IV, V,
New: Dante vivo
|| White Silence
Catalogue: BETH, ב Mediatheca 'Fioretta Mazzei', 'English'
Cemetery, Florence, Italy
libbeth=Monastic, Contemplatives and Pilgrimage Library
Commentaries/ Hebraism, Islam/ Alphabet, Babylonian/Egyptian,
Hebrew Bible, Greek Testament, Bible, Early Christianity, Desert
Fathers, Greek/Russian Orthodoxy, Latin Christianity, Celtic
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Greek, Latin, Medieval Latin, Provençal: Italian Literature:
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and British Isles' Literature: Icelandic, Irish, Welsh,
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Women, Australian, African-American, Native American, Jew,
Roma || Anglo-Florentines, English, American German, Polish
|| Criticism
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Holloway publications
|| Art History || Codicology/ Paleography, Handcrafts
and Microform Library, e-books on-line, CDs in library,
microfilms of medieval and nineteenth-century manuscripts,
slides, etc.
Education, in Office
Journals, etc.
Archives of the 'English' Cemetery, upstairs in Swiss archive
Cemetery, Cemeteries, Books by Persons Buried Here, City and Book Conferences
on the English Cemetery || Gardens, in Office
BETH: Monastic Orders: Benedictine, Brigittine,
Carmelite, Carthusian,
Dominican, Franciscan,
Newer Orders, Modern Communities, Anglican, General,
Marian || Medieval
Studies, Women in Middle Ages, Beguine, Anchoress,
Hermit, Modern
Hermit, Julian of Norwich, Oblates of Santa Francesca Romana, Pilgrimage, Lollard, Quaker,
etc., Religions
Modern Contemplative and Active Theology
Contemporanea. Quante cose potrei dirti: La parole dettate
da Gesù a una mistica dei nostri giorni.
Prefazioni di padre Raniero Cantalamessa. Milano:
Arnaldo Mondadori, 2001. Mirella Pratesi, Firenze, 2002.
Lorenzo Artusi.
Hans Urs von Balthasar: Un anima per la bellezza. Origini
dell'estetica teologica nell'Apocalisse dell'anima tedesca.
Preface, Bruno Forte. Panzano in Chianti: Comunità di San
Leolino, Edizioni Feeria, 2006. Regina Beyer, Firenze, 2010.
Divo Barsotti. L'acqua e la pietra: Diario 1965-1966. Brescia: Morcelliana, 1978. Julia Bolton Holloway, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. 'Ascolta, O figlio': Commento spirituale al Prologo della Regola di San Benedetto. Bologna: Paccagnella Editore, 1998. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. L'Attesa: Diario 1973-1975. Torino: Societa Editrice Internazionale, 1995. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Battesimo di fuoco: Diario mistico 1966-1968. Milano: Rusconi, 1984. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Cento pensieri sulla conoscenza di Dio. Firenze: Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, 1990. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Cento pensieri sull'amore. Firenze: Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, 1988. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Cento pensieri sull'unita del Cristo. Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, 1992. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. La
Chiesa e Israele. Torino: Gribaudi, 1966. JBH,
Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Cristianesimo Russo. Padova: Edizioni Carroccio, 1987. Alba, Carla, Lia, Beatrice, Fiorenza, Vania, Madonnina del Sasso, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Dio è Misericordia. Milano: Edizioni O.R., 1996. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Second copy: Paolo Coccheri, Firenze, 2001. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Dio solo e Gesù crocifisso: Teologia di un carisma. Milano: Rusconi, 1985. Mirella Pratesi, Florence, 2003.
Divo Barsotti. Ebbi a cuore l'eterno: Diario mistico 1962-1965. Milano: Rusconi, 1981. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. La fede nell'amore. Bologna: Paccagnella Editore, 1998. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Fissi
gli occhi nel sole: Diario 1987-1990. Padova: Edizioni
Messaggero, 1997. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative
Divo Barsotti. Forti
nella fede: Commenta alla seconda lettera a Timoteo.
Torino: Gribaudi, 1977.
Divo Barsotti. Lode alla Vergine: Inno Acathistos alla divina Madre. Introduzione e commento di Divo Barsotti. Milano: Opera della Regalità di N.S. Gesù Cristo, 1959. Mirella Pratesi, Firenze, 2003.
Divo Barsotti. La Libertà. Melara: Edizioni Parva, 2003. Don Bernardo, C.F.D., Settignano, 2004.
Divo Barsotti. Le Lodi di Dio Altissimo. Milano: Edizioni O.R., 1982. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Luce e silenzio: Diario, 13 marzo 1985-17 maggio 1986. Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane, 1993. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Don Bernardo, C.F.D., Settignano, 2003. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Magistero di Santi. Roma: Editrice A.V.E., 1971. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Il
matrimonio e la famiglia. Quaderni CFD, 1, 1999. JBH,
Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Meditazioni sulla preghiera.
Ritiri. Firenze: Libraria Editrice Fiorentina. Federigo Conti,
Firenze, 2011.
Divo Barsotti. Il
Mistero cristiano e la Parola di Dio. Firenze: Libreria
Editrice Fiorentina. Vittorio Zani, Florence, 2000.
Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. La Mistica della Riparazione. Melara: Edizione Parva, 2002. Don Bernardo, C.F.D., Settignano, 2003.
Divo Barsotti. Nel cuore di Dio: Diario, 11 febbraio 1984-12 marzo 1985. Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane, 1991. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Nel Figlio al Padre. Palermo: L'Espos, 1990. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. La
parola e lo spirito: Saggio sull'esegesi spirituale. Milano:
Edizioni O.R., 1971. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative
Divo Barsotti. Pasqua: La trasparenza del
Cristo risorto nell'Eucaristia. Cinisello Balsamo:
Edizioni San Paolo, 2005.
Divo Barsotti. Per l'acqua e per il fuoco: Gli Esercizi al Papa. Treviso: Editrice Santi Quaranta, 1994. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Poesie:
Oltre la parola. Bologna: Paccagnella Editore, 1999.
JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Poesia e contemplazione.
Panzano in Chianti: Edizione San Leolino, 2008. Bernardo
Artusi, Firenze, 2010.
Divo Barsotti. La presenza del Cristo. Bologna: Paccagnella Editore, 2000. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. La presenza donata (diario 1979-1980).Treviso: Editrice Santi Quaranta, 1992. Mirella Pratesi, Firenze, 2003.
Divo Barsotti. Questo e il mio testamento: Esercizi spirituali sul Testamento di San Francesco d'Assisi. Milano: Edizioni Biblioteca Francescana, 1981. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Il Signore e uno. Caltanisetta: Edizioni del Seminario, 1991. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. The Spirituality of Priestly Celibacy, Vatican Website. JBH, Florence, 2001. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. Tre laici e un Cardinale: Saggi per una storia della spiritualità italiana dell'Ottocento. Roma: Editrice A.V.E., 1973. JBH, Montebeni, 1999. Contemplative Theology.
Divo Barsotti. La
via del ritorno: Esercizi spirituali. Padua: Centro
Editoriale Cattolico Carroccio, 1991. JBH, Montebeni, 1999.
Contemplative Theology.
Enzo Bianchi. Come evangelizzare oggi. Biella: Qiqajon, 1997. Isabella Reali, Firenze, 2012.
Enzo Bianchi. Magnificat,
Lc 1,39-56, Benedictus Lc 1,67-80, Nunc Dimittis Lc 2,22-38.
Comunità di Bose: Edizioni Qiqajon. JBH, Bose, 1999.
Enzo Bianchi. Ogni
cosa alla sua stagione. Milano: Einaudi, 2010. Giovanna
Innocenti, Firenze, 2012.
Enzo Bianchi. Il Pane di ieri. Torino: Einaudi, 2008. Maria Fossi, Firenze, 2010.
Enzo Bianchi. Pregare
la parola: Introduzione alla "Lectio Divina". Torino:
Piero Gribaudi, 1991.
Gabrielle Bossis. He and I. Trans. Evelyn M. Brown. Bandra, India: St Pauls, 1969. Fr Robert Llewellyn, Norwich, 2006. Inscribed by Fr Robert.
Amadeo Cencini. Come
olio profumato: Strumenti di integrazione comunitaria del
bene e del male. Milano: Paoline, 1999. Mirella Pratesi,
Firenze, 2003.
Andrew Cohen. Embracing Heaven and Earth.
Lenox: Moksha Press, 2000. Bill Madden, 2007.
I due occhi
dell'anima: Intelligenza e amore nella mistica d'Occidente
dal Medioevo a oggi. A c. Giovanni Giambalvo Dal Ben,
Pref. Dom Laurence Freeman, osb. Firenze: Le Lettere,
2022. Saggi su San Bernardo, Hadewich, Margherita
Porete, Meister Eckhardt, Giuliana di Norwich e Marger Kempe,
Nube di Nonconoscenza, Giovanni della Croce, Edith Stein,
Dietrich Bonhoffer, Etty Hillesum, Simone Weil, Henri Le Saux,
Williges Jager, Giovanni Vannucci. Gabriella Del Lungo
Camiciotti, Firenze, 2023.
Masaru Emoto. The Hidden Messages in Water. Hillsboro, Oregon: Beyond Words Publishing, 2004. Fr Robert Llewellyn, Norwich, 2006.
Gabriella De
Majo. Teologia della speranza secondo Moltmann.
Firenze: Libreria Edtirice Fiorentina, 2000. Laura Naldini,
Firenze, 2004.
Bruno Forte. La
bellezza di Dio: Scritti e discorsi 2004-2005.
Cuinisello Balsamo: Edizioni San Paolo, 2006. Giovanna
Innocenti, Firenze, 2012.
Kahil Gibran. The Prophet. London:
Heinemann, 1967. Katherine Earnshaw, Yokohama, Japan, 2007.
Houslander. A Rocking Horse Catholic. New York: Sheed
and Ward, 2013. 2019.
Joannes Paulus II. Trittico romano: Meditazioni. Vaticano : Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2003. ADA, Firenze, 2006.
Andrew Louth. Discerning
the Mystery: An Essay on the Nature of Theology. Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1989. JBH
Antonella Lumini.
Dialogo dell'Anima e del
Corpo. Sacra Rappresentazione. Firenze: Città di
Vita, 2003.
Primo Mazzolari.
Impegno con Cristo.
Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane, 1979. Gruppo Vicenza, 2009.
Monastère de Bose. JBH
John Henry
Cardinal Newman. Meditazioni e preghiere. Ed. Giovanni
Velocci. Milano: Jaca Book, 2002. JBH, Firenze, 2003.
Kathleen Norris.
The Cloister Walk. New York: Riverhead, Penguin, 1996.
Nuovo Dizionario di Spiritualità. Ed. Stefano De Fiores e Tullo Goffi. Milano: Paoline, 1985. Amando Megna, Firenze, 2002.
Arturo Paoli.
Cercando libertà: castità, obbedienza, povertà. Torino:
Gribaudi, 1980. Suor Anna Maria, Eremo di Getsemani, 2001.
Pestellini. Il Vangelo di
chi non ha fede. Firenze: Giorgi e Gambi, 1979.
Abbé Pierre
Abbé Pierre
[Emmaus]. Mio Dio . . . perché? Piccole
meditazionisulla fede cristiana e il senso della vita.
Introduzione e cura di Frédéric Lenoir. Milano: Garzanti,
2005. Andrea Greco, Firenze, 2023.
Loïc Le Goff. Compagnons
de l'Abbé Pierre. Preface de Lambert Wilson. Montrouge:
Bayard, 2009. Andrea Greco, Firenze, 2023.
G, Padoan. I
cantieri di Emmaus. Milano: editrice AMZ, 1970. Andrea
Greco, Firenze, 2023.
Joseph Ratzinger.
Journey Towards Easter. Slough: St Paul Publications,
1987. Australian edition. Anne Lastman, Melbourne, 2002.
Ravasi. Ritorno alle Virtù: la riscoperta di uno stile di
vita. Milano: Mondadori, 2005. Mihai Copalea, Firenze,
Teobaldo Ricci. Il
Signore del Tempo: Prima che il mondo fosse. Assisi:
Porziuncola, 2009. Giovanna Innocenti, Firenze, 2012.
Fratel Sergio
Scardigli. Due Carismi un solo Spirito: Divo Barsotti,
il grade mistico del '900, Renzo Burichi, il
'Tabaccaio' di Prato. Firenze: Libreria Editrice
Fiorentina, 2017. 2018.Inscribed.
Giancarlo Setti.
L'aventura di Elia.
Meditazioni. Roma: Editrice La Parola, 1982. Silvia
Huober, Firenze, 2011.
Fulton J. Sheen.
The Divine Romance.
New York: Alba House, 1930/2003. Ann Lastmann, Melbourne,
Fulton J. Sheen.
The Prodigal World.
New York: St Pauls, 2003. Anne Lastman, Melbourne, 2010.
Jerome A. Stone.
The Minimist Vision of
Transcendance: A Naturalist Philosophy of Religion.
Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992. Russel
Eleven, Texas, 2006.
R.V. Trine. In armonia con l'infinito. Milano: Alaya, 1988. Isabelli Reali, Firenze, 2012.
Un monaco. L'attenzone
spirituale: Tenete accese le vostre lampade. Milano:
Gribaudi, n.d. Mirella Pratesi, Firenze, 2003.
Vannucci. Parole che cambiano la vita. Romena: Romena
Accoglienza, 2019. Dott.ssa Mariangela Rumine, Firenze, 2023.
Luigi Verde. La realtà sa di pane.
Prefazione dell'Abbé Pierre. Arezzo: Fraternità Romena, n.d.
Paolo Coccheri, Vincigliata, 2005.
Adrian Wee. Springs in the Desert: Seeking
God in the Deserts of Life. Book manuscript. Fr
Adrian Wee, Malaysia, 2008.
Penelope Wilcock.
The Road of Blessing.
Oxford: Monarch Books, 2011. Penelope Wilcock, Hastings, 2011.
See also GIMEL: Florence, Political
Theology: Don Giulio Facibeni, Giorgio La Pira, Fioretta
Mazzei, Don Lorenzo Milani, Giannozzo Pucci, etc.
Monastic Orders, General
Allegri. Sante prime donne libere: Scelte di vita oltre il
loro tempo. Pisa: Carmignani, 2021. Francesca
Allegri, Renato Stopani, 2021.
Chiesa fiorentina
in Sinodo. Parole strappate alle fecondità del silenzio: I
monasteri di clausura nella diocesi di Firenze. Firenze:
Editrice cooperative, 2000. 2017.Jodi Belinkoff. Related
Lives: Confessors and their Female Penitents, 1450-1750.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2005. Gabriela Del Lungo
Camiciotti, Firenze, 2012.
Fornasari. 'Pier Damiani e Gregorio VII: Dall'Ecclesiologia
"Monastica" all'Ecclesiologia "Politica"'. Fonte Avellana nel
suo Millenario 1. Le origini. Fonte Avellana 26-27-28 agosto
1981. Giuseppe Fornasari, 2006.
Garrigou-Lagrange. Christian
Perfection and Contemplatin according to St Thomas Aquinas
and St John of the Cross. London: Herder, 1939. Rev
Adrian Wee, Malaysia, 2009.
Anna Jameson. Legends of the Monastic Orders as Represented in the Fine Arts. London: Longmans, Green, 1891. Syracuse University, Florence, 2005.
Paul Laurent. L'Abbaye de la Cambre 1716-1720, De abdij van ter Kameren. Bruxelles, 1996
Mary Laven. Virgins of Venice: Enclosed
Lives and Broken Vows in the Renaissance Convent.
Harmondsworth: Penguin, 2002. Barbara Costello, Firenze, 2006.
Mary Laven. Virgins of Venice: Broken Vows and Cloistered Lives in the Renaissance Convent. New York: Viking, 2002. Alexandra Johnson, Wellesley, 2007.
Jo Ann Kay
McNamara. Sisters in Arms:
Catholic Nuns through Two Millennia. Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1996. Alexandra Johnson, Wellesley,
Nancy Bradley
Warren. The Embodied Word: Female Spiritualities,
Contested Orthodoxies, and English Religious Cultures,
1350-1700. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press,
2010- Gail McMurray Gibson, Charlotte, 2012.
Le parole della mistica:
Problemi teorici e situazione storiografica per la
composizione di un repertorio di testi. A cura di
Francesco Vermigli. Firenze: SISMEL, 2007. SISMEL, Firenze,
Women Mystic Writers. Annali d'Italianistica 13
(1995). Ed. Dino S. Cervigni. JBH, Florence, 2007.
Abelard and Heloise:
The Letters of
Abelard and Heloise. Trans. Betty Radice. Harmondsworth:
Penguin, 1974. JBH
James Burge. Heloise and Abelard: A New
Biography. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 2003. Rev
Adrian Wee, Malaysia, 2009
Peggy Kamuf. Fictions
of Feminine Desire: Disclosures of Heloise. Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press, 1982. JBH
Constant J. Mews.
The Lost Love Letters of
Heloise and Abelard. New York: Palgrave, 2001. Adrian
Wee, Australia, 2010.
Ileana Pagani.
"Il problema dell'attribuzione dell'Epistolario di
Abelarda ed Eloisa. Status questionis". In Filologia
Mediolatina: Studies in Medieval Latin Texts and their
Transmission. Vols. VI-VII (1999-2000). Firenze: SISMEL
Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2000. SISMEL, Firenze
Helen Waddell. Peter Abelard. London:
Reprint Society, 1950. Sylvia Cox, Firenze, 2009.
See also Bernard
of Clairvaux, Peter the Venerable, John of Salisbury.
St Anselm:
Saint Anselm. The Prayers and Meditations with the Proslogion. Trans. Sister Benedicta Ward. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. JBH
Sister Benedicta Ward. Anselm of Canterbury: A Monastic Scholar. Fairacres: SLG Press, 1990. JBH
R.W. Southern. Saint Anselm: A Portrait in a Landscape. Cambridge: University Press, 1991. JBH
Sir Richard
Southern. St Anselm at Canterbury: A Lecture.
Canterbury Cathedral, 25th September, 1993. Autograph. JBH
See Venerable Bede [Shelved: ALEPH]
St Benedict:
St Benedict. The Rule of Saint Benedict. Trans. Abbot Parry OSB. Introduction Esther de Waal. Leominster: Gracewing, 1997. JBH
St Benedict. A Rule for Beginners. Ed. Julian Stead, OSB. New York: New City Press, 1993. JBH
S. Benedetto. Regola dei monaci.
Camaldoli, Edizioni Camaldoli, 1980. Violetta Pestrelli,
Firenze, 2011.
Benedetto Calati. Esperienza di Dio: Libertà spirituale. Servitium, 2001. Mirella Pratesi, 2003.
Abbot Aelred Carlyle, O.S.B., 1874-1955. Our Purpose and Method. Elgin: Pluscarden Abbey, 1987. Fr finbar, O.S.B., Pluscarden Abbey, 2005.
Dom Claude, J. Nesmy. Saint Benoit et la vie monastique. Paris: Edition du Seuil, 1959. Fr Finbar, O.S.B., Pluscarden Abbey, 2005.
The Downside Review. Spring 1948; Summer 1948; January 1978: April 1981; July 1981; April 1982; October 1982; July 1982; January 1983; April 1984; July 1984; January 1985; July 1986; October 1986; October 1987; April 1988; October 1988; July 1989; October 1991; April 1992; July 1992; January 1995; July 1995; October 1996; January 1997. JBH
Benedict's Disciples. Ed. David Hugh Farmer. Leominster: Fowler Wright Books, 1980. [Benedict, Gregory, Augustine, Cuthbert, Wilfrid, Hilda, Etheldreda, Bede, Boniface, Dunstan, Lanfranc, Anselm, Aelred, Godric, Bartholomew, Thomas de la Mare, Uthred of Boldon, Gertrude More, Ullathorne.] JBH
Mother Concordia Scott OSB. A Brief History of Minster Abbey, 1937-1987. Founded 1937 from Abbey of St Walburga in Eichstätt. JBH
The Benedictine Nuns of the Abbey of St Walburga, Boulder, Colorado. Founded 1935 from Abbey of St Walburga in Eichstätt. JBH
Benedictines of Cambrai, Paris, Stanbrook, etc:
Augustine Baker
OSB. Alphabet and Order. Ed. John Clark.
Analecta Cartusiana 119:16. Institut für Anglistik und
Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2001. James Hogg,
Salzburg, 2006.
Augustine Baker
OSB. The Anchor of the
Spirit; The Apologie; Summarie of Perfection. Ed.
John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119:30. Institut für Anglistik
und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2008. James Hogg,
Salzburg, 2009. 2nd copy, 2012.
Fr Augustine Baker OSB. Holy Wisdom or Direction for the Prayer of Contemplation. Introduction Dom Gerard Sitwell OSB. Wheathampstead: Anthony Clarke Books, 1972.
Fr. Augustine Baker OSB. St Benedict's Rule. Ed. John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119.24, ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 2005. 3 vols. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Fr. Augustine Baker OSB. Collections I-III and The Twelve Mortifications of Harphius. Ed. John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119.21, ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 2004. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Fr. Augustine Baker OSB. Directions for Contemplation. Book D. Ed. John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119.11, ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 1999. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Fr. Augustine Baker OSB. Directions for Contemplation. Book F. Ed. John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119.12, ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 1999. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Fr. Augustine Baker OSB. Directions for Contemplation. Book G. Ed. John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119.13, ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 2000. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Fr. Augustine Baker OSB. Directions for Contemplation. Book H. Ed. John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119.14, ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 2000. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Fr. Augustine Baker OSB. Discretion. Ed. John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119.9, ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 1999.
Fr. Augustine
Baker OSB. Doubts and Calls. Ed. John Clark. Analecta
Cartusiana 119.10, ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für
Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 1998. James
Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Augustine Baker OSB. An Enquiry about the Author of the Treatises of the Abridgement and Ladder of Perfection; The Mirror of Patience and Resignation; Love of Enemies; All virtues in General; Spiritual Emblems. Ed. John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119:33. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2001. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Fr. Augustine
Baker OSB. Five Treatises:
The Life and Death of Dame Margaret Gascoigne, Treatise of
Confession. Analecta Cartusiana 119.23,
ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und
Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 2010. James Hogg,
Salzburg, 2012.
Augustine Baker
OSB. Idiot's Devotion - The Penitent. Ed. John Clark.
In Analecta Cartusiana 265. Institut für Anglistik und
Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2008. James Hogg,
Salzburg, 2009. 2 copies.
Augustine Baker
OSB. Idiot's Devotion - Directions, Parts One and Two.
Ed. John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119:29. Institut für
Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2008. James
Hogg, Salzburg, 2009. 2 copies.
Augustine Baker OSB. An Introduction or preparation to a Treatise of the English Benedictine Mission. Ed. John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119:35. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2011. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2012.
Augustine Baker
OSB. Remains. Ed. John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana
119:31. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität
Salzburg, 2008. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2009. 2nd copy, 2012.
Fr. Augustine Baker OSB. A Secure Stay in all Temptations. Ed. John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119.8, ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 1999. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Fr. Augustine
Baker OSB. Secretum. Introduction and Notes, John
Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119.20, ed. James Hogg. Salzburg:
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg,
2003. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
The Sources of Fr. Augustine Baker's Sancta Sophia. Ed. John Clark. 2 vols. Analecta Cartusiana 119:43, ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 2016. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2017.
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Baker OSB. A Spiritual Treatise . . . Called A.B.C.
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Augustine Baker
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Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2011. James
Hogg, Salzburg, 2012.
Augustine Baker OSB. A Treatise of the English Mission: the Second Part. Ed. John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119:36. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2012. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2012.
Fr. Augustine Baker OSB. Vox Clamantis in Deserto Animae. Ed. John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119.22, ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 2001. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Fr Peter Salvin and Fr Serenus Cressy. The Life of Father Augustine Baker, O.S.B. Ed. Dom Justin McCann, O.S.B. Salzburg English and American Studies, 1997. Ed. James Hogg. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2012.
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Ed. Michael Woodward. Introduced Rowan Williams. Analecta
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Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Dom Augustine
Baker, 1573-1641: Proceedings of the Douai Abbey Augustine
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O.S.B. Analecta Cartusiana 119:37. Eds, James Hogg, Alain
Girard, Daniel Le Blévec. Salzburg: Institut für
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Hogg, Salzburg, 2012.
John Clark. The
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Hogg, Salzburg, 2017. 2 vols.
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In a Great Tradition: Tribute to Dame Laurentia McLachlan, Abbess of Stanbrook by the Benedictines of Stanbrook. London: John Murray, 1956.
François de Selignac de la Mothe Fénélon. OEuvres. Paris: Gallimard, 1983. Bibliothèque de la Pleiade. ADA, Firenze, 2001.
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Geoffrey Scott. Gothic
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Bath: Downside Abbey, 1992. JBH
The Building of Divine Love.
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Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität
Salzburg, 1992. Elizabethan and Renaissance Studies 92.17.
Estate of Dorothy Latz, 2006.
'Glow-Worm Light': Writings of
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Salzburg, 1989. Elizabethan and Renaissance Studies 92.21.
Estate of Dorothy Latz, 2006.
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of Elizabeth Cary, 1613-1680. Ed. Heather Wolfe. New
York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2007. Heather Wolfe, Washington,
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Neglected English Literature:
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Dorothy L. Latz. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik
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Renaissance Studies 92.24. Estate of Dorothy Latz, 2006.
S. Battista da Varano (Olivetana). Trattato della Purità
del Cuore, De Ouritate Cordis, De Perfectione Rekigiosorum.
A c. Silvia Serventi. La Mistica Cristiana tra Oriente e
POccidente, 30. Galluzzo; Edizionedel Galluzzo per la
Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, 2019. 2019.
Christina of Markyate:
The Life of Christina of Markyate: A Twelfth Century Recluse. Ed. and trans. C.H. Talbot. Toronto: Medieval Academy of America, 1998. JBH
Michael Camille. "Philological Iconoclasm: Edition and Image in the Vie de Saint Alexis". In Medievalism and the Modernist Temper. Ed. R. Howard Bloch and Stephen G. Nichols. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. Pp. 371-401. MLA/JBH
Elisabeth of Schönau:
Elisabeth of Schönau. The Complete Works. Trans. Anne L. Clarke, Preface, Barbara Newman. New York: Paulist Press, 2000. JBH
Anne L. Clark. Elisabeth
of Schönau: A Twelfth-Century Visionary. Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992. Anne L. Clark.
Giovanna Fozzer. Gregoriano a Gricigliano. Firenze: 1987. Giovana Fozzer, Firenze
Gertrude of Helfta. The Herald of Divine Love. Trans. Margaret Winkworth. New York: Paulist Press, 1993. Classics of Western Spirituality. JBH
Paolo Golinelli.
Nonatola: The Abbey and its History: A
Guide to the Places and Times of a Great Monastic Centre and
its Territory. Trans. Rita Severi. Centro Studi
Storici Nonantolani, 2007. Rita Severi, Verona, 2007.
John Howe. Riforma della Chiesa e
trasformazioni sociali nell'Italia dell'XI secolo: Domenico
di Sora e i suoi patroni. Sora: Centro di Studi
Sorani "Vincenzo Patriarca", 2007. Rita Severi e Paolo
Golinelli, Verona, 2007.
Hildegard von
Ellen Breindl. In
cucina con S. Ildegarda. Milano: Paoline, 1991.
Ellen Breindl. L'Erborista
di Dio; Santa Ildegarda mistica medievale.
Milano: Paoline, 1989. 2018.
Matthew Fox. Illuminations of Hildegard of Bingen. Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1985. JBH
Hildegard of Bingen. Explanation of the Rule of Benedict. Trans. Hugh Feiss, OSB. Toronto: Peregrina Publishing, 1990. JBH
Hildegardis Bingensis. Liber Divinorvm Opervm. Ed. A. Derolez and P. Dronke. Turnhoult, Brepols, 1996. Brepols, Belgium, 2002.
Hildegard of Bingen. On Natural Philosophy and Medicine. Ed. Margaret Berger. Cambridge: Brewer, 1999. JBH
Hildegard of Bingen. Scivias. Trans, Mother Columba Hart and Jane Bishop, Introduction, Barbara J. Newman, Preface, Caroline Walker Bynum. New York: Paulist Press, 1990. Classics of Western Spirituality. JBH
Hildegard of
Bingen. Scivias. Trans. Bruce Hozeski. Forewards,
Matthew Fox, OP, Adelgundis Fürkötter, OSB. Santa Fe: Bear and
Company, 1986. JBH
Giovanna della
Croce, O.C.D. Scivias: Il
nuovo cielo e la nuova terra, Ildegarda di Bingen.
Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2002.
Hildegard von Bingen. Ordo Virtutum. Ed. Audrey Ekdahl Davidson. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 1984. JBH, [See also VAU]
Hildegard of
Bingen: A Book of Essays. Ed. Maud Burnett McInerney.
New York: Garland, 1998. MLA/JBH
Eve Landis. Hildegard
von Bingen: Ricette per il Corpo e per l'Anima. Guido
Tomamasi Editore, 2015.
Barbara Newman. Sister of Wisdom: St Hildegard's Theology of the Feminine. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. JBH
Hildegard of Bingen: The Context of her Thought and Art. Warburg Institute Colloquia 4. London: Warburg Institute, 1998. Warburg Institute, London, 2002.
Joan Ohanneson. Hildegarde:
Une biographie romancée. Paris: Cerf, 1999. Carmo Silva,
Lisbon, Portugal
Schiller. Le cure miracolose di suor Ildegarda.
Casale Monferrato, Piemme,1996.
Vision: The
Life and Music of Hildegard von Bingen. Ed. Jane Bobko,
Text, Barbara Newman, Commentary, Matthew Fox. New York:
Penguin, 1995. James Hannay, Hastings and Dallas
Hrotsvit of Gandesheim. A Florilegium of her Works. Ed. Katharina Wilson. Cambridge: Brewer, 1998. The Library of Medieval Women. JBH
The Plays of Rostwitha. Trans. Christopher St John. London: Chatto and Windus, 1923; Reprint, 1989. JBH
Rosvita. Dialoghi
drammatici. Garzanti: 2000. Latin and Italian parallel
text. JBH
Jocelyn of Brakelond:
Jocelin of
Brakelond. Chronicle of the Abbey of Bury St Edmunds.
Oxford: University Press, 1989. JBH
William Chester
Jordan. A Tale of Two
Monasteries: Westminster and Saint Denis in the Thirteenth
Century. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009.
JBH, St Louis, 2012.
Thomas Carlyle. Past
and Present. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1965. JBH
Dom Colomba Marmion OSB. Cristo Ideale del Monaco: Conferenze spirituali. Trans. Madre Maria Galli. Padova: Basilica del Santo, 1942. Scritti Monastici 11.
Jean Leclercq,
OSB. The Love of Learning and the Desire for God: A Study
of Monastic Culture. Trans. Catherine Misrahi. New York:
Fordham University Press, 1977. JBH
Jean Leclercq. Di
grazia in grazia: Memorie. Presentazione, Inos Biffi.
Milano: Jacabok, 1993.
Mechtild of Hackeborn:
Paula Kathryn Weeks Lemmon. Mechtild of Hackeborn: Images of Christ's Heart. Thesis, University of Dallas, 1998. Paula Lemmon, Dallas.
Medieval Women Monastics: Wisdom's Wellsprings. Ed. Miriam Schmitt and Linda Kulzer. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1996. [Scholastica, Hilda, Frideswide, Erentrude, Walburga, Leoba, Tetta, Irmengard, Hrotsvit, Hildegard, Elisabeth of Schönau, Herrad, Lutgard, Mechtild of Magdebourg, Mechtild of Hackeborn, Gertrud of Helfta, Gertrude More.] JBH
Peter the Venerable. Selected Letters. Ed. Janet Martin, Giles Constable. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1974. JBH
The Revelation
of the Monk of Eynsham. Ed. Robert Easting. Oxford:
Early English Text Society, 2002. EETS 318. JBH
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Arte e storia in San Michele a San Salvi. Firenze: Comune di Firenze, 1979. Giorgio Nencetti, Montebeni
Julia Bolton Holloway. Beata Umiltà: Sguardo sulla Santa Umiltà, Contemplating on Holy Humility. Trans. Fabrizio Vanni. Firenze, Editoriale gli Arcipressi, 2003. JBH, shelved VAU
La chiesa di San Michele a San Salvi: Un percorso tra arte e storia. Firenze: Opera d'Arte, 1994.
Elizabeth Alvilda Petroff. Body and Soul: Essays on Medieval Women and Mysticism. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. [Umiltà] JBH
Elizabeth Petroff. Consolation of the Blessed. New York: Alta Gaia Society, 1979. [Umiltà]. Anne Gorrisen, Firenze, 2001.
Portfolio of images of St Umiltà. JBH
Pregare in Santa Trinita. Firenze: Misericordia, 2003. ADA, Firenze, 2003.
Adele Simonetti.
I sermoni di Umiltà da Faenza. Spoleto: Centro Italiano
di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, 1995. SISMEL, Firenze
Pluscarden Abbey. Derby: Heritage House, n.d. Fr Finbar, O.S.B., Pluscarden Abbey, 2005.
Vox Benedictina. July 19198584; January 1985; April 1985; October. JBH
Soeur Geneviève
Gallois, O.S.B. La vie du petit saint Placide. Paris:
Desclés de Brouwer, 1954. American League, Florence, 2002.
Aelred of Rievaulx. The Life of St Edward King and Confessor. Trans. Fr Jerome Bertram. Guildford: St Edward's Press, 1990. JBH
Bernard of Clairvaux. On the Song of Songs I and II. Trans. Kilian Walsh OCSO, Introductions, M. Corneille Halflants OCSO, Jean Leclercq OSB. Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications. Cistercian Fathers Series 4 and 7. JBH
Bernard of Clairvaux. Five Books on Consideration: Advice to a Pope. Trans. John D. Anderson and Elizabeth T. Kennan. Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1976. Cistercian Fathers Series 37. JBH
Bernard of Clairvaux. Selected Works. Trans. G.R. Evans, Introduction, Jean Leclercq OSB. New York: Paulist Press, 1987. Classics of Western Spirituality. JBH
The Cistercian World: Monastic Writings of the Twelfth Century. Trans. Pauline Matarasso. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1993. JBH
Jean Leclercq. Bernard of Clairvaux and the Cistercian Spirit. Trans. Claire Lavoie. Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1976. Cistercian Studies Series 16. JBH
Jean Leclercq. Monks
and Love in Twelfth Century France: Psycho-Historical
Essays.. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979. JBH
Jean Leclercq. Di
Grazia in Grazia. Memorie. Milano: Jaca Book, 1993. Fr
Adrian Wee, Sydney, 2021.
Thomas Merton. Elected Silence. London:
Hollis and Carter, 1852. Giovanni Morrozzo, Firenze, 2009.
Thomas Merton. The Road to Joy: The Letters to New and Old Friends. Ed. Robert E. Daggy. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanivch, 1989. Alessandro and Judy Basso, Firenze e Virginia, 2003
"Cistercians". Reading Medieval Studies 21 (1995). MLA/JBH
William of St Thierry. On Contemplating God, Prayer, Meditations. Trans. Penelope Lawson. Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1970. Cistercian Publications, Kalamazoo, 2005.
William of St Thierry. The Enigma of Faith. Trans,. John D. Anderson. Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1973. Cistercian Fathers Series 9.
William of St Thierry. Exposition on the Epistle to the Romans. Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1980. Cistercian Fathers Series 27. Cistercian Publications, Kalamazoo, 2005.
William of St Thierry. Exposition on The Song of Songs. Trans. Mother Columbia Hart. Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1968. Cistercian Fathers Series 6. Cistercian Publications, Kalamazoo, 2005.
William of St Thierry. The Golden Epistle. Trans. Theodore Berkeley OCSO. Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1976. Cistercian Fathers Series 12. JBH
William of St Thierry. The Nature and Dignity of Love. Trans. Thomas X. Davis. Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1981. Cistercian Fathers Series 30.
William of St Thierry. The Mirror of Faith. Trans. Thomas X. Davis. Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications, 1970. Cistercian Fathers Series 15.
Regardez le
Rocher d'où l'on vous a taillés: Moines bénédictins de
Mont-Olivet, Documents primitifs de Sainte Marie du
Mont.Olivet. Les moines de l'Abbaye Notre Dame de
Maylis, 1996. Bernardo Francesco Gianni OSB Oliv., San
Miniato, 2004.
L'Ulivo: Rivista olivetana di
spritualità e di cultura monastica. Monte Oliveto
Maggiore. 2006/2. 2007/1. Contain essays by Bernardo Francesco
Gianni. Bernardo Francesco Gianni OSB Oliv., San Miniato,
Dom Benedetto
Calati. Dalla grazia dei
muri alla grazia dei volti. Camaldoli: Edizioni
Camaldoli, 2010. Fabrizio Biadi, Firenze, 2011.
Brigittine and Hieronymite
See Microfilms,
and CD, Vadstenadiariet:
Diarium Vadstenense. MS Uppsala University. Touch and
Turn CD. Leeds, 2004. Shelved: KHETH
Catalogue of MSS
consulted in Sweden, Italy, England, France, America, etc. ZAYIN
Alvastra kloster. Ed. Erika Räf. Svenska Kulturminnen 44. 2000. Catharina Lindgren, Goterborg,
Can. Dionisio Brunori. L'Eremo di S. Girolamo di Fiesole. Fiesole: Ernesto Rigacci, 1920. JBH
San Girolamo, Fiesole: Historical Notes. Aquapendente: "Lemurio", 1928. JBH
Alfonso of Jaén:
Hans Torben Gilkaer. The Political Ideas
of St Birgitta and her Spanish Confessor, Alfonso Pecha:
Liber Celestis Imperatoris ad Reges: A Mirror of Princes.
Odense: Odense University Studies in History and Social
Sciences163, 1993. JBH
James Hogg. Answer to an attack on the nuns of Sion contained in a book entitled 'The Anatomy of the English Nunnery at Lisbon' by Thomas Robinson, London, 1622 (signed 16 Dec 1622) from British Library Add. MSS 21203, Gf. 42b. Papers relating to English Jesuits'. In Analecta Cartusiana 244. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 2006. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2010.
James Hogg. Syon Abbey MS 18: A Looking Glass for the Religious. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1992. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Arne Jonsson. Alfonso of Jaén: His Life and Works with Critical Editions of the Epistola Solitarii, the Informaciones and the Epistola Serui Christi. Lund: University Press, 1989. Studia Graeca et Latin Lundensia 1. Arne Johnsson, Lund
Works in Latin:
Sancta Birgitta. Revelaciones. Book I, With Magister Mathias' Prologue. Ed. Carl-Gustaf Undhagen. Stockholm, Almqvist and Wiksells, 1977. The Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities. JBH
Sancta Birgitta. Revelaciones. Book IV. Ed. Hans Aili. Samlinger utgivna av Svenska Fornskriftsallskäpet andra serien Latinska Skrifter, Band VII:4. 1992. JBH
Sancta Birgitta. Revelaciones. Book V. Ed. Birger Bergh. Uppsala: Almqvist and Wiksells, 1971. Kungl, Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien Stockholm. JBH
Sancta Birgitta. Revelaciones. Book VI. Ed. Birger Berghi. Samlinger utgivna av Svenska Fornskriftsallskäpet andra serien Latinska Skrifter, Band VII:6. 1991. JBH
Den Heligas Birgittas Revelaciones. Bok VII. Ed. Birger Bergh. Uppsala: Almqvist and Wiksells, 1967. JBH
Sancta Birgitta. Opera Minora I: Regvula Saluatoris. Ed. Sten Eklund. Uppsala: Almqvist and Wiksells, 1975. The Royal Academy of Letters History and Antiquities. JBH
Sancta Birgitta. Opera Minora II: Sermo Angelicus. Ed. Sten Eklund. Uppsala: Almqvist and Wiksells, 1972. JBH
Sancta Birgitta. Opera Minora III: Quattuor Oraciones. Ed. Sten Eklund. Samlinger utgivna av Svenska Fornskriftsallskäpet andra serien Latinska Skrifter, Band VIII:3. JBH
Den Heliga Birgittas Reuelaciones Extrauagantes. Ed. Lennart Hollman. Samlinger utgivna av Svenska Fornskriftsallskäpet andra serien Latinska Skrifter, Band V. Uppsala: Almqvist and Wiksells, 1956. JBH
Den heliga Birgitta och den helige Petrus av Skänninge. Officium parvum beate Marie Virginis. Ed. Tryggve Lundén. Lund, 1976. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Historico-Ecclesiastica Upsaliensia 27, 28. 2 vols. JBH
St Bridget's Revelations to the Popes: An Edition of the so-called Tractatus de summis pontificibus. Ed. Arne Jönsson. Lund: University Press, 1997. Studia Graeca et Latina Lundensia 6. Arne Jonsson, Lund
[Remaining Latin Books of Revelationes, II, III, etc., on computer floppy disks, at http://www.umilta.net/birgitta.html]
Revelationes S. Brigittae olim a Card. Turrecremata recognitae nunc a Consalvo Durento . . . Antverp: Apud Viduam et Haeredes Petri Belleri, 1611. Draft of paper on Birgittine music, correspondence with Sister Patricia, O.SS.S, Vadstena. Sister Patricia, Vadstena
Liber usuum fratrum monasterii Vadstenensis/ The Customary of the Vadstena Brothers: A Critical Edition with an Introduction. Ed. Sara Risberg. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksell, 2003. Kalamazoo: The Medieval Review, 2005.
Works in Translation:
St Bridget of Sweden. The Liber Celestis of Bridget of Sweden. Ed. Roger Ellis. London: Oxford University Press, 1987. Early English Text Society, 291. JBH
Saint Birgitta. The Revelations of Saint Birgitta. Ed. William Patterson Cummings. London: Oxford University Press, 1929. Early English Text Society, 178. JBH
Birgitta of Sweden. Life and Selected Revelations. Ed. Marguerite Tjader Harris. New York: Paulist Press, 1990. Classics of Western Spirituality. JBH
Saint Bride and Her Book: Birgitta of Sweden's Revelations. Ed. Julia Bolton Holloway. Newburyport: Focus Library of Medieval Women, 1992. JBH, see VAU.
Saint Birgitta of Sweden. The Word of
the Angel. Trans. John Halborg. Toronto: Peregrina
Publishing, 1996. JBH
Santa Brigida di Svezia. Rivelazioni. Milano:
Gribaudi, 2000. Italiano.
Studies on St Birgitta.
Bridget Morris. St Birgitta of Sweden. Cambridge: Brewer, 1999. Boydell and Brewer/JBH.
Prophets Abroad: The Reception of Continental Holy Women in Late-Medieval England. Hildegard, Marguerite Porete, Mechtild of Hackeborn, St Birgitta, Margery Kempe, Orcherd of Syon, Catherine of Siena. Ed. Rosalynn Voaden. Cambridge: England, 1996. Boydell and Brewer/JBH.
Claire L. Sahlin. Birgitta of Sweden and the Voice of Prophecy. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2001. Boydell and Brewer/JBH.
Rosalyn Voaden. God's Words, Women's Voices: The Discernment of Spirits in the Writing of Late-Medieval Women Visionaries. York: York Medieval Press, 1999. Boydell and Brewer/JBH.
Diane Watt. Secretaries of God: Women
Prophets in Late Medieval and Early Modern England.
Cambridge: Brewer, 1997. Boydell and Brewer/JBH.
Arne Jönsson. "Birgitta it Birgittalegenderna". In Heliga Birgitta - budskapet och förebilden. Föredrag vid jubileumssymposiet i Vadstena 3-7 oktober 1991. Ed. Alf Härdelin och Mereth Lindgren. Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademiens Konferenser 28. Arne Jonsson
Aron Andersson och Anne Marie Franzén. Birgittareliker. Kungl Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, Antikvariskt arkiv 59. JBH
Lars Bergquist. Saint Birgitta. Svenska Institutet, 1996. JBH
A. Bygden, N.-G. Gejvall et C.-H Hjortsjö. Les reliques de sainte Brigitte de Suède: Examen médico-anthropologique et historique. Lund: CWK Gleerup, 1954. JBH
Artur Bygden, Nils Gustaf Gejvall, Carl Herman Hjortsjö. Heliga Birgittas Reliker. Lund: CWK Gleerups Förlag, 1954. JBH
Birgittenkloster. Altomunster: St. Birgitta-Kloster. JBH
Birgittiana. Vols. 1 (1996)-18 (2004). Tore Nygren.
Birger Gregersson and Thomas Gascoigne. The Life of Saint Birgitta. Trans. Julia Bolton Holloway. Toronto: Peregrina Publishing, 1991. JBH, see VAU.
Casa di Santa Brigida. Roma: Casa di Santa Brigida, 1989. JBH
Corona aurea super caput eius: A Vadstena
Sermon. Ed. Anna Fredriksson. Uppsala, Studia
Seminarii Latini Upsaliensis, 1990. JBH
Conferences in Rome:
Guida per le celebrazione del 6° Centenario della Canonizazione di S. Brigida di Svezia, Roma, 3-7 ottobre 1991. JBH
VI Centenario della Canonizzazione di Santa Brigida di Svezia, Santa Messa. JBH
Guida per le celebrazione "Santa Brigida e l'Anno Santo", Roma, 12-13 novembre, 1999. JBH
Celebrazione Ecumenica, Primi Vespri della XXXIII Domenica "Per Annum" Memoria di Santa Brigida Compatrona d'Europa. JBH
Santa Brigida e l'Anno santo: Incontro Internazionale di Studio, Roma, 12-13 novembre 1999. Roma: Suore di S. Brigida, 1999. JBH
St Birgitta and the Jubilee. Notes from
above conference. JBH
Conference in Madrid:
Centenario. Santa Brigida, Patrona de Europa.
Madrid, 2005. Angela Franco, Madrid, 2009.
Holy Week and Easter Ceremonies and Dramas from Medieval Sweden. Ed. Audrey Ekdahl Davidson. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 1990. Early Drama, Art and Music Monograph Series, 13. JBH
Johannes Jørgensen. Saint Bridget of Sweden. Trans. Ingeborg Lund. London: Longmans, Green, 1954. 2 vols. JBH
In canonizacione beate Birgitte: A Vadstena Sermon. Ed. Henrik Vitalis. Uppsala, Studia Seminarii Latini Upsaliensis, 1991. JBH
Mereth Lindgren. Bilden av Birgitta.
Höganäs: AB Wiken, 1991. Mereth Lindgren.
Magister Mathias:
Magister Mathias. Copia exemplorum. Ed. Lars Wåhlin, Margarete Andersson-Schmitt. Uppsala: Studia Seminari Latini Upsaliensis 2, 1990. JBH
Magister Mathias. Vägen till Jerusalem, valder texter ur Homo Conditus. Ed. Anders Piltz. Uppsala: Katolska Bokförlaget, 1986. Catharina Lindgren
Liber usuum fratrum monasteri Vadstenensis/ The Customary of the Vadstena Brothers. Ed. Sara Risberg. Stockholm: Alqvist & Wiksell International. The Medieval Review, 2005.
Jan Liedgren. Magister Matthias' Svenska Kungörelse om Birgittas första stora uppenbarelse ett förbisett dokument i riksarkivet. Stocholm: Kungl. Boktryckeriet P.A. Norstedt & Söner, 1961. JBH
Nicholas of Lyra's Apocalypse Commentary.
Trans. Philip D.W. Krey. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute
Publications, 1997. JBH
Deeana Copeland
Klepper. The Insight of
Unbelievers. Nicholas of Lyra and Christian Reading of
Jewish Text in the Later Middle Ages. Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007. Deeana Copeland
Klepper, Boston, USA, 2007.
Michele Giulio Masciarelli. Brigida di Svezia: Una santa medievale per la nuova Europa. Torino: Editrice Elle di Ci, 1999.
Johannes Messenius. Chronologia Sanctae Birgittae: A critical edition with introduction and commentary. Ed. Ann-Mari Jönsson. Lund: University Press, 1988. Arne Jonsson.
Tore Nyberg. Birgitinische Klostergründungen des Mittelalters. Lund: CWK Gleerup, 1965. Bibliotheca Historica Lundensis. JBH
Tore Nyberg. Birgitta hendes vaerk og hendes klostre i Norden. Odense University Studies in History and Social Sciences 150, 1991. JBH
Ulla Sander Olsen. The Brigittine Monks of Amity, Oregon U.S.A., Priory of Our Lady of Consolation, Founded by Brother Benedict Kirby (1929-1998). Amity: The Brigittine Monks, 1999. The Brigittine Monks.
Ulla Sander Olsen. "Handschriften en boeken uit het Birgittinessenklooster Maria Troon te Dendermonde". Ons Geestelijk Erf (1989-1990). Universitaire faculteiten Sint-Ignatius te Antwerpen. Ulla Sander Olsen.
Ulla Sander Olsen. Schilderijen uit het Birgittijnenklooster. Hoboken, 1990. Ulla Sander Olsen.
Ordine del Santissimo Salvatore di Santa Brigida: Ramo svedese, Madre Maria Elisabetta Hesselblad. JBH
Domenico Pezzini. "The Italian Reception of Birgittine Writings". In The Translation of the Works of St Birgitta of Sweden into the Medieval European Vernaculars. Eds. Bridget Morris and Veronica O'Mara. The Medieval Translator, vol. 7. Turnhout: Brepols, 2000. Domenico Pezzini.
Portfolio of Birgitta of Sweden postcards. JBH
Preachers in the Vadstena Collection.
Ed. Sven Olof Andersson. Uppsala, Studia Seminarii Latini
Upsaliensis, 1992. JBH
A Revelation of Purgatory by an Unknown Fifteenth-Century Woman Visionary: Introduction, Critical Text and Translation. Ed. Marta Powell Harley. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 1985. JBH
Revelationes factae cuidam post mortem regis Cristofori. Ed. Georg Stenbvorg. Uppsala: Studia Seminarii Latini Upsaliensis, 1996. JBH
Mario Sensi. Dal movimento eremitico
alla regolare osservanza francescana: L'opera di fra
Paoluccio Trinci. Assisi: Edizioni Porziuncola, 1992.
2 copies. JBH/Clarisse, San Casciano
Studies in St Birgitta and the Brigittine Order. Ed. James Hogg. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 1993. Analecta Cartusiana 35:19. JBH
Syon Abbey:
David N. Bell. What Nuns Read: Books and Libraries in
Medieval English Nunneries. Kalamazoo: Cistercian
Publications, 1995. Martin J. Howley, Canada, 2020.
Roger Ellis. Syon
Abbey: The Spirituality of the English Bridgettines.
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg,
1984. Analecta Cartusiana 68. Ed. James Hogg. The
Contemplative Life in Great Britain, Carthusians,
Benedictines, Bridgettines 2. JBH
A Mirror to
Devout People (Speculum Devotorum). Ed. Paul J.
Patterson. Oxford: Early English Text Society O.S. 346, 2016.
The Myroure of
oure Ladye. Ed. John Henry Blunt. Kraus Reprint, 1981.
Early English Text Society, ES 19, 1873. JBH
Responsiones Vadstenenses: Perspectives on the Brigittine Rule in Two Texts from Vadstena and Syon Abbey. Ed. and Trans. Elin Andersson. Stockholm: Acta Universitatis Stockholmensis, 2011. The Medieval Review, 2011.
The Rewyll of
Seynt Sauioure and A Ladder of Foure Ronges by the which men
mowe clyme to Heven. MSS. Cambridge University
Library Ff.6.33 and London Guildhall 25524. Ed. James
Hogg. Analecta Cartusiana 183. Institut für Anglistik und
Amerikanistic Universität Salzburg, 2003. Analecta Cartusiana
183. JBH
Saint Birgitta, Syon and
Vadstena: Papers from a Symposium in Stockholm 4-6 October
2007. Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och
Antikvitets Akademien, Kopnferenser 74.
"Stand up to
Godwards": Essays in Mystical and Monastic Theology in
Honour of the Reverend John Clark, on his Sixty-Fifth
Birthday. Ed. James Hogg. Analecta Cartusiana 204.
Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic Universität
Salzburg, 2002.
Syon Abbey MS. 18: Augustine Baker OSB. Alphabet and Order. Ed. John Clark. Analecta Cartusiana 119:16. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 2001. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Richard Whytford. Vol. 2. The Boke of Pacience: The boke of dyuers impedimentes and lettes of perfection, An instructyon to auoyde and eschewe vices and folowe good maners. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 1991. Facsimile. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
See St Catherine of Siena. The Orcherd of Syon.
Klosterhotel. JBH
P. Paolo Caioli.
S. Andrea Corsini, Carmelitano, Vescovo di Fiesole,
1301-1374, nel III Centenario della sua Canonizzazione.
Firenze: Tipografia "Fiorenza", 1929. 2016.
Thomas Scrope
Bradley. Ye Instytucyinys and Special Dedys of
Relygyows Carmelitys. Ed. from London, Lambeth Palace MS
192. Ed. Valerie Edden. Heidelberg: Winter, 2016. 2018.
Review, JBH, Scriptorium, 2018.
Edith Stein (St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross):
Edith Stein. La donna. Roma: Città Nuova, 1999. AD, Firenze, 2001.
Edith Stein
(Beata Teresa Benedetta della Croce) Carmelitana Scalza. Pensieri.
Roma: Il Passero Solitario, 1991. JBH
Edith Stein. Scientia Crucis. Morena
Roma: Edizioni OCD, 2003. Regina Carmeli, Lucca, 2006.
Elizabeth of the Trinity:
Sr Elisabetta della Trinità. La Trinità che adoro: gli scritti spirituali fondamentali. Torino: Gribaudi, 1971. Clarisse, San Casciano, 2004.
Elisabetta della
Trinità. Lettere dal Carmelo. Padova: Edizioni
Messaggero, 1983. Clarisse, San Casciano, 2004.
Beata Elisabetta della Trinità. Pensieri. Roma: Edizioni OCD, 1999. Isabella Reali, Firenze, 2012.
Elisabetta della
Trinità. Scritti.
Morena Roma: Edizioni OCD, 2006. Regina Carmeli, Lucca, 2006.
P. Gabriele di S. Maria Maddalena, OCD. Intimità Divina: Meditazione sulla vita interiore per tutti i giorni dell'anno. Roma: Monastero S. Giuseppe - Carmelitane Scalze, 1992. Suor Anna Maria, Eremo di Getsemani, 2001.
St John of the
Ruth Burrow. Ascent to Love: The Spiritual
Teaching of St John of the Cross. Bombay: St Pauls
Publishing, 1990. Fr Adrian Wee, Malaysia, 2009.
San Giovanni
della Crose, Dottore della Chiesa. Opere. Morena Roma: Edizioni OCD, 2001.
Regina Carmeli, Lucca, 2006.
San Giovanni
della Croce, Dottore della Chiesa. Opere. Ed. Padre Ferdinando di S. Maria,
OCD. Roma: Postulazione Generale dei Carmelitani Scalzi, 1984.
Amalia Ciardi Dupré, Firenze, 2004.
Giovanni della Croce. A cura di Giuseppe Furione. Cinisello Balsamo: Editrice San Paolo, 1999. Isabella Reali, Firenze, 2012.
John of the
Cross. Selected Writings. New York: Paulist Press,
1987. Classics of Western Spirituality. JBH
Giovanni della
Crose. Fiamma d'Amor Viva.
Milano: Mondadori, 1998. 2008.
P. Crisogono di Gesù, OCD. Vita di S. Giovanni della Croce: Dottore Mistico della Chiesa. Trad. P. Ferdinando di S. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 1984.
St Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi:
Papasogli, Bruno Secondin. La parabola delle due spose:
Vita di S. Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi. Presentazione di
Divo Barsotti. Torino: Gribaudi, 1976. Stefano Borselli,
Firenze, 2004.
Citta di Vita 62:2
(2007). Maria Maddalenia de' Pazzi. JBH, Firenze, 2007.
Maria Maddalena
de' Pazzi. Selected Revelations. New York: Paulist
Press, 2000. Classics of Western Spirituality. JBH
Maria Maddalena de' Pazzi: La
Santa di Firenze. Panzano in Chianti: Comunità di San
Leolino, 2007.
Scritti di Madre
Maria Teresa Scrilli. A cura di Vincenzo Mosca e Maria Stella
Marzano. Vaticao: Libreria Editrice Vaticano, 2006. Marco
Vannini, Firenze, 2008.
St Teresa of
Teresa d'Avila.
A cura di Giuseppe Furioni. Cinisello Balsmao, Edizioni San
Paolo, 1999. Isabella Reali, Firenze, 2012.
Teresa d'Avila. L'anima
o il Castello del Re. A cura di Antonella Brian.
Cinisello Balsamo: Edizioni San Paolo, 2009. Giovanna
Innocenti, Firenze, 2012.
S. Teresa di
Gesù, Dottore della Chiesa. Lettere.
Rome: Postulazione Generale OCD, 1983. Regina Carmeli, Lucca,
The Life of Saint Teresa of Avila by Herself. Trans. J.M. Cohen. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987. JBH
Teresa of Avila.
The Interior Castle. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.
Classics of Western Spirituality. JBH
Teresa of Avila.
The Interior Castle. Trans. Mirabal Starr. New
York: Riverhead, 2004. Alexandra Johnson, Boston, 2017.
Saint Teresa of Avila. Pater Noster from The Way of Perfection. Centenary Edition, 1982. Sister Anna Maria Reynolds, Kilcullen, Kildare,
See Agnes Mason CHF, Anglican.
Divo Barsotti. La
Preghiera di Santa Teresa d'Avila. Banca Antoniana,
R.P. Léon van
Hove. La joie chez Sainte
Thérèse d'Avi
ola. Bruxelles: Librairie Albert Dewitt, 1930. Luisa
Morelli Adimari, Firenze, 2010.
St Therese of Lisieux:
Santa Teresa di
Gesù. La vita scritta da lei medesima. Ed. Angiolo
Marcori e Roberto Weiss. Firenze: Libreria Editrice
Fiorentina, 1930. Vol. I of 2 vols. Da Sasso e la
Misericordia, 2005.
Santa Teresa di
Gesù, Dottore della Chiesa. Opere.
Morena Roma: Edizioni OCD, 2005. Regina Carmeli, Lucca, 2006.
S. Teresa di Gesù Bambino. Scritti. Roma: Postulazione Generale dei Carmelitani Scalzi, 1979. Mirella Pratesi, Firenze, 2003.
S. Teresa di Gesù
Bambino. Storia di un'anima. Roma: Edizioni OCD, 2000,
2001. 2 copies. Liliana Ercolani, Firenze, 2002.
Teresa du
Lisieux. Storia di un'anima.
Torino: Piemme, 1998. Biancamaria Quadri, Firenze, 2007.
Sainte Thérèse de
l'Enfant Jésus: Histoire
d'une Ame, écrite par elle-meme. Lisieux. Luisa
Morelli Adimari, Firenze, 2010.
Il Volto di S. Teresa di Gesù Bambino. Roma: Edizioni OCD, 1995. JBH
Dorothy Day. Therese: A Life of Therese of Lisieux. Springfield: Templegate, 1991. JBH
Arnaldo Pedrini. Teresa di Lisieux: Affinità spirituale con Francesco di Sales, Ricerca storico-ascetica. Milano: Edizioni OR, 1993. Suor Anna Maria, Eremo di Getsemani, 2003.
Fr. Raymond de Thomas de Saint-Laurent. St Thérèse of the Child Jesus. Sydney: The Australian Tradition, Family, Property Centre, 1997. Anne Lastman, Melbourne, 2004.
S. Teresa Margherita (Redi) del Cuore di Gesù:
P. Gabriele di S. Maria Maddalena, OCD. Nascosto con Cristo in Dio: Profilo interiore di S. Teresa Margherita (Redi) del Cuore di Gesù. Firenze: Rivista di Vita Spirituale, 1979. Suor Anna Maria, Eremo di Getsemani, 2001.
Giuseppe Bardi. S. Margherita Teresa Redi: Un precorritrice di S. Teresa di Lisieux (1747-1770). Bari: Edizioni Paoline, 1957.
Giorgio Papasogli. Santa Teresa Margherita Redi. Milano: Editrice Ancora, 1958. Mirella Pratesi, Firenze, 2003.
Semi di Contemplazione: Mensile di vita spirituale. Liliana Ercolani, Firenze, 2003.
Giancarlo Setti. Castiglia in Toscana. Teresa Maria della Croce. Roma: Postulazione Generale O.C.D., 1986.
Analecta Cartusiana 291. Ed James Hogg. Includes James Hogg, "A Life of Research devoted to the Carthusians". Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 2017. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2017.
Peter Blomevenna. De Bonitate divina.The Mystical Tradition and the Carthusians, Vols. 6-8. Analecta Cartusiana 130. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1995. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2012.
Carthusian Spirituality. The Writings of Hugh of Balma and Guigo de Ponte. New York: Paulist Press, 1997. Classics of Western Spirituality. JBH
La Certosa di Firenze: The Charterhouse of Florence. Analecta Cartusiana 66. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1979. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Mount Grace
Charterhouse and Late Medieval English Spirituality. Ed
James Hogg. The Trinity College Cambridge MS.0.2.56. Analecta
Cartusiana 64/2. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic,
Universität Salzburg, 1978. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Mount Grace Charterhouse and Late Medieval English Spirituality. Vol. 3. The Works of John Norton. Musica Monachorum, Thesaurus cordium amantium, Deuoa lamentacio deuoti Iohannis Norton prioris. Ed. John Clark and James Hogg. Analecta Cartusiana 64:3. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 2016. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2017.
Collectanea Cartusiensia 3. Analecta Cartusiana 82.3. Ed James Hogg. Includes James Hogg, 'Mount Grace Charterhouse and Late Medieval English Spirituality'. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1981. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
An Illustrated Yorkshire Carthusian Religious Miscellany, British Library London Additional MS 37049. Ed. James Hogg. Vol 3, The Illustrations. Analecta Cartusiana 95/3. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1981. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Die Kartäuser
und ihre Welt - Kontakte und Gegenseitige Einflüsse.
Analecta Carthusiana 62:1. Ed. James Hogg.
Spiritualität Heute und Gestern. Analecta Cartusiana
35:14. Ed. James Hogg. Institut für Anglistik und
Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1993. Includes Brian
Patrick McGuire, 'Loving the Holy Order: Jean Gerson and the
Carthusians'; Laviece Ward, 'Authors and Authority: The
Influence of Jean Gerson and the 'Devotio Modern' and the Fasciculus
temporum of Wener Rolevinck'. James Hogg,
Salzburg, 2006.
Dominicus de
Prussia. Liber experientiae. Cartusia Throni
Sanctissimae Trinitatis, 2010. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2012.
Die Kartäuser
und ihre Welt - Kontakte und Gegenseitige Einflüsse.
Analecta Carthusiana 62:2. Ed. James Hogg.
Spiritualität Heute und Gestern. Analecta Cartusiana
35:14. Ed. James Hogg. Institut für Anglistik und
Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1993. Includes James
Hogg, 'The Carthusian Nuns: A Survey of the Sources of their
History'. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Hugh of Balma,
Papers: Harald Walach. 'Noticia experimentalis Dei - Was
heisst das? Hugo de Balmas Begriff der Erfahrungserkenntnis
Gottes - Versuch einer Reconstruktion'; Jasper Hopkins, Hugh of Balma on Mystical
Thelogy: A Translation and an Overview of his De Theologia
Mystica' Introduction/ Bibliography.
Kartäuserliturgie und Kartäuserschrifttum. Internationaler Kongress vom 2. bis 5. September 1987. Vol. 3. Analecta Cartusiana 116:3. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1988. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006. Includes James Hogg, 'Mount Grace Charterhouse'.
und-Mystiker. Ed. James Hogg. Contains Francis Ruello,
'Statut et role de l'Intellectus et de l'Affectus
dans la Théologie mystique de Hugues de Balma'; Dom
Philippe Dupont, 'L'Ascension mystique chez Guigues du Pont';
Roland Maisonneuve, 'L'Experience mystique et visionnaire de
Marguerite d'Oingt (+1310) moniale Chartreuse'; P. Leopold
Grill, 'Im blickfeld Ottos von Freising: Reichsburgund und
Kartäuser'; Margrit Froh, 'Chorgestohle in ittingen und
tockelhausen als zeichen kartäusischer geistigkeit'; Michael
Sargent, 'Contemporary Criticism of Richard Rolle'; James
Hogg, 'A Mystical Diary: The Refectorium Salutis of
Richard Methley of Mount Grace Charterhouse'. Analecta
Cartusiana 55:1. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic,
Universität Salzburg, 1981. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
und -Mystiker: Dritter Internationaler Kongress Über die
Kartäusegeschichte und Spiritualitat. Analecta
Cartusiana, 55:2. Ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für
Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 1981. Band 2.
Includes A.I. Doyle,
'Carthusian Participation in the Movement of Works of
Richard Rolle Between England and Other Parts of Europe in
the 14th and 15th Centuries'; Michael G. Sargent, 'The
Self-Verification of Visionary Phenomena: Richard
Methley's "Experimentum Veritatis"; James Hogg, "The
Schola Amoris Languidi" of Richard Methley of Mount Grace
Charterhouse transcribed from the Trinity College
Cambridge MS O.2.56'.
Kartäusermystik und-Mystiker. Ed.
James Hogg. Analecta Cartusiana 55:3. Institut für Anglistik
und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1982. James Hogg,
Salzburg, 2006.
Kartäusermystik und-Mystiker. Ed. James Hogg. Analecta Cartusiana 55:4. Includes Michael G. Sargent, 'James Grenehalgh: The Biographical Record'; Giovanni Leoncini, Iconografia della chiesa di San Lorenzo nella Certosa di Firenze'; Caterina Chiarelli, 'Iconografia e iconologia dei busti robbiani nel chiostro della Certosa di Firenze'; Kent Emery, Jr., 'Dionysii Cartusiensis Bibliotheca et Manuscripta: Prologue and Queries'. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1982. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
und-Mystiker. Ed. James Hogg. Analecta Cartusiana 55:5.
Includes James Hogg, 'The Dormitorium Dilicti of Richard
Methley of Mount Grace Charterhouse transcribed from the
Trinity College Cambridge MS 0.2.56'. Institut für Anglistik
und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1982. James Hogg,
Salzburg, 2006.
Liber Amicorum James Hogg
Kartäuserforschung 1970-2006. Internationale Tagung
Kartause Aggsbach 28.8 - 1.9.2006 Kartause Mauerbach. Band
1-6. Analecta Cartusiana 210. Institut für
Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1982. James
Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Richard Methley.
Scola Amoris Languidi, Refectorium Salutis, Dormitorium
Dilecti Dilecti, Experiemntum Veritatis, To Hew heremyte.
Ed. John Clark and James Hogg. Mount Grace Charterhouse and
late Medieval English Spirituality. Analecta Cartusiana 64:1
Salzburg: Anglistik
und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 2017- 2018.
A Mirror for Devout
People (Speculum Devotorum). Ed. Paul J. Patterson.
Oxford: Early English Text Society, 2016. O.S. 348. JBH, 2020.
(Sheen for Syon)
Monasticon Cartusiense. Vol. III. Provincia Teutoniae. Provinciae Picardiae. Provinciae Angliae [Including Mount Grace and Sheen]. Ed. James HJogg and Gerhard Schlegel. Anbalecta Cartusiana 185:3. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 2005. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2012.
Notitia experimentalis Dei - Erfahrungserkenntnis Gottes: Studien zu Hugo de Balmas Text 'Viae Sion lugent' und deutsche Ubersetzung. Ed. Harald Walach. Analecta Cartusiana 98:1. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1994. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Elizabeth Salter. Nicholas Love's 'Mirrour of the Blessed Lyf of Jesu Crist'. Analecta Cartusiana 10. Ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 1984. JBH
Michael G. Sargent. James Greenhalgh as Textual Critic. Analecta Cartusiana 85. Ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 1984. 2 vols. JBH
Spiritualität Heute und Gestern. Analecta Cartusiana 35:1. Ed. James Hogg. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1982. Includes Roland Maisonneuve, 'Le langage mystique et son interpretation'; Roger Ellis, 'A Note on the Spirituality of St Bridget of Sweden'; J.P.H. Clark, 'English and Latin in the Scale of Perfection - Theological Considerations'. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Spiritualität Heute und Gestern. Analecta Cartusiana 35:2. Ed. James Hogg. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1983. Includes Brant Pelphrey, 'Spirituality in Mission: Reflections from the Theology and Life of Julian of Norwich'; S.S. Hussey, 'Editing the Middle English Mystics'. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Spiritualität Heute und Gestern. Analecta Cartusiana 35:14. Ed. James Hogg. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1983. Includes James Hogg, 'Carthusian Abstinence'; 'Brigittine Legislation for Syon Abbey Lisbon', 'Carthusian Annals'. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Spiritualität Heute und Gestern. Analecta Cartusiana 35:15. Ed. James Hogg. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1992. Includes James Hogg, 'The Carthusians and the Temptations of Eve'. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Spiritualität Heute und Gestern. Analecta Cartusiana 35:17. Ed. James Hogg. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic, Universität Salzburg, 1992. Includes E. Vansteenberghe 'Autour de la docte ignorance: Une controversie sur la theologie mystique au XVe siecle'; James Hogg, 'St John Ogilvie: An interim portrait'; James Hogg, 'News in the Charterhouse'. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Early Dominicans.
Selected Writings. Ed. Simon Tugwell OP. New York:
Paulist Press, 1982. Classics of Western Spirituality.
Giuliano Agresti.
L'Arcivescovo dei ronzini: vita di S. Antonino da Firenze.
Genova: Marietti, 1989. 2023.
Ennio Antonelli e
Zaira Zuffetti. Beato
Angelico; Maestro di Contemplazione. Milano: Ancora,
Joseph Pérez.
Breve storia dell'Inquisizione spagnola. Milano:
Corbaccio, 2006. 2021.
Saint Thomas
Saint Thomas Aquinas. On the Unity of the Intellect against the Averroists (De Unitate Intellectus Contra Avveroistas). Trans. Beatrice H. Zedler. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1968. JBH
St Thomas Aquinas, Siger of Brabant, St Bonaventure. On the Eternity of the World (De Aeternitate Mundi). Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1964. JBH
St Thomas
Aquinas. The Ethics of Aquinas. Ed. Stephen J. Pope.
Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2002. MLA/JBH
Tommaso d'Aquino.
Metafisica, antropologia ed etica. A c. Niccolò Turi.
Scandicci (Firenze): La Nuova Italia, 1998. 2024.
St Thomas
Aquinas on Politics and Ethics. Trans. Paul E. Sigmund.
New York: Norton, 1988. JBH.
St Thomas
Aquinas on Politics and Ethics. Trans. Paul E. Sigmund.
New York: Norton, 1988. Nicholas Dakin-Elliot, Firenze, 2008
Saint Thomas
Aquinas. On Law, Morality and Politics. Ed. William P.
Baumgarth and Richard J. Regen, S.J. Indianapolis: Hackett,
1988. Martin J. Howley, Canada, 2020.
Introduction to St Thomas Aquinas. The Summa Theologica, The Summa Contra Gentiles. Ed. Anton C. Pegis. New York: Modern Library, 1948. JBH
St Thomas Aquinas. Treatise on Law Summa Theologica, Questions 90-97). Chicago: Regnery Gateway, n.d. Syracuse University, Florence, 2005
Robert Barron. Thomas
Aquinas: Spiritual Master. New York: Crossroad, 1998. Sr
Mary Clemente Devlin, USA, 2004. JBH
Pius Cavanagh, O.P. Life of Thomas Aquinas. London: Burns and Oates, 1890. Lisa Morelli Adimari, Firenze, 2010.
F.C. Copleston. Aquinas. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961. JBH
P. R. Diaccini
OP. Vita di San Tommaso d'Aquino. Roma: Edizioni
Cateriniane, 1934. Barbara Bergamaschi, Maiano, 2004.
Umberto Eco. The
Aesthetics of Thomas Aquinas. Trans. Hugh Bredin.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988. Martin J,
Howley, Canada, 2020.
Etienne Gilson. Seminar
on Thomas Aquinas. Also Walter J. Ong, SJ, "Wit and
Mystery: A Revaluation in Mediaeval Latin Hymnody, Speculum
22 (1947), 310-341, Michael Kleine. "The Elusive Presence of
the Word: An Interview with Walter Ong", Composition Forum
7 (1996), 65-86; "Ong's Theory of Orality and Literacy: A
Perspective from which to re-view Theories of Discourse", in The
Philosophy of Discourse, ed. Chip Sills and George
Jensen (Boynton/Cook, 1992), pp. 229-245. JBH
H.M. Capes. The
Life and Letters of Father Bertrand Wilberforce of the Order
of Preachers. Edinburgh: Sands and Co, 1908. Mark
Roberts, Passignano, 2004.
Saint Catherine of Siena:
Alfonso Capecelatro. Caterina da Siena e il Papato del suo tempo. Roma: Bibliotheca Fides, 1973. Clarisse, San Casciano, 2004
Santa Caterina. Lettere. Ed. Niccolò Tommaseo e Centro Nazionale di Studi Cateriniani. Roma: Bibliotheca Fides, 1973. Clarisse, San Casciano, 2004.
S. Caterina da Siena. Dialogo della Divina Provvidenza. Ed. P. Innocenzo Taurisano OP. Firenze: Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, 1928. 2 vols. Sandy Kahn, Boston, 2004.
S. Caterina da
Siena. Il Dialogo della Divina Provvidenza. Ed. P.
Angiolo Puccetti, OP, P Tito S. Centi, OP. Siena: Edizioni
Cantagalli, 2001. ADA, Firenze, 2003.
S. Caterina da
Siena. Il "Dialogo" di Caterina da Siena per una nuova
edizione critica,: Filologia, Tradizione, Teologia. A c.
Silvia Nocentini. Firenze: Edizioni del Galuzzo per la
Fondazione Ezio Franceschini. 2023. Firenze, SISMEL, 2024.
Catherine of Siena. The Dialogue. Ed. Suzanne Noffke OP, Preface, Giuliana Cavallini. New York: Paulist Press, 1980. Classics of Western Spirituality. JBH
Catherine of
Siena. The Orcherd of Syon. Edited from the Early
Manuscripts. Ed. Phyllis Hodgson, Gabriel M Liegey. Oxford:
Early English Text Society, 1966. EETS 258. JBH. See
Brigittine: Syon Abbey.
Caterina da
Siena. La città prestata:
consigli ai politici. A cura di Gianfranco Morra.
Roma: Città Nuova Editrice, 1990. ADA, 2008.
Cavallini, OP. Catherine of Siena. London: Geoffrey
Chapman, 1998. JBH
Cavallini. Catarina da
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Carolyn Muessig. The Faces of Women in the Sermons of Jacques de Vitry. Toronto: Peregrina Translations Series, 1999. JBH, Firenze, 2005. See also Magister Mathias, under Brigittine, for Jacques de Vitry.
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The Ancrene Riwle. Trans. Mary B. Salu. Introd. Dom Gerard Sitwell, O.S.B. Preface, J.R.R. Tolkien. London: Burns and Oates, 1955. JBH
The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle, British Museum MS. Royal 8 C.1. Ed. A.C. Baugh. London: Oxford University Press, 1956. Early English Text Society, 232. JBH
The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle, Cotton Nero A.XIV. Ed. Mabel Day and J.A. Herbert. London: Oxford University Press, 1952. Early English Text Society, 225. JBH
The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle, Cotton MS. Titus D. XVIII and Bodleian MS Eng. th. c. 70. Ed. Francis M. Mack and A. Zettersten. London: Oxford University Press, 1963. Early English Text Society, 252. JBH
The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle, Gonville and Caius MS 234/120. Ed. R.M. Wilson, Introd. N.R. Ker. London: Oxford University Press, 1954. Early English Text Society, 229. JBH
The English Text of the Ancrene Riwle Edited from Magdalene College, Cambridge, MS. Pepys 2498. Ed. A. Zettersten. London: Oxford University Press, 1976. Early English Text Society, 274. JBH
The French Text of the Ancrene Riwle: Trinity College Cambridge MS. R.14.7. Ed. W.H. Trethewey. London: Oxford University Press, 1958. Early English Text Society, 240. JBH
The Latin Text of the Ancrene Riwle. Ed.
Charlotte d'Evelyn. London: Oxford University Press, 1944.
Early English Text Society, 216. JBH
Anonimo del XIII secolo. Le Regola delle Romite.
Trad. di Maria Luisa Maggioni dall Ancrene Wisse. Milano: Editrice Ancora,
1989. Gabriella Del Lungo, Florence, 2008.
Anchoritic Spirituality: Ancrene Wisse and Associated Works. Trans. Anne Savage and Nicholas Watson. Preface, Benedicta Ward. New York: Paulist Press, 1991. Classics of Western Spirituality. JBH
Ancrene Wisse: Guide for Anchoresses. Trans. Hugh White. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1993. JBH
Facsimile of MS. Bodley 43: St Katherine, St Margaret, St Juliana, Hali Mei[th]had, Sawles Ward. Introd. N.R. Ker. London: Oxford University Press, 1960. Early English Text Society, 247. JBH
Seinte Katerine: Re-edited from MS Bodley 34 and the Other Manuscripts. Ed. S.R.T.O. d'Ardenne and E.J. Dobson. London: Oxford University Press, 1981. Early English Text Society, Supplementary Series 7. JBH
Seinte Marharete the Meiden and Martyr: Re-edited from MS. Bodley 34, Oxford and MS. Royal 17A xxvii, British Museum. Ed. Francis M. Mack. London: Oxford University Press, 1934. Early English Text Society, 193. JBH
The Liflade ant the Passiun of Seinte Iuliene . Ed. S.R.T.O. d'Ardenne. London: Oxford University Press, 1961. Early English Text Society, 248. JBH
Hali Mei[th]had. Ed. Bella Millett. London: Oxford University Press, 1982. Early English Text Society, 284. JBH
Ann K. Warren. Anchorites and their Patrons in Medieval England. Berkeley; University of California Press, 1985. JBH
The Wohunge of Ure Lauerd. Ed. Meredith Thompson. London: Oxford University Press, 1938. Early English Text Society, 241. JBH
Spiritual Direction by and for Hermits
Anonimo Francofortese. Libretto della vita perfetta. Ed. Marco Vannini. Milano: Newton, 1994. Marco Vannini, Firenze,
A Book of Contemplation the which is called the Cloud of Unknowing, in the which a soul is oned with God. Ed. Evelyn Underhill, from the British Museum Harl. 674 MS. London: John M. Watkins, 1922. Fr Finbar, O.S.B., Pluscarden Abbey, 2005.
The Cloud of Unknowing and Other Treatises by an English Mystic of the Fourteenth Century. With a Commentary on the Cloud by Father Augustine Baker, O.S.B. Ed. Abbot Justin McCann, Monk of Ampleforth. London: Burns Oates, 1952. J.B.H., Oxford, 2006. Letter from Gerard Sitwell.
The Cloud of Unknowing and The Book of Privy Counselling. Ed. Phyllis Hodgson. London: Oxford University Press, 1944. Early English Text Society, 218. JBH
The Cloud of Unknowing. Trans. Clifton Wolters. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961. JBH
The Cloud of Unknowing. Ed. Patrick J. Gallacher. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 1997. TEAMS Middle English Texts Series. JBH
The Cloud of Unknowing. Ed. James Walsh, Preface, Simon Tugwell. New York: Paulist Press, 1981. JBH
The Cloud of Unknowing Author. Deonise Hid Divinite and Other Treatises on Contemplative Prayer Related to The Cloud of Unknowing, A Treatyse of the Stodye of Wysdome that men clepen Beniamyn, A Pistle of Preier, A Pistle of Discrecioun of Stirings, A Tretis of Discrescyon of Spirites. Ed. Phyllis Hodgson. London: Oxford University Press, 1955. Early English Text Society, 231. JBH
The Cloud of
Unknowing. The Book of Privy Counselling, The Epistle of
Prayer, The Epistle of Discrtetion, Hid Divinity, Benjamin
Minor, The Study of Wisdom, Of Discerning of Spirits.
Ed. Phyllis Hodgson. Exeter: Catholic Records Press, 1982.
Analecta Cartusiana 3. Ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für
Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 1982. James
Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
The Cloud of Unknowing. An Introduction. John P.H. Clark. 119.5,6, Vols 1,2,3, ed. James Hogg. Salzburg: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 1995-1999. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006
The Cloud
of Unknowing with The Book of Privy Counsel. Trans.
Carmen Acevedo Butcher. Boston: Shjambala, 2009. Carmen
Acevedo Butcher, Georgia, 2011.
The Cloud of Unknowing Author. The
Pursuit of Wisdom and Other Works by the Author of the
Cloud of Unknowing. Trans. James Walsh, Preface,
George A. Maloney. New York: Paulist Press, 1988. JBH
T.W. Coleman. English Mystics of the Fourteenth Century.
London: Epworth Press, 1938; rprt. Rev Adrian Wee, Malaysia,
Margaret Deansley. The Incendium Amoris of Richard Rolle of Hampole. Manchester: University Press, 1915. JBH
Devotio Moderna. Basic Writings. New York: Paulist Press, 1988. Classics of Western Spirituality. JBH
Jean Gerson. Early
Works. New York: Paulist Press, 1998. Classics of
Western Spirituality. JBH
Walter Hilton:
Walter Hilton. The
Scale of Perfection, Book II- Edition based on British
Library MSS Harley 6573 and6579. Eds. S.S. Husset and
Michael G. Sargent. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Early Engish Text Society, O.S. 348.
Walter Hilton. The Scale of Perfection. Trans. John P.H. Clark and Rosemary Dorward. Preface, Janel Mueller. New York: Paulist Press, 1991. Classics of Western Spirituality. JBH
Walter Hilton's Latin Writings. Ed. John P.H. Clark and Cheryl Taylor. Vol. 2. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universität Salzburg, 1987. 2 vols. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Gunnel Cleve. Basic
Mystic Themes in Walter Hilton's Scale of Perfection, Book
II. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistic,
Universität Salzburg, 1994. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Jonathan Hughes.
The Religious Life of Richard III: Piety and Prayer in the
North of England. Stroud: Sutton, 2000. Fr Adrian Wee,
Sydney, 2021
David Knowles. English Mystics. London: Burns, Oates and Washburn, 1927. CHF/JBH
The Life of Richard Rolle Together with an Edition of the English Lyrics (now for the first time published). Ed. Frances M.M. Comper [Evelyn Underhill]. London: J.M.Dent and Sons, 1928. JBH, Kalamazoo, 2005.
Rolle, Richard. Prose and Verse. Ed. S.J. Ogilvie-Thomson. London: Oxford University Press, 1988. Early English Text Society, 293. JBH
Richard Rolle. The English Writings . Trans. Rosamund S. Allen, Preface, Valerie M. Lagorio. New York: Paulist Press, 1988. JBH
Richard Rolle. English Writings of Richard Rolle, Hermit of Hampole. Ed. Hope Emily Allen. Oxford: Clarendon, 1963. JBH
Richard Rolle. The Fire of Love. Ed.
Clifton Walters. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972. JBH
Geraldine E. Hodgson. The Sanity of Mysticism: A
Study of Richard Rolle. London: Faith Press, 1926;
rprt. Rev Adrian Wee, Malaysia, 2009.
Beatrice Pucci. Fra cielo e acqua: Le
Romite del Ponte alle Grazie (Rubaconte): Una storia
fiorentine dal '300 al '400. Introduzione di Elena
Gianarelli. Firenze: Pagnini, 2017. Beatrice
Pucci, Firenze, 2017.
Mario Sensi. Dal movimento eremitico alla regolare osservanza francescana: L'opera di fra Paoluccio Trinci. Assisi: Edizioni Porziuncola, 1992. Laura Naldini, Firenze, 2004.
The Speculum Inclusorum: MS British Library London Harley 2372. Vol. 2: The St John's College Oxford MS 177 of the Speculum Clausorum. Ed. James Hogg. Analecta Cartusiana 59/2. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 1981. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
L'Imitazione di Cristo. Ed. Ugo Nicolini. Presentazione, Enzo Bianchi. Milano: Paoline, 1978. American League, Florence, 2002.
Tommaso da Kempis. L'Imitazione di Cristo. Trad. Cesare Guasti. Firenze: Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, 2002. La famiglia Zani, Firenze, 2003.
Martin Luther. Theologia Germanica. New York: Paulist Press, 1980. Classics of Western Spirituality. JBH.
Sister Agnes Soli. A Tide that Sings: The Story of a Vocation. London: SPCK, 1996. JBH
Sister Agnes Soli. The Song of the Lark. London: SPCK, 1995. JBH
Isabel Colegate. A Pelican in the Wilderness: Hermits, Solitaries and Recluses. Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 2002. Isabel Colegate, 2004.
Bruder Elia. The Language of Silence: Hermistown native expresses his faith with icons. Bruder Elia.
Fraternità: Bolletino di collegamento con gli amici dell'Eremo di San Pietro alle Stinche. 1997. Antonia Miranda, La Piazza.
Alberto E. Justo. Lo que no tien nombre: Ensayos de Supervivencia Espiritual. Buenos Aires, 1994.Alberto E. Justo, Buenos Aires
Alberto E. Justo, O.P. Regla para Eremitas. Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz: Centro de Estudios San Jeronimo, 1996. Alberto E. Justo, Buenos Aires.
Alberto E. Justo, O.P. Tiempo de arrojo, tiempo di esperanza: variaciones sobre algunos temas de vida espiritual. Buenos Aires: Editorial Bonum, 1993. Alberto E. Justo, Buenos Aires.
André Louf. Il
Cammino di Benoit Labré. Comunità di Bose 18. 1988. Don
Bernardo, CHF, San Sergio, Settignano.
François Malaval.
Pratica Facile per elevare l'anima alla contemplazione.
A cura di Marco Vannini. Firenze: Rivista di Ascetica e
Mistica, Convento di S. Marco, 2002. Giovanna Fozzer, Firenze,
Eugene L. Romano. Una spiritualità del deserto: Il progetto di vita degli Eremiti di Bethlehem. Mirella Pratesi, Firenze, 2003.
Cristina Saviozzo. La vita eremitica nella Chiesa toscana contemporanea. Tesi di Laurea in Storia della Chiesa moderna e contemporanea, Università degli Studi di Pisa, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, 2004-2005.
The Solitary Voice. Lent, 2000. Hermits' Newsletter. JBH
Rayner Torkington. Peter Calvay, Hermit: A Personal Rediscovery of Prayer. Shand Publications, 1980. American League, Florence, 2002.
Rayner Torkington. Peter Calvay, Prophet: The Inner Meaning of Prayer. Liverpool: Spennithorne, 1987. Autograph. American League, Florence, 2002.
See also Publications, shelved: VAU; Microfilms, shelved: KHETH
Christopher Abbott. Julian of Norwich: Autobiography and Theology. Cambridge: Brewer, 1999. JBH Review
David Aers and Lynn Staley. The Powers of the Holy: Religion, Politics and Gender in Late Medieval English Culture. University Park: State University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996. MLA/JBH Review
Denise Nowakowski Baker. Julian of Norwich's Showings: From Vision to Book. Princeton: University Press, 1994. JBH Review
Frederick Christian Bauerschmidt. Julian of Norwich and the Mystical Body Politic of Christ. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1999. JBH Review
Frances Beer. Julian of Norwich: Revelations, Motherhood of God. Cambridge: Brewer, 1998. JBH Review
Ritamary Bradley. Julian of Norwich and Redemption. Studies in Spirituality 10 (2000), Titus Brandsma Institute, University of Nijmegan.
Ritamary Bradley. Julian's Way: A Practical Commentary on Julian of Norwich. London: Harper Collins, 1992. Ritamary Bradley. Review
Ritamary Bradley. Praying with Julian of Norwich. Mystic, CN: Twenty-Third Publications, 1995. Ritamary Bradley. Review
Robert H.
Calderwood. Julian's Challenge. New York: Vintage
Press, 1995. JBH Review
Edward J.
Clemmer. Julian of Norwich in her Phenoenology: Her
Spiritual Texts and Their Historical Contexts. Lausanne:
Peter Lang, 2023. Edward Clemmer, Malta, 2023
A Companion to Julian of Norwich.
Ed. Liz Herbert McAvoy. Cambridge: Brewer, 2008. Gender and History,
Nottingham, 2009.
Carson Cooman. The Revelations of Divine Love
(Metaphors from Sea and Sky), Friday, June 26, 2009.
Oratorio for Choir, soloists and Orchestre. Alexandra Johnson,
Boston, 2009.
Austin Cooper, OMI. Julian of Norwich: Reflections on Selected Texts. London: Burns and Oates, 2001. Sister Anna Maria Reynolds, C.P., Dublin, 2006.
Georgia Ronan
Crampton. The Shewings of Julian of Norwich.
Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications,, 1994. TEAMS
Middle English Text Series. JBH
Marleen Cré. Vernacular Mysticism in the
Charrterhouse: A Study of London, British Library, MS
Additional 37790. The Medieval Translator/ Traduire
au Moyen Age 8. Turnhout: Brepols, 2006.
Marleen Cré. 'Contexts and Comments: The Chastising of God's Children and The Mirror of Simple Souls in MS Bodley 505'. In Medieval Texts in Context. Ed. Graham D. Caie and Denis Renevey. London: Routledge, 2008. MLA, New York, 2009.
R.T. Davies. Medieval English Lyrics: A Critical Anthology. London: Faber and Faber, 1975. JBH
Gloria Durka. Praying
with Julian of Norwich. Winona: St Mary's Press, 1989.
JBH Review
Elisabeth Dutton.
Julian of Norwich: the
Influence of Late-Medieval Devotional Compilations.
Cambridge: Brewer, 2008. Genders Studies, 2009.
Fruehwirth OJN. Julian of
Norwich and the Awakening of the Soul in the 21st Century.
Norwich: Julian Centre, 2009. Liz Day, Julian Centre, 2010.
CDs filed under KHETH
Roberta Gilchrist and Marilyn Oliva. Religious Women in Medieval East Anglia. University of East Anglia, 1993. Studies in East Anglian History 1. JBH
Marion Glasscoe.
English Medieval Mystics: Games of Faith. London:
Longman, 1993. JBH Review
Margaret Harvey.
The English in Rome
1362-1420: Portrait of an Expatriot Community.
Cambridge: University Press, 2006. JBH, Firenze, 2007.
Kerrie Hide. Gifted Origins to Graced
Fulfillment: The Soteriology of Julian of Norwich.
Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2001. Sr Julianah,
O.S.B., Australia, 2008.
An Introduction to the Medieval Mystics of Europe. Ed. Paul Szarmach. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1984. JBH
Grace Jantzen. Julian
of Norwich. London: SPCK, 1990. JBH
Jennings. Every Changing
Shape: Mystical Experience and the Making of Poems.
Manchester: Carcanet Press, 1996. JBH, 2009.
John-Julian OJN.
The Complete Julian of
Norwich. Orleans, MA: Paraclete Press, 2009.
Authographed, John Julian OJN, 2009.
John of Salisbury. The Metalogicon: A Twelfth-Century Defense of the Verbal and Logical Arts of the Trivium. Trans. Daniel D. McGarry. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1962. JBH
John of Salisbury. Policraticus: The Statesman's Book. Ed. Murray E. Markland. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing, 1979. JBH
Julian af Norwich. Kaerlighed var hans mening. Trans. Sr Anna-Maria Kjellergaard O.S.B. Katolsk Forlag, 2002. Sr Anna-Maria Kjellergaard
Julian av Norwich. Uppenbarelser av den gudomliga kärleken. Skellafteå: Artos Bokförlag, 1991. Catharina Lindgren
Giuliana di
Norwich. Libro delle Rivelazioni. Trad. Domenico
Pezzini. Milano: Ancora, 1997. JBH
Giuliana di
Norwich. Una rivelazione dell'amore. Trad. Domenico
Pazzini. Milano: Ancora, 2015. 2016.
Julian of Norwich. An Edition of MS Sloane 2499 of Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich Presented as a Thesis for the Degree of Master of Arts, Frances Reynolds. University of Leeds, May, 1947. JBH
Julian of Norwich. A Critical Edition of the Revelations of Julian of Norwich (1342-c.1416), Prepared from all the Known Manuscripts with Introduction, Notes and Select Glossary Presented as a Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of English Language and Medieval Literature, Leeds University.. Frances Reynolds (Sister Anna Maria, C.P.) JBH
The Shewings of Lady Julian Recluse at Norwich, 1373 (Formerly entitled 'Comfortable Words for Christ's Lovers'). Transcribed and Edited from the Earliest Known Manuscript, British Museum Additional 37,790, Dundas Harford, Rector of Sculthorpe, Norfolk. London: H.R. Allenson, 1925.
Revelations of Divine Love Recorded by Julian, Anchoress of Norwich A.D. 1373. Ed. Grace Warrack from British Museum Sloane 2499 MS. London: Methuen, 1958. Inscribed Gregory Carroll, Ampleforth Abbey. Fr Finbar, O.S.B., Pluscarden Abbey, 2005.
Julian of Norwich. A Book of Showings to the Anchoress Julian of Norwich. Ed. Edmund Colledge and James Walsh. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1978. 2 vols. JBH
Julian of Norwich. Showings. Trans. Edmund Colledge and James Walsh. New York: Paulist Press, 1978. JBH
Julian of Norwich. A Revelation of Love. Ed. Marion Glasscoe. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1993. JBH
Julian of Norwich. Revelations of Divine Love. Ed. Dom Roger Hudleston, O.S.B. London: Burns Oates and Washbourne, 1927. JBH
Julian of Norwich. The Revelations of Divine Love. Trans. James Walsh. St Meinrad: Abbey Press, 1975. 2 copies. JBH
Julian of
Norwich. Showing of Love. Trans. Julia Bolton
Holloway. London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 2003. JBH
Julian of
Norwich. Revelations of Divine Love. Trans. Elizabeth
Spearing. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1998. 2018.
Julian of
Norwich. Revelations of
Divine Love. Trans. into Russian. Juliana Dresvina.
Moscow: Dmitriy Pozharskiy University, 2010. Forwards by
Rowman Williams, Kallistos Ware, Eamon Duffy. Juliana
Dresvina, Cambridge. 2010.
Julian of Norwich. Stations of the Cross: A Devotion Using the Revelations of Divine Love. Ed. Sheila Upjohn. Norwich: The Friends of Julian of Norwich.
Julian, Woman of our Day. Ed. Robert Llewelyn. London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1985. JBH
Julian of Norwich: Four Studies to Commemorate the Sixth Centenary of the Revelations of Divine Love. Fairacres: SLG, 1993. JBH
Julian of
Norwich: A Book of Essays. Ed. Sandra J. McEntire. New
York: Garland Publishing, 1998. JBH
M. Diane F. Krantz. The Life and Text of Julian of Norwich: The Poetics of Enclosure. New York: Peter Lang, 1997. Diane Krantz. Review
Sarah Law. "A
Room of her Own" Julian, Prayer and Creativity. 2003
Annual Julian Lecture. St Julian's Church, 3 May 2003.
Sarah Law.
Andrew Lee. The Most Ungrateful Englishman:
The Life and Times of Adam Easton. Lydney: Corpus
Publishing, 2006. Andrew Lee, Somersham, 2007.
Kenneth Leech, Sr Benedicta. Julian Reconsidered. Fairacres: SLG Press, 1988. JBH
Robert Llewelyn. "Julian Then and Now: The Mercy and Forgiveness of God. 1997 Annual Julian Lecture". St Julian's Church, 10 May, 1997. JBH
Robert Llewellyn. With Pity not with Blame: The Spirituality of Julian of Norwich and the Cloud of Unknowing for Today. London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 2003. Robert Llewellyn, Norwich, 2006.
Carol Luebering.
Job and Julian of Norwich: Trusting that All Will be Well.
Cincinnati, St Anthony Messenger Press, 1995. JBH
David McDermott.
Prayers from Revelations of
Divine Love. AuthorsOnLine.UK. David McDermott,
Liverpool, 2009.
The Medieval Mystical Tradition in England: Papers read at Dartington Hall, July 1982. Ed. Marion Glasscoe. University of Exeter, 1982. JBH
Ralph Milton. La cella di Juliana: Il romanzo di Juliana di Norwich. Trans. Diego Sorba. Milano: Paoline, 2003. Paoline.
Edward Peter Nolan. Cry Out and Write: A Feminine Poetics of Revelations. New York: Continuum, 1994. Includes transcription by JBH of Westminster Julian of Norwich Showing of Love. Liesel Nolan, Boulder. Review
Joan Nuth. Wisdom's
Daughter: The Theology of Julian of Norwich. New York:
Crossroad, 1991. James Hannay, Hasting. Review
Elizabeth Ruth
Obbard, ed. Medieval Women
Mystics: Gertrude the Great, Angela of Foligno, Birgitta of
Sweden, Julian of Norwich. Hyde Park, NY: New City
Press, 2007. Julia Bolton Holloway, Florence, 2010.
Jack Pantaleo. Mother Julian and the Gentle Vampire. Roseville: Drybones Press, 2000. Jack Pantaleo.
Domenico Pezzini. La luce sulla croce: La spiritualità della passione in Giuliana di Norwich. Milano: Paoline, 1997. JBH
Promptorium Parvulorum: The First English-Latin Dictionary.
Ed. A.L. Mayhew. Kraus Reprint, 1987. Early English Text
Society, ES 102, 1908. JBH
Melaney Poli."I
desired a Bodily Sight": A Short History of the Iconography
of Julian of Norwich or How we got "Saint Julian". Order
of Julian of Norwich, 2021.
Marie Louise
Ramnefalk. Julian såg gud. Arta Bokförlag, 1992.
Catharina Lindgren.
Reflections on the Human
Vocation. Providence, 2007. With Father Nathanael's
Icon of Julian.
Sr Anna Maria Reynolds. "Courtesy" and "Homeliness" in the Revelations of Julian of Norwich. Fourteenth-Century English Mystics Newsletter 2 (1979). Sister Anna Maria Reynolds, Kilcullen
Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality 5 (2005). On Julian of Norwich. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University, 2005.
Ambrose Tinsley,
O.S.B. A Neighbour Kind and Known: The Spirituality of
Julian of Norwich. Blackrock: The Columba Press, 1997. Review
Sheila Upjohn. Why Julian Now: A Voyage of Discovery. London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1997. Autograph.
E.I. Watkin. On
Julian of Norwich, and In Defence of Margery Kempe.
University of Exeter, 1979. JBH
Watson and Jacqueline Jenkins, eds. The Writings of Julian
of Norwich, A Vision Showed to a Devout Woman and A Revelation
of Love. University Park: Pennsylvania State University,
2006. JBH
John Whiterig
OSB. Christ Crucified and Other Meditations. Ed. David
Hugh Farmer. Trans. Dame Frideswide Sandeman OSB. Gracewing,
1994. David Hugh Farmer. Microfilm of MS, shelved: KHETH
Shelved DALETH: Mary Clemente Davlin, O.P. A Journey into Love: Meditating with Piers Plowman. Los Angeles: Marymount Institute Press, 2008. Autographed. Sr Mary Clemente Davlin, O.P., River Forest, 2008.
Oblates of Santa Francesca Romana
Bartolomei Romagnoli. La
santa, il monastero e la citta: alla fine del medioevo. Firenze
Edizione De Galluzzo, SISMEL, 2009. Claudio Leonardi, Firenze,
Giorgio Carpaneto. Il Dialetto romanesco del Quattrocento: Il manoscritto quattrocentesco di G. Mattiotti narra it tempi, i personnagi, le "visioni" di Santa Francesca Romana, compatrona di Roma. Roma: Nuova Editrice Spada, 1995. Tor de' Specchi.
La vita di S. Francesca Romana nelle pitture di Tor de' Specchi. Roma: Monastero Oblate di S. Francesca Romana. Tor de' Specchi.
Alessandra Bartolomei Romagnoli. Santa Francesca Romana: Edizione critica dei trattati latini di Giovanni Mattiotti. Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1994. Tor de' Specchi.
Una santa tutta Romana: Saggi e ricerche nel VI Centenario della nascita di Francesca Buss di Ponziani (1384-1984). Ed. Giorgio Picasso. Siena: Monte Oliveto Maggiore, 1984. Tor de' Specchi.
John Adair. The Pilgrim's Way: Shrines and Saints in Britain and Ireland. London: Thames and Hudson, 1978. JBH
Andrew Borde, Former Monk of the London Charterhouse. The First Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge. The which doth teache a man to speake parte of all maner of Languages and to know the usage and fashion of al maner of contreys. Ed. James Hogg. Vol. 2, Text. Analecta Cartusiana 92. Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, Universität Salzburg, 1979. James Hogg, Salzburg, 2006.
Apropos de
frontière: Variations socio-critiques sur les notions de
limite et de passage. Ed. Bernard Fouques. Bern: Peter
Lang, 2003. LEIA: Université de Caen 2. MLA/JBH.
Approaching the Holy Mountain:
Art and Liturgy at St Catherine's Monastery in the Sinai.
Ed. Sharon E.J. Gerstel and Robert S. Nelson. Turnhout:
Brepols, 2010. JBH, Firenze, 2012.
Stefano Ardito. Un approdo felice: Guida alla natura, alla storia e ai segreti del Monte Amiata. Abbadia San Salvatore, 1999. American League, Florence, 2002.
Karen Armstrong. Gerusalemme: Storia di una città tra ebraismo, cristianesimo e Islam. Milano: Mondadori, 1996. ADA, Firenze, 2001.
Atti del
convegno internazionale sulla Peregrinatio Egeriae nel
centenario della pubblicazione del Codex Aretinus 405 (già
Aretinus VI.3), Arezzo 23-25 ottobre 1987. Arezzo:
Accademia Petrarca di Lettere Arti e Scienze, 1990. Accademia
Petrarca. See www.florin.ms/beth.html
Baglione. Le nove chiese di Roma. Roma: Archivio Guido
Izzi, 1990. Sinclair, Firenze, 2017.
Piero Bargellini.
L'Anno santo nella Storia,
nella Letterature e nell'Arte. Firenze: Vallecchi,
The Basilica of the Holy Blood. Brugge. JBH
Mošeh Basola. A Sion e a Gerusalemme: Viaggio in Terra Santa (1521-1523). Introduction, Avraham David, Trans. Alessandra Veronese. Firenze: La Giuntina, 1999. Daniel Vogelmann, Firenze, 2004.
Abbé Georges
Berne, Georges Veron, L. Laborde Balen. The Pilgrim Route
to Compostela in Search of St James. A Practical Guide for
Pilgrims and Walkers in Spain. Editions Randonnées
Pyrénéenes/ London: Robertson McCarta, 1990. JBH
Everett C. Blake
and Anna G. Edmonds. Biblical
Sites in Turkey. Istanbul: Redhouse Press, 1982.
Roberta Pisell, Firenze, 2010.
Giuseppe Maria
Brocchi. Vite de' Santi e
Beati fiorentini. Firenze: Arcidiocesi di Firenze,
2000. Boxed with Gilberto Aranci, Monsignor Giuseppe Maria
Brocchi. Libreria Chiari, Firenze, 2007.
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Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. The Discovery of the Essene Gospel of Peace. 1989. Elizabeth McKillop, Seattle, 2003.
Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. Essene Communions with the Infinite. 1989. Elizabeth McKillop, Seattle, 2003.
Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. The Essene Gospel of Peace. Books I-IV. 1989. Elizabeth McKillop, Seattle, 2003.
Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. The Essene Science of Life. 1989. Elizabeth McKillop, Seattle, 2003.
Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. From Enoch to the Dead Sea Scrolls. 1989. Elizabeth McKillop, Seattle, 2003.
Rabindranath Tagore. Gitanjah: Canti di offerta. Milano: San Paolo, 1993. Suor Anna Maria, Eremo di Getsemani, 2001.
John V. Taylor. The
Primal Vision: Christian Presence amid African Religion.
Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1963. American League, Florence,
Dennis Tedlock. 2000
Years of Mayan Literature. Berkeley: Univesrtity of
California Press, 2010. Cliff Barney, Santa Cruz, 2017.
Robert Thurman. La rivoluzione interiore: La vita, la libertà e la ricerca della vera felicità. Saggi. Premessa di sua Santità il XIV Dalai Lama. Milano: Mondadori, 1998.
Giuseppe Tucci. Storia della filosofia indiana. Roma: Laterza, 1987. Elda Brasca, Firenze, 2001.
Victor Turner. Revelation
and Divination in Ndembu Ritual. Ithaca: Cornell
University Press, 1975. Autograph. Victor Turner, Princeton,
1975. [See also Victor Turner, Ritual Process,
shelved, Pilgrimage: BETH]
Pax hominibus.
I Volti del Divino. Sciamani e Magi, Maestri e Profeti.
San Pietroburgo: Museo di Stato di Storia della Religione:
Genova: Pirella, 1993.
Alan W. Watts. In My Own Way An Autobiography.
New York, Random, 1972. Elisa Dapples, Firenze, 2010.
Alan W. Watts. La
via dell Zen. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1971. Suor Anna
Maria, Eremo di Getsemani, 2001.
Alan W. Watts. The Way of Zen. New York
Random, 1957. Elisa Dapples, Firenze, 2010.
What does it
mean to be Human? Dalai Lama, Oscar Arias, Mother
Teresa, Elie Wiesel, Sister Joan Chittister, Vaclav Havel,
Wilma Mankiller, Yehudi Menuhim, Jack Miles, James Earl Jones,
Charlie Musselwhite, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nancy Willard,
Mary Evelyn Tucker, Joseph Rotblat, Ashis Nandy, etc. Ed.
Frederick Franck, Janis Roze and Richard Connolly. New York:
St Martin's Press, 2000. Arizona State University/Mesa Public
Library, Tempe, 2004.
The World
Treasury of Modern Religious Thought. Ed. Jaroslav
Pelikan. Boston: Little, Brown, 1990.
Adriana Zarri. Il Pozzo di Giacobbe: Geografia della preghiera da tutte le fedi. Brescia; Camunia Editrice, 1985. American League, Florence, 2003.
Heinrich Zimmer.
The King and the Corpse: Tales of the Soul's Conquest of
Evil. Ed. Joseph Campbell. Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1973. JBH
Catalogue: BETH,
Biblioteca e Bottega Fioretta Mazzei, 'English' Cemetery,
Florence, Italy
Commentaries/ Hebraism, Islam/ Alphabet, Babylonian/Egyptian,
Hebrew Bible, Greek Testament, Bible, Early Christianity, Desert
Fathers, Greek/Russian Orthodoxy, Latin Christianity, Celtic
Christianity, Anglo-Saxon Christianity, Hagiography, Medieval,
Renaissance Bible, Women in Christianity,
Liturgy/Cathechism/Magisterium, Church Today, Modern
Hagiography/Biography || Children
Contemplative Theology, Newer
Orders, Modern Communities, Anglican || Monastic
Orders: Benedictine,
Clarissan, Servites
|| Medieval
Studies, Women
in Middle Ages, Beguine,
of Norwich, Oblates
of Santa Francesca Romana, Pilgrimage,
etc. || Comparative
Languages: French, Spanish, || Russian, Portuguese, German ||
Dictionaries, Hebrew, Greek, etc., Grammars, Handbooks on Style,
Encyclopaedias || Florence's Political Theologians: Don Giulio
Facibeni, Giorgio La Pira, Fioretta Mazzei, Pietro Parigi, Don
Lorenzo Milani, Giannozzo Pucci, Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana|
Greek, Latin, Medieval Latin, Provençal: Italian Literature:
Brunetto Latino, Dante Alighieri; Italian History; Italian
Travel; Italian Art, in Sala Bessarion above the arch.
and British Isles' Literature: Icelandic, Irish, Welsh,
Arthurian, Old English, Anglo-Norman, Middle English,
Drama, Chaucer, Langland, Pearl/Sir Gawin/St Erkenwald,
Renaissance, Seventeenth Century, Eighteenth Century, Williaam
Blake, Nineteenth Century, Walter Savage Landor, Robert
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Frances, Thomas
Adolphus, Anthony Trollope, Arthur Hugh Clough, Nathaniel and
Sophia Peabody Hawthorne, George Eliot, Henry James ||
Twentieth-Century, Samuel Beckett, James Joyce, Poetry (Twentieth-Century
shelved above Nineteenth Century)
Women, Australian, African-American, Native American, Jew,
Roma || Anglo-Florentines, English, American German, Polish ||
Theatre, Dance || Glorney Bolton, Eileen Bolton, Julia Bolton
Holloway publications
|| Art History || Codicology/ Paleography, Handcrafts
and Microform Library, e-books on-line, CDs in library,
microfilms of medieval and nineteenth-century manuscripts,
slides, etc.
Education, in Office
Journals, etc.
Archives of the 'English' Cemetery, upstairs in Swiss archive
Cemetery, Cemeteries, Books by Persons Buried Here, City and Book Conferences
on the English Cemetery || Gardens, in Office
IV, V,
New: Dante vivo
|| White Silence
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