Archives III

The payments are in Paoli, later in Francs, which I first indicate with P, then with F. Where an entry has 0 instead of a number the burial is either of a miscarriage, naming the parents, or of a body transported abroad, first by horse-drawn vehicle to Livorno, then by train.

Register 1852-1859

3/3/1852-12/7/1859 'Registre/ des Sepultures/ avec detail des frais/ du Cimitiere des Protestants/ situé/ hors la Porta Pinti/ Florence'. Handwritten on label shaped like a tomb.
Black cover damaged in 1966 Flood, pages handwritten generally in French giving complete careful accounting of costs for burials. Burial accounts in French.


Initial page sets out the costs, first, second and third class, for funeral hearses (Magherini), for the graves (Giorgi), and for the custodian (washing the body, the coffin,
ordering the carriage for the pastor, crepe and gloves for the pastor and the six or fewer bearers).

N°  Name           Total cost of funeral and burial

470 Paul du Fresne  P430
471 Ferdinand Chindi P26 
472 Edouard Lombe P1235
0 Twins of Jacques André Pierre Henri D'Arcis and Caroline Salt P76
473 Robert Meek P663
474 Francis Ord and Christine Redman Ord P417
475 Algernon Hill P527
476 Henri Gregory P538
477 Georges Victor Oettinger P95
478 Nina Gallier P330
479 Christian Heinzmann P555
480 Gregory Tchelikoff P396
481 Giovani Cisseppe P100
482 Jeanne Thomas P428
483 William Thatcher P673
484 Marie Townley P565 + P40
485 Louis Roux P137
486 Charlotte Comtesse Heillmer P585
487 Jules Aguet P289
488 Elisabeth Shinner P572  [Trollope's maid, First class funeral]
489 Balthasar Mercadante P410
490 Helene Reade Page née Colquhon P775 + P66
491 John Brooke P180
492 Anna Rosina Wital P230
493 Maria Zoppi P410
494 Major Tomkins P727
495 Jenny Pantal P100
496 Richard May P165
497 Henri Fields P230
498 Rev Algernon Peyton P735
499 Henri Bruppacher P460
500 Nanette Tosler P35
501 François Duplan P465
502 Constant Caruel P483
503 William Ming P355
504 David Schneide P430
505 Marie Wital P440
506 Julianne Rochat P138
507 William Napier Kellet P853.4
0 Stoppani Claude P15
0 Stenbok Fermor P75
508 Christine Ord née Kirkpatrick P779
T. Caruel terre e transporte P445
509 Emile Ord P350
510 Jules Mejean P557 +P80
511 Helene Mignaty P220
0 Baron Browndson P76
512 Conradin Denoth P217
0 Gaspar Meyer P20
513 Jean Stuppani P137
514 Valentine Grandi P416
515 Julia La Riviere P465
516 Alexandrine Rissner P132
517 Robert Kellet P815
518 John Joseph Rankin P726
519 Cecile Castelmur P575
520 Isabel Tempe Baylay P529
521 Sophia Lagersward P377
522 Frances Tolley P752.4
523 Jacques Augustin Galiffe P362
524 Virginie Haupt P599
0 Joseph Del Feo P20
525 Charles Plenderleath P759.4
526 Laurent Dobree P695.4
527 Anne Pfister P440
528 Alexander Darcey P695
529 Bulkeley Hall P580
530 George James Picture P15
531 Captain Thomas W. Wyman P1448.4  exhumée
532 George Crossman P575
533 Comtesse Lydia St Georges Bonfils P762
Anne Crossman, widow, buys land adjacent to N° 532
534 Edmond Antoine Chester Waters P733
535 Balthasar Chretien Mercadanti P440
536 Clementine Sloper P538
537 Mary Farhill P695
538 Jean Jacques Kunz P450
539 Adolphe de Berg P600
540 Guillaume Hahnemann P132
541 Thomas P. Jackson P664
542 Joseph Bych P175
543 Jules Oettinger P145
544 President Jean Gonin P250
545 Nicolas Zübla P482
546 James Shields P263
547 Auguste Rose P480
551 Jacques Gaudenzio Salvetti P754
552 Jacques Zaa P132
553 Nicolas Bossi P160
554 Charlotte Marie Comtesse P1459 + 4 tomb spaces P960 paid for by Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorn and Lord and Lady Normanby
555 Dominique Bisatz P132
556 Jacques Stupan P270
557 John Stratford Rodney P1004
558 Marguerite Jössler P252
559 Emilie Charters P788
560 Elisabeth Carlyon de Courcy P745
561 Marie Marguerite Don P507
562 Georges Menu de Minutoli P137
563 Françoise Lansel P260
564 Louise de Bar P587
0 Cottrell P31
565 Henry Florence Gray P763.2
0 Lumley P94
0 David Dickson P103
566 Julia Lowe P575
567 [Arthur] Boyd P587
568 Robinia Wilson Catani P510
569 Barth Marmels P245
570 Helene Tulck P360
571 George Battaglia P250
572 Giacomo Moscha P250
573 Elise Marie Wood P690
574 Amasa Hewins P280
575 Jean Pascal P132
576 Joseph Geng P150
577 Jacques Salomoni P440
578 Christophe Gudly P217
579 Claude Moscha P297
580 Georges Biller P132
581 Elise Leuvrin P555
582 Jean Lenzi P440
583 Christine Lenzi P440
584 John Corry P315
Rowland Walbanke Childers of Doncaster P1084.6
585 Elisabeth Jopling P753
586 James Denis P575.4
587 Charles Lyon Herbert P670
588 Sophia Roberts P639
589 Alexander Toukowsky P440
590 Henry Dunn P635 + P40
591 Charles Pagenstecher P440
592 Felicie Paget P132
0 Georges et Sarah Smith P99
593 Charles Heinzmann P555
594 Jean Tuan P132
0 Isaac and Sarah Lumley P86
595 Emma Carew P324
596 Henri Rodolphe Schintz P703
597 Jean Pult P440
598 Gaspar Salomoni P300
599 Anne Stecher P42
600 Suzanne Blanc P270
0 Joseph Ropes P146
601 Marie Wiss P36
Hayne Cheves P640 Transporté a Livorne
602 Esther Cooper P565 + P160
603 Martin Naeff P132
604 Jean Ciarner P255
605 Marianne Octavia Matthews P862 + P40
606 Nicolas Chlebnikoff P460
607 Anne Waley P565
608 Donato Wardle P160
609 Bardera Kudranzow P640
0 Guillaume Mandeville P111
610 Anne Sophie Tennant P1124
611 Gustave Cruse P430
612 Isaac Lumley P565
613 William Merry P635
614 Marie Johnstone P 493
615 Anna Merry P615
616 Henri Schmidt P132
617 Thomas Tringham Smith P736.6
618 Henri Cary P1194.4
619 Caroline Buffar Cracklow P695
620 Albert and Bertha Rose P195
621 Emilia Elise Philippe P267
622 Catherine Miller P134
623 James Barr P707
624 Joseph Garrow P685
625 Mary Magdalen Luard P707
0 Grallan Kelly P86
626 Edith Saunders P260
627 Rev Robert Maxwell Hanna P325
628 Ursula Jossler P180
629 Peter Francis Luard P587
630 Pierre Simeon Wagniere P577
631 Frieda Lambert P166
632 Jeanne Louise Renée Girod P375
Mary Jane Kershaw P1166 transportée America
0 Jean Toesler P86
633 Elisa Forbes P175
634 Thomas Brown P585
635 Catherine Mackinnon P435
636 Jacques Antoine Ganzone P622
637 Ann Vidler P661
Amasa Hewins N° 574 changed from 2nd Class to 1st Class P205
638 Boris Chaprowitzky P420
639 Thomas Hill Spencer P770.4
640 James Tait P607
641 Edmund Bennett P731
642 Elise Bull P649
643 Helene Marie Louise Du Fresne P332 + P60
644 Louise Florence Lowe P303
645 Jean Kassmann P122
646 Johanna Sophie Rose P400
647 Ludwig Shwartzenberg P440
Henri Cary transported to Livorno P595
648 Robert Vincent Thurburn P784
649 Major Charles Gregorie P925
650 Jean de Cantacuzene P400
Charles Gregorie P40
651 Henri G. Bonnin P632
652 Samuel Waistell Jopling P863
653 Augusta Perrin P528
654 Lydia Wade P610
655 Rose Sophie Dumartheray P270
656 Charles Frederic Obrist P130
Jean de Cantacuzene P40
657 Vice President Salomone Guillaume Counis P440
658 Louise Morandi P440
Paul Ventura N°462 P40
659 Ralph Burton P305
660 Jane Robiglio P761
661 Dorothea Jaffray P717
662 Paul Ventura P369
Pietro Bazzanti scultore , tomba Jaffray P60
663  Henriette Mejean P375
Generale Baronin Eugenie de Krafft, transporté a Livorne P617 
664 Emilie Eleonore Stenbok-Fermor P877 + P40
665 Anna Maria Walker P550
666 Gerard Lake Brook P369
667 Elisabeth Russell P300
668 Joseph Chretien Mercadanti P575
669 Hermione Stibbert P1130
670 Edouard Bossé P460
Robinia Wilson Catani transferred from B to A P447.4
671 Adam Donz P440
672 Alfred Florence MacKnight P252
673 Henri Austin P442
674 Iver Chretien Gottfried Walther P285
675 Charles Albert Bueninger P130

Register 1859-1865

'Registres des Sepultures' (blind-stamped on black leather, 1966 flood-damaged cover). Pages handwritten in French giving complete careful accounting of costs for burials.



676 Jules Galtier P662.4
677 Victor de Szilassy P599
Le Proff. Bazzanti, Robiglio P60
678 Emilia Smith P235
679 Charlotte Guillelmina Walter P657
680 Elisabeth Davis P145
681 Elisa Adelaide Heinzmann P499
Loose note on death and burial dates of Elvira Heinzmann for transhumation
682 Anna Otto P300
683 Guillaume Henri Beck P715
684 Michelangelo Galeazzi P785
685 Eusebio Massei P90
686 Elise Greene Doane P1140.4, piombe P375.4
687 Charles Bankhead P715
688 Edouard Elton P587
689 Thomas Alexander Tefft P745
690 John Thomson P350
691 Louise Saintonge P312
692 Georges Bomford P715
693 Jean Bazzel P132
Le Proff Bazzanti, Galeazzi, P64
694 Elisa Prevost P607
Exhumation, Alexander Tefft, N° 689, P739
695 Georges Casparis P132
696 Nicolas Fint 502
697 Caroline Doehler P587
698 Theodore Parker P1768
Dennison for Sir George Hamilton, N° 440, P245
699 Henriette Revilly P250
L'enclos de Famille Stibbert in A, P1460
700 Balthazar Stalvies P575
701 James Finucane P500
702 Samuel Reginald Routh P927
703 William Somerville P700
704 Martha Charlotte Panton P833
705 Henri D. Johnson P1148
706 Louise Ursule Tscharner P410
707 Raphael Fabretti P16
708 Anna Craston P193
709 Henriette Ludlow P298
710 Charlotte M. Whyte P905
711 Avv. Joseph Orselli P463
712 Catherine Jane Penfold P695
713 Anne Herbert P572
714 Louis Saussat P385
715 Ida Belfort Klaperoth P152
716 Dante Orselli P393
717 Michael François Abergeldie Gordon P729
718 Marc Vicari P240
719 Jean Etienne Jaccoud P300
720 Louise Mary Yarnold P641.4
721 Elisabeth Palmer P290
722 Ferdinand Oettinger P300
723 Jules Rose P275
724 Marie Wital P577
725 Gustave de Loewenich P597
726 Gaudenzio Tscharner P250
727 Homan Mulock P637
728 Arthur Bluett P560
729 Felix Porcinai P280
730 John James Duncan P1209.2
731 Isac Delessert P262.2
732 Jacob Kreft P377
733 Bertha Sonnemann P427
Charles C Perkins for Elisa Greene Doane N° 686 P400
734 Jean Tones P185
735 Vincent Fantozzi P225
736 Valentine Carl Grandi P185
737 Elisabeth Barrett Browning P793
738 Melchior Brun P389
J.E. Jaccoud N° 719, from 2nd to 1st class P205
739 Chretien Frederic Hodler P132
740 Jean Roth P150
For Charlote Whyte monument P40
741 Margherita Barbara Carolina Adami P510
742 Blanche Mary Letitia Ferguson P340
743 Edward Elliott P260
744 Nicolas Fannett P452
745 Isabelle Helene Smythe P392
746 Luzio Bazzel P335
747 Admiral Fleetwood Pellew P942 transfer from Marseilles
748 Maria Angiola Feretti P375
749 Elisabeth Augusta Sommer de Haugk P440
George Thomas Ramsden P512
751 Jacques Mejean P355
752 Elizabeth B. Jarves P597
753 Louise Françoise Augier P310
754 Marie Ziegler P260
755 Claude Pitschen P300
756 Jean Charles Gustave de Haugk P468
757 Elisa Tones P560
Jarves P40
758 Arthur Hugh Clough P587
759 Nicolas Tones Ciseppe P355
760 James Walter Kelson P641
761 Southwood Smith P577
762 Rosa Fantozzi P225
763 Luisa Grandi P335
764 Jean Pierre Pitschen P442
765 Demetrio Corgialegno P848
Henri Tones N° 237 P255
766 Roland James McDouall P550
767 Robert Markô P149
768 Robert Hart P587
769 Edward Augustus Frankland P585
770 Susanna Wrench Neroni P292
0 Frederic Dalgas P142
771 James Bansfield P637
772 Charles Futterlieb P122
Melchior Brun P200
773 Hon. Frances Herbert P1100
774 Rosa Wrench P252
775 Jean Daniel Jourdain P142
776 Robert Defilla P132
Arthur Hugh Clough P40
Felix Porcinai P40
Admiral Edward Augustus Frankland P40
777 Baron Guillielme Constant P455
0 Helen Mexsala F275.6
778 William Henry Sewell F575
0 Mary Norris F590.06
0 Richard Saunders a Bagni di Lucca  F366.26
779 John Walker F340
780 Assunta Butti F106
0 Rev Georges Bethune F622.56
781 Mathilde Gasperini F83
0 François Edouard Gibson F616.40
782 Anna Susanna Horner F320 + F33.60
Robert Hart N° 768 F22.40
783 Louise Convers F252
784 Frederic Genand F260
785 Anna Kessler F320.55
786 Josephine de Luca F157.50
787 Alice Sophie Desirabode F143.55
788 Laurence Bingly Laurence F141.52
789 Emily Hassy F224
790 Merry Hassy F208.55
791 Elisabeth Berti F327.55
792 Jean Tones F42.55
793 Ferretti F80.55
794 Thomas W. Trotman F326.05
795 Numaces Edouard Girardier F80.55
796 Jean Salomon Schmidt F250.55
797 Captain George H. Carbonel F222.95
798 Marie Rivoire F87.55
799 Rodolph Coterwald F335.55
800 Kenneth Macleod F256.55
801 Anna Smith F532.70
802 Mary Kettle F168.55
803 Annunziata Pagliazzi F143.55
804 Garibaldo Garibaldi Porcinai F86
805 Alexandre Convers F450.55
806 Millicent Ann Lloyd F334.55
John Edward Elton F33.60
Veuve Brun de Bologna F22.40
807 Frederic Arnold F143.55
808 Isolina Porcinai F92.55
809 Jeanne Peronelle Patry Emeri F349.55
810 Richard Woodward F338.55
Garibaldi e Isolina Porcinai N° 804 N° 808 F43
811 Marie Dobrovolsxy F214.55
812 Gotthilf Bossé F332.55
813 John Peach F344.75
Anna Smith F226.80
Monsieur le Marquis Torrigiani buys a plot adjacent to Anna Susanna Horner
Loewenich F22.40
814 Frederic Steinbach F333.55
815 Claire Walsh F499.55
816 Charles Jopling F219.55
817 Eleanore Gråberg F346.55
818 Captain James McCleverty F333.55
Claire Walsh F39.40
819 Frederic Auguste Bacelli F141.55
820 Pierre Zanichelli-Veroni F212.55
821 Ulric Benninger F99.75
822 Louisa Cambridge De Vecchi F87.55
823 Lydia Matilda Goff F399.55
824 Martha Gadsall F247.55
825 Balthasar Denoth F77.55
826 Anne Tscharner F214.55
827 Sophia Golikoff F406.23
828 Jean Pierre Vieusseux F254.55
829 Fannie Genand F254.55
830 Victor Contini F93.55
831 Paul Gudly F131.55
832 Elisabeth Fields F77.55
833 Rosalind Sarah Stack F151.11
834 Josephine Jenny Counod F204.05
835 Elisabeth Henrietta Pauline Schneider F144.55
836 Lydia Checcucci F409.67
837 Emma Gamgee F393.55
838 Marguerite Landi F135.55
839 Charles Watson P150.55
840 Florence Powers F414.55
841, 842 James Gibson Powers, Frances Powers F422.05
843 James Forbes F165.55
844 Charles Ede F410.35
845 Claire Mathilde Westhynzius F366.99
846 Algernon Parkes F270.55
847 Everetta Louisa Auldjo F270.17
0 James and Elisabeth Mure F56.55
848 Charles Sydney Lever F403.55
849 Francesca Trollope F396.55
850 Tito Meke F86.75
851 Lisa Vanuccini F337.75
852 Alexandre Hall F415.37
853 Smeralda Landor, daughter of Charles Landor e Smeralda Piselli F190.55  
854 James Lukin Davis F332.55
855 Lester Bingly Garland F354.59
856 Jules Pulszky F276.55
857 Sarah Gardiner F105.55
858 William Louis Sonnemann F250.05
859 Barbara Francesca Augustina Ferrentini F272.95
860 Julia Aulick Stout F332.55
861 Richard Bratton Adair F333.55
0 Rev Frederic Wiley trasporté F1000.80
862 Dorothee Baronin de Thom F218.55
Everetta Louisa Auldjo F22.40
863 Jeanette Beaufoy Field F305.35
864 Nina Giulietta Adelina Kelsall F515.95
865 Frederic Alfred Benoit F87.55
866 Marie Catherine Pauline Du Fresne F257.95
0 Rev Henri Harris F56.55
Southwood Smith N° 761 F31.36
0 Alphonse Antoine Moffatt e Suzanne Moffatt F78.55
0 Thomas Owen trasporté F692.80 (page stained with liquid, blotting paper still present)
867 Dominic Pult F250.55
Otto Paolo Wital pour une place attenante a la fosse 724 [Marie Wital] F112
868 Severin Gethke Zimbowsky F256.55
869 Anne Clementine Teschemacher F406.55
0 Emma Lydia Warburton F682.80
870 Thomas Jefferson Page F416.55
871 Florence Marie Brauer F190.05
872 Marcia E. Ropes F331.75
873 Jacques Peer F244.55
874 Pierre Joseph Nicolas Schiff F112.55
875 Louise Smith F206.55
876 Allan F. Woodall F175.55
877 Balthasar Valentini F77.55
878 Marie Weber F77.55
879 Walter Savage Landor F387.88
880 Norma Perucci née Woodall F326.55
881 Blanche Clifton F77.55
882 Britton A. Hill F182.05
883 Violante Gilli F340
884 Hermann Parkes F132.05
885 Helen Malmros F326.55
886 Marie Anna Dey F77.55
887 George Rebesoff F178.55
888 Giovanni Levitsky Leontieff F220.55
889 Alexandre Armstrong F208.55
890 Daniel Salomoni F80.55
891 Virginia Giuseppina Haupt F114.05
892 Henri Schneider F146.55
0 Charles Mannus St George F327.10
893 Jean Bischoff F175.55
894 Elisabeth Margaret Fombelle F393.55
895 Anna Dallas F400.55
896 William Reynolds F398.55
897 James Roberts F393.55
0 General Zekrewsky envoyé a Prato
898 Sarah Lee F380.55 + F112 place next to N° 898 pour M. Lee
899 Salvatore Ferretti F80.55
900 Sophie Sturmfels F393.55
901 Marianne Vanucchi F187.55
902 Guillaume Gullick F200.55
903 George Ziegler F214.55
904 Theodosia Trollope F393.55
0 Richard Perry Harvey F649.10
905 Anna S. Johnson F637.15 + F22.40
906 Mary Phelps F376.55
907 J. Finn F646.35
908 Colonel G. Gordon F287.55
909 George W. Pratt F336.55
Sarah Lee N° 898 F22.40
Theodosia Trollope F22.40
910 Alexandre Tikhmrmew F279.55
911 Auguste Barber F171.55
à 907 Jane Finn F173.55

Register 1865-1870

'Registres des Sepultures' (blind-stamped on black leather, 1966 flood-damaged cover). Pages handwritten in French giving complete careful accounting of costs for burials.


912 Albert Pierre François Conod F195.55
913 Pericles Panigete Pierre Zamv'os F120.55
Colonel Gordon N° 908 F22.40
914 Richard Hildreth F339.55
915 Lilly Fullbroock F284.55
916 Bosi Pucci infant F198.05
917 G. Hedenburg F410.55
918 John Woodly Morgan F392.55
919 Louise Futterlieb F77.55
Allan Woodall 2nd to 1st class F117
920 Sarah Cowell F393.55
921 Corinna Sanminiatelli F115.30
Lydia Goff F22.40
922 John Greenbank F258.05
923 Henri Yeames F303.35
924 Antonina Bernoff F176.05
925 Captain James Bennett F399.55
926 George Henri Bengough F396.55
927 Emile Conod F188.55
928 Alexandrine Garland F407.05
929 Nicolas Joseph Tonas F252.55
930 Frederic Goodban F400.55
931 Sir Charles Eastlake F320.55
932 Juliette Alberty F154.55
933 Thomas Brunker F406.55
Sir Charles Eastlake F185.55
934 Charles Mitchel F227.55
Frederic Goodban N° 930 F22.40
935 Sedony Lemarchand F249.55
936 Carolina Frederica Simenson F664.75
937 Pauline Hilmann F252.53
938 Marcelin Carrel F171.55
939 Goffredo Bettini F273.55
940 Gottfried Theophile Koemmetter F264.55
Jules Pulszky N° 856 F22.40
Lucy Morision F713.23
941 Joseph Thurlow F257
942 François Pierre Dupanloup F74
943 Sarah Jane Greenback F285.60
944 Caroline Wital F373
945 Isabelle Proby F202.30
946 Jules Mercier F262.50
947 Eugene Benou0s F117.50
948 Henri Bankes F332.80
949 Jean Tscharner F175
950 Samuel Charters F412.20
951 Mary Ann Burns F395
952 Aurore Comtesse de Durkheim Gråberg de Hemso F311
953 Christian Janet F43
954 Thomas Cooper F423
955 Irene Sonnemann F253.50
956 Therese Brouzel F180
957 Jean Moens F92
958 Jenny Rochat F184
959 Fanny Waugh Hunt F335
960 Thomas Mann F203.40
961 Henri Brind F243
962 Charles Otley F430
963 Delphine Du Coster F170
964 Thomas Jackson F172
965 Haupt F114
Augusta d'Almaforte Comtesse d'Hardenbourg de Reventlew F638.80
966 Jean Casal F170.40
967 Canteni F102
Mary Carman en Amerique F609.20
968 Jacques Berry F159
969 Elise Cooper F401
970 Jean Logan F240
971 John Wright Pierce F395
972 Mary Spencer Stanhope F230
973 Jean Giamari F340
974 Marian Woodsworth F333
975 Napoleone Valentini F266
976 Isabelle Scott F333
977 Jeanne Caroline Reynolds F404.40
978 Louise Baldassini F195
979 Elise Rytz F270
980 Marc Schlach F176
981 Fanny Bosio F162.50
981 Frederique Simonson F100
982 George Frederic Washington 335
983 Alexandre CaleoCoressi F214
984 Elise Chawner F395
985 Alexandre Sambucetti F222
986 Paul Battaglia 165
987 Dagadin Parasheva F169
988 Maria Young F342
989 Anne Haupt F261
990 Dora Acworth F333
991 Fanny Bonnin F393
992 Françoise Doney F175
993 Massimo Funaioli F171
994 Charles Henri Jones F387
995 Jean Dietrich Frisch F576.60
0 Alasia e Caroline Carpenter F180
996 Jean Ruengger F184
997 Jane Ricketts F312
998 Horace Hall F624.80
999 Caroline Alasia F403
1000 Ann Denniston F489.40
1001 Charles Jean Proby F353.72
1002 Chevalier Henri d'Arlens F262
1003 Suzanne Bombernand Cresti F70
1004 Thomas Watson Otley F430.36
1005 Christopher Gudly F87.40
1006 Jean Daniel Peyran F126
1007 Maria Duvall F390
1008 Catherine Fullerton F401
1009 Beatrix Spence F121.50
1010 Helene Heinzmann F258
1011 Traugott Scheitlein F146
1012 Catherine Peat Thomson F339
1013 Walter Harper F343
1014 Helene Akzynoff F359
1015 Elizabeth Means F93
1016 Isabella Thomson F333
1017 Annunziata Nannelli F135
1018 Alexandre Mordvinoff F470
1019 Caroline Beri F154.50
1020 Marguerite McNabb F281
1021 Stephanie Klawaschtek F169
1022 Charles Weiss F142.51
1023 Charles Koch F79
1024 Marie Kochanowsky F333
1025 Sarah Bush Smith F99
0 Nicholas Valentin F60
1026 Jane Augusta Robley F632.60
1027 Josephione Louise Panton F140
1028 Luigi Vanziari F116
1029 Joanna Horner Zileri F220
1030 Anna Marguerite Egli Convers F157
1031 Jean Denoth F79
1032 Ralph Moorhead F257.56
1033 Georges Storie F375
1034 Oscar Moni Mounier F236
Zanvosse F60
1035 Suzanne Rossi F327
1036 Isabelle Robinson F544
1037 Julia Grandjean F266
0 Fanny Schmitz transportée F414.60
1038 Georges Bock F146
1039 Ordway Leighton F336
1040 Maria Richardson F333
1041 Marc Lomi F175
1042 Maria Mounier F248
1043 Maria Gardner F399
1044 Christian Lyss F81
1045 Fiorenza Fiske F139
1046 Jacques Tuom F134
1047 Samuel Koemmetter F268
1048 Phillippe de la Pierre F266 
1049 Georges Martin Robiglio F291
1050 Augusta Robertson F333
1051 Baron Othon Parpart F507.50
Jean Peyran da 2 class a 1 class F100
1052 Nicola Planta F160
1053 François Anne Hay F431
1054 Jenny Challet F138
1055 Henri Bankes F301
1056 Bianca Baldelli F232
1057 Alice Ward F444
1058 Anne Brown F333
1059 Françoise Wharton Bonney F116.66
1060 Joseph Puini F349
1061 Ernesto Conod F121
Henri Groves F26
1062 Charles Hoffstetter F266
1063 Angelo Della Torre F321
1064 William Elder F401
1065 Marcellina Vota F113
1066 Sarah Johnson F341
1067 Thomas Fraser F401
1068 Catherine Wital F157
1069 Maurice Glotz F282
1070 Mary Margaret Pierce  F395
1071 Maria Kuntzel F170
1072 Orsola Stupan F241.50
1073 Charlotte Johnson F417
Nicolas Kisseleff F457.60
1074 Anne Brown F401
1075 Benjamin Briod F81
1076 Louis De Sanctis Pasteur F224
1077 Joseph Augier F453
1078 John McNab F241
1079 Andrea Casentini F443
1080 Julia Bohne F519
1081 Pierre Stalvies F123.51
1082 William Hahner F225
1083 Emilia Irvine F258
1084 Georgina Cox F216
1085 Emilia de Theotoky F147.50
1086 Robert Townley F565
Maria Kunzel da 2 class a 1 class F157
1087 Jeanne Stunen F267
1088 Constant Jaccottet F513
1089 Livia Rosenberger F90
1090 Alexandre Hone F422
1091 Vera Galesnoff F171
1092 Henriette Perrin F354
1093 Jean Danielwich F227
1094 Frederic Gillett F281
1095 Nicole Valentin F115
1096 Bartholome Riatsch F181
1097 Jeanne Heintz F192.50
1098 Marguerite Reynolds F625
Catherine Louise Kuhn F82
1099 Isabella Knight F483
Jean Brook N°191 from 2 to 1 class F220
1100 Elisabeth Meek F437
1101 Jean Letour F238
1102 Federiga Duplan F334
1103 Osvaldo Mark F206
1104 Filippina Simons née Ciampi F287
1105 Lodovico Fantoni F277.50
1106 Pauline Bounous F202
Alexandre Hone N°1090 exhumation F752
1107 Bianca Bianchini F403
1108 Caterina Isabella Spence F110
1109 Jacques Müller e Louise née Schock F47  zinc coffins begin here
1110 Olga Nordenstam F333
1111 Jean Battaglia F403
1114 Julia Manteuffel F406

'Frais de Sepultures/ 1871-1875'. Handwritten on white label with blue ornamental border, pasted on brown marbled paper covers, water damage, pages handwritten in French giving complete careful accounting of costs for burials. This register also indicates the sector for the tomb, uinklike the others which give no indication.


1115 Christopher Smith F391 A
1116 Henrietta Hardy F189 Transfer from 2 to 1 class F210 B
1117 Catherine Louise Kuhn F603.30 B
1118 Elizabetta Grazzini F423 B
1119 Robert Schildknecht F129 B
1120 Balthasar Stalvies F388 B
1121 Rosa Vincenzi Borgia F144 B
1122 W. Radetzky F510 B
1123 Charles Teodor Gypner F424 B
1124 Rosa Madiai F332 B
1125 Louis Parenti F338 B
1126 Rodolph Frey F169 B
1127 Arnold Landor, fils di Giulia Thuiller F738 B
1128 Emma Ball F407 B
1129 Alice Haton F416 B
1130 Isabella Page F433 B
1131 Norbonne Tringham Smith F527 B
1132 Pastor Giovanni Pietro Revel F223 B
1133 Nicola Enrico Stuèpan F332.90 C
1134 Emma Shearwood F264 A
1135 Clara Lowe F407
1136 Jean Bischoff F327 B
1137 Dominica Stalvies F525 B
1138 Ester Bankes F238 B
1139 Teofilo Ammanni F213 B
1140 Christian Conrad F185
1141 Adolphe Du Fresne F466 D
1142 Eugenio Bounous F151 B
1143 Florence Strange F91 A
1144 Elizabeth Hopkins F252 D
1145 Emilie Bankes F232 B
1146 Baron Paul Villestreux F343 B
1147 Antoine Buol F188 B
1148 Alberto Revel F76 B
1149 Andrea Kaismann F132 B
1150 Ernesto Revel F70 B
1151 Eugenia Revel F70 B
Emilie Ingersleken F1000.80
1152 George Townley F337 B
1153 Alessandro Iandelli F317.40 A
1154 Rodolphe Dalgas F371 C
1155 Anne Stupan F230.50 D
1156 Ferdinand Baldini F111 B
1157 Anne Stupan F235.40 B
1158 Henri Ortli F212 B
1159 Louise Dalgas F191 C
1160 Margaret Zileri F323 A
1161 Claire et Anne Gaudenzi F352 B
1162 Anne Archer Shee F442 A
1163 Olga Dragomanoff F163 B
1164 Cesare Paganini F429 A
R.W. Swain Roger a Livorno F1172.50
William Sprague Smith a Livorno F1169.30
Michael H. Simpson F1170.50
1165 Vera Courousoff F263.50 B
1166 Chapman Stansfield Marshall F523 B
1167 Walter Bradford F485 D
1168 Cristina Temple Principessa Bowdoin F433 B
1169 Foerster Zinderbet F196 A
1170 Giacomo Secci F135 A
1171 Mary de Dornberg F417 A
Emma Brown a Livorno F692.20
[1172] Lady Georgianna Sewell F391 B plot next to N° 778 & N° 1172
1173 Eugene Craiginate, fille F94 B
Cristina Temple Bowdoin N° 1168 F333
1174 Barberina Stupan F387 C
1175 Henriette Bizarri F150 B
1176 Maria Campbell F562 C
1177 Henri Tönjachin F135 A
1178 Amalia Galiffe F307 C
1179 Maria Rosefield F203 B
1180 Leonid Gorodetsky F248 B
1181 Emilie Cox F234 B
1182 Therese Bettarini F112 B
1183 Eugene Alissoff F337 B
1184 William Haskard F207.30 B
1185 Carlo Rose F194.50 A
1186 Charlotte Plumptre F535 A
1187 Rosalia Augusta Dietrich F214 A
Jennie Riauhard F583
1188 George Ross F49 A
1189 Thomas Southwood Smith F514 A
1190 Robert Nicholson F532 A
1191 Jacques Drummond Griffith F543 A
1192 Sofia Jeanneret Perrin F340 D
1193 Henri Vicomte Belinger F482 A
Caroline Cox a Livorno F755
1194 Isabella Blagden F622 A
1195 Elizabeth Counis F392 D
Oscar Shafter a Livorno F646
1196 Anatolio Maslenikov F473 A
1197 Revd George Robbins F653 B
1198 Alexandra Godsall F212 A
1199 Antoine Gonin F316 C
1200 Adrian Marryatt F690 A
1201 Robert K. Arbuthnott F744 D
1202 Emilie Obert F458 A
Charles Petit McIlvain F795
Tully M. Watts N° 1210 F742
1203 Luca Altrocchi F461 D
1204 Guillaume Boye F455 
1205 Henri Langer F329 A
1206 Emilie Schneider F223.50 A
1207 Chretien Greve F610 per un monument F130 A
1208 Jean Bennett Hearsey F531 A
1209 Elizabeth SchildsdHueck F138 A
1210 Tully M. Watts F142 deposit, fosse murée
1211 Elisa Pagannini F422 A
Guillaume Condit F653
1212 Isabelle Kann F423.50 B
1213 Baron Emile Kann F524 B
1214 Modesto Ragnatovsky F258 A
1215 Agnese Cassani F271 B
Georgia E. Moore F728
1216 Georges Emile Kann F428 B
William Brygam Clymer F720
Adele Coster F707
1217 Anna Horner F465 A
1218 Henriette Inghirami F524 B
1219 Joseph Watson F615 A
1220 Franco [Hiram] Powers F550 A