seat of the Priors of Norwich, and occupied by the Deans after the dissolution. The hall estate and the great tithes are leased to Col. Archibald Money, of Crown Point, a handsome mansion built by the late General John Money, who died 1817, aged 87, and was author of several military works'. General Money named his mansion so from having fought at the battle of Crown Point during the American War of Independence.

Battle of Crown Point

Lastra. Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1847. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo spezzata, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di ripristino e pulitura. [M: A: 3; L: 70; P: 132; P.s. A: 10; L: 79; P: 146.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: TO THE MEMORY OF/ MARY ANN MONEY/ WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ THE 2 FEBRUARY 1847/ AGED 53/ LEAVING A HUSBAND/ AND TWO DAUGHTERS/ TO DEPLORE THE LOSS/ OF THE MOST AFFECTIONATE/ WIFE AND MOTHER/ DEATH HAD FOR HER NO TERRORS AND SHE AFFORDED A BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLE WITH THAT TRANQUILITY A CHRISTIAN CAN DIE/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 105: wife of Capt Philip John Money, late of Trowse Milgate Norwich, Burial 04-02, Rev Robbins (E101)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Money/ Maria Anna/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 2 Febbraio/ 1847/ Anni 53/ 353/ N&Q 95. Mary Ann Money, ob. 2 Feb 1847, leaving a husb and 2 d. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

Foreign Office has correspondence over her Will. She is 70.


Lastra, Marmista  ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1842. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo rialzata su basamento in pietra serena, lastra interrata e rotta, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di ripristino e pulitura. [M: A: 3; L: 67; P: 129; P.s. A: X; L: 76; P: 147.]  Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF/ HARRIET MASON/ BORN MDCCLXXII/ DIED VII FEBRUARY MDCCCXLII/ 234/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 437/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 29: Burial 09-02, Rev Tennant (F49)/ FO 79/104, correspondence over Will/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Mason/ Enrichetta/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 7 Febbraio/ 1842/ Anni 70/ 234/ N&Q 94. Harriet Mason, b. 1772, ob. 7 Feb 1842. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

D159/ 871/
A six-month-old baby daughter of an English mother, a Prussian German father.


Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1864. Ambito toscano. Cippo con croce poggiante su lastra in marmo. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 89; L: 52; P: 21; P.s. A: 37; L: 53; P: 24.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF/ FLORENCE MARY/ INFANT DAUGHTER OF PAUL AND MARY BRAUER/ BORN DECEMBER 19TH 1863/ DIED JULY 1ST 1864. Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Florence Marie Brauer, Prusse, fille de Paul Brauer et de Marie, née Lee/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 190.05/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 181. Brauer/ Firenze Maria/ Paolo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 30 Giugno/ 1864/ Mesi 6/ 871/ N&Q 97. Florence Mary, inf. d. of Paul and Mary Brauer, b. 19 Dec 1863, ob. 1 July 1864. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Hall Garth and Birtley (CHARLES PERKINS, D89) are both colliery areas.


Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1841. Ambito toscano. Cippo in marmo, recinto con colonnine in marmo. Possibile intervento di pulitura.[M: A: 198; L: 102; P: 69; RMF: A: 34; L: 151; P: 201.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF/ ANN MARY SHIPPERDSON/ SECOND DAUGHTER OF THE LATE/ RALPH SHIPPERDSON ESQ/ OF PITTINGTON HALLGARTH AND MERTON/ IN THE COUNTY OF DURHAM/ SHE DEPARTED THIS LIFE/ AT FLORENCE DECEMBER THE 29 1841/ IN THE 56 YEAR OF HER AGE/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL 23774 N° 27: 'Shepperdson', Burial 31-12, Rev Tennant (F49)/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Shipperdson/ Anna Maria/ / / Firenze/ 29 Dicembre/ 1841/ Anni 56/ 230/ N&Q 98. Ann Mary, 2nd d. of the late Ralph Shipperdson, Esq. of Pitting Hallgarth and Merton, Durham, ob. 29 Dec 1841, a. 56. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D161/ 302
A Swiss Grigione burial with little information.


Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1844.
Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo frammentata, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di ripristino e pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 66; P: 124; P.s. A: X; L: 80; P: 155.] Gaspero Pitchen/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Pitschen/ Gaspero/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 22 Dicembre 1844/ Anni 41/ 302. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

D162/ 847/

Descendant Peter Auldjo Jamieson has published a 2009 book on her father, the geologist and alpinist, John Richardson Auldjo. The baby is named after her grandmother Everetta Jane Richardson. A cousin, Miss M.H.H. Auldjo, wills Roman antiquities, including the Auldjo jug, to the British Museum.


Obelisco. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 9/1863. Ambito Toscano. Obelisco in marmo posto su basamento in pietra serena. Intervento di pulitura, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2012. [M: A: 128; L: 44; P: 44; Ps: A: 19; L: 60; P: 60.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi:. . .ETTA LOUISA/ . . . DAUGHTER / OF JOHN AND CAROLINE HAYDEN/ AULDJO/ 1863/ AGED 4 MONTHS AND 19 DAYS/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Eweretta Louisa Auldsjo, l'Angleterre, fil de John Auldsjo et de Caroline, née Haiden Hammitt/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Francs 270.17 + Francs 22.40/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23775 N° 157 Birth 01/05/63, Baptism 16/07/63, Burial 20/09 4 months19 days, mother Caroline Hayden, Rev. Pendleton/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 46. Auldjo/ Everetta Luisa/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 19 Settembre. 1863/ Mesi 4/ 847/ NDNB, Wikipedia entries for father, John Auldjo/°=Peter Auldjo Jamieson. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 

Then go down to the bottom.

He is from the Canton of Neuchatel in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, his family here with him in Florence still French-speaking. The stone says he dies in Florence yet the Register says he comes from Tarquinio/Tarquinia?

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1876. Ambito toscano. Lastra in marmo bianco rialzata su basamento in pietra serena, marmo sporco e spezzato, spigoli rotti. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 56.2; P: 120; P.s. A: 11; L: 65; P: 131.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in francese incisa in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: ICI REPOSE/ HENRI CONSTANT BOREL/ NE COUVET SUISSE LE 15 SEPTEMBRE 1807/ DECEDE A FLORENCE LE 23 JANVIER 1876/ L'ETERNAL EST PITOYABLE ET NOTRE DIEU FAIT MISERICORDE/ PSAUME CXVI.5/ SOUVENIR DE SA FAMILLE/ 1345/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 156. Borel/ Constantino/ / Svizzera/ (Tarquinio) / / / 1345/ Da Tarquinio. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. 
This Swiss mother is buried with her newborn dead child beside her, the tailor Jean Jaccoud being present at the burial.
Canton du Vaud/ enterree avec son enfant decédé en naissance/ See N° 56 1828-1844
N° 56                    Le vingt-sept Septembre mil huit cent trente

Vodoz                   et un, Elisabeth Borel, agée de 40 ans, fille

                                 de Philippe Borel, horloger, et de Jeanne Carteres

                                 sa femme, femme de Vincent Louis Vodoz de

                                 la Tour de Geylz, au canton de Vaud decedée

                                 a Florence le vingt-cinq du meme mois, a 7.

                                 heures et demic du soir, a ete ensevelie dans

                                 le cimetiere del'Eglise evangelique, avec son

                                 enfant décédé en naissant, le mème jour par sa

                                 mère, en presence de Jean Jaccoud, tailleur,

                                 et du soussigné

                                                                             Chs Recordon Past~

Vodoz/ Elisabetta/ / Svizzera/ Firenze/ 25 Settembre/ 1831/ Anni 39/ 54/


N&Q 90. Wm Henry Dunn, ob. 15 Nov 1839, a. 24.


An Englishman whose parentage is unknown. Notes and Queries places him in Sector D,
after D155/ ANN MARY SHIPPERDSON. A later Henry Dunn is buried in Sector B, B123.
Dunn/ Guglielmo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 13 Novembre/ 1839/ / 188.

Now cross over to the path that goes towards the studio of Michele Gordigiani to explore Sector E.





: Dante vivo || White Silence

Aureo Anello Associazione