: Dante vivo || White Silence 
With thanks to Architect Francesco Torrini of the University of Florence for his maps



Who would build temples, without tombs in sight?

                                                 Elizabeth Barrett Browning (B8), Casa Guidi Windows I.426

Military: Harwick Doncaster, AB17; Richard Gibbons, AB8
Naval: John Martin Hanchett AB24
William Fawcett, AB20; Salvatore Ferretti, AB27; Johannes Schmidt/John Smith, AB30
Medical: Drs Gressanowski, Wilson. AB5;
Doktor Augustus Kirch, AB6.
Sculptor: Ettore Ximenes, AB7
Abolitionist: Walter S. Alexander, AB28
Swiss: Moritz, AB1; Mosca, AB22
Russian: Kolemin, AB25;
Americans: Cornelia Loring, AB5; Louisa King, AB10; Dorr Child, AB26

Sector AB lies along the edge of the original medieval wall built of the grey green stone used first for the Ghibelline towers, then for the Guelf walls of common defence for the city by Arnolfo di Cambio. This space became available after Poggi changed the structure of the 'English' Cemetery from square to oval. We have the original letters between Giuseppe Poggi and Pietro Ganzoni, who built the private railroad to the Carrara marble quarries, on the dynamiting of the medieval wall, etc. The tombs here date from 1873 to 1876.

Piantine con le coordinate delle tombe

intervento conservativo sul ferro, anno 2008
                                        rosso, tombe danneggiate, interventi di ripristino, anno 2006 ecc.
                                        azzurro, tombe, un intervento di pulitura

                                      Click to enlarge                                      


Brief essay or statement that distills the archival material into a portrait, the story of each person.


Belle Arti description:
[Misure/Measurements: Marmo/Marble: Altezza/Height;  Lunghezza/Length; Profondita/Depth; Pietra serena: A: L: P: Recinto/Frame: Marmo o Pietra Serena con Ferro/Iron: A: L: P: ]/ INSCRIPTION ON TOMB/
Archival materials retrieved from:
1828-1844 = the earliest Register of Burials in the Swiss Cemetery.
Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts:
I: 1852-1859 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais', Paoli = Expense entries for funerals where here the total is given, while the accounting in the Register also carefully lists in that total the costs for the coffin, its lining, the grave, the crepe and gloves for the bearers, the carriage for the pastor, etc.
II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Paoli e Francs
III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs
IV: 1871-1875 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais, Francs. This register is the only one indicating the zone of burial. Its A comprises Sectors A,B, its B comrpises Sectors E,F, its C corresponds with Sectors C and D.
Quittance receipts, Q plus number.
Guildhall Library Records, etc./
Orbituaries supplied by the Webbs, etc.
1873 Chronological Register in French, then Italian/#/Cognome/Nom/Age/Patria/Domicile/Décés/Enterrement/Remarques
1877 Alphabetical Register in Italian gives following information in columns:
[Flyleaves] Cognome/ Nome/ Paternita` / Patria/ Data della Morte/ Eta/ Tomba
[Surname/ Christian name/ Father's Christian name/ Country/ Date of death/ Age/ Tomb number]
Mediterranean culture has the woman retain her maiden surname, northern European culture has her renounce it in favour of her husband's surname. We attempt to follow cultural practices so: Mediterranean women being listed under their maiden surnames; English and American wives having their maiden names given in brackets before their husband's surname/
Notes and Queries (N&Q) then extant tomb inscriptions, published 100 years ago by Lieut. Col. G.S. Parry, 'Inscriptions at Florence in the Protestant Cemetery'.
Further information from descendants, etc.
Schede di Belle Arti, 1993-1997
Trizzino: Università degli studi di Firenze, Prof. L. Trizzino, Corso di Restauro dei Monumenti, 2006/7

Web materials, also Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei', TAU, holdings

AB1/ 1324/
We cannot read his inscription nor do we know from which Swiss canton he has come, apart from that it would be a German-speaking one. It is a family that likes Biblical names, Moses, Abraham.

   Click on photographs to enlarge

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1875. Croce in marmo bianco posta su basamento in pietra serena. [M: A: 98; L: 47; P: 30.5; P.s.: A: 31.5; L: 46; P: 38.5.] Iscrizione illeggibile. Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Moris/ Luigi Abramo/ Moisé/ Svizzera/ Firenze/ 12 Luglio/ 1875/ Anni 55/ 1324. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

This six-year-old Italian child is mourned biblically by her father Cesare. We recall that Catholic Italians were forbidden the Bible in their language, so, finding the Swiss Louise Pereaz Baldassini, likely her mother, named in the Register, but who lacks an extant tomb, can explain this child's burial here.

Stele. Scultore ignoto. Sec XIX, post 6/1875. Stele in marmo bianco, marmo sporco, poggiante su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena e ferro ora mancante. [M: A: 63; L: 45; P: 23.; P.s.; A: 11.5; L: 49; P: 28.7; RP.s.: A: 1?; L: 86; P: 150?] Iscrizione in lingua italiana in lettere capitali  numeri arabi: ELENA BARDASSINI/ NATA IL 9 AGOSTO 1869/ MORTA IL 17 GIUGNO 1875/ IO ME NE VO A LEI MA ESSA NON/ RITORNERA' A ME II SAM XII.23// 1322/ III: 1865-1870 'Registre des Sepultures' avec detail des frais; Francs 195. Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti:: 74. Bardassini/ Elena/ Cesare/ Italia/ Firenze/ 17 Giugno/ 1875/ Anni 6/ 1322. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

He was perhaps a Birmingham silversmith, the Web giving the hall mark for Jonathan Howell of this firm in 1895. His tomb tells us he drowned at San Vincenzo, near Livorno, in Tuscany.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1876. Cippo in marmo bianco, marmo sporco, inciso posto su basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena, 1/4 colonne superstite, ferro mancante.
[M: A: 89; L: 54.8; P: 84; P.s.: A: 50; L: 51; P: 23.5; RP.s.; A: 40; L: 96; P: 140.] / Iscrizione in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF/ HENRY HOWELL/ OF BIRMINGHAM ENGLAND/ WHO WAS DROWNED AT/ SAN VINCENZO TUSCANY/ 30 MAY 1876/ AGED 52 YEARS/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 487, burial 04/06, Rev Tottenham, Hotel San Vincenzo, nr Livorno/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Howell/ Enrico/ / / Campiglia/ / / 1318/ N&Q 268. Henry Howell, of Birmingham, drowned at San Vicenzo, 30 May, 1875, a. 52.Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

A spinster from England.

Croce, recinzione in marmo bianco, recinzione in ferro finto come corde. [    ] Iscrizione in lettere romane in lingua inglese  HELEN SCHOFIELD/ DAUGHTER OF/ JOSEPH AND ELIZA SCHOFIELD/ DIED MAY 20 1875/ 1317/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 486, Burial 22/05 Rev Tottenham/ Times, daughter of the late Joseph Schofield, of Stubley Hall, Littleborough, Lancaster/  Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Schofield/ Helen// Inghilterra/ 1317] [later addition 'see Shofield on next page' which gives /Elena/ Giuseppe/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Maggio/ 1875/ Anni 41/ 1317]/ N&Q 269. Helen, d. of Joseph and Elizabeth Schofield, ob. 30 May, 1875. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

AB5/ 1314/
From Boston Brahmin families in America we have further information that she shared Doctors Gresanowsky and Wilson with Elizabeth Barrett Browning. See ebbdeath.html, also A109.  Lilian Whiting in Kate Field adding 'Dr. Gresanowsky was a Prussian who, for political reasons, had left his country and domiciled himself in Florence, where he became one of the habitues of Casa Guidi. Mrs. Browning frequently had long talks with him as they both sat on Isa Blagden's terrace on Bellosguardo, and to Kate and her mother this liberal and cultivated Prussian became a valued friend'.) Nicholas Loring Hadden transcribed the archival letters preserved by his great great grandfather, her stepson, the Civil War General, Charles Greeley Loring Jr, who was also Curator of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. He explains that Cornelia's first husband died in a carriage accident, leaving her to raise their son George Goddard, and that she married secondly State Senator and Harvard Overseer Charles Greeley Loring, acquiring two stepchildren, the second of whom became the wife of Asa Gray of Gray's Anatomy. Amy Lowell was at Cornelia's side during her illness, and was supported by their cousin Mrs Greenough, married to the sculptor. Amy Lowell's letters describe their earlier visit together to the 'English' Cemetery in Florence, Cornelia expressing the wish to be buried there and her persuasion of Louisa King's sisters not to have Louisa's body shipped home. Amy recounts the medical visits of Doctors Gresanowsky and Wilson (Wilson spoken of here as the ablest physician in Florence) and their careful treatment of the patient, their conclusion that it is a latent cancer, the laying out of her body dressed in a simple black silk dress with white lace collar and cuffs, her hair braided (this is still the Florentine custom), it being placed in a fine wooden coffin, with a plate on it giving her name, then cased in lead and sealed with the seal of Florence, and last its burial with both Rev Connolly and the American Episcopalian Rev Mills officiating in white robes. (Rev Pierce Connolly is buried in the Allori Cemetery, he was the plaintiff in a suit that reached the House of Lords to have his wife back after he became a Roman Catholic priest and she founded the Order of the Holy Child, a suit which he lost). Variously present at the two funeral services were Mrs Huntington, Mr and Mrs Lothrop, the Alexanders (for their son's tomb, see AB28), Mr and Mrs Perkins, Dr Gresanowsky, Mr and Mrs Richard Saltonstall Greenough, Miss Horner, Mr and Mrs Sullivan, and Mrs Erving and Miss Briggs, the last two Louisa King (AB10)'s sisters. Amy Lowell describes the beauty of the Cemetery, its profusion of roses and the many famous people buried there, including a child of James Lowell (we have no record of this burial), Mrs Horner, Mrs Browning (B8), Theodore Parker (D108), Clough (F8), many others. The General set sail from Boston for England on hearing by telegramme of his stepmother's illness, too late he telegrammed instructions she be embalmed, which was not possible. She was 65, he 47. The tombstone is very beautiful in art nouveau style and sans serif lettering.

Harvard, General Charles Greeley Loring Jr, Cornelia Loring's stepson

Stele. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1875. Stele scolpita con croce racchiusa da ali, incisa, recinto in pietra serena. [M: A: 157; L: 53;.P: 20; RP.s.: A: 14; L: 172.7; P: 190.] Iscrizione in lingua inglese in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi: CORNELIA/ AMORY/ GODDARD/ LORING/ OF BOSTON/ MASSACHUSETTS/ BORN SEPT 27 1810/ DIED MAY 15 1875/ 1314/ Cornelia Amory Goddard, widow of George A. Goddard of Boston/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Loring nata Amory/ Vedova Cornelia/ Francesco/ America/ Firenze/ 5 Maggio/ 1875/ Anni 65/ 1314/ N&Q 270. Cornelia Amory Goddard Loring, of Boston, Mass., b. 27 Sept., 1810; ob. 15 May, 1875/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/°=Nicholas Loring Hadden. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

AB6/ 1333/

His descendants visited the tomb of this German doctor and paid for its cleaning.

Tomba con croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 11/1875. Ambito toscano. Croce che si erge su un monte, posta su un basamento quadrato in marmo bianco inciso, recinto in pietra serena e ferro. Intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu,  2008. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 172; L/ P: 63; P.s. A: 24; L/P: 66; RP.s.F: A: 64; L./P: 167.2.] Iscrizione in lingua tedesca in lettere capitali: HIER RUIT IN GOTT/ D. AUG. KIRCH/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Kirch/ Dr. Augusto/ Enrico/ Germania/ Firenze/ 21 Novembre/ 1875/ Anni 57/ 1333. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

She is 19. Her parents have commissioned a famous sculptor, Ettore Ximenes, to create her tomb. A relative has written the following: 'Io mi chiamo Tommaso Gullì They e sono di Reggio Calabria. Il mio antenato Vincenzo Gullì (ramo minoritario della casa dei Gullì) era tenente di fanteria e diventerà poi colonello della cavalleria reale e anche lui era di Reggio Calabria. Vincenzo era figlio di Don Tommaso Gullì e Angelica They Lalanne Bergaurder (Marsiglia Francia). La mia è una famiglia antica di Reggio Calabria nobili d'arme.  Vincenzo sposerà la sorella di Ina Saulter Holden e l'unico figlio della coppia (Vincenzo Annie) è Tommaso Gullì Medaglia D'Oro della Marina Reale che sarà ucciso nel 1919 a Spalato. Vincenzo Gullì e Ina Saulter una sera un paio di settimane prima della morte di lei e poco prima del suo matrimonio che era già organizzato erano andati a cavalcare in un bosco ma vengono sorpresi da un temporale e Ina si bagna molto e prende la polmonite cadendo malata ed è così che  muore. Il 18-11- 1878 Vincenzo sposa la sorella Annie Saulter di Ross e Mary Holden entrambi erano di Belfast Irlanda del Nord e anche Annie era nata a Belfast. Annie morirà a 32 anni a Viareggio 1-2-1892'. This is one among several tombs with a portrait medallion: A64/ GEORGE AUGUSTUS WALLIS by Aristodemos Costoli, A15/ ANNE SUSANNA (LLOYD) HORNER by Francesco Jerace; AB7/ INA BOSS SAULTER, by Ettore Ximenes; B4/ ELENA NIKITICNA DIK, NATA AKZYNOVA by Fyodor Fyodorovitsch Kamensky; C3/ THOMAS SOUTHWOOD SMITH by Joel T. Hart; D108/ THEODORE PARKER by William Wetmore Story; D127/ JAMES ROBERTS, by Joel T. Hart?; E12/ JAMES LORIMER GRAHAM, JR by Launt Thompson; E9/ WALTER KENNEDY LAWRIE by Pietro Bazzanti, F27/ PHILIPPINA (SIMONS) CIAMPI, Joel T. Hart?)

Stele triangolare. Scultore: Ettore Ximenes. Sec. XIX, post 5/1875. Stele con base triangolare, con cammeo e fiore. Intervento restauro conservativo e pulitura, Iris Fromm; intervento conservativo sul ferro, Daniel-Claudiu Dumitrescu, 2008. Possibile intervento di ripristino su una delle colonne del recinto. [M: A: 195; L/P: 62.5; RP.s.F: 60; L: 92; P: 201.] Iscrizione sul cippo incisa in lettere romane capitali in lingua inglese e numeri arabi: AFTER THE REMEMBRANCE OF/ INA/ THE BELOVED DAUGHTER OF/ ROSS SAULTER AND MARY HOLDEN/ DIED AT FLORENCE MAY 19 1875/ AGED EIGHTEEN YEARS/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 485, Burial 21/05, Rev Tottenham/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Saulter nata Ross/ Ina/ / Inghilterra/ 19 Maggio/ 1875/ Anni 19/ 1315/ N&Q 271. Ina, d. of Ross Saulter and Mary Holden, ob. 19 May, 1875, a. 18/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

AB8/ 1312

Debrett entry notes their ancestor as from the Barbadoes. Richard Gibbons became captain of the 80th Foot in 1831. He is 70 when he dies.

Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1875. Croce in marmo bianco, marmo sporco, con secondo basamento in pietra serena posta su una lastra in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 96.1; L: 41. P: 31.; P.s.: Basamento A: 24. L: 46.5. P: 35.2; P.s. Lastra: A: 15; L: 87.5; P: 200.] Iscrizione in lingua inglese in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi. TO THE MEMORY OF/ RICHARD GIBBONS/ LATE CAPTAIN. . . RIFLE/ AND SECOND SON OF SIR JOHN/ GIBBONS BART OF STANW[ELL] PLACE, MIDDLESEX/ BORN . . .1807 DIED AT FLORENCE APRIL 26 1875/
Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 483, late captain 60 Rifles, Burial 29/04, age 68, Rev Tottenham
/ Pall Mall Gazette/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gibbons/ Riccardo/ / Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 26 Aprile/ 1875/ Anni 70/ 1312/; N&Q 272. Richard Gibbons, Captain 60th Royal Rifles, 2nd s. of the late Sir John Gibbons, Bart., of Stanwell Place, Midd., b. 27 Ap., 1807 ; 06. 26 Ap., 1875. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Italian, she is spoken of as having lived in exile for her religious beliefs. Her husband Angiolo Guarducci had been arrested with Count Piero Giucciardini (F34) and his house searched, a Bible found, and he imprisoned for ten months without trial, at the same time that Pakenham (E118) was also arrested and imprisoned. He was finally allowed to go into exile to England: https://sites.google.com/site/quilondra/Home/il-diciannovesimo-secolo/6-le-pubblicazioni/persecuzioni-in-toscana Her tomb with its dove consciously echoes that of Anna Maria Peace Horner (A9-10C 1217),  above it.


Stele. Scultore ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1874. Ambito toscano. Stele in marmo bianco scolpito, marmo sporco, nel triangolo colomba con ramoscello d'ulivo nel becco (riprende il motivo di un'altra tomba posta nel settore A9-10C, il sepolcro di Anna Maria Horner) racchiusa nell'uroboro, recinto in marmo con colonnini, finte corde annodate in ferro presenti solo sulla parte frontale del recinto. Intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [Marmo: Cippo: Altezza: 225; Lunghezza: 67.5. Profondità: 26.6; Recinto: Pietra serena, Ferro: A: 60; L: 97. P: 203.] Iscrizione sul cippo incisa in lettere romane capitali in lingua italiana e numeri arabi: QUI RIPOSA/ CAROLINA BANCHI NEI GUARDUCCI/ EBBE FEDE IN GESU REDENTORE/ E FRA LE ANSIE TORMENTOSE/ DELLE PERSECUZIONI E DELL'ESILIO/ FU TESTIMONE VERACE/ DELLA GRAZIA CHE SALVA E APRE IL CIELO/-.-/ VISSE VITA D'AMORE/ E IN FAMIGLIA FRA GLI AMICI DOVUNQUE/ NE LASCIO FRAGRANZA SOAVE// LIETA E SERENA S'ADDORMENTATO NEL SIGNORE/ ADDI 16 APRILE 1875/ -.-/ QUI HANNO LASCIATO IL CUORE ANGIOLO GUARDUCCI/ E FIGLI E LA NUORA DELLA DEFUNTA/ E OLTRE LA TOMBA/ VEGGONO L'ETERNITA BEATA/ CHE DEVE RIUNIRLI IN CIELO/ 1307/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 65. Banchi nei Guarducci/ Carolina/ Luigi/ Italia/ Firenze/ 16 Aprile/ 1875/ Anni 67/ 1307. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

AB10/ 1288/

We have the Last Will and Testament of David Olyphant King's mother, of which he is executor, and the information that he is in New York. A law suit is later held against him for not investing in governent bonds to provide interest payments for the children of a Trust. Louisa King's tomb is quite grand, matching those of D39/ ADELE SARA (BOLENS) CAPELLO MESTREZET and [Now at DD21V] MARGARET MCNAB. It is also discussed in the Loring letters (AB5), their being friends.

Croce posta su un tamburo. Marmista: Giuseppe Bondi. Sec. XIX, post 12/1874. Ambito Toscano. Croce posta sopra un tamburo ottagonale gotico con archi ogivali in stile classico, faci rovesciate, marmo sporco, incisa in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi, sormontata da una croce, recinto in pietra serena con sei colonnini, 1/6 superstite, spezzati gli altri, ferro mancante. Possibile intevento di consolidamento sul recinto.
CNR 'Nello Carrara' research, 2013. [Croce: A: 124.; M: A: 128.5 L: 65.5 P: 65.5 ; P.s.: A: 44.5 L: 95. P: 95.; R: A: 40; L: 350: P: 200.] Iscrizione in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY/ OF/ LOUISA KING/ WIDOW OF/ DAVID OLYPHANT KING/ DIED IN FLORENCE/ DEC 18 1874/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Maria Louise Vve King, l'Amerique, fille de Charles Briggs/ Begeal, James Lorimer Graham, Consular Records, widow of David Oliphant King, of Boston, died  18 December 1874/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: King nata Briggs/ Vedova Maria Luisa/ Carlo/ America/ Firenze/ 18 Dicembre/ 1874/ Anni 43/ 1288/ See Loring/ N&Q 273. Louisa, widow of David Olyphant King, ob. 18 Dec., 1874/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda/ CNR, ricerca sui licheni, 2013. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

AB11 UNKNOWN stone trough with broken marble pieces, no surviving inscription, no tomb number.

We do not know his age but his sorrowing parents bring him here from the Trespiano Cemetery outside Florence.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1874. Cippo in marmo sormontato da una croce fra volute, marmo sporco, basamenti in pietra serena, recinto in marmo con colonne, ferro mancante. Possibile intervento di consolidamento sul recinto. [M: A: 105.5; L: 47; P: 25.2; P.s.: A: 56;  L: 62.5; P: 37.5; RM: A: 53; L: 92; P: 190.] Iscrizione in lingua italiana incisa in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi: AL NOSTRO AMATO FIGLIO/ TOMMASO FRILLI NATO . . . GENNAIO/ MORTO IN FIRENZE IL 7 APRILE 1874/ I GENITORI DOLENTI . . . MARC . . .// 1310/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Frilli/ Tommaso/ / Italia/ / / / 1310/ Da Trespiano. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

Clara von Klass from Dresden who is 40.

Lapide e recinzione. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1875. Lapide in marmo bianco, lapide incisa incastonata nel muro, recinto in pietra serena e ferro. Intervento conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 5; L: 80.5; P: 90.5; RP.s.F: A: 64; L: 90; P: 203.] Iscrizione in lingua tedesca in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi: HIER RUHET IN GOTT/ MEIN TIUZIGE SO HEISSGELIEBTE SCHWESTER/ FRAULEIN CLARA VON KLASS/ AUS DRESDEN/ IHR LEBEN WAR FUR ALLE DIE SIE LIEBTE/ EIN SO HOCH BEGLUCKKENDES GOTT MOGE IHR DEN/ EWIGEN FRIEDEN GEBEN/ - / SIE STARR AM 7. APRIL 1875/ FERN VON DER IHR SO LIEBENHEIMATH/ - / SELIG SIND DIE FRIEDFERTIGEN/ DENN SIE WELDEN GOTT SCHAUEN [Matt.5.9]/ 1305/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Klass (von)/ Clara/ Alberto/ Germania/ Firenze/ 7 Aprile/ 1875/ Anni 40/ 1305. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

AB14/ 1305/

She is Valdensian from the Piedmont, married, she dies at 33. Her remains have been transferred here from the comunal cemetery at Trespiano.

Cippo e lastra racchiusi da un recinto. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, 12/1874. Cippo in marmo, croce mancante, inciso, posto su basamento in pietra serena, lastra frammentata, recinto in pietra serena con 4 colonne, recinzione in ferro battuto, intervento conservativo sul ferro, Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. 
Possibile intervento di ripristino e consolidamento sulla lastra.  [M: A: 33; L: 50.2; P: 28; R.: P.s.: A: 39; L: 59.2; P: 34.5; M: Lastra rotta: A: 3; L: 63; P: 164; RP.s.F: A: 59; L: 92.5; P: 190.] Iscrizione in lingua francese in lettere capitali e numeri romani e arabi: AU SOUVENIR/ DI MARIE GILLES-GERMAIN/ EPOUSE VERTUEUSE ET EFFECTIONEL/ NEE A ST GERMAIN (PINEROLO) DECEDEE A FLORENCE LE 17 XII 1874/ AGE' DE 33 ANS/ 1303 / Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gilles (Germain)/ Maria/ / Italia/ / / / 1303/ Da Trespiano. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

From Berlin in Prussia he has died in hospital in Florence, generally in this period for the poor only.

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1875. Lastra incisa con una croce, lastra spezzata, intervento di restauro conservativo I.F., posta su basamento in pietra serena. [M: A: 2; L: 60.1; P: 127; P.s.: A: 20; L: 70.5; P: 137.] Iscrizione in lingua tedesca in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi: + HIER RUHET IN GOTT/ THEODOR FR. GENTZ/ GEB ZU BERLIN DEN 13 MAI 1845/ GEST ZU FEBRENZ DEN 7. FEBRUAR 1875/ UNVERGESSLICH DEN DEINEN IN DER/ HEIMATH/ 1299/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: mort à l'hopital de Florence, Teodoro Gentz/ Prusse, agé de 30 ans, fils de Guillaume/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Gentz/ Teodoro/ Guglielmo/ Germania/ Firenze/ 7 Febbraio/ 1875/ Anni 30/ 1299. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

From the Web one learns that the Reverend may be illegitimate, inheriting the estate from his natural father and that his gamekeeper is killed accidentally by two starving poachers on his land who are to be executed for their crime: http://www.robertbuchanan.co.uk/html/press9.html. Frederica has an older sister Fanny who marries Henry Robert Craufurd and dies in 1876. Their father bought Pendley Manor in 1865, Tring Park was sold to Nathan Rothschild in 1872, who stocked it with an exotic menagerie of animals.

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1873. Croce stele in marmo bianco nella parte retrostantge, lastra triangolare scolpita con rami di vite ed edera posta su basamento in granito rosso lucido, marmno sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: Cippo: A: 161; L: 76.5; P: 31; M: Lastra: A: 27; L: 70.5; P: 157.5; Granite A: 22; L: 86; P: 200.] Iscrizione in lingua inglese in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi: IN MEMORY OF/ FREDERICA, YOUNGEST DAUGHTER OF THE LATE REV. JAMES WILLIAMS, A.M./ OF PENDLEY MANOR, HERTS,/ BORN AT TRING PARK, HERTS, FEBRUARY 27TH 1857,/ DIED AT FLORENCE JANUARY 27TH, 1873/ "SHE IS NOT DEAD, BUT SLEEPETH"/ LUKE VIII.52 VERSE/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Mlle Federica Williams, l'Amerique, fille de Jacques et de Elisabeth née Grout/ GL Burial 30/01, Rev Tottenham, Borgo SS. Apostoli, 4/ N&Q 280. William, youngest s. of the late George Washington Tremlett, of Bristol, ob. 28 Ap., 1874, .a. 24/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Williams/ Federigo/ Giacomo/ America/ Firenze/ 27 Gennaio/ 1873/ Anni 18/ 1297/ [Incorrect gender, nation]/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

AB17/ 1293/

Here we have a problem, the Cemetery archives saying he is American and that his body has been shipped home, while his tombstone shows he is English, serving in Her Royal Highness' Body Guard, though we find no record of his father or of himself.

Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 1/1875. Croce con bracci trifogliati posta su un basamento in marmo, inciso in lingua inglese in lettere capitali e numeri arabi in piombo poggiante su un basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. Possiible intervento di pulitura. [M: A: +: 79; L: 55.5; P: 7.2; Basamento: A: 45; P: 48.2; P: 36.2. P.s.; 39; L: 59.7; P: 47.6.] Iscrizione in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi:
HARWICK, ELDEST SON OF RICHARD DONCASTER, ESQ/ OF MIDDLETHORPE, NEAR NEWARK, NOTTS/ LATE CAPTAIN IN/ H.R.H. ROYAL BODY GUARD/ WHO DIED/ JANUARY 7TH 1875/ AGED 37 YEARS / 1293/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Capitain Doncaster Harwich, l'Amerique/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 479, Age 35, Burial 11/01, Rev Tottenham, Palazzo Capperelli, via del Corso, 4/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Harwich/ Doncaster/ / America [error]/ Firenze/ 7 Gennaio/ 1875/ /1293/ 'Portato cadavera a S'/ N&Q 275. Harwick, eldest s. of Richard Doncaster, Esq., of Middlethorpe, Newark, Notts, late Captain in H.B.M.'s Royal Body-Guard, ob. 7 Jan., 1875, A. 37/ See HarwichChiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

His father is the botanist Marchese Vincenzo Baldinotti who discovered a rare lily that came into the possession of the Capponi family. This very grand tomb is no longer occupied, the eleven-year-old being removed to the Allori Cemetery when this one was closed in 1877. One wonders, from its use of 'I.B' for Joachim and Boas on the two gateposts, if the father was Freemason.

Lastra, recinto. Scultore ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 12/1874. Monumento in travertino, lastra ad angolo a ridosso del muro di cinta interno, scolpita con stemma, recinto in travertino e ferro; parte del ferro mancante ancor prima del 1993. Intervento restauro conservativo  I.F., intervento conservativo sul ferro, Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008, [Travertine A: 83. L: 104. P: 145; RTrF: A: 106. L: 295; P: 303.7.] Iscrizione sepolcrale in lettere capitali e numeri romani: GIUSEPPE BALDINOTTI NATO XXIV MAGGIO MDCCCLIV/ MORTO IL XXVI DICEMBRE MDCCCLXIV/ 1290/ [sulle poste] I//B [for Joachim e Boas, i nomi iscritti sulle poste del Tempio di Gerusalemme]/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Joseph Baldinotti, Italie, fils de Vincent Baldinotti/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 63. Baldinotti/ Giuseppe/ Vincenzo/ Italia/ Firenze/ 26 Dicembre/ 1874/ Anni 11/ 1290/ traslato/ taken to family's chapel at the Allori/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

A Leopoldo Bindi was captain of the Siena Palio in 1802.

Lapide. Marmista ignoto. Sex. XIX, post 12/1874. Lapide in marmo incastonata nel muro di cinta interno sormontata da una cornice scolpita con fiori. Intervento restauro conservativo I.F., recinto con colonne in marmo e corde annodate in ferro, mancanti in parte. [M: A: 128; L: 98; P: 23.5; R/M/ferro: A: 57. L: 90. P: 205.] Iscrizione in lingua italiana in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi: ZELINDA BINDI DI ANNI 32/ MORTA IL 19 DICEMBRE 1874/ LE SORELLE PER MEMORIA/ IO SONO LA RISURREZIONE, E LA VITA, CHIUNQUE CREDE IN ME, BENCHE' SIA MORTO,/ VIVERA', E NON MORRA' GIAMMAI IN ETERNO/ GIOV. XI.25-26// 1289/
Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Madame Zelinda Mongardi, l'Italie, fille de Leopold/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 126. Bindi (Mongardi)/ Zelinda/ Leopoldo/ Italia/ Firenze/ 19 Dicembre/ 1874/ Anni 32/ 1289/ Mongardi nata Bindi/ Zelinda/ Leopoldo/ Italia/ Firenze/ 19 Dicembre/ 1874/ Anni 32/ 1289.  Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

AB20/ 1287/

See Bennett http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=43505: 'The growth of Nonconformity in Crosby Garrett as told by J. W. Nicholson is worthy of note. Some of the Richardson family had long interested themselves in the Birks Chapel, near Warcop. Nancy Richardson of Mossgill House married in 1804 George Greenwood, a merchant and ship owner of Hull, and he, being a Baptist preacher of considerable ability, came to reside here and use his efforts on behalf of that body. They caused the Independent Chapel to be enlarged. Until 1856 the Independents and Baptists preached in the same chapel, the services of the former being conducted by the minister who walked over from Ravenstonedale on alternate Sundays. But as this body decreased in numbers and as the Rev. William Fawcett, a Baptist minister of private means, who had married Miss Greenwood, came to reside permanently at Mossgill House in 1856, the Baptists took over the whole conduct of the place. William Fawcett appears to have been a learned and able preacher, many came long distances to hear him and to their great regret, owing to ill health he resigned on 19 October, 1873. He was interested in the building of the chapels at Great Asby and Winton. In 1887 the chapel was handed over to Trustees for the use of the denomination'. So he comes to Florence because of ill health; one wonders, tuberculosis?


Stele. Marmista ignoto. Sex XIX, post 12/1874.
Stele scolpita con gigli, iscrizione in lingua inglese ('IL' mancanti) in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi in piombo, presenza di crosta nera, poggiante su un basamento in pietra serena, recinto con colonnini in pietra serena e ferro, colonnini ora spezzati; intervento restauro conservativo sul ferro Daniel Dumitrescu, 2008. Possibile intervento di consolidamento sulle colonne. [M: A: 114.5; L: 60.5; P: 13.5; P.s.; A: 48; L: 72.2; P: 25 erosa; RP.s.F: A: 50; L: 96; P: 200.] Iscrizione in lingua inglese in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi: TO THE BELOVED MEMORY OF/ WILLIAM FAWCETT/ LATE OF MOSSGILL HOUSE, WESTMORELAND, ENGLAND/ WHO DIED DECEMBER 17TH 1874 AGED 75/ THEM ALSO WHICH SLEEP IN JESUS WILL GOD/ BRING WITH HIM/ 1 THESS// 1237/
Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Guillaume Faucett, l'Angleterre, fils de Jean/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Fawcett/ Guglielmo/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 17 Dicembre/ 1874/ Anni 75/ 1287/ + / N&Q 276. Wm. Fawcett, of Mossgill House, Westmorland, ob. 17 Dec., 1874, a. 75. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

We find the following on the Web: http://www.ebooksread.com/authors-eng/eng-parish-barwick-in-elmet/wills-registers-and-monumental-inscriptions-of-the-parish-of-barwick-in-elmet--hci/page-46-wills-registers-and-monumental-inscriptions-of-the-parish-of-barwick-in-elmet--hci.shtml: 'Sacred to the memory of James Croft Brooke, esq re (of Littlethorpe, near Ripon), late Major in the 3rd or Prince of Wales reg* of Dragoon Guards, 2nd son of Col: Brooke, formerly of the same reg 4; and of Frances, his wife, late of Scholes in this parish. He died May 14th, 1837, in the 60th year of his age, sincerely regretted by all his relations and friends, leaving three surviving sons and one daughter by Frances, his wife, 2nd daughter of the late John Brooke, esq., of Austhorpe Lodge, near Leeds, who, feeling deeply her bereavement, erected this monument to her husband's many amiable virtues'. So Harriet Croft Brooke must be a second daughter in another generation of the John Croft Brooke branch of their family.

Lastra orizzontale in marmo bianco con croce. Marmista ignoto. Sex. XIX, post 11/1874. Marmo inciso sui due lati inclinati di una tomba poggiante su un basamento in pietra serena, marmo sporco. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 20; L: 57.5;. P: 174.5; P.s. 23; L: 86.5; P: 203.7.] Iscrizione in lingua inglese incisa in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi: TO THE BELOVED MEMORY OF/ HARRIET, SECOND DAUGHTER OF/ JOHN CROFT BROOKE AND MARY HIS WIFE/ OF AUSTHORPE LODGE YORKSHIRE/ 1874/ BORN JAN. 28TH 1830 DIED AT FLORENCE NOV 28 1874/ 1283/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Henriette Croft Brooke, l'Angleterre, fille de Jean/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N°476, Rev Henry Stint Vicar of Fairlight nr Hastings, Hotel d'Arno,  9 Mt Ephraim Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 192. Brooke (Croft)/ Enrichetta/ Giovanni/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 28 Novembre 1874/ Anni 44/ 1283/ N&Q 277. Harriet, 2nd d. of John Croft Brooke and Mary his w., of Austhorpe Lodge, Yorks, b. 18 Jan., 1830; ob. 28 Nov., 1874/ Henderson. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

AB22/ 1287/

He is from the Rumantsch-speaking Grigioni Canton of Switzerland, his mother was Dominica (Pult) Mosca, he has died in Cortona and been buried in his family's adopted domicile of Florence. See, for his mother's family, A75/ FIORINO PULT, A102/ DOMENICO PULT, D134/ GIOVANNI PULT, D43/ JACQUES/GIACOMO PULT..

Lastra. Marmista ignoto. Sec XIX, post 11/ 1874. Lastra in marmo incisa con fiore e freggi, lastra spezzata (in frammenti), posta su un basamento in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di consolidamento e pulitura. [M: A: 2; L: 76.3; P: 167.5; P.s.: A: 10; L: 84.6; P: 172.5.] Iscrizione in lingua italiana in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi:
ERMINIO MOSCA/ NATO A SINS/ CANTONE DEI GRIGIONI SVIZZERA/ IL 18 MARZO 1845/ MORTO A CORTONA IL 15 NOVEMBRE 1874/-/ IL MONDO E LA SUA CONCUPISCENZA/ PASSA VIA/ MA CHI FA LA VOLONTA DI DIO/ DIMORA IN ETERNO/ E. GIOV. 3,7 [I John 3.7] Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Erminio Mosca, Suisse, fils de Nicolas et de Dominica née Pult/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Mosca/ Erminio/ Niccola/ Svizzera/ Cortona/ 15 Novembre/ 1874/ Anni 29/ 1281/ Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

AB23/ UNKNOWN  Two terra cotta pedestals remain of a tomb no longer extant

AB24/ 1274/

She dies a widow in 1874 having married: first by elopement to Scotland Robert Austen Langworthy (a surgeon of Bath noted as an insolvent debtor in 1848) in 1824; second, Captain John Martin Hanchette the Royal Navy, who may be a son of Captain John Martin Hanchett, R.N., C.B., and who dies in Bagni di Lucca in 1862, having lodged for many years with a family at Casa Benedetti. A great deal of material concerning this family is at http://www.happenstances.com Her father assumed the name 'Collins' on inheriting property on the New Canal at Salisbury, which was sold by him, his daughter Elizabeth, wife of Robert Langworthy, who became insolvent, and her other married sisters Mary, Sarah and Edith, married to William Somerville Ahmuty, their children being Elizabeth Frances Ahmuty, Christopher Rigby Ahmuty, who, as an adult, became bankrupt and a prisoner for debt in 1862 and died in 1875. Her first marriage was celebrated in this way: 'Salisbury Journal Monday 13 June 1825 summary. On Tuesday last a most grand and elegant entertainment was given by Dr and Mrs Langworthy at their country residence Prospect House near Bath to commemorate the arriving of their lovely and interesting daughter in law Mrs Austin Langworthy. To give a full description of the fete would be impossible, every luxury and comfort that could gratify the eye and tempt the most Epicurean palate were amply provided. The festivities of the day commenced at an early hour with the ringing of bells, discharge of cannon and the enthusiastic sports of the happy and numerous peasantry sufficiently indicated to the guests invited that it was set apart for one continued scene of joy and good humour. At three o'clock about 200 children were plentifully regaled with good old English fare, a fine ox and sheep having been roasted for the occasion and a well selected band throughout the day contributed much to enliven the festive scene. At five o'clock a sumptuous repast consisting of every delicacy of the season was served up in the saloon to a numerous party of friends followed by a succession of hospitalities during the evening. The house was brilliantly illuminated with devices appropriate to the occasion and the lawn tastefully decorated with a profusion of choice shrubs and flowers in the form of triumphal arches &c interspersed with variegated lamps forming a most beautiful and interesting coup d'oeil. Dancing commenced at eight and an elegant supper was served at one o'clock. After partaking of a refreshing dejeune a la fourchette the company separated at five o'clock in the morning highly gratified with the entertainment provided by their worthy host and hostess'. Following which her first husband swindled her out of her fortune, she and her second husband struggling to re-obtain it. 'Hanchett v Briscoe.1856.  Court of Chancery. Summary. A decree of this Court made 23 February 1838 in cause of Phelps v Barnard in which the plaintiff and her then husband Robert Austen Langworthy were defendants, it was declared the plaintiff then Mrs. Langworthy was absolutely entitled to one fifth part of certain South Sea and East India Stock then standing in the names of two of the defendants in that cause as trustees and the dividends thereof to be held and applied for her absolutely and such one fifth carried to The Account of Defendant Elizabeth Langworthy. A Petition was subsequently presented in the cause by Robert Austen Langworthy and the plaintiff his then wife, Felix Parkinson and William Brisco; and after reciting order of 10 August 1838 for the attendance of the plaintiff before certain commissioners to answer how she was willing and desirous the £1616.3s.2d £3% Bank Annuities, £2087.9s.0d Bank stock, £200 East India stock and £195 South Sea stock standing to Account of Elizabeth Langworthy should be transferred and disposed of, she had declared the several sums of stock should be transferred into the names of F.Parkinson and W.Briscoe upon trust for her said Elizabeth Langworthy absolutely the dividends applied for her separate use for life and after stating the certificate of the commissioners to that effect prayed for the transfer accordingly.  On 24 December 1841 it was ordered this transfer be made and said stocks were shortly afterwards transferred to Parkinson and Briscoe the trustees.  Felix Parkinson did not actively interfere in the management of the trust but William.Briscoe, who was alleged to be the solicitor and confidential professional adviser of the plaintiff's late husband R. A. Langworthy, took upon himself the management of the trust funds. The trust funds or greater part of them were sold out by the trustees and advanced to Robert Austen Langworthy upon security of some property. This had been done at the written request of the husband and the plaintiff his wife whereby she authorized the trustees to do so on the husband giving an equitable mortgage of the premises therein mentioned. The plaintiff declared Felix Parhinson and William Briscoe shall not be required to make good any loss or losses that may arise to said trust funds so transferred into their names by reason of such present sale and appropriation or sales and appropriations having been made by reason of said mortgage proving insufficient to realize the sum of £2275.now to be advanced to him and the several sums so advanced him. Mr. Langworthy died in 1850 and his widow the plaintiff married Mr. Hanchett in 1853. Felix Parhinson died in 1849 and William Briscoe in January 1855. The plaintiff now alleged she had done so on the understanding the greater portion of same would be properly secured on property belonging to her late husband and particularly of his interest in a house at Bath and elsewhere. It appeared after the death of R.A.Langworthy, the plaintiff or her present husband in her right, had received the rents of this house until 24 June 1855.  (The Jurist 1849 Saturday 2 September. The following Assignees have been appointed, further particulars may be learned at the Office in Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields on giving the Number of the Case: Robert A. Langworthy, Bath Somersetshire surgeon No. 37617T.  Daniel Wood new assignee, Thomas Flower deceased). This property had however been claimed by the Asignee of Mr Langworthy who had taken benefit of the Insolvent Act and it had been sold to pay prior incumbrances thereon. The plaintiff by this bill insisted that Briscoe had committed a breach of trust by selling out the trust funds and advancing same to her late husband and prayed that they might be replaced out of his estate. Mr.Rowpell and Mr. Stiffe for the Plaintiff:  The object of the declaration of the Court was to protect the wife against the influence of the husband and no assent of hers as a married woman could authorize the trustees to commit a breach of trust. No consideration passed to the wife in the transaction and her exact position was not as it should have been explained to her by the trustee Briscoe nor had she had communicated to her full knowledge of all the circumstances. The contract was not therefore binding upon her and the securities having turned out insufficient Briscoe as solicitor is personally responsible for the deficiency. Mr. R. Palmer and Mr. Renshaw contra: It is an entirely erroneous view to divide the plaintiff's interest into a life interest and a reversion; when she survived her husband she could then deal with the property as she chose and this is her second husband's suit. The plaintiff was discovert from May 1850 to May 1853 and made no complaint of the advances made with her own assent to her late husband and also she received the rent of one of the houses upon which the money was advanced and continued to receive it after her second marriage to June 1855. The Master of the Rolls:  In this case I am of the opinion this married woman disposed of everything she could dispose of namely her life interest but with respect to her reversionary interest subject to her life interest, she had no power to do so. With respect to the trustees whether they were justified in acting as they did having regard to the orders of the Court, the trustees in my opinion parted with a fund which they were bound to retain and they must therefore replace it. I am disposed to think, although it is not necessary to express an opinion, that although she had no power to dispose of the fund, she might have asked the Court to put it in strict settlement if she had thought fit. To use the expression of the Vice Chancellor of England in the well-known case of Bishop v. Colebrooh, if she had come to the Court to ask the Court to settle the fund, she might have had it settled, although she could not dispose of it.  I am therefore of the opinion the trustees must replace the fund. I think however that must be done without costs as part of the suit has failed and part of it has succeeded.  The better plan is to say it shall be done without costs on either side. The amount of stock must be replaced by the representatives of the trustees and paid into Court and the dividends be paid to them until further order'.

Cippo. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 8/1874. Cippo in marmo bianco sormontato da una croce, poggiante su un basamento in pietra serena, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: Cippo: A: 193.5; L/P: 65.4; P.s.: A: 25; L/P: 72.5; RP.s.; A: 16.5; L: 94.5; P: 190?] Iscrizione in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi: SACRED/ TO THE MEMORY OF ELIZth COLLINS HANCHETTE/ RELICT OF CAPT. M. HANCHETTE. R.N./ AND DAUGHTER OF THE REV C. RIGBYE COLLINS/ OF BATH SOMERSET/ AND OF SIDMOUTH DEVON/ DIED AUGUST 23RD 1874/-/ I SOUGHT THE LORD AND HE HEARD ME/ AND DELIVERED ME FROM ALL MY FEARS/ PS. VER [Psalm 34.41]/
Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Elizabeth Hanchett, Angleterre, fille de Christophe/ Guildhall, Rev Burtchaell,, Lungarno, 11/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Hanchett nata Righy/ Vedova Elisabetta/ Cristoforo/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 23 Agosto/ 1874/ Anni 71/ 1274/ Webbs note she is his third wife, Pisa and Bagni di Lucca/ N&Q 278. Elizabeth Collins Hanchett, relict of Capt. M. Hanchett, R.N., d. of the Rev. C. Rigbye Collins, of Bath, Somt., and of Sidmouth, Devon, ob. 23 Aug., 1874.. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

AB25/ 1273/

Mikhail Talalay describes him as a lieutenant in the honour guard

Croce e recinzione. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 7/1874. Croce con bracci trifogliati in marmo bianco posta su quattro piedistalli, recinto in marmo e ferro battuto con corde annodate. Possibile intervento di restauro conservativo sul ferro. [M: A: 147; L: 67.5; P: 61.3; RMF: A: 56; L: 95; P: 200.] Iscrizione in cirillico e numeri arabi: Epitaffio: verujaj v Mja/ ase ne umret/ ozivet/ 1273. Niccolo Koleimin, Russia, fils de Alexandre/ Talalay: 'tenente di guardia in congedo', MKF; Epitaffo: verujaj v Mja/ ase ne umret/ ozivet/ chi crede in Me non muore ma vivrà; N° 1273, RC/
Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Koleimin/ Niccolo`/ Alessandro/ Russia/ Firenze/ 21 Agosto/ 1874/ Anni 31/ 1273. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
Колемин Николай Александрович, † Флоренция 21(9).8.1874, 31 год, № 1273, [«лейб-гвардии отставной поручик», МКФ], веруяй в Мя аще не умрет оживет.


Addison Child married Henry Dorr Child's sister. Both his wife, Abbie Cunningham Child, and and his brother-in.law, Henry Dorr Child, died on the same day, 23 May 1874, thousands of miles apart in different countries. Addison Child is described in this way: 'Mr. Addison Child is a thorough Anglo-Saxon in personnel, six feet in height, symmetrical in figure, and of a line presence. A goodlyinheritance of strong physical and mental qualities, have been developed and cultivated. The advantages of home and foreign travel have enlarged his powers, and in the refinement of cultured society he finds his true home. His literary attainments are finely shown in the able articles over his signature in the earlier part of this book. Of the mercantile house of Lewis Audenraid & Co., Boston, Mass., he has made his financial success a means of enjoying the delights of genuine rural life, in St. Lawrence Co., New York, devoting time and means to the best development of a wooded, hilly township. Looking to the future, he has stocked the lakes and streams from the fish nurseries of Western New York': Elias Child, Geneaology of the Child, Childs and Childe families, of the past and present in the United States and the Canadas, from 1630 to 1881.

Colonna. Scultore ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1874. Colonna spezzata posta su un basamento in marmo, marmo inciso, marmo sporco, recinto in pietra serena. Possibile intervento di pulitura e consolidamento del recinto. [M: A: 214; circum: 100; P/L: 65; RP.s.: A: 16. L: 100.5;. P: 190?] Iscrizione in lingua inglese in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi: HENRY DORR CHILD/ BORN IN BOSTON, U.S.A./ 1821/ DIED IN FLORENCE ITALY/ 1874/ ERECTED BY ADDISON CHILD/ 1267/
Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Henri Borr Child, Boston/ Begeal, James Lorimer Graham Consular Record, Henry Dorr Child of Boston, died 25 May 1874/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Child Boor/ Enrico/ / America/ Firenze/ 25 Maggio/ 1874/ Anni 56/ 1267/ Trasportato Cadavere/ N&Q 279. Henry Dorr Child, b. 1821, in Boston, U.S.A., ob. 1874. Erected by Addison Child. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.


This Italian Protestant, exiled to England for twenty years for his faith, founded an orphanage there for the Italian children he saw begging in the streets. For his music: http://www.hymntime.com/tch/htm/o/c/t/octhascn.htm. With the Risorgimento he returned to Florence and founded another educational orphanage which still exists in the Piazza Massimo d'Azeglio, its villa given by a member of the Protestant Baldelli Walker family who have so many burials here (see, for example, F14/ BIANCA [WALKER] BALDELLI). Trollope, What I Remember, II.264, gives letter from US Consul George P. Marsh enclosing a Ferretti pamphlet. His English friends arranged his burial in the Swiss-owned so-called 'English' Cemetery. Recently the missing lead letters of its inscription have been restored by Roma who beg now in the streets of Florence and who attend Alphabet School in the Cemetery on Sundays.


Lastre. Scultore ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 5/1874. Stele e lastra orizzontale in marmo, stele scolpita con angelo e libro, marmo sporco,
recinto in pietra serena e ferro. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: Cippo: 147.5. L: 65.5 P: 51.60; M: A: Lastra: A: 2: L: 65.3; P: 118; P.s.F.: Lastra A: 66; L: 76; P: 190.] Iscrizione in lingua italiana in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi in piombo/ [Book with Scripture]
A PERPETUARE LA MEMORIA/ DI SALVATORE FERRETTI/ LA MOGLIE I FIGLI ED AMICI INGLESI/ CHE TANTO LO AMARONO/ QUESTO MONUMENTO ERESSERO// SALVATORE FERRETTI/ NACQUE IN FIRENZE IL 15 SETTEMBRE 1817/ DA OPEROSA E SANTA CARITA SPIRIATO/ NEL SOCCORRERE AI MISERI SPESE LA VITA/ NELLA OSPITALE INGHILTERRA/ DOVE VENT'ANNI DIMORO'/ PRESO DE DESIDERIO DELLA PATRIA DILETTA/ RACCOLSE IN ASILI I FANCIULLI/ DA SNATURATI GENITORI VENDUTI/ LE FIGLIE DEGLI INFELICI CHE IN ESILIO LANGUIVANO/ CACCIATI DALL'ITALIA DIVISA/ IN OPERA DI TANTA MISERICORDIA/ DA PIE PERSONE LARGAMENTE SOCCORSO/ E DOPO CHE A LIBERATA L'ITALIA RISORSE/ TORNATO IN FIRENZE/ APRI FRA ORFANE CASA DI RIFUGIO E DI EDUCAZIONE/ QUI ARRIVATO DALLA FEDE IN CRISTO SALVATORE/ DALL'AFFETTO DEI SUOI E DEGLI AMICI CONFORTATO/ MORI' 14 MAGGIO 1874/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Salvadore Ferreti, l'Italie/ Q 471: 110 Paoli/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Ferretti/ Salvadore/ Girolamo/ Italia/ Varlungo/ 4 Maggio/ 1874/ Anni 57/ 1264/ Sepolta con lui: MARIA ANGELA FORTUNATA BRUSCHI FERRETTI/ ITALIA/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Maria Angiola Fortunata Ferretti, Florence, fille de Joseph d'Etienne Bruschi, et de Rosa, née Mozzi/ II: 1859-1865 'Registre des Sepultures avec detail des frais, Paoli 375, Francs 80.55/ Morning Post, 'On the 8th inst., at Florence, after many months' suffering, Anna, wife of Salvatore Ferretti, of 35, Elgin Road, Kensington Park W., editor of the 'Eco di Savonarola', Maria Augusta Fortunata Ferretti, 39/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti:Bruschi nei Ferretti/ Maria Angiola Fortunata/ Giuseppe/ Italia/ Firenze/ 7 Agosto/ 1861/ Anni 39/ 748/ Belle Arti 1993-1997 scheda. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.
See Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei' holdings, TAU

AB28/ 1262/

His Yale-educated father was sent to Florence as a Congregational minister and missioner to twelve free churches in Italy in 1871. In 1877 he became President of Straight University in New Orleans, founded to educate newly-freed African Americans, where his wife also taught. He returned to Massachusetts on his retirement. The parents were present at Cornelia Loring(AB5)'s funeral. A daughter, this child's sister, Constance Grosvenor Alexander, became a teacher at the Latin School, Cambridge. Already widowed, when dying he said to her: 'Two things are eternal---the Saviour's love, and my love for you.': http://www.drbronsontours.com/centralrevwaltersalexander.html


Croce. Marmista ignoto. Sex. XIX, post 4/1874. Croce in marmo su basamento in marmo, marmo sporco, iscrizione in lingua inglese, recinto con colonne in marmo e ferro ora mancante. Possibile intervento di pulitura e di consolidamento sul recinto con colonnini. [M: A: 138.5; L: 45.2; P: 35.5; RM: A: 56. L: 107; P: 197.] Iscrizione incisa in lettere capitali romane in lingua inglese e numeri arabi. IN TENDER MEMORY OF/ WALTER ELDREDGE ALEXANDER/ SON OF WALTER S. AND CONSTANCE ELDREDGE ALEXANDER/ DIED APRIL 25 1874/ AGED 7 YEARS// A LITTLE LOVING LAD/ HE PASSED// FROM THE BRIEF JOY/ OF THIS LIFE TO/ THE ENDLESS FELICITY OF/ PARADISE//1262/
Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Gualtiero Alexander, l'Amerique, fils de Gualtiero Alexander/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: 17. Alexander/ Gualtiero/ di Gualtiero/ America/ Firenze/ 24 Aprile/ 1874/ Anni 7/ 1262. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

His father had died in Bristol in 1851. He was the youngest of eight children and died unmarried in Florence at 23.

Colonna. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 4/1874. Colonna spezzata posta su un basamento a forma  quadrata, recinzione in pietra serena, 2/4 colonne superstiti, ferro mancante. Possibile intervento di pulitura. [M: A: 136.5; Circum: 63; L/P: 48; P.s. A: 14; L/P: 60.3; RP.s.; A: 37; L: 85; P: 180.] Iscrizione in lingua inglese in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi: WILLIAM/ YOUNGEST SON OF THE LATE/ GEORGE WASHINGTON TREMLETT/ OF/ BRISTOL ENGLAND/ 1874 aet 27.
Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: William Tremlett, l'Angleterre, fils de Georges Tremlett/ Records, Guildhall Library, London: GL23777/1 N° 467 Burial 23/04 Age 23 Rev Tottenham, Borgo SS. Apostoli, 4/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Tremlett/ Guglielmo/ Giorgio/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 20 Aprile/ 1874/ Anni 24/ 1261/ N&Q 280. William, youngest s. of the late George Washington Tremlett, of Bristol, ob. 28 Ap., 1874, .a. 24/ http://www.jameson.co.uk/familytree/default.htm?page=Tremlett-GeorgeWashington-ind00140.htm. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present.

AB30/ 1255/
Either we have here an English father, E138/ JAMES SMITH/SCHMIDT, in Sector E, who they say lived to be 103, and his son, John, whose death date is the same as that for Johannes, in this Sector, who have both completely assimilated into European culture, he being the second generation to have done so, domiciled in Italy and Switzerland, or there is a mistake in the archives. The time span makes the fathering somewhat improbable as James dies at 103 in 1834, John at 57 in 1874, so James would have been 85 when John was conceived, and John 17 when he ordered his father James' tomb. Johannes Schmid is mentioned by the Cemetery's historian, Dalgas, as from the Canton of Thurgau, which is German-speaking.


Lapide. Marmista ignoto. Sec. XIX, post 2/1874.
Lapide in marmo bianco incastonata nel muro di cinta interno del cimitero. Intervento di restauro conservativo Iris Fromm, 2005/ [M: A: 7; L: 79.7; P: 92.2.] Iscrizione in lingua tedesca in lettere capitali romane e numeri arabi: HIER RUHET IN GOTT/ JOHANNES SCHMID/ LICENT. THEOL. U. PFARRER/ ZU FRAUENFELD (C. THURGAU/ GEB DEN 4 JAUNAR 1817/ GEST DEN 31 MÄRZ 1874/ ---/ KOMMET HER ZU MIR ALLE/ DIE IHR MIIHSELIG UND BELADEN/ SEID ICH WILL EUCH ERQUICKEN/ MATTH. 11.28/ Eglise Evangelique-Reformée de Florence Régistre des Morts: Jean Schmidth, L'Angleterre, fils de Jacob Schmith/ Registro alfabetico delle persone tumulate nel Cimitero di Pinti: Smith/ Giovanni/ Giacobbe/ Inghilterra/ Firenze/ 31 Marzo/ 1874/ Anni 57/ 1255. Chiesa Evangelica Riformata Svizzera, 1827-present. Nulla osta.

Continuing along this wall one comes to the two stemma of the city of Florence, the lily and the cross, originally sculpted by Arnolfo di Cambio for the Porta a' Pinti or Porta Fiesolana Gate to the city, demolished by Giuseppe Poggi, replaced here and which flank an empty niche. The lily is actually the wild Florentine iris, which we have now planted in profusion throughout the cemetery demarking its paths. Lord Leighton, William Holman Hunt and others sculpt it on many of our tombs.

Octagonal base of Catherine Louis Adams Kuhn's tomb, since restored to the rightful location

You will now reach Sectors B and C by climbing up the path to the Column and Cross at the centre, then go along the path towards the Duomo to Robert Davidsohn's tomb, then come back past Thomas Southwood Smith's tomb.