B. Manuscripts
a. Il tesoretto
and Il favolello
b. Li Livres
dou Tresor I. French
(Il tesoro)
c. La rettorica
d. Orazioni,
f. Other
g. Problems of editing I. Il tesoretto
II. Li Livres dou Tresor
III. Il tesoro
IV. La rettorica
C. Editions in Chronological Order
A considerable
number of documents written by Brunetto Latino survive and
are to be found in the Vatican Secret Archives, in the State
Archives of Florence and Siena, in the Muniment Room and
Library of Westminster Abbey, and elsewhere. They are
written in a distinct and lovely Chancery hand. However,
most of the early manuscripts of Brunetto Latino's works are
written in a quite different but elegant Bolognan libraria, an exemplar
of which is the Laurentian Library MS, Strozziano 146, Il tesoretto (Ba.1).
The texts appear to be dictated to students ('The Master
said . . . '), while the documents are often holographs. We
have a similar phenomenon with Chaucer, whose poetry does
not survive in his own hand but who was required to write
government documents in this manner. BL's notarial chambers
in Arras and the Chancery in Florence would have been useful
places for teaching students, with plenty of writing
materials at hand. Some of the Latin manuscripts BL used in
his teaching, however, do seem to have marginal notations in
his own hand or one like it, and also corrections to the
Davidsohn (F),
Sundby/del Lungo (E), Bolton
Holloway (E), and Wiese/Pèrcopo (BgIII)
are useful for references to the documents, while a recent
article by Roberta Cella builds on Bolton Holloway's 1992
published findings: Studi mediolatini e
volgari 60 (2014): 87-98. The first autograph document
is at Siena. Paul Oskar Kristeller, Iter Italicum, II,
London: Warburg Institute, 1967, notes its reference in the
Catalogue for the Siena State Archives on p. 117, n. 6. It
is reproduced in Wiese/Pèrcopo (BgIII), pp. 55-65, and gives
the same notarial sign and signature as do the others. The second
autograph document is a pact between the Guelfs of Arezzo
and Florence, notarized by 'et ego Burnectus Bonaccursi Latinus notarius', 25 August 1254,
in the Church of San Lorenzo. It is to be found in the State
Archives of Florence, ASF, Capitoli del Comune, Register XXIX, fol.
clxxxix. Its signature is again preceded by BL's notarial
sign, a column and fountain. Scherillo (E), p.122, drew
attention to another, in the Vatican Archives, Vat. Instr.
Miscell. 99, 15 September 1263, which is also written up in
M. Armellini, 'Documento autografo di BL relativo ai
ghibellini di Firenze scoperto negli archivi della S. Sede',
Rassegna Italiana 5
(1885), 360-63. It is published again in Bruno
Katterbach, Silva-Tarouca, Epistolae Saeculi XIII, in Exempla
scriptorum edita consilio et opera procuratorum bibliothecae
et tabularii vaticane, Fasc. II (Roma: 1930), p. 20, #21, Table 21; Hans Foerster,
Mittelalterliche Buch und
Urkundschriften auf 50 Tafeln mit Erläuterungen und vollständiger Transkription,
Bern: Paul Haupt, 1946, Plate XXXV, comments and
transcription pp. 64-65.
Alison Stones, Julia Bolton
Holloway, Diane Modesto, Jennifer Marshall with Capitolo
Fiorentino 310.
Vatican Secret Archive
A.40 VIII. Wesminster
Abbey, 17 April 1264, from Bar-sur-Aube. Muniment 12843. 'NS et ego Brunectus Latinus
Notarius, predicta coram me Acta Rogatus publice scripsi'.
For Bishop in this Document, Peter d'Aigueblanche, see Dictionary of National
[A.41. Livre dou Tresor
contains letter to Charles written prior to June 1265.
Charles of Anjou sworn in a Senator of Rome. Sculpture by
Arnolfo di Cambio of Charles in senatorial garb, Capitoline,
A.42. Li Livres dou Tresor.
2nd redaction. Narrates Conrad's defeat by Charles at Battle
of Tagliacozzo, 1265.]
A.43. ASF 20
August 1267. Volterra diploma, During Seige of Poggibonsi.
'Presentibus testibus Brunetto Latino'.
A.44 IX. ASF 6 December 1269, San Gimignano, Commune, Diploma. At Pistoia as Protonotario. 'NS et ego Brunectus prothonotarius supradictus predictis interfui et ea rogavi et imbreviavi mandato domini vicarii et rogatu Sindici memorati et specialiter suprascriptas litteras mandato domini vicarii publicavi et ea omnia prout scripta sunt supra, hic scribi feci et mandavi. Ideoque subscripsi.
A.45. 12
December 1269. San Gimignano, Bibl. com., Liber blancus, fol.
81v. Same document as above with minor differences in
ordering of formulae. 'et consiliario domini vicarii
supradicti brunetto latino de florentia prothonotario curie
domini vicarii supradicti. Datum per manus Brunetti Latini
de Florentia, curie nostre prothonotarii.
A.46,47. ASF
20 December 1269. Pistoia, Cap. Fir. Reg. 29, fol. 119v; Cap. Fir. Reg. 35, fol.
7. 'et domino Burnecto Latino protonotario dicti domini
vicarij generalis'.
A.48,49. ASF
25 February 1270, at Pistoia. Volterra Diploma, 1269 (for
1270), 25 February; copy, 1271, April 13,28. 'et domino
Brunecto notario dicti vicarii'.
A.50. 22 March
1270. Historiae Pisanae,
fragmenta, auctore Guidone de Corvaria, in L.A.
Muratori XXIV.673-674. Ambassadors from Florence to Pisa
sent by King Charles of Anjou's Vicar in Tuscany, Johannes
Britaldi. 'Brunectus notarius superscripti Vicarii de
A.51. ASB 12
July 1270. Memoriali di Pietro di Bonincontri Cazaluna,
1270, fol. LIIII. Latinus Bonaccursi in Bologna borrows
money. Guarantor, 'Brunetto Bonaccursi et fratribus ipsius
A.52. ASB 8
December 1270. Ivi, CLI. Above loan paid back. 'domini
Bruneti Latini et sociorum dicti domini Bruniti'.
A.53. ASF 13
July 1272. Santa Maria Nuova. Diplomatic. Concerning a
licence granted by the Comune to sell property. 'Brunectum
Latini notarium, tunc scribam, consiliorum et Cancellarie
communis Florentie'. Bono Giamboni notarizes document, 'NS
Ego Bonus filius olim domini Jamboni Judex'.
A.54. 23
October 1273. Marchione di Coppo Stefani, Istoria Fiorentina Monumenti,
in Ildefonso di San Luigi, Delizie degli Eruditi, VIII.129,134. 'Ego
Brunectus de Latinis Notarius necnon Scriba Consiliorum
Comunis Florentiae praedicta a me scripta in libro
stantiamentorum . . . de libro stantiamentorum Comunis
Florentine scripta per Brunectum Latinum Notarium, Scribam
Consiliorum dicti Comunis de mandanto . . . huius exempli
vidi, et legi, et ea, quae in eo reperi per ordinem, preter
signum dicti Brunetti'.
A.55. ASS 25
July 1274. Cons. gener.
19, fol. 9v. Concerning negotiations for the Guelf League in
Tuscany against Pisa. 'coram Burnetto Latini, notario de
A.56. Formerly
ASF October 29, 1274. *Document, now sold, named Brunetto
A.57. ASF 30
January 1275, but to be retrieved as Diplomatic, Archive
Generale, 1 January 1274. Latino President or 'Console
dell'Arte dei Giudici e Notarii per sesto di Porte di Duomo,
now absent. 'et Burnectus Latini notario, pro sextu Porte
Domus, Consulibus consociis nostris, nunc absentibus'.
A.58. 14
February 1275. Privilege granted to Rodolfo de Benincasa
d'Altomena, citing earlier *1259 document by Brunetto, 'ut
continetur in scriptura publica Brunecti Latini notarii,
scribe Consiliorum Comunis Florentie'.
And then there
is silence, an absence, from 1274-1282, where BL may be in
secret negotiations in Outremer, Aragon, Genova,
Constantinople, apart from a brief return for the 1280 Peace
of Cardinal Latino. The Sicilian Vespers breaks out, March
30, Easter Monday, 1282.
A.59. 20
February 1280, Cap. Fir.
Reg. 29, fols. 325-348. Peace of Cardinal Latino. 'Ser
Burnectus Latini que sunt de sextu porte domus'
A.60. Coppo
Stefano, Monumenti,
in Ildefonso IX.102,105. 'Kavaliere aureate della massa dei
Guelfi . . . ser Brunetto Latini'. 18 January,
'expromissiones pro Guelfis de Sextu Porte Domus . . . Ser
Brunetto Latini'. 7 February, 'mallevadori de' Guelfi . . .
Ser Brunetto Latini'.
A.97. ASF 4
September 1287. Provvisioni
protocolli I, fols. 62v-63. Speaks as Prior in church
of St Peter Scheraggio 'more solitu'. 'sapiens vir ser
Brunectus Latini de numero dominorum Priorum Artium'.
A.98. ASF 3
October 1287. Provv.
protocolli I, fol. 63v. Further to previous
discussion, Ser Brunetto Latino again speaking.
A.99 ASF 16 April
1289. Provvisioni registri
II, fol. 2. Preparations for war against Arezzo, resulting in
11 June Battle of Campaldino. 'Ser Burnectus lainus consuluit
supra dicta bailia. et se cum dicto sapienti omnibus
A.100. ASF 12
July, 1289. Provv. Reg.
2, fol. 14. On funding, after the fact, of war against Arezzo.
'Ser Burnectus latini surrexit et aringando consuluit quod
super facto decto pecunie habende in comuni provideatur per
dominos capitaneum, Vicarium Potestatis et Priores Artium et
alios sapientes viros quos et quo habere voluerint; et valeat
quicquid providerint et fecerint de predictis'.
A.101. ASF. Guid. Nota. 5, fol. 12
ult, which commences 1290. Lists 'Ser Brunettus Latini' as
'notarius civitatis de sextu Porte Domus'. *Now too damaged to
A.102. ASF 12 January 1290. Lib. Fab. II, fols. 1v-2. In choir of Santa Reparata concerning Arezzo. 'Ser Burnectus Latinus consuluit, quod predicta sint in Potestate, Capitaneo et Prioribus, et in aliis, siquos habere voluerint ad predicta; ita quod alte et basse possint in predictis providere secundum quod eis videbitur, ad honorem et bonum statum Comunis Florentie viderint convenire et etiam amicorum. Placuit omnibus secundum dictum ser Burnecti predicti et aliorum'.
A.103. ASF 18
January 1290. Lib. Fab.
II, fol. 3. War taxation for Arezzo campaign. 'Ser Burnectus
Latinus consuluit secundum propositionem'.
A.104. ASF 6 February 1290. Lib.
Fab. II, fol. 9. Concerning an appointment to office
and salary. 'Ser Burnectus Latinus consuluit secundum
propositiones predictas'.
A.105. ASF 8
February 1290. 67, fol. 121v. *Listed so in ASF Indice, 163,
but volume not found. Is not Cap. Fir. Reg. 67. '. . . e uno del
consiglio dei Pregati'.
A.106. ASF 22
February 1290. Lib. Fab.
II, fol. 13. Again on war taxation and funding. 'Ser Burnectus
Latinus consuluit'.
A.107. ASF 12
March 1290. Lib Fab.
II, fol. 21v. Concerning war with Pisa and embassy, and needed
funds. 'Ser Burnectus Latinus consuluit'.
A.108. ASF 13
March 1290. Lib. Fab.
II, fol. 22. More of the same. 'Ser Burnectus Latinus
consuluit secundum propositiones predictas'.
A.109. ASF 21 March 1290. Lib. Fab. II, fol. 24. Concerning disposition of Aretine territories, prisoners. 'Ser Burnectus Latinus consuluit secundum propositiones predictas absolutis capitulis'.
A.110. ASF 21
March 1290. Lib. Fab.
II, fol. 24v. Concerning reparations to Count
Guelfus, Count Ugolino's surviving son, and the freeing of
prisoners of war at Easter in Florence and Arezzo. 'Ser
Burnectus Latinus consuluit'.
A.111. ASF 20
April 1290. Lib. Fab.
II, fol. 32. Embassy to Empoli, League against Arezzo,
concerning Count Guelfus. 'Ser Burnectus Latinus consuluit,
quod secundum formam ambaxiate date ambaxiatoribus Comunis
Florentie in predictis omnibus procedatur; et quod comes
Gulefus recipiatur ad Societatu, cum illa quantibus militum
que haberi poterit ab eo.'
A.112. ASF 1 May
1290. Lib. Fab. II,
fol. 32v. 'Ser Burnectus Latinus consuluit'.
A.113. ASF 1 May
1290. Provv. reg.
II, fol. 85. 'Ser Burnectus Latinus surrexit and arringit
A.114. ASF 4 June
1290. Lib. Fab. fol.
40. On Lucca sending forces to aid Florence. League of Lucca,
Prato, San Miniato, Bologna, Pistoia, Castello Gallure. In the
Badia. 'Ser Burnectus Latinus consuluit, quod examinentur
expense necessarie pro exercitu et pro aliis opportunis; et si
in Camera est pecunia sufficiens, mutuetur dicta quantitas:
alioquin, eis floreni vel mille libre florenorum
A.115. ASF 4
November 1290. Lib. Fab.
II, fol. 83. 'Ser Burnectus Latinus consuluit, quod Priores
habeant duos Sapientes per sextum, qui sint boni, et maturi
homines; qui in predictis provideant, secundum quod viderint
convenire. Placuit quasi omnibus secundum dictum ser Burnecti
A.116. ASF 8
February 1291. Lib Fab.
III, fol. 59v. About Prato's unwillingness to give military
support to Florence over Arezzo. On Florentine embassy to
Prato. 'D. Burnectus Latinus consuluit'.
A.117. ASF 29
June 1291. Lib. Fab.
III, fol. 41v. 'Ser Burnectus Latinus consuluit'.
A.118. ASF 24
July 1291. Lib. Fab.
III, fol. 42. Again, about freeing prisoners. This section of
Liber Fabarum is
cancelled. 'Ser Burnectus Latini consuluit secundum
A.119. ASF 14
October 1291. Lib. Fab.
III, fol. 26v. About electing notaries and nuncios to
Priorate. 'Ser Burnectus Latinus consuluit'.
A.120. ASF 27
February 1292. Lib. Fab.
III, fol. 86. 'Ser Burnectus Latinus consuluit secundum
propositionem predictam. Placuit quasi omnibus secundum
dictum dicti Ser Burnecti'.
A.121. ASF 5
March 1292. Lib. Fab.
III, fol. 86v. 'Ser Burnectus Latini consuluit'.
A.122. ASF 21 March 1292. Lib. Fab. III, fol. 89v. 'Ser Burnectus Latinus consuluit . . . Placuit omnibus secundum ser Burnecti, super facto ambaxiatorum de Pistorio'.
A.123. ASF 3
April 1292. Lib. Fab.
III, fol. 91. 'Ser Burnectus Latini notarius consuluit'.
A.124. ASF 13
April 1292. Lib Fab.
III, fol. 92. About peace concord. 'Ser Burnectus Latini
notarius consuluit secundum propositionem predictam'.
A.125. ASF 16
April, 1292. Lib. Fab.
III, fol. 138v. Embassy concerning response to Charles II,
Apulia. 'Ser Burnetus Latinus consuluit, quod Potestas,
Capitaneus et Priores, cum illis Spaientibus quos habere
voluirint, exminent et diligenter provideant super quolibet
articulo, et cras summo manne hoc Consilium habeatur super
A.126. ASF 26
April, 1292. *Lib. Fab.
III. [not found, flood damage]. About expenses in connection
with war with Pisa. 'Ser Burnectus Latini notarius consuluit,
de solutione'.
A.127. ASF 17
June, 1292. Lib. Fab.
III, fol. 141. In Baptistery. Against Pisa. 'Ser Burnectus
Latinus consuluit, quod remaneat in Prioribus de providendo
super motu exercitus, vel de hoc remictendo ad illos de
A.128. ASF 17
July, 1292. Lib. Fab.
III, fol. 99v. Section cancelled. 'Ser Burnectus Bonaccursi
notarius consuluit'.
A.129. ASF 22
July, 1292. Lib. Fab.
III, circa fol. 100. Council against Pisans, Vanni Fucci (Inf. XXIV.97-XXV.24)
discussed. 'Ser Burnectus Bonaccursi notarius consuluit
secundum propositionem predictam'.
[A.130. Dante's
presentation of Vita Nuova
to BL, with accompanying sonnet, Easter. 1292 or 1293? 'Messer
Brunetto, questa pulzelletta'.
A.131. Death of
BL, 1294; tomb inscription on stone column, 'Brunetti Latini
et filiorum'.
A.132. Giovanni
Villani VIII.x. 'Nel detto anno 1294 morì in Firenze uno
valente dittadino il quale ebbe nome ser Brunetto Latini, il
quale fu gran filosofo, e più sommo maestro in rettorica,
tanto in bene sapere dire come in bene dittare'.
A.133. Filippo
Villani, 'Brunetto Latino Rettorico'.
A.134. Dante
pretends he meets BL in Inf.
B. Vernacular Manuscripts in
Because Brunetto Latino wrote in two countries and in three languages, the manuscript traditions correspondingly represent this branching, the letters of state being in a fine Latin, the manuscripts of the Orationes, Il tesoretto, Il tesoro, La rettorica, and L'Etica in Italian, those of Li Livres dou Tresor being generally Picard in provenance (though often written in Italian libraria). In the texts in French BL even refers to himself in the French manner as 'Brunet Latin'. These manuscript families thus exemplify BL's exile from and return to Florence. The bulk of the MSS are of Li Livres dou Tresor and these are to be found as far apart as Madrid, Oxford and St Petersburg (several, mainly fragments, later travel to the New World), and they can serve to demonstrate the currency of French, the lingua franca, in medieval Europe. The vernacular Italian works are limited for the most part to Italy. Yet there their influence may have been more lasting through BL's students, such as Guido Cavalcanti, Francesco da Barberino and Dante Alighieri. Indeed, Florence exhibits a paucity of Tresor manuscripts (only one, Laurentian, Ashburnham 125, which came later to Florence, out of 88 elsewhere), but a multiplicity (22 out of 42) of Tesoro MSS. Likewise seven of the 17 Tesoretto MSS are still in situ in Florence. It is clear Dante Alighieri would have used Brunetto Latino's Tesoretto and Tesoro in Italian, not Li Livres dou Tresor in French. Dante in Inferno XV.119 testifies to Brunetto Latino's 'Tesoro', not his 'Tresor', and likewise to his 'maestro', 'ser Brunetto Latino' (30, 32).
A discussion
of the illuminations of the two languages and nations result
in different styles and conventions. However, it appears
that BL had access to Italian scribes in Arras in northern
France where the Lombard community was vigorous during this
period, so that there are manuscripts in Picardan French
with French illuminations but in the Bolognan libraria script of MS
Ba.1. Many of the earliest and best Italian manuscripts of Rettorica, Ethica, Tesoretto and Tesoro are likewise in
this script. Accounts of the MSS for Il Tesoretto are to be
found in Zannoni (C.19), Pozzi/Contini (C.73) and Bolton
Holloway (C.85, E);
for La
Rettorica and the Ciceronian orations in Maggini
(C.57, C.77) and Bolton Holloway (E); for La sommetta in
Wieruszowski (C.71),
Aruch (BgIV), Hijmans-Tromp (C.94); for Li Livres dou Tresor in Chabaile
(C.39), Carmody (C.63), Bolton Holloway (E), M. Alison Stones, The Illustrations of the Tresor
to c. 1320, Adelaide Bennett, Judy Oliver, Briogitte
Rouc (Ib); for Il tesoro in Marchesi
(Ja), Mascheroni (BgIII), and Bolton Holloway (E).
Ba. Il tesoretto and Il favolello Manuscripts
The major work
on Tesoretto MSS
was done by Ubaldini (C.10), Zannoni (C.19), Wiese (C.46,
C.55), Cart (BgI), Picci (BgI), D'Ancona (BgI), Mussafia
(BgI), Wurzbach (BgIII16.Rev), Bertoni (BgI), Pozzi/Contini
(C.73) and Bolton Holloway (C.85). Confusion exists
concerning the siglum. A tentative stemma, from which I omit
the Kraków (formerly Berlin, Ba.12) and Cornell
University 4 (Ba.17) manuscript fragments, is
M2, Biblioteca Nazionale, Magliabechiano II.III.335, as
containing Il tesoretto.
Tommaso Casini had written to Wiese telling him of it. But
it is not in that MS nor does Mazzatinti list it. Wiese
also mentions a fragment at Madrid as part of the Marqués
de Santillana collection, but it does not appear in Mario
Schiff (BgIII), nor in the Madrid catalogue, though that
collection does contain French, Castilian and Catalan
versions of Li Livres
dou Tresor. I therefore exclude these two
fugitive MSS. I add the MS now in Kraków
(Ba.12), and Cornell 4 (Ba.17), to those I edited in 1981.
BL lyrics are found in Vaticano, lat. 3793. A fragment of
the Tesoretto
and some fugitive BL lyrics are copied out in the 16-17 C.
commonplace book, Vaticano, Reg. lat. 1603, fols. 35v-45,
Kristeller, Iter
Italicum II. I ordered microfilms of all these Tesoretto
manuscripts, working from these as well as from the
originals, but Princeton University Library retained the
In most
manuscripts the text of Il
tesoretto is followed by that of Il favolello, a poem on
friendship, much influenced by Cicero, Ailred of Rievaulx,
Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun. Il favolello is
addressed to BL's friend (though a Ghibelline) and fellow
poet, Rustico di Filippo, and it also mentions Palamidesse,
a fellow poet and friend of theirs (see Kb). In one
manuscript Favolello
alone is given (Ba.18). Only one manuscript is illuminated
(Ba.1). There are 17 manuscripts which contain Il tesoretto in whole
or in part, perhaps more, and the one with Il favolello only.
Three Tesoretto
manuscripts, interestingly, are bound with the Commedia (Ba.3, Ba.8,
A6. Arras,
Bibliothèque Municipale 1060.
13 C. Second redaction, after 1268, indicating continued
production of BL MSS in Arras region, following return from
exile. Magnificent
miniatures. Best exemplar
of many similar early MSS. Final leaves missing. Picard.
Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard,
Bolton Holloway, Stones, Roux 2. Vielliard further
cites *Zéphir
'Notices et extraits de livres imprimés e manuscrits de la
Bibliothèque de la ville d'Arras', Mémoires de l'Academie d'Arras, 28 (1855),
222-340, esp. 268-283.
BbI.8. B. Paris, Bibliothèque
de l'Arsenal 2678.
15 C. Astronomical designs. Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway, Roux 2.
*BbI.9. B2. Rouen,
Bibliothèque Municipale 951.
15 C. Paper. Fols 146. 1st redaction. Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami. Vielliard further cites *Catalogue des manuscrits en écriture latine portant
des indications de date, de lieu ou de copiste, ed. Charles
Samaran et Robert Marichal, VII. Oest de la France et pays de Loire, Paris, 1984,
Notice sommaire, 'avant 1459? . . . d'une main réguliare . . .
de Maistre Jehan Boscher, demourant en la ville de
B3. Brussels,
Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier 10228.
13 C. Picard. 2nd redaction. Magnificent Arras-like miniatures,
fol. 6 king with courtiers, Brunetto at desk teaching
students, again at fols. 89v, 140. Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway,
Stones, Roux
2. Vielliard further cites *La Libraire
de Marguerite d'Autrice. Catalogue de l'exposition Europalia
87 Österreich Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier, Brussels,
1987, pp. 58-61, n° 17.
B4. Brussels,
Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier 10386.
15 C. Miniature. 2nd
redaction. Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Bolton Holloway, Roux 2. Vielliard further cites *La Libraire de Philippe le Bon. Catalogue de
l'exposition organisée à l'occasion du 300e anniversaire de
la mort du duc, Brussels, 1967, N° 96, p. 71.
B5. Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier 10547-48.
Colophon dates 1438. 2nd redaction. Carmody, D'Ancona (BgI),
Brayer, Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton
Holloway. Vielliard further cites *Manuscrits datés conservés en Belgique, II. 1401-1449, Manuscrits conservès à la bibliothèque
royale Albert Ier Bruxelles, Brussels:
Gand, 1972, N° 203, p. 56, pl. 390.
B6. Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier
13 C. Picard. Copied from
B3. Carmody, D'Ancona, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
BbI.14. B7.
Bergamo, Biblioteca Comunale, Cassa forte 2 05, formerly
Gabinetto delta, Fila VIII.22.
2nd redaction, p. 125, 'Karles conte de provençe'. Italian
scribe, possibly Boccaccio, copying in French from a Picard
MS, while giving marginal comments in Latin. Opening
illumination, p. 1, Brunetto in red robe with red book, also
p. 77, p. 114, blue robe, writing open book, grotesques
throughout, i8, 16, 21, 32, 35, 40, 43, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52,
53, 56, 63, 85, 124 (Decius Sillanus, Julius Caesar), 126
(Decius Sillanus, Catonis), 128, 131, 135, 137, 139, 143,
144-145 (mockingly sending letter to Charles of Anjou), 146.
betweeen Ayard de Fossat and Girardi Cavalazi in
Provençal at end of Tresor, p. 156. Unknown
to Carmody. See Capasso (BgII). Vielliard,
Beltrami, Bolton Holloway, Roux 2.
Vielliard further cites *Clovis Brunel, Bibliographie des manuscrits littéraires en ancien
provençal, Paris, 1935, N° 284. I gave this, 1993, the
sigla, IA.
C. Paris,
Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal 2679.
15 C. 2nd redaction. Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway.
C2. London, British
Library, Additional 30024.
End 13 C. Fol. 91. 1st redaction. Exemplar for OE.
Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Beltrami,
Bolton Holloway, Roux 2. Vielliard
notes purchased at Sothebys, 1875, noted by *Hermann
Varnhagen, 'Die handschriften Ewerbungen des British
Museum auf dem Gebiete des Altromanischen in dem Jahren
von 1865 bis Mitte 1877', ZRP 1 (1887),
541-555, esp. 548. Stones suggests
provenance, southern France.
C3. Carpentras,
Bibliothèque Municipale 269.
13/14 C. 1st redaction. See
Chabaille, p. xxxvi. Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Bolton Holloway, Stones suggests from Perpignan,
Roux 2. Miniature of Phyllis astride Aristotle.
C5. Chantilly, Musée
Condé 288.
14 C. 1st redaction. Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
C6. Chantilly,
Musée Condé 289.
14 C, after 1394. Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
Holloway. Vielliard further cites *Catalogue des manuscrits en
écriture latine portant des indications de date, de lieu ou
de copiste, I,
Musée Condé e Bibliothèque parisiennes, ed. Charles
Samaran et Robert Marichal, Paris, 1959, p. 437, N° 12.
C7. Cambrai,
Mediathèque Municipale 208.
15 C. Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Bolton Holloway.
D. Paris.
Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal 2680.
15 C. Picard. 2nd redaction. Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Beltrami,
Bolton Holloway. Vielliard further
cites *Catalogue des
manuscrits en écriture latine portant des indications de
date, de lieu ou de copiste, I, Musée Condé e Bibliothèque
parisiennes, ed. Charles Samaran et Robert Marichal,
Paris, 1959, Notice sommaire, p. 404, N° 107.
D2. Oxford, Bodleian
Library, Douce 319.
13th C. Lucy Sandler dates 1300. Bolognan libraria.
1st redaction. Mappamundi
in Arabic position, astronomical figures. Given by William
Montague, Earl of Salisbury [see D4], to Thomas Woodstock,
Duke of Gloucester, according to inscription on manuscript
readable by ultra-violet light, seized at the arrest and
murder of Gloucester for his conspiracy against Richard II,
Otto Pächt and J.J.G. Alexander, Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library,
Oxford II. Italian School, Oxford 1970, p. 16.
Chabaille, Carmody. Gentleman's
Monthly Magazine, 1 June 1802, pp. 446-450, Mortara
(BgIII, C.32), Sorio (C.34), Gaiter (C.44), M, Esposito (N),
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway, Stones suggests
provenance is Acre, Sandler considering this unlikely, Roux 2.
Pleshy under the Bohuns and
Bolingbrokes had a major scriptorium for manuscript
production, for which see Lucy Freeman Sandler, The Lichtenthal Psalter and
the Manuscript Patronage of the Bohun Family
(London: Harvey Miller, 2005).
D3. Oxford, Bodleian
Library, Ashmolean 1509.
Mid 14 C. 1st redaction. Lucy
Sandler notes is not a copy of D2, as it is made for a
member of the Norfolk Gurney (Gourney, Gournay) family,
since there is an angel with their coat of arms on the first
page. Is like Ellesmere
Chaucer. Mortara, Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
Holloway, Roux 2.
Dunkerque, Bibliothèque Municipale 76.
14 C. Miniatures.
Presented to Dunkerque Lodge, initial one in France, by
John, Duke of Montague [see
D2], Grand Master of
London Free Masons, 1721. Could
it have been the now-lost Warwick Castle MS? See Julien
l'Hermite, 'Le joyau de la bibliothèque de Dunkerque, un
manuscrit du Trésor de Brunetto Latini', Mémoires de la Societé
Dunkerquoise 40 (1904), 155-162; Lemaire (BgII),
Pfister-Langannay (BgII) Was
gift to library by the Spanish Consul when Masons sold it.
Then destroyed by fire, 1929. Carmody claims he saw it, does not indicate its
loss, Brayer,
Vielliard, Bolton Holloway, Roux 2.
E. Napoli,
Biblioteca Nazionale I.G.17.
Fine early, 1st redaction, manuscript. Provenance,
Biblioteca Farnese, Rome, then Parma in 17 C, Napoli in 18 C
according to Miola (BgI). Was unknown to Chabaille, Carmody.
Listed, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
Holloway. Vielliard further cites François
Fossier, Le Palais Farnèse.
III.2. La Bibliothèque Farnèse. Etude des manuscrits latins
et en langue vernaculaire. Ecole français de Rome,
1982, p. 91.
E2 Amiens,
Bibliothèque Municipale 398.
14 C. Picard. 2nd redaction. Chabaille,
Vielliard, Bolton Holloway.
F. Paris,
Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 12581.
1st redaction. Written by
Michel, 1284. North
French (Arras?). Contains Walter Maps' Roman de Graal, Tresor,
fols. 89-229v, account of fairs of Champagne, fols.
312-312v, mentioning those of Arras, Liège, Bar-sur-Aube, St
Omer, St Quentin, Provence, etc., all places with Tresor MSS
associations, provenance. Illuminations, fols. 90v, money
chest, 13v, writer, 191, teacher. MS discussed by Segre-Amar, pp. 258, 261. Chabaille's base text, Carmody, Gathercole (Ib),
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway, Stones , Roux 2.
F2. Rennes,
Bibliothèque Municipale 593.
1st redaction. Fols. 170-284. Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
Holloway, Stones ascribes miniatures to Thomas de Mauberge, scribe,
Robin Boutement, Roux 2. Vielliard further cites *Catalogue des manuscrits en
écriture latine portant des indications de date, de lieu ou
de copiste, VII, Oest
de la France et pays de Loire, ed. Charles
Samaran et Robert Marichal, Paris, 1984, Notice détaillés,
p. 259, pl. LXXIV.
F3. Berne,
Burgerbibliothek 646.
14 C. Chabaille, Carmody,
(BgII), Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
Holloway. Vielliard further cites *Werner
Ziltener, 'Der lapidaire de Philippe in der Berne
Handschrift 646', Philologica
Romanica. Erhard Lomatzsh . . . ,
München, 1975, pp. 412-440, esp. 412-413.
F4. Berne,
Burgerbibliothek 98.
13/14 C. Two Tresor
fragments interpolated into part of the Chronique dite de Baudouin d'Avesnes. Minckwitz
(BgII), Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
Holloway, Jung (BgII)
F5. Ferrara,
Biblioteca Comunale Ariostea II.280.
Fine early 1st redaction MS, with tençione about Boniface,
Charles of Anjou, Florence, Sicily, Kings of France and
England, and Dante sonnet, 'Guido io vorra che tu e Lapo e
io'. Ends with Jerusalem pilgrimage: 'Cist sunt li santuarij li quelz home trove e le
saint peleinaies doutre la mer'. Unknown to Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard. Bolton
F6. Cambridge,
Fitzwilliam Museum 20.
14 C. Selection of text. Miniatures. Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Bolton Holloway,
Stones, with provenance of
Tournai, Roux 2, with provenance of Hainault. Vielliard
further cites *Paul Meyer, 'Notice sur un manuscrit français
appartenant au Musée Fitzwilliam (Cambridge)', R 25 (1896), 542-561, esp. 556, N°6.
G. Paris,
Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 24254.
14 C. 1st redaction. Incomplete. Notarial, chancery script.
Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Bolton Holloway.
H. Paris,
Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 19088.
1510. 1st redaction. Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Beltrami,
Bolton Holloway, Roux 2.
I. Paris,
Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 19089.
14 C. 1st redaction. Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Beltrami,
Bolton Holloway.
J. Paris.
Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 19090.
14 C. Bolognan libraria. 1st redaction. Incomplete. Chabaille, Carmody,
Gathercole, Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway,
Roux 2.
*BbI.37. J1. Jena Universität-und
Landesbibliothek El.f.90.
1390-1410. Roux 2.
K. Paris,
Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 566.
13 C. Picard. 1st redaction. Magnificent
miniatures. St Omer or,
Judy Oliver says, Liège. Similar to L2, St Petersburg (C )
and Q2, Laurentian Ashburnham 125 MSS. Chabaille, Carmody,
Gathercole, Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami (who notes it has Egidius Romanus, De regimine principum
III), Bolton Holloway, Stones, Roux 2.
BbI.39. K2.
Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbiblothek 391. °Microfilm.
Delightful miniatures. Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
Holloway, Stones, from
Toulouse, Roux 2. Vielliard further cites *Ferdinand
Lamey, Die Handschriften der
Badischen Landesbibliothek in Karlsruhe. Beilage II. 1.
Romanische Handschriften, Karlsruhe,
1894; *Neudruck mit
bibliographischen Nachträgen, Wiesbaden,
1974, pp. 8-22.
L. Paris,
Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 567.
13 C. Picard. 2nd redaction.
Miniatures, Thérouanne,
St Omer region. Fauriel,
Chabaille, Carmody, Gathercole, Brayer,
Vielliard, Bolton Holloway,
Stones, Roux 1,2.
BbI.41. L2. St Petersburg,
National Library.
C. 1300. Numerous miniatures. Like Q2, K. Thérouanne
provenance. Carmody, Constantinowa (Ib), Brayer,
Vielliard, Bolton Holloway. Stones, Roux 1,2. See also C.97, Ib,
for °Facsimile and companion volume with essays. Vielliard
further cites *Edith Brayer, 'Manuscrits français du moyen
âge conservés à Léningrad', Bulletin de l'Institut de recherche et
d'histoire des textes 7 (1959),
pp. 23-31, esp. 25.
*BbI.42. L3.
London, British Library, Royal 17.E.1.
15 C. Brayer, Vielliard. Vielliard cites *Sir George
Warner and Julius P. Gilson, British Museum. Catalogue of Western
Manuscripts in the Old Royal and the King's
Collections, vol. II, London, 1921, p. 258,
noting this MS was formerly Chabaille's C2, Carmody
mistaking the reference for Add. 30024. Roux 2.
BbI.43. L6.
London, British Library, Yates Thompson 19.
13 C. Formerly Ashburnham. North east France,
Thérouanne. Magnificently illuminated, especially bestiary
section. Fols. 3, 31v, 87, master teaching students, 23,
Emperor in chain mail with eagle and lilies kneeling before
Pope. Fol. 152 rubricates 'Al home de grant vaillance et de
renomee. Mon signor K. comte de ango et de provence'
[Charles of Anjou and Provence]. Unknown to Chabaille,
Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard. See Bolton
Holloway, Stones, Roux, 1,2 (who gave it siglum YT, then changed it to
M. Paris,
Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 568.
15 C. 1st redaction.
Miniatures. Owned, Duke
de Berry. Fauriel, Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway,
Roux 2. See Farinelli (M),
p. 217.
M2. New York,
Columbia University, Butler Library, Plimpton 281.
1400. Morbio (E ). Carmody presumed this was at Yale, De Ricci, #280, Brayer,
Vielliard, Bolton Holloway, Beltrami, Roux
See also: New
York, Columbia University, Butler Library, Plimpton 280.
Fragment of four detached leaves. Same initials,
particularly 'L's, as in English MS of Tresor, Christopher de
M3. Madrid, Escorial
L.II.3. °Microfilm.
13 C. 2nd redaction. Miniatures.
See C . García de la Fuente
(BgII ), Carmody, Faulhaber (BgIV ), Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton
Holloway, Baldwin (C.86), base text, Roux 2. Vielliard
further cites *Catàlogo de los
manuscritos franceses y provenzales de la Biblioteca de el Escorial, ed. Garcia
de la Fuente, Madrid, 1933, pp. 33-34.
N. Paris,
Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 570.
13 C. 1st redaction. French illuminations, Bolognan libraria, Exemplar for
M (BbI.44). Fauriel, Chabaille, Carmody, Gathercole, Brayer,
Beltrami, Bolton Holloway, Roux 1,2.
*Bbl.48. N2. Pierpont Morgan
Library, M.814.
1300-1325. Later grisaille marginal drawings to Bestiary.
Beltrami, Roux 2.
O. Paris,
Bibliothèque Nationale 569.
15 C. 1st redaction. Owned, Duke de Berry. Fauriel,
Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway, Roux 2.
P. Paris,
Bibliothèque Nationale fr 571.
13 C. Picard. 2nd redaction. French miniatures, Italian script. Thérouanne
provenance, Valenciennes association. Includes Roman de Fauvel. L.F.
Sandler, Gothic MSS
1285-1385, London, 1896, N. 96, and Segre-Amar
(BgII) give as English. Fauriel, Chabaille, Carmody,
Gathercole, Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway,
Michael (BgII), Roux 2. Vielliard further cites *François
Avril, Patricia Danz Stirnemann, Bibliothèque nationale, Département des manuscrits.
Manuscrits enluminés d'origine insulaire, VIIe-XXe siècle, Paris,
1987, pp. 149-152, N°187, pl. M. LXXV, LXXVI, LXXVII,
LXVIII. Michael
notes political context of manuscruipt that of marriage of
Philippa of Hainault to Edward III.
P2. Paris,
Bibliothèque Nationale, nouv acq., fr. 10261.
14 C. Picard. 1st redaction. Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Beltrami,
Bolton Holloway.
P3. Paris,
Bibliothèque Nationale, nouv. acq., fr. 21012.
15 C. 1st redaction. Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Beltrami,
Bolton Holloway.
[BbI.53. P4. Paris, Bibliothèque
de l'Arsenal, 5258.
I believe Carmody's P4,
Arsenal 5258, should be excluded from the stemma as it only
a reference to Tresor]
*BbI.54. P5.
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 17115.
14 C. Extracts. Brayer, Vielliard, citing *Marguerite
Oswald, 'Les enseignement Seneque', R 90 (1969), pp.
33-34. Roux 2.
BbI.55. Q. Paris, Bibliothèque
Nationale, fr. 573.
15 C. 2nd redaction. Miniatures. Chabaille, Carmody, Sorio, Gaiter
(C.44), Gathercole, Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway, Roux 1,2. Vielliard further
cites Ronald N. Walpole, The Old French Johannes Translation of the
Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle. A Critical Edition, Supplement,
Berkeley, 1976, pp. 319-336, 1 pl.
BbI.56. Q2.
Firenze, Biblioteca Laurenziana, Ashburnham 125. °Microfilm
14 C. Picard. 2nd redaction. Thérouanne
provenance. Like L2, K.
Carmody, Bertelli (BgIII ), Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway, Stones, Roux 1,2.
BbI. 57. R.
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 726.
End 13 C. Italian
scribe. 1st redaction. Faits des Romans (text
stating this compiled from Sallust, Suetonius, Caesar) and Tresor. Miniatures,
Caesar crowned, given book, repeated with crowned king given
book for Tresor,
Brunetto teaching four students. Fauriel (E), Chabaille,
Carmody, Langlois (G8),
Brayer, Vielliard, Beltrami,
Bolton Holloway, Segre-Amar, p. 258, Roux 2. Paul Meyer, Romania,
14 (1885), 23-26, suggested Brunetto could have been the
author/translator of Faits des Romains. It is of interest that
these texts also exist in Italian in Italian manuscripts as Fatti
dei Romani, but which Sergio Marroni (F) dates as
earlier than BL. This material explains Dante's use of Catiline and
Fiesole in Inferno XV.
BbI.58. R2.
Paris. Bibliothèque Nationale, nouv. acq. 6591.
15 C. Colophon notes MS written and illuminated in Paris by
Pierre de Lormel. Miniatures.
Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Beltrami,
Bolton Holloway, Roux 2.
BbI.59. R3.
Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica, Regin. lat. 1320.
14 C. Picard. 1st
redaction. Fine
miniatures, by three artists, one Franco-Flemish, two
Italian, annotated in French and Italian, mixture of French
and Florentine styles throughout many illuminations of BL
teaching. Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway,
Torri (C.93, BgII), Stones, who places it
in Ghent-Bruges area, Roux
BbI.60. R4.
Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica, Regin. lat. 1514.
15 C. Only second part of Tresor,
fol. 34, Jean de Berry's translation of 'IIII vertus', fol.
42v. Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Bolton Holloway.
BbI.61. R5.
Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica, lat. 3203.
13/14 C. 2nd redaction. Excellent Arras-like miniatures, fols. 1, writer
and king, 8v, 19, 22v, pope and king, 31v, 39, 42v, 51v, 60,
60v, writer and recipient, 73v, 90v, 102, king and teacher,
108v, 120, 134v, writing figure, 137. With Petrarch's
annotations, according to
°Bibliotheca Spenceriana, IV.70. Owned Cardinal
Bembo, who bought it in Gascony. Similar to A6, B3, S, T.
This is Chabaille's E, which Carmody lists twice, as E, as
R5. Brayer, Vielliard, Beltrami,
Bolton Holloway, Torri, Stones,
1,2. [I exclude
Carmody's R6, a fragmentary copy of R5.]
BbI.62. S.
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 1109.
Colophon dates 1310. Picard. 2nd
redaction. French miniatures, teaching scenes, Bolognan libraria, Arras
connection, fol. 311 'Adam le Bocu d'Arras' [Adam de la
Hall]. Fauriel, Chabaille, Carmody, Gathercole, Brayer, Vielliard, Beltrami,
Bolton Holloway, Segre-Amar, p. 258, Stones, who ascribes to Master of the Psalter-Hours of
Arras, Roux 2.
BbI.63. S2.
Saint Omer, Bibliothèque Municipale, 68.
15/16 C fragment in 14 C compilation, verses on Aristotle.
Picard. Chabaille, p. xxxvi, correctly gives it as at Saint
Omer; Carmody erred in giving this as at Saint Oen, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
BbI.64. T.
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 1110.
End 13 C. 2nd redaction. Arras-like miniatures, fols. 1,
teaching figure, 13, 38, 206. Bolognan libraria. From Pavian
library of Giangaleazzo Visconti. See A. Thomas (BgII);
Carmody, Gathercole, Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway,
Segre-Amar, pp. 258, 260, Stones, Roux 2. Carmody
base text. Facsimile
published MLA, 1936 (C.61).
BbI.65. T2.
Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale, L.II.18.
13 C. Damaged in 1904 fire, but an excellent manuscript,
Italian capitals, French illuminations. Miniatures, fols. 1,
21v, 42v, 52, 65, 74v, Brunetto teaching two students, 101,
150v, 192, illumination of king. Provençal poem at end of
MS, 'Amors m'a fach novelamen asire'. Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway,
Stones, who ascribes miniatures to Hospitaller Master,
and dates c. 1275 and 1291, Roux 1,2.
BbI.66. T3.
Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale, L.III.13.
13 C. Much more fire-damaged. French. Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
Holloway. [Carmody's fragment T4, Torino, Biblioteca
Nazionale (Pasinus Gal 140), destroyed in this fire, 1904.
Had contained end of Tresor,
III. fols. 1-27.]
BbI.67. U.
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 1111.
15 C. 1st/2nd redaction. Fauriel, Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Beltrami,
Bolton Holloway, Roux 2. Fascimile publ. MLA, 1934 (C.59).
BbI.68. U2.
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 1112.
15 C. Fauriel, Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Beltrami,
Bolton Holloway.
BbI.69. V.
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 1113.
End 13 C. Bolognan libraria.
1st redaction. Miniatures,
fol. 3, presenting book to king, 100v, Aristotle with book,
148, king figure. Segre-Amar believes this manuscript from
Italy. Fauriel, Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
Holloway, Roux 2. Facsimile publ. MLA, 1934 (C.60).
BbI.70. V2.
Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare DVIII. °Microfilm
Picard. 1st redaction. Diplomatic presentation volume
involving a relative of the Doge of Venice, Giovanni Dandolo
(1280-1289), and presentation letter. (Francesco da
Barberino involved with Doge Giovanni Soranzo, 1312-1328, at
court of Avignon, LaII.18). Italian style illuminations to
French MS of Brunetto in red robe teaching from lectern to
three students, Emperor in red, blue, ermine, on throne.
Bound with Dandolo arms and winged lion of St Mark with
Book. Morbio, Brayer, Vielliard,
Beltrami, Bolton Holloway, Roux 2. Beltrami's edition
based on this MS, to which he gives the siglum V2. I earlier
gave it siglum of EE.
BbI.71. W.
Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine, 3871.
Muddled Tresor,
followed by Jean de Meun, Testament.
Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Bolton Holloway.
Vielliard further cites *Silvia Buzzetti Gallarati, 'Nota
bibliografica sulla tradizione manoscritta del Testament
de Jean de Meun', Revue Romane 13.1
(1978), 2-35.
BbI.72. X.
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 1114.
End 15 C. Incomplete. Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
BbI.73. Y.
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 2024.
End 13 C. Bolognan libraria. 1st
redaction. Related to A (BbI). Miniatures, fols. 77v, 110,
147, 207, 213v, 292v, including many teaching scenes. Has Tesoretto-like Italian
verses 'Lo bianco co lo bruno', end of MS. Fauriel,
Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway, Segre-Amar, p.
258, says French or Outremer, Roux 2.
BbI.74. Z.
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 2025.
15 C. Fauriel, Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
BbI.75. Z2.
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 191.
15 C. Picard. 2nd redaction. Same scribe as A4 (BbI ). Owned, Humphrey of Gloucester or Henry V. Jehan
du Quesne ascription. Illuminations of author presenting
book to king, of popes and cardinals, of building a city, of
cannons being fired. Chabaille, p. xxxv, Carmody, p. liv, n.
1, Gathercole, Brayer,
Vielliard, Bolton Holloway, Roux 2.
BbI.76. Z3.
Saint Quentin, Bibliothèque Municipale, 109.
Picard. 2nd redaction. Similar to D3. Jehan du Quesne of
Lille ascription. Owned, 'Margaret of England'. Though notes
on manuscript say 'Cette copie a appertenu à Marguerite
d'Anjou femme de Henri IV Roi d'Angleterre', Claudine
Lemaire, 'Quatre fermoire de reliure armoiriés d'origine
laique provenant des Pays Bas méridionaux datant du XVe
siècle', Le livre e
l'estampe 29 (1983), 7-16, identifies arms as of
Margaret of Bourgogne, Duchess of York, 1446-1503, sister of
Edward IV of England, wife of Charles the Bold, Duke of
Burgundy. Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Bolton Holloway, Roux 2.
[BbI.77. Z4.
Strasbourg, Bibliothèque de l'Universitaire 519.
15 C. Picard. Pastedown fragment. Lauchert (BgII), Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
Holloway. Jung (BgII), instead,
identifies it as fragment of the Rifacimento made by the Chronique dite de Baudouin
d'Avesnes and
not a Tresor.]
BbI.78. AE.
Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève 2203.
15 C. 2nd redaction. Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton
BbI.79. OE.
London, British Library, Addit. 30025.
14 C. 1st redaction. Lavishly illuminated, fols. 6,
Brunetto teaching at desk, 42, 52, 65, 72v, Aristotle in
turban seated on floor teaching from a book with Arabic
script, 99v, 148. Incomplete. Copied from C2, British
Library, Addit. 30024. Chabaille, Carmody, Brayer,
Vielliard, Beltrami, Bolton Holloway, Stones,
from southern France, Roux 2. Vielliard further cites *Hermann
'Die handschriften Ewerbungen des British Museum auf dem
Gebiete des Altromanischen in dem Jahren von 1865 bis Mitte
1877', ZRP 1
(1887), 541-555, esp. 548.
BbI.80. EU.
London, British Library, Royal 19 C X.
Fine unilluminated Tresor.
Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton Holloway.
BbI.81. IE.
New York, Pierpont Morgan Library 814. °Microfilm.
14 C. Picard. Miniatures of Brunetto writing and bestiary
material. Vielliard, Bolton Holloway, Stones, possibly Arras. Vielliard further cites The Pierpont Morgan Library.
Review of the Activities and Major Acquisitions of the
Library 1947-1948, with a Memoir of John Pierpont Morgan,
New York, 1949, p. 41; Supplement
to the Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in
the United States and Canada, cont. and ed. W.H.
Bond, New York, 1962, p. 359. De Ricci, Supplement, p. 359.
BbI.82. UE.
New York, Columbia University, Butler Library, Plimpton 280.
1300. Text is southern French, Italian-like dialect. 4 leaves. Contains account of exile. Bought by
George Plimpton. Not seen
by Carmody. De
Ricci, #281, Brayer, Vielliard, Bolton Holloway.
BbI.83. EA.
Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana S79 sup. °Microfilm
Fols. 251-266v. Late. Fine discussion of diplomacy,
embassies, function of secretary to popes and kings. Copied
from Venetian Dandolo manuscript (either V2/EE, Verona,
Biblioteca Capitolare, BbI.70, or R5, Vaticano, lat. 3203,
BbI.61). Cardinal Bembo association. Morbio (E), Bolton Holloway. Mentioned, not seen, Carmody.
BbI.84. EE.
Modena, Biblioteca Estense E.5=α.P.G.1.
14 C. Picard. Fols. 130-164, Ethica and Politica in Somme le Roy. Speaks of goverment as
not by comune but by a king. Unknown to Carmody. See
Camus (BgII), Ruggieri (Jb), Brayer,
Vielliard, Bolton Holloway. Vielliard further cites
Ruhe, 'Les Proverbes Seneke le Philosophe', Beiträge zur romanischen Philologie des Mittelalters 5 (1969), 26.
I earlier gave this siglum of OO.
*BbI.85. UU.
Udine, Archivio di Stato. °Microfilm
14 C. Written
in Italian hand. French notes in margin. Fragment of 31 fols. In possession of notaries. Brunetto's student, Francesco da
Barberino had been in Treviso as notary to Corso Donati,
podestà. Unknown to Carmody. Bolton Holloway.
See Scalon (BgII).
Christopher de Hamel.
C. English MS. Contains account of exile. Four leaves, similar to UE, AbI
. Bolton Holloway
London, British Library, Royal 19.B.10.
15 C. Fragment of Tresor
II. Brayer, Vielliard, citing *Sir George Warner and Julius P.
Gilson, British
Museum. Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Old
Royal and the King's Collections, vol. II,
London, 1921, p. 327.
Chieri, Archivio Comunale.
Fragment. Vielliard, citing *Alessandro
Vitale-Brovorone, 'Un nuovo frammento del Romanz d'Athis
et Prophilias', Atti
della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, 3
(1976-1977), pp. 331-336.
*BbI.90. Barcelona, Arxiu Diocesà de
13 C. Fragment, Tresor
II. Vielliard.
Monza, Biblioteca Capitolare. Fragment of Tresor.
*G.Giannini, 'Un estratto inedito del "Tresor". Romania. Cited in
A scuola con Ser
Brunetto, ed. Maffia Scariatti (Db.4.),
p. 35.
these MSS, D2, D4, F5,
T2, Y, have possible Outremer connections.
Illustrations of Brunetto Latini's Trésor Manuscript to
c. 1320
© Alison Stones
Brunetto Latini,[1] Le Trésor[2]
P. Chabaille, Li livres dou Tresor, Paris, 1863 (based on Paris, BNF fr. 12581, MS F, with variants). Few illustrations, therefore omitted here. The Brunetto Latini section written by 'Michael nomine felix' in 1284.[3]
F.J. Carmody, ed. Brunetto Latini, Le Trésor, Berkeley
and Los Angeles, 1948 (based on Paris, BNF fr. 1110, MS
T), supplemented by Chantilly, Musée Condé 288, MS C5,
first redaction).
Chapter Headings Manuscripts and sigla after Carmody
from Carmody |
Paris BNF fr. 1110[4] MS T |
Brussels BR 10228[5] MS B3 |
Vatican BAV lat. 3203[6] MS R5 |
Arras BM 182(1060)[7] MS A6 |
St Petersburg Fr. F. v. I, 4[8] MS L2 |
London BL YT 19[9] no siglum |
Paris BNF fr. 567[10] MS L |
Florence Laur.Ash. 125, ff. i-xii, 1-120 (6-139)[11] MS Q2 |
Rennes BM 593, ff.
170-284[12] (written 1303-04) MS F2 |
Paris BNF fr. 1109, ff. 1-4, 8-143[13] (written 1310) MS S |
Lyon BM 948, ff. 3-93v[14] MS A5 |
Paris BNF fr. 566[15] MS K |
Vatican 1320[16] First redaction MS R3 |
Table of Contents |
1-5 |
verso-vii |
-- |
i-iv |
i-ii |
i-iii |
i-xii |
1-4 (4v-7v blank) |
-- |
1-4v |
Book I, Preface[17] |
1 |
6 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
170 |
8 |
3 |
10 |
5 (French) |
Chapter 6. Coment Dieus fist toutes
coses au commencement.[18] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
4v |
7 |
5 |
3 |
2v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
7 (Italian-a) |
Chapter 19. Coment roi furent
premierement.[19] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
5v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Chapter 21. Des coses ki furent au II. aage.[20] |
13 |
13v |
8v |
7 |
11 |
10 |
7, 7v |
6 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
18, 18v |
11v (Italian-a) |
Chapter 25. Des gens ki furent au III. aage.[21] |
18v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
12 |
7 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Chapter 26. De Romulus et des romains. [22] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
20 |
-- |
Chapter 30. Dou regne des femes.[23] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
13v |
-- |
-- |
8 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Chapter 38. Coment Jules Cesar fu
premier roi de Rome.[24] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
9 |
-- |
13 |
-- |
9v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Chapter 39. Des rois de France.[25] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
15 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Chapter 41. Des coses dou IV. aage.[26] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
11 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
10v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
42.[27] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
26 |
-- |
Chapter 43.[28] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
26 |
-- |
Chapter 44.[29] De
David ki fu roi des profetes. |
18v |
-- |
-- |
12 |
16v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
26v |
-- |
Chapters 45, 46, 47.[30] Dou roi Salemon son fil. Helias.
Elyseus. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
17 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
27, 27v |
-- |
Chapters 48, 49, 50.
Ysias, Jeremie, Ezechiel. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
17v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
28, 28v |
-- |
Chapters 51-55. Daniel, Achias, Jagdo,
Tobias, iii enfans profetes. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
18 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
28v, 29 |
-- |
Chapters 56-59. Esdras, Zorobabel, Hester,
Judith. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
18v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
29 |
-- |
Chapters 60-61. Zacharias, Machebeus. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
19 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
29v |
-- |
Chapter 62.[31] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
29v |
-- |
Chapter 63.[32] Nouvel
loi. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
19 |
18 |
15 |
12v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
29v |
19v (Italian-a) |
Chapter 64. De la parente la mere Dieu.[33] |
-- |
23 |
19 |
14v |
19v |
18v |
15v |
15 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
30v |
20 (French) |
Chapters 65-7.[34] De
Nostre Dame Sainte Marie, S. Jehan Baptiste, S. Jake
Alphei |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
20 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
31 |
-- |
Chapters 68-70. S. Jude, S. Jehan
Evangeliste, S. Jakeme Zebedei. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
20v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
31, 31v |
-- |
Chapters 71-73. S.
Piere, S. Pol, S. Andrieu. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
21 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
32, 32v |
-- |
Chapters 74-79. SS. Phelippe, Thumas,
Bartholemeu, Mathieu, Mathias, Luc. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
21v |
21v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
32v |
-- |
Chapters 80-84. SS. Symon, Marc, Barnabe, Tymothe, Thithus. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
22 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
33, 33v |
-- |
Chapter 85.[35] Chi fenist les
noviaustes. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
33v |
-- |
Chapter 86. Coment loys fu comenchie.[36] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
22v |
21v |
18 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
34 |
23 (Italian-a) |
Chapter 88.[37] Coment
eglise essaucha. |
-- |
-- |
22v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
36, 37v |
-- |
Chapter 89.[38] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
16 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Chapter 90.[39] Coment
li empereor de Rome revient as Ytaliens. |
-- |
26 |
-- |
18 |
24 |
23 |
20 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
38v |
24v (Italian-a) |
Chapter 93.[40] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
41 |
-- |
Chapter 95.[41] De
la hautece Frederik. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
21v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
16v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
41 |
-- |
Chapter 96.[42] De
l’empereor et del pape Innocens |
-- |
-- |
-- |
26v |
26 |
22v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
27v (Italian-a) |
Chapter 98. [43] Coment
et por coi l’empereor fu desposes Manfred. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
27v |
27 |
23v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
28v (French) |
Chapter 99. La nature est chose
establi par iiii complexions.[44] |
28v |
-- |
-- |
22v |
28v |
28 |
24v |
19 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
29v (Italian-a) |
Chapter 100.[45] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
45 |
-- |
Chapter 104.[46] Del mondes reondes et des iii
elemens |
-- |
34v |
31v |
24 |
30v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Chapter 105.[47] De
la nature de l’eve. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
20 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
45v |
-- |
Chapter 106.[48] De
l’aire et de la pluie. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
31v |
31v |
28 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
46v |
33 (Italian-a) |
Chapter 110. [49] Del
firmament et des planetes. |
-- |
41v |
39 |
28 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
23 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
48 (2), 48v, 49v, 52,
52v |
-- |
Chapter 121. [50] Li mapemonde. |
38v |
44v |
42v |
31 |
38v |
40 |
36 |
27v |
193 |
-- |
-- |
56v |
40 (Italian-a) |
Chapter XXX[51] Comment lon ki est
sage doit entretenir terre gaignable. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
35 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Chapter 130, [52] 131. poissons,
echinus, corcorel. |
45v |
53 |
51v |
37v |
46 |
48v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
66, 66v |
49-49v (Italian-b) |
Chapters 132-4. cete, coquille, delfin. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
46v |
49v-50 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
67, 67v |
49v (Italian-b) |
Chapters 135-6. ypotamie, sieraine. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
47 |
50 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
68 |
50-50v (Italian-b) |
Chapter 137. serpens.[53] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
47v |
50 |
-- |
-- |
202 |
-- |
-- |
68 |
51 (Italian-b) |
Chapters 138-41. aspide, anfemeine,
basilike, dragon. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
48 |
51v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
69, 69v |
51v-52 (Italian-b) |
Chapters 142-4. scitalis, vipre, lisarde. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
48v |
52 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
69v, 70 |
52v (Italian-b) |
Chapter145-6. aigle, ostoire. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
49 |
52v, 53 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
70v |
53 (Italian-b) |
Chapter 148. esperviers. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
50 |
53v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
71, 72 |
54 (Italian-b) |
Chapters 149,150. faucons, esmerillons. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
50v |
54v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
72v, 73 |
55 (Italian-b) |
Chapters 151-4. alcion, ardea, anes et
oes, besenes. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
52 |
55 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
73, 73v |
55-55v (Italian-b) |
Chapters 155-68.[54] calandre,
peredrix, papegal. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
52 |
56 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
74-77v |
56v (Italian-b) |
Chapter 169. paon. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
52 |
56v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
77v |
57 (Italian-b) |
Chapters 170-3. tortrele, ostrisse, co. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
52v |
56v, 57 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
78v |
57 (Italian-b) |
Chapter 174. lion.[55] |
-- |
-- |
60 |
-- |
53 |
57 |
51 |
-- |
205 |
-- |
-- |
78v |
57v (Italian-b) |
Chapter 175. anteled. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
53v |
58 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
79v |
58v (Italian-b) |
Chapters 176-7. asnes, bues. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
54 |
58, 58v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
80, 80v |
58v, 59 (Italian-b) |
Chapters 178-80. brebis, belotes, chamel. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
54v |
59 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
81 |
59-59v (Italian-b) |
Chapters 181-3. castbre, chevriers, cers. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
55 |
59v, 60 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
81v |
60 (Italian-b) |
Chapter 184. chiens. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
55v |
60v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
82 |
60v (Italian-b) |
Chapter 185. camelion. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
56 |
61 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
83v |
61v (Italian-b) |
Chapter 186. chevaus. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
56v |
61v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
83v |
61v (Italian-b) |
Chapter 187. olifans |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
57 |
62v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
84 |
62v (Italian-b) |
Chapter 188. formis. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
57v |
63 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
85 |
63 (Italian-b) |
Chapters 189-90. yena, loup. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
58 |
63, 63v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
85, 85v |
63, 63v (Italian-b) |
Chapters 191-4. lucrote, manticore, pantere, parandes |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
58v |
64 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
86, 86v |
63v, 64 (Italian-b) |
Chapters 195-6.[56] singes, tigres. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
59 |
64v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
86v |
64, 64v (Italian-a) |
Book 2, Chapter 1. [57] Des vices et des vertus. |
58 |
67v |
66v |
48 |
59 |
65 |
57 |
44 |
210 |
57v |
35 |
89 |
64v (French) |
Chapter 28. [58] Ci parole de justice |
66 |
-- |
73v |
55 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Chapter 49.[59] |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
116 |
-- |
Chapter 50. [60] Li livres de moralités...les enseignement des vices et des vertus. |
77 |
89 |
-- |
64v |
77 |
88 |
77v |
60 |
225v |
-- |
47 |
-- |
85 (Italian-a) |
Chapter 68. [61] De conoissance. |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
78v |
-- |
86v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
94v (French) |
Chapter XXX.[62] Chi dist de forces. |
-- |
105 |
108v |
78 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Chapter 95. [63] Les enseignements de doner. |
97v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Chapter 98. [64] De religion. |
100v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Chapter 115. [65] Des biens de fortune. |
106 |
121 |
126 |
91 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Book 3, Chapter 1. [66] De bone parleure. |
113v |
128 |
134v |
97 |
110v |
119v |
114v |
88 |
-- |
106v |
68v |
165 |
123v (French) |
Chapter 2. [67] De retorike. |
-- |
140 |
missing |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
252v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Chapter 73. [68] Dou governement de cités. |
-- |
151v |
137 |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
274v |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
[1] Brunetto di Bonaccorso Latini was born c. 1220, son of Bonnacursus Latini de Lastra, judge of the Empire and notary, who made his will in 1280. Brunetto began his own career as a notary c. 1254, and was sent to Spain in February 1260 by the commune of Florence to ask for help against Manfred. In 1263 he was in France acting as notary in the Italian communities at Arras, Paris, and in 1264 at Bar-sur-Aube. Three works were written in France: the Trésor, the Tesoretto, and the Rettorica, all of which mention a rich Italian patron. In 1266 Brunetto was back in Florence, and is documented in various official roles in the Florentine commune up to his death in 1294. He was buried at Santa Maria Maggiore. See HLF XX 276-304, and for the manuscript tradition: A. Constantinowa, 'Li Trésors of Brunetto Latini,' Art Bulletin 19, 1937, 203-19; J.B. Holloway, Brunetto Latini: An analytic bibliography (Research Bibliographies and Checklists 44) London, 1986; P.G. Beltrami, 'Per il test del Trésor: appunti sull'edizione di F.J. Carmody,' Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa 18, 1988, 961-1009; P. Torri, 'Sulla tradizione manoscritta del Trésor: i codici Vat. lat. 3203 e Vat. Reg. 1320,' Rivista di Letteratura italiana 10, 1992, 256-79.
[2] The manuscripts considered here fall into three groups, two of them close-knit stylistically, the third a miscellaneous group. The first group, datable c. 1275-85, is locatable in Douai (dioc. of Arras): T, Paris, BNF fr. 1110; B3, Brussels, BR 10228; R5, Vatican lat. 3203; A6, Arras BM182(1060). These manuscripts are associated with two Douai manuscripts, the martyrology of Notre-Dame-des-Prés, O. Cist., Valenciennes BM 838 and the psalter-hours of Saint-Amé, OSB, Brussels, BR 9391, both dating c. 1280 (Cat. $$, $$); other secular books by this artist include two copies of the Estoire del saint Graal, Le Mans MM 345 (Cat. $$), and Paris, BNF fr. 770; the Agravain, Queste, Mort Artu, Oxford, Bodl. Digby 223; a Prophecies de Merlin, London, BL Harley 1629; two copies of Marques de Rome, Cambridge, Fitz. McClean 179 and Paris, Ars. 3355; and a chronicle miscellany, Paris, BNF fr. 12203. The severely damaged lectionary in St Petersburg is also part of this group, and other manuscripts may also be tangentially linked, including the Agravain, Queste, Mort Artu, Paris, BNF fr. 342, written by a female scribe in 1274 (see Stones, Lancelot, 1970-71, ch. 3, 148-64, 190-206; ead. Illustrated Chrétien, 1993, 235-36; a few of these are discussed in A. Bräm, 'Ein Buchmalereiatelier in Arras um 1274,' Wallraf-Richartz Jahrbuch, 55, 1993, 77-104 at 86-87, including MSS T, B3 and A6, but not R5). The scribe of Le Mans 354, Walterus de Kayo, also copied and signed the unillustrated Image du monde, Paris, BNF fr. 14692, in 1282 (Nixon, cited in Stones, 1993). The second group is datable c. 1290-1300 and associated with Thérouanne. Manuscripts of Brunetto Latini group 2 are: L2, St Petersburg; no siglum, London YT 19; L, Paris, BNF fr. 567 and Q2, Florence, Lauar.Ash.125. These are stylistically linked to the psalter-hours of Thérouanne, Paris, BNF fr. 1076 and Marseille BM 111 and related manuscripts. Other related secular manuscripts of this group (in which several hands may be distinguished, cf. the three artists of Florence, Laur. Ash. 125), are the Lancelot-Grail Paris, BNF fr. 95 and New Haven, Yale 229, the Guillaume de Tyr, Paris, BNF fr. 2754, and the Chronique de l'anonyme de Béthune, Paris, BNF 6295; see Stones, Lancelot, 1970-71, ch. 4; ead., BN fr 95 and Yale 229, 1996, 206-83; and, for Florence, ead., 'The Illustrations of the Pseudo-Turpin in the Johannes translation, Florence, Laurenziana, Ashburnham 125, and the Chronique de l'anonyme de Béthune, Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 6295,' O Pseudo-Turpin, ed. K. Herbers, Santiago de Compostela (forthcoming). The other manuscripts cluster more loosely: S, Paris, BNF fr. 1109 and A5, Lyon BM 948, are both associated with Arras, but by different artists: BNF fr. 1109 (written in 1310) by the Master of lat. 1328, and Lyon 948 by the Maître au menton fuyant. MS F2, Rennes, BM 593, is Parisian and was illustrated by the Thomas de Maubeuge painter and written in 1303 ad 1304 by Robin Boutemont (see also Table of Sidrach Manuscripts). MS K, Paris, BNF fr. 566, attributed by Oliver, Liège,1988, I, 187-89, to Liège, is also stylistically close to the Thomas de Cantimpré of 1295, Berlin, SB Ham. 114 and to the Lancelot-Grail manuscripts London, BL Add. 10292-4, Royal 14.E. III and Amsterdam, BPH 1/ Oxford, Bodl. Douce 215/Manchester, Rylands fr. 1, dating c. 1315-25, which were made in the region of Saint-Omer or Ghent. MS R3, Vat. Reg. lat. 1320, is by three artists, one Franco-Flemish, associated with Gent-Bruges production of the 1320s, and the other two Italian (designated a and b). For further references by manuscript, see below. All these belong to the first redaction except MSS K and R3; but see Beltrami and Torri for modifications of Carmody's analysis, and Torri shows that R3's erroneous readings frequently group with Q2.
[3] The manuscript is a literary miscellany, vii+429+iv ff. 300x220 (205x155), 2 cols. 38 lines. Queste del saint Graal (ff. 1-88); Brunetto Latini, Trésor (ff. 89-229v); Chansons (f. 230-232v); Gospels in French (ff. 233-320), see Sneddon, 1978,195; Lucidaire (ff. 321-375v); Moralitez (ff. 376-407); Discipline clericale (ff. 408-429). The scribe 'Michel de nomine felix' copied ff. ff. 1-232, 297-320, 356v, signing and dating the Brunetto Latini section on f. 299v; a second scribe copied ff. ff. 233-296, 321-356v. Changes of hand occur within a quire and within a text. There is a total of 12 illustrations, most in Queste del saint Graal, difficult to place stylistically and unrelated to any of the manuscripts tabulated here; the manuscript has been attributed to Champagne (see Sneddon for references).
[4] The 'MS de base' of Carmody's edition. 155 ff., 350 x 220, 2 cols., 39 lines. A note on f. 1 indicates ownership by Gian Galeazzo Visconti, Duke of Milan (see E. Pellegrin, La Bibliothèque des Visconti et des Sforza, Paris, 1955, 126 (A233)); Stones, Lancelot, 1970-71,148-64; Bräm, 1993, 86-87.
[5] 176 ff., 280 x 215, 2 cols., 40 lines. Vitzthum, 1907, 123; Gaspar and Lyna, 1939, I, 174, no. 73; Randall, Images, 1966, fig. 71 (f. 6; bandyball, duck); Stones, Lancelot, 1970-71, 148-64, 414; Bräm, 1993, 86-87.
[6] VII+151 ff., 307 x 222, 2 cols., 40 lines. E. Langlois, Notices des manuscrits français et provençaux de Rome antérieurs au XVIe siècle,' Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque nationale et autres bibliothèques, 33, ii, 1889, 1-347 at 251-52; Stones, Lancelot, 1970-71, 145, 158, 159, 190-206, 414; P. Torri, 'Sulla tradizione manoscritta del "Tresor": i codici Vat. lat. 3203 e Vat. reg. 1320,' Rivista di letteratura italiana, 10, 1992, 255-79.
[7] 131 ff., 2 columns, 39 lines. Stones, Lancelot, 1970-71, 145-60, 190-206, 415-16; Bräm, 1993, 86-87.
[8] A. de Laborde, Les principaux manuscrits à peintures conservés dans l'ancienne Bibliothèque impériale de Saint-Petersbourg, 2 vols., Paris, 1937-38, PAGES; .Stones, Lancelot, 1970-71, 184, 187,190-206, 443, 444; I. Mokretsova, facsimile.
[9] Catalogue of One Hundred Manuscripts in the Library of Henry Yates Thompson, Cambridge, 1908; II, 74; Illustrations from One Hundred Manuscripts in the Library of Henry Yates Thompson, 7 vols., London, 1907-18, VII, pl. LXIII-LXIX; Stones, Lancelot, 1970-71, 165-72, 190-206, 443-45.
[10] III+158 ff., 345x240 (234x152), 2 cols. 41 lines. Stones, Lancelot, 1970-71, ch. 4, 165, 190-206; R. Hasler, 'Die Miniaturen des Breviculums,' in Stamm et al., 1988, 48 and n. 101, ill. 23. Album de manuscrits français du XIIIe siècle: Mise en page et mise en texte, ed. M. Careri et al., (CNRS, IRHT), Rome, 2001, 207-10, no. 52, by F. Fery Hue.
[11] iii+1+266+2+ii ff., 335x230 (220x155), 2 cols., 40 lines. The Trésor is followed by the Johannes version of the Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle (ff. 121-136/140-155); Olympiade (ff. 135v/154v-136/155); Sept sages: Male marastre (ff. 136v-162bis/156v-183); Enseignement de sapience/Miroir du monde (ff. 162bis v-163v/185v-186v); Gilles de Rome, Li liures dou gouuernement des rois et des princes (ff. 166-241v/189-264v); Le maistrie Ypocras (ff. 242-245/265-268). Stones, Lancelot, 1970-71, ch. 4; ead. BN fr. 95 and Yale 229, 1996, 230-31, figs. 8.34, 8.35.
[12] 528 ff., 370x247, 3 cols. 49 or 50 lines. Le Trésor is preceded by Astronomical Tables (ff. 1-41v); Gautier de Metz, Image du monde (ff. 43-80v); Doctrinal le sage or Doctrinal sauvage (ff. 80v-82v); Pierre, Mappemonde (ff. 82v-86v); Le mariage Nostre Dame sainte Marie et son trespassement (ff. 86v-92v); La Complainte Nostre Dame (ff. 92v-93v ); Gauthier de Coincy, Trois miracles de Notre Dame (ff. 93v-96v); Miracle de Théophile (ff. 96v-103v); D'un clerc qui saluait volentiers Nostre Dame (ff. 103v-104/); Prophécies de Merlin, traduites pour l'empereur Frédéric (ff. 104-163); Les prophecies à la royne Sebille (ff. 163-165v); Le milliaire de Méthode (Methodius) (ff. 165v-167v); Lunaire de Salomon
(ff. 167v-170); it is followed by Vegiles de mors en français (ff. 284v-289); Job (ff. 289v-299); Lucidaire (ff. 299-319v); Roman de Sidrach (ff. 320-471v); Jehan de Meun, Boece de Consolation (ff. 471v-509v); Secrets naturiens (fragmentary) (ff. ff. 510-538v). Stones, Lancelot, 1970-71, ch. 9; ead., Fauvel, 1998; Rouse and Rouse, Illuminati et uxorati, 2000, I, 185, 372 n. 88; II,128, App. 7F, 7G.
[13] Illuminated by the Master of BNF lat. 1328 in 1310. For its group, see Stones, Illustrated Chrétien, 1993, and ead., Manekine, 2000, esp. 35.
[14] 154 ff. ,335x250, 2 cols., 50 lines. Le Roman de Sidrach follows, ff. 94-154. Arras or Tournai, c. 1300-1320, illustrations all by the Maître au menton fuyant (see Cat. $$); Stones, Lancelot, 1970-71, 239, 242, 246, 477; ead., 'A Note on the Maître au menton fuyant,' in Huldeboek Maurits Smeyers, Leuven 2002, 1129-42, at 1130 and n. 6, 1137 and n. 27, ill. 6.
[15] Oliver, Liège, I, 187-89, pl. 195-97. Oliver observes that the iconographic programme is entirely unrelated to the other manuscripts tabulated here; but is is similar to L2 and YT in including considerable material drawn from the bestiary, and in illustrating prophets and saints. For its textual affiliations, see Beltrami, 1988, esp. 1009.
[16] 176 ff., 307x224, 2 cols. 40 lines. Notes about the births of his children (thoroughly analysed by Torri, 261-62), indicate that by 1327 this was in the possession of Henri de Ventimiglia, member of a well-documented Sicilian family; it was in France, in the possession of Jean Bourdelot, bibliophile and physician of Sens, in the seventeenth century and came with the manuscripts of Jean and Pierre Bourdelot to Christina of Sweden between 1651 and 1653 (Torri 263). M. Chabaille, Documents inédits sur l'histoire de France, 1863, xxiii; Langlois, 1889, 108-10; Stones, Lancelot, 1970-71, 234, 235; E. Pellegrin, 'Catalogue des manuscrits de Jean et Pierre Bourdelot. Concordance,' Scriptorium, 40, 1986, 202-32; Torri, 1992.
[17] Preface:
T: Author seated at desk, one man standing before him.
B3: Author seated at desk; man presents basket of goods; doorkeeper with large key opens a gate (of Paris); border: knight terminal with club and buckler; two men approach a bird of prey in a trap.
R5: Author seated at desk; group of men, one offering a goblet; men offering vessel full of coins to king; border: man in cale carries sack to windmill.
A6, YT: Author seated with one group of scholars; YT border: birds, bagpiper on back of hybrid; hybrid archer; man playing rebec to dog; squirrel on goat chasing ape on unicorn.
F2: Seated author ?
L2: Author seated at desk with two groups of scholars.
L: Author seated, one seated man.
Q2: Author seated, standing man in academic costume.
S, A5: Rectangular miniature with 7 Days of Creation.
K: Wheel of Fortune; border: prophet holding scroll.
R3: author seated, standing man.
[18] Chapter 6
A6: God warns Adam and Eve.
L2: the universe in the form of circles with a mouth at the centre and the sun and the moon; evangelist symbols in the corners of the miniature; bottom border: creation of Eve, drawn from the side of Adam.
YT: the universe in the form of circles with the sun and moon; in the centre God and animals, Adam lying on the ground.
L: God and two angels, banner white a cross gules, seated above the universe shown as circles; bottom border, God and Adam.
Q2: miniature in two registers: top: God and animals, bottom: creation of Eve, drawn from the side of Adam.
R3: God sits by rocks and trees.
[19] Chapter 19
Q2: Two kings, one holding gloves, stand before seated author who addresses them.
[20] Chapter 21
T: Noah and family inside ark, Noah sends out dove.
B3: Noah and famly inside ark, Noah sends out dove.
R5: Noah, wife and son look out of floating ark; Noah sends out dove.
A6: Noah and family inside floating ark, Noah sends out dove.
L2: Noah and family with the animals inside floating ark.
YT: Noah and family inside floating ark with animals, Noah with dove.
L: f. 7 Noah building ark; border: man holding falcon; ape pushing baby apes in cart; f. 7v Noah and family with animals inside floating ark; female head in initial, dragon terminal.
Q2: Noah standing in ark with adze.
K: f. 18 Adam digs, Eve spins and nurses; four seated figures at bottom of hill; f. 18v Noah in ark, animals entering.
R3: Noah's ark ?
[21] Chapter 25
T: David slaying Goliath.
L author and group of men wearing Jew's hats.
Q2 God in a cloud addresses Abraham on crutches wearing a Jewish hat.
[22] Chapter 26
K: nursing woman, Abraham seated holding stick, wearing Jewish hat.
[23] Chapter 30
L2: Seated queen crowned by two ladies, one on each side.
Q2: Seated queen holding sceptre, ladies on either side.
[24] Chapter 38
A6: Army rides out of city (Troy ?).
YT: Pope blesses Charlemagne (shield France impaling Empire).
Q2: Seated king, knight with raised sword, standing men.
[25] Chapter 39
L2: Emperor crowned by two men in hats: Julius Caesar misplaced ?
[26] Chapter 41
A6: Sacrifice of Isaac, Abraham wears Jew's hat.
Q2: King being killed, another king crowned by bishop.
[27] Chapter 42
K: Jews crown David King of Jerusalem.
[28] Chapter 43
K: King orders man with club to imprison Jews.
[29] Chapter 44
T, A6: David slinging at Goliath.
L2: half-column miniature: King David holding sceptre.
K: David harping.
[30] Chapters 45-61
L2: half-colum miniatures with figures of prophets as Jews holding scrolls; Isaiah holding saw (Ch. 48), Daniel in lions' den (Ch. 51); Esther crowned (Ch. 58); Judith slaying Holofernes (Ch. 59).
K: Judgement of Solomon (Ch. 45); two seated prophets (Chs. 46, 47); standing prophet holding scroll (Chs. 48-60, including Daniel, Esther, and Judith); group of mounted knights (Ch. 61).
[31] Chapter 62
K: Evangelist seated writing.
[32] Chapter 63
L2, YT: Jesse Tree, heads of kings left right, and top; Virgin Mary centre, standing on Jesse, holding palm; Head of Christ, top centre. YT border: apes fighting on camels' backs.
L: Jesse Tree, heads of kings left right, and top; Virgin Mary centre, standing on Jesse, holding palm and Crucifix.
Q2: Christ crucified between Church and Synagogue
K: Baptism of Christ by infusio.
R3: Crucifixion in Jesse Tree with Mary beside Christ, Jesse not present.
[33] Chapter 64.
B3, R5: Nativity of Christ.
A6: Jesse Tree, two kings each side, Virgin holding Child.
L2: Two men kneel before St Anne who holds Virgin and Child; O initial: Jew's head; border: portative organ player; female acrobat.
YT: St Anne holding Virgin and Child; border: hunting scene.
L: One man kneels before St Anne who holds Virgin and Child.
Q2: Horned Moses holding Tablets of the Law before the burning bush with Head of God.
K: Visitation.
R3: Emariam and Elizabeth with Anne and the Virgin Mary.
[34] Chapters 65-84.
Q2: L initial, head of Virgin Mary (Ch. 65); standing apostles, some holding attributes, the others gesturing (Chs. 66-84).
K: Martyrdoms of the apostles (Chs. 66-84).
[35] Chapter 85.
K: Church and Synagogue.
[36] Chapter 86.
L, R3: Adoration of the Magi. L: Virgin and Child each hold a flower; top border: hare, squirrel; bottom border: ape-bishop with bird on wrist. R3: Magi all kneel.
L2, YT: Gnadenstuhl Trinity; L2: C initial with bust of Christ, pointing finger; hooded hybrid terminal; border: hybrid in Jew's hat.
K: Nativity of Christ.
[37] Chapter 88.
R5: Pope and kneeling men.
K: Transfiguration (f. 36); full-page composite miniature of the Passion of Christ (f. 37v).
[38] Chapter 89
Q2: Not Roland destroying the heathen idols, as in Lejeune and Stiennon, II, fig. 385, but Constantine V Copronymous taking the idols from the image-worshippers of Western Christendom to Constantinople and there breaking and burning them, illustrating Chs. 88-89 (Carmody 69-70), as convincingly argued by R. N. Walpole, The Old French Johannes translation of the Pseudo-Turpin Chronicles, A Critical Edition, 2 vols. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1976, 327. This remarkable scene appears to be unique in the Brunetto Latini tradition.
[39] Chapter 90
B3, YT: Emperor kneels before pope.
A6: Two knights stand before emperor.
L2: Pope crowns emperor (Louis the Pious) in the presence of Archbishop Turpin, mitred, holding a shield France a cross argent [white] overall); Roland holding shield azure the head of the Virgin Mary; and Charlemagne, holding a shield of France impaling Empire.
L: Battle scene; not Roland killing Eumont as in Lejeune and Stiennon, II, fig. 384, but a more generalized scene; Roland is not mentioned in the text. E, initial with crowned head; border: top: greyhound chases rabbit; bottom: female falconer.
K: Pope hands cross to kneeling emperor; shield of France hangs in background.
R3: Pope crowns emperor, watched by two men.
[40] Chapter 93
K: Pope crowns emperor.
[41] Chapter 95
A6: Pope supported by two clerics addresses emperor supported by two men.
Q2: Emperor Frederick on horseback, kneeling knights and standing cephalophore.
K: Pope crowns emperor (cf. Ch. 93).
[42] Chapter 96
L2: Pope addresses cleric in the presence of emperor surrounded by his agitated men. Border: two children on the shoulders of two men fight with lances and shields.
YT: Pope addresses cleric in the presence of emperor and two indignant men.
L: Man kneeling before pope; emperor and his men; border: male and female head terminals.
R3: Pope gestures towards group of men in sailboat.
[43] Chapter 98
L2: Pope hands letter to messenger with spear; group of men discuss. Border: two youths fight with swords and bucklers.
YT, L: Pope enthroned addresses a group of men. L border: female head, pope's head terminal, man shoots bolt at stork.
R3: Pope and his men on horseback meet imperial forces led by bareheaded man.
[44] Chapter 99
T: Two men in academic robes sitting on a bench, debating with each other.
A6: God standing by a circlular diagram of planets, water, earth with tree and castle.
L2, YT: At the centre of a circular diagram, man in bed, doctor holding flask. L2 border: fighting apes ride stag and goat. YT border: dog chases stag; bird; hare; huntsman on horse, holding lure.
L, Q2: At the centre of a circular diagram, naked man lies in garden, man with flask. L border: dragon terminals, man holding portative organ, man riding ox, holding axe.
R3: Four elements in medallions.
[45] Chapter 100
K: Four elements diagram in margin.
[46] Chapter 104
B3, A6: Diagram of sun, earth, moon, planets.
R5: Four elements in medallions.
L2: Seated man at desk in circle of four elements; border: knight terminal thrusts sword in dragon's mouth; knight terminal aims lance at snail.
[48] Chapter 106
L2, YT, L: circular diagram of four elements, at centre man seated at desk. L2 border: hybrids.
Q2: Man seated at desk: circular diagram in corner.
K: Air diagram in margin.
R3: Schema of air and earth, in diagonal layers.
[49] Chapter 110
B3, A6, R5, Q2: Circle diagram of eclipses of sun and moon, earth at the centre (R5 lacks the rays of sun and moon, and includes planets).
K: Diagrams of planets; zodiac, sun and planets, eclipses, phases of the moon.
[50] Chapter 121
T, YT: Diagram of planets, building in centre.
B3, A6: Building between trees, water in front.
R5: Man with pack on back by river and building.
L2: Daigram of planets with sun and moon, earth and trees in centre; border: huntsman and dog chase boat.
L, Q2: Diagram of planets, mouth of beast in centre. L border: male hybrid terminal.
F2: Two standing masters, one holding very long gloves.
K: Planets diagram, monsters in centre.
R3: Mappamundi with continents shown as mountains.
[51] Chapter XXX
A6: Man digging by tree and building.
[52] Chapter 130
T, B3: Water with fish.
R5: Soldiers in sailboat on water.
A6: Water with fish, earth with dragon and rabbits.
YT: Large miiniature in two columns: huge whale with men landing and lighting fire on back. Most bestiary illustrations in L2 and YT are in half a column.
[53] F2: Standing king and standing master disputing.
[54] Chapters 155-68
K: Many more birds are listed and illustrated, cf. Thomas de Cantimpré, Valenciennes BM 320 (Cat. $$).
[55] Chapter 174.
A significant choice in manuscripts not otherwise displaying interest in the Bestiary component.
R5: Lion and trees.
L2: Lion.
YT: Addorsed lion with bone and lioness.
L: Three lions superimposed in a partitioned miniature; bird, dog, ape.
F2: Standing king and standing master: lion between them.
R3: Lion alone.
[56] K follows with taupe, unicorne, ours (f. 87).
[57]Book 2, Chapter 1.
T, R5: Author writing at desk, standing man.
B3: Author writing; man walks away from door holding written manuscript.
A6: Author writing, two men, building.
L2, YT, L: Author and group of seated men. L border: lions, male terminal wearing hat with bell, playing rebec; stag chased by dog.
Q2: Author alone, writing at desk.
F2: Seated master before open book on lectern, students on ground.
S: Master in hat holds book on lectern and points to a pair of scales held by a man sitting on the same bench.
A5: Seated author at desk addressing group of standing men (lawyers ?).
K, R3: Master and students. K border: Mounted knight in surcoat and housing azure barruly or aims crossbow at embracing couple.
[58]Book 2, Chapter 28.
T: Seated king, three standing men.
A6: Seated king, four men, one with a rope round his neck.
R5: Man with axe, two men with swords.
[59] Book 2, Chapter 49.
K: Man and woman kneel before Christ on the cross.
[60]Book 2, Chapter 50.
T, A6: Seated author, standing men.
L2, YT: Author and group of seated men.
L: Author seated, and group of standing men; border: lion, male hybrid.
Q2: Author alone, writing at desk.
A5: Standing author addresses group of standing men (lawyers or masters).
F2, S: Seated master, students seated on ground. In S, an erased note of instruction.
R3: Author seated by a tree, two men before him.
[61] Book 2, Chapter 68.
L2: Author seated, standing men.
L: Author seated, seated men.
F2: Seated king, two standing masters, one holding book.
R3: Author and a man in academic costume seated together on a long bench, disputing. Border: ape aims spear at bearded male head terminal.
[62] Book 2, Chapter XXX.
B3, A6, R5: Samson carrying the gates of Gaza.
[63]Book 2, Chapter 95.
T: Man at chest filled with coins, holds out chalice before 2 men.
[64]Book 2, Chapter 98.
T: Priest kneels at altar with chalice beneath canopy.
[65]Book 2, Chapter 115.
T, B3, A6, R5: Wheel of Fortune.
[66]Book 3, Chapter 1.
T: Seated king addresses 3 men.
B3: Author debating with students.
R5: Author writing.
A6: King with two clerics and man.
L2, YT, L: Author and seated men. L border: lion, male hybrid.
Q2: Author alone, writing.
S: Seated master in hat addresses standing man holding glove.
A5: Seated author addresses group of standing men (lawyers or masters).
K: Seated king with bishop and clerics and men.
R3: Author expounding from a huge book on a lectern by a tree. Border: affronted dragon and stork.
[67] Book 3, Chapter 2.
B3: Author debating with students.
F2: seated king, two standing masters, one holding book.
[68]Book 3, Chapter 73.
B3: Author debating with students.
R5: Three knights enter city.
F2: Tonsured cleric shows
king a city.
© Alison Stones
BbIII.16. Gerona, Cathedral 60.
Baldwin (C.86), °Dawn Ellen Prince, Dissertation (C.90),
Bolton Holloway.
The Rettorica translates Cicero, De inventione, and its
medieval commentaries, while Tresor gives a more practical version,
partly from Ad Herennium.
Thus BL twice wrote on the subject of rhetoric. Maggini (C.57, C.77) lists the following
manuscripts, with full descriptions, pp. xxi-xxv. I add Ac8, 9, 10, 11, which are not included in
Maggini/ Segre edition (C.77). The manuscripts usually include diagrams.
Bc.1. m1. Firenze, Biblioteca
Nazionale, II.II.91.
15 C. Maggini, Bolton Holloway.
Bc.2. m.
Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale, II.IV.73.
See De Robertis (LbI), p. 90. Paper MS, 14-15 C. Maggini, De Robertis, Bolton Holloway.
Bc.3. M.
Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale, II.IV.124.
14 C. Rajna, Maggini, base text; Bolton Holloway, S. Bertelli.
Bc.4. M1.
Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale, II.IV.127. °Microfilm
14 C, Bolognan libraria.
Miniature of Cicero, BL. With Fiore di Rettorica, Fra Guidotto da
Bologna. Magnificent manuscript, base text for 1546 (C.57,
C.77) editions. Commentary in smaller script than Cicero
text; this hierarchy of script is copied in B5 edition. Maggini, Bolton Holloway, S. Bertelli.
Bc.5. m2.
Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale, II.VIII.32.
15 C. Also Fiore di
Rettorica. Maggini,
Bolton Holloway.
Bc.6. L.
Firenze, Biblioteca Laurenziana, 43.19.
15 C. Paper MS. With Fioretto
della Rettorica. Maggini,
Bolton Holloway.
Bc.7. R.
Firenze, Bibl. Laurenziana, Red. 23.
15 C. With Orationi.
Maggini, Bolton Holloway.
Bc.8. C1.
Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica, Chigiano
L.VII.249. °Microfilm
Bound with Tesoretto,
Epistolarium. Maggini,
Bolton Holloway.
Bc.9. F1.
Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale, II.II.48.
Bound with Tesoro.
15 C. Paper MS. Maggini,
Bolton Holloway.
*Bc.10. Munich, Staatbibl. 1038 (formerly Cod. it.
14 C. Fols. 33-42, 'La ritoricha vechia di Tullio
volgarizata per ser Bruneto Latini de Fiorenza et apresso la
dita ritoricha nuova del dito Tullio volgarizzato per Frate
Giudoto de Bologna'.
*Bc.11. Leiden University, Vulc. 92CII, fols. 1-58v. 16
Cited, Emil J. Polak.
Bd. Orazioni,
Orazioni and Epistolarium can
occur in the same manuscript and are here designated as
O/E or O or E. These collections, commenced by Pier delle
Vigne in his Epistolarium,
were continued by later writers in chancery contexts, for
example, by Leonardo Bruni Aretino, as in Firenze,
del Seminario Arcivescovile Maggiore B.I.20 (in deposito
presso il rettorato), giving
Leonardi Bruni, Pro Marcello, coupled
with Demosthenes to Alexander, a manuscript presented to
Alessandro de' Medici, which observes the Brunettan
tradition of educating rulers. The formulae of
the speeches and the letters were of value in state
contexts. A complete edition of this material is desired.
Bd.1. A. Firenze, Biblioteca
Riccardiana 1538, fols. 51v-61.
O/E. Beginning 14 C. Speroni
(Kd), pp. lxv-lxvi, Bolton
Holloway, S. Bertelli.
B. Verona, Biblioteca
Capitolare, DXIX, 'Orazioni toscane. °Microfilm
O. Humanist MS. Bolton Holloway.
C. Verona, Biblioteca
Capitolare, CCCCXCI. °Microfilm
O. Similar to B. Bolton Holloway.
C1. Città del
Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica, Chigiano L.VII.249.
E. Vignolan letters. Bolognan libraria. Bolton
D. Yale University,
Beinecke Library, Marston 247. °Microfilm.
O. Catilinian orations. Bolton Holloway.
D1. Firenze,
Biblioteca Nazionale, II.IV.312, fols. 50-83v.
E. Early 14 C. Bolton Holloway.
E. Città del
Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica, Chigiano L.VII.267.
E. Bolton Holloway.
F. Firenze,
Biblioteca Riccardiana 1563, fols. 28v-45v.
O. End 14 C. Bolton Holloway, Bianco
G. Firenze, Biblioteca
Riccardiana 1080, fols. 77-88v.
O. Pro Ligario. Giambonini,
Bolton Holloway.
H. Firenze, Biblioteca
Nazionale, II.II.76, fols. 76-96.
O. Bolton Holloway.
*Bd.11. I. Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale, II.II.82.
J. Firenze,
Biblioteca Nazionale, II.II.87, formerly VIII.1271.
O. Bolton Holloway, Bianco.
K. Firenze,
Biblioteca Laurenziana, Plut. 43.17, fols. 17v-28.
O. Bolton Holloway, Bianco.
L. Firenze,
Biblioteca Laurenziana, Plut. 43.26, fols. 14-39v.
O. Bolton Holloway, Bianco.
M. Siena, Biblioteca
Comunale 'degli Intronati', I.VI.25,
O. 'Pro Ligario', fols. 143-66. Humanist
MS. Bolton Holloway.
N. Firenze, Biblioteca
Nazionale, II.II.90, fols. 37r-43v, pro
Ligario, trans. Brunetto Latino.
Associations, Sicily. Speroni, pp. lxxxiii-lxxxvi,
Bolton Holloway,
Divizia (Kd), Bianco.
O. Firenze, Biblioteca
Riccardiana 1095, fol. 71v, 'Pro Marco Marcello', Catilina to
O. Bolton Holloway.
P. Firenze, Biblioteca
Riccardiana 2272, fols. 162-168v, 'Pro Ligario'.
O. Bolton Holloway.
Q. Firenze, Biblioteca
Riccardiana 1603, 'Pro Marcello', 83-93v; 'Pro Ligario',
fols. 95-105v, same as P.
O. Bolton Holloway.
Bd.20. R. Firenze, Biblioteca
Riccardiana 1619, fols. 189v-192.
O. Bolton Holloway.
S. Firenze, Biblioteca
Riccardiana 1603, fols. 95-105v.
O. Bolton Holloway.
V. Città del Vaticano,
Biblioteca Apostolica, Vat. lat. 4957.
Tesauro letter, fol. 79, Bonaccursus Latinus to his son
following Montaperti, fol. 83. Mentions letters as also in
Palatino 983. E. Bolton Holloway,
Cella (BgIV).
X. Venezia,
Biblioteca Marciana, it.II.25(=4938).
O. Bolton Holloway.
Y. Firenze, Biblioteca
Nazionale, II.IV.334.
E. Tesauro letter. Bolton
Holloway, Cella.
Be. La sommetta
The Ethica of Aristotle is an extract from Il tesoro and is to be
found there. However, Madrid (BbII.110), in Bolognan libraria,
perhaps gift to Alfonso X; Yale (BbII.111), Marston 28, is exemplar, in BL's chancery hand,
palimpsest upon 13 C legal document; and the Vatican (BbII.127, BbIII.6), give that
work separately.
The Fiore di filosofi e di molti savi is
sometimes, for instance by Giovanni Villani, ascribed to BL.
Antonio Capelli (C.41) lists the MSS as being in the
Magliabechiano and Gaddiano collections without the name of
BL, while Marciana of Venice has a Farsetti MS of 15 C which
attributes Fiore
to BL (BbII.35). Alfonso D'Agostino (C.82) re-edits, using
19 MSS, ascribes to Adamus Claromontenses, 1270. It is also
present in the Biblioteca Nazionale, Conv. Soppr. F.4.766,
with names of 'Latino' family members on the flyleaves,
where it appears with Albertanus da Brescia's Liber consolationes and
Liber de amore and
Provençal lyrics, written out in Italian and Provençal, the
MS says, by Andrea da Grossetto in 1268 in Paris. The Trajan
story perhaps came to Dante, Purg. X, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Aurora Leigh, and Emily
Dickinson, through Fiore
and thus, perhaps, from BL (Julia Bolton Holloway, 'Death and the Emperor in
Dante, Browning, Dickinson and Stevens', Studies in Medievalism
[1983], 67-72, Its first extant version is told by an
Anglo-Saxon predecessor to Bede (Julia Bolton Holloway, 'The
Earliest Life of Gregory', See N. Doubtful Works.
There are also fugitive poems probably falsely ascribed to BL. See C.29, C.45. Quaglio (Da), p. 394, Monti (N). Kristeller, Iter Italicum, II, lists Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica, Regin. lat. 1603, fols. 35v-45, as containing 'canzone di BL'.
Bf.1. Firenze,
Biblioteca Nazionale, Con. Soppr. F.4.776.
Includes Fiore e vita fi
filosafi e d'altri savi e d'imperadori. Bolton Holloway.
Bf.2. Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale, II.II.72.
Della Dottrina del Parlare,
estratto dal Tesoro,
followed by Etica,
fols. 5v-36v. Other texts, Fiori
delli Filosafi et vita d'altri savi imperadori, Guido
d'Arezzo, Faba, Libro delle Aringherie,
Florentine Chronicle, etc. Gentile, Bolton Holloway.
Bg. Problems of Editing
ID |
CAT # |
75214 |
17830407 |
8284 |
4913 |
19410729 |
231 |
15752 |
15752,48367 |
18890523 |
20 |
48367 |
15752,48367 |
18170127 |
2814 |
76969 |
34463,57738?,76969 |
19020000 |
74 |
34463 |
34463,57738?,76969 |
17830000 |
1468 |
9971 |
9971,74174? |
19060000 |
330 |
30 |
24091 |
18760607 |
44 |
24092 |
18760607 |
45 |
34462 |
17830000 |
1467 |
37622 |
37622,46399? |
18640601 |
69 |
66465 |
18961201 |
617 |
48123 |
19650000 |
ITA31 |
57738 |
34463,57738?,76969 |
18970500 |
177 |
74174 |
9971,74174? |
18550412 |
1849 |
46399 |
21601,37622,46399? |
18360210 |
651 |
38810 |
2287,38810 |
19010000 |
27 |
12 |
2287 |
2287,38810 |
19760519 |
10 |
19053 |
19480000 |
44 |
47 |
58870 |
10742,19950,58870 |
19360000 |
281 |
10742 |
10742,19950,58870 |
19280000 |
500 |
60 |
19950 |
10742,19950,58870 |
18980000 |
100 |
337 |
55021 |
19560000 |
685 |
11748 |
11748,13683,13746 |
19890000 |
21 |
20 |
10505 |
10505,58236 |
19120000 |
51 |
71876 |
18610206 |
46 |
58236 |
10505,58236 |
19470000 |
TYP147H |
13683 |
11748,13683,13746 |
20000706 |
00509 |
44 |
13746 |
11748,13683,13746 |
19870000 |
27 |
54 |
23732 |
19990910 |
4 |
See also Baldwin (C.86);
Faulhaber (BgIV). Bolton Holloway surveys the documents and
manuscripts (Li Livres dou
Tresor, Tesoro, etc.), in England, 'Brunetto Latini
and England', Manuscripta
31 (1987), 11-21. For paleography, Italian resistance to
Gothic, Guido Battelli, Lezioni
di Paleografia, Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca
Apostolica, 1949. For the sense of workshop production
(Alfonso el Sabio, BL, DA), see A.I. Doyle and M.B. Parkes,
'The Production of Copies of the Canterbury Tales and the Confessio Amantis in the
Early Fifteenth Century', in Medieval Scribes, Manuscripts and Libraries: Essays
Presented to N.R. Ker, ed. M.B. Parkes and Andrew G.
Watson, London: Scholar Press, 1978.
Giambonini, F. Giovanni
Dalle Celle, Luigi Marsili. Lettere.
Firenze, Olschki, 1991. 2 vols.
Describes Orazioni
BgIII.7. *Giannini, Gabriele, "Un estratto inedito del
Tresor", Romania, 126:1-2 (2008), pp.
of Brunetto's Tresor
found on ff. 78v-80r of ms. b-21/137 (CXCV) in
Monza's Biblioteca Capitolare.
*BgIII.8. Giola, M. 'Tra cultura, scolastica e
divulgazione enciclopedica: u volgarizzamento del
"Tresor" in compilazione tardo-medievali'. Rivista di letteratura
italiana 24 (2006), 21-49.
BgIII.9. Lucchi, Maria Annalisa. Brunetto Latini .
'Tresor'. Volgarizzamento di Bono Giamboni - Adattamento
salentino'. Tesi, Università di Lecce, 2001-2.
Late rendition of Tesoro
into Salenitan dialect of the Lecce region in Paris,
Bibliothèque Nationale, it 440.
These are listed together, rather than separately, in
order to show which works were most popular at what times.
Many editions are characterized by a desire to stress the
Italian Risorgimento's national idenity by means of a
pride in its past. Even the edition of Li Livres dou Tresor
by P. Chabaille (C.39)
in France was commissioned by Napoleopn I, according to a
circular of the ministry of instruction, dated 15 May 1835
(though only completed under Napoleon III), in order to
stress the links between French and Italian culture.
Testa's bibliography (Da) discusses the different editions well.
C.2. Il Tesoro.
Treviso: Gerardus de Lisa de Flandria, 1474. Folio.
°Beautiful folio-size edition with libraria typeface,
closely copies manuscript. Does not ascribe authorship to
Bono Giamboni. Ends with poem using passage from Inferno XV. Should
have a facsimile reprint. Page reproduced in Autographes - Dessins -
Manuscrits - Incunables - Livres Illustrés - Reiliures,
Milan: Hoepli, 1930, Plate XVII, pp. 35-36. Copies in
Paris, B.N. & Mazarine, Seville, Bibl. Colombina, 791
118 7 40. Mazarine editio
princeps copy owned by Ferdinand d'Aragon, King
of Naples, with his arms painted in gold, Hain 4009. See Bibliotheca Spenceriana,
IV.70-73, #800.
*C.3. Li Livres dou Tresor. Lyon,
Cited, Laurent Brun as mentioned by Carmody and Fery-Hue
(E.8, p. 214), but which is more likely Jacques le Grand's
Livre des bonnes moeurs.
BL's Commentary on Cicero. La Rettorica 2 files
BL. La Rettorica nel
Tesoro 2 files
C.101. OVI (Opera del
Vocabolario Italiano,
The Mediatheca
'Fioretta Mazzei' in the
'English Cemetery' (Piazzale
Donatello, 38, 50132 Florence),
microfilms and microfiches available
for scholars' research, listed in the
Catalogue at
Archivio di Stato, Documents
Biblioteca Laurenziana, Ashburnham
125, Li Livres dou Tresor
Biblioteca Laurenziana, Ashburnham
1234, Francesco Da Barberino
Biblioteca Laurenziana, Plut. 40.16,
Francesco Da Barberino, Commedia
Biblioteca Laurenziana, Plut. 42.19, Tesoro
Biblioteca Laurenziana, Plut. 42.20, Tesoro
Biblioteca Laurenziana, Plut. 42.23, Tesoro
Biblioteca Laurenziana, Plut. 61.13,
Lapo Castiglionchio
Biblioteca Laurenziana, Plut. 76.74, Tesoro,
Biblioteca Laurenziana, Gadd. 26
Biblioteca Riccardiana 1538, Tesoro
Biblioteca Nazionale I.IV.127, Rettorica
Biblioteca Nazionale II.VIII.36, Tesoro,
Biblioteca Nazionale, Magl. VIII.1375,
Tesoro, Sicilian Vespers
Biblioteca Nazionale, Conv. Soppr.
Siena, Oratione
del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica,
Vat 2418, Taddeo D’Alderotto, Ethica
del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica,
Vat. 3203, Li Livres dou Tresor,
Italian script, French illuminations
del Vaticano. Biblioteca Apostolica,
Barb. Lat. 4076
del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica,
Chig.L.IV.210, Tesoro
del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica,
Chig.L.VII.249, Rettorica
del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica,
Chig.L.267, Sallust, Epistolarium
Secret Archives, Documents
Biblioteca Capitolare, DVIII, Li
Livres dou Tresor
Biblioteca Capitolare DXIX, Orazione
Biblioteca Capitolare, CCCXCI, Orazione
Biblioteca Ambrosiana, G.75.sup, Tesoro
Udine, Li
Livres dou Tresor, Italian
Michele Amari, Vespri
Siciliani e mss
10124, Ethica, Italian script
L.II.3, Li Livres dou Tresor,
Italian script
Llibre de Croniques
Li Livres dou Tresor, Italian
Jagellonian, Tesoretto
York, Pierpont Morgan, 814, Li
Livres dou Tresor, Italian
script, French illuminations
Marston 28, Ethica
Marston 247, Epistolarium
University, Plimpton, 281, Li
Livres dou Tresor
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