What the baby Dante would have seen at his Baptism that Easter Saturday, 3 April 1266, much of the mosaic work already in place, though not yet the exterior work in white and green marble. He notes, too, in Paradiso XV.133 that his ancestor, his crusading great grandfather, was also baptized there. The Holy Saturday liturgy included the Psalm 113, In Exitu Israel de Aegypto ♫ (here we hear the Ensemble San Felice sing the psalm, with its unique tonus peregrinus, which Dante spoke of in the Convivio and which he says in the Letter to Can Grande is the entire allegory of the Commedia), where Dante has the 100 pilgrims sing in unison in Purgatorio II after Virgil baptizes him with water and girds or crowns him with a rush, the Red Sea being called Ram Suf, the Sea of Rushes. He dates the Commedia from Good Friday through Easter Week, 1300, and has his baptism reflected twice over in Purgatorio I, when Cato has Virgil baptize him, and again in Purgatorio XXXI, when Matelda drags him through the waters. Dante, when adult, he tells us, once broke one of the side fonts to rescue a drowning child, Inferno XIX.16, a piece of this in the Museo Opera del Duomo.
At the completion of Brunelleschi's dome in 1436, Guillaume Dufay's motet, Nuper Rosarum flores, was sung, evoking, as does the Cathedral's dedication, Santa Maria del Fiore, Dante's Rose. Inside the Duomo on its left wall is this later painting, showing Florence as it became then, painted in 1465 by Domenico di Michelino where Dante preaches to Florence as her prophet, the three gates of Hell, of Purgatory and of Florence, all like those built by Arnolfo da Cambio, while Mount Purgatory is a composite of Fiesole's Monte Ceceri with its galleries mined for pietra serena, a grey porous sandstone (now hidden by the cypresses planted by Victorian Englishmen) and of Mount Sinai, similarly with terraces at which the monks of St Catherine's Monastery heard pilgrims' confessions.
Confession gate on
Sinai Sinai, David Roberts
5. The Giotto Tower was
built after Dante's exile from Florence.
6. The
tomb of Brunetto Latino,
Dante's teacher, was originally among the tombs that had
littered the Piazza San Giovanni, as described by Boccaccio
concering Guido Cavalcante in the
Decameron VI.ix, and by George Eliot in Romola,
those of the members of the Compagnia
dei laudesi of Orsanmichele
being grouped beneath the sculpture of the Annunciation,
formerly on the exterior wall of Santa Reparata, now on the
Duomo wall by the Giotto Tower. Brunetto's Tesoretto
and Tesoro are used by Dante throughout the Commedia,
and these sculptures figure in Purgatorio
Giroldo da Como,
Annunciation, for the tombs of the Orsanmichele Compagnia dei Laudesi
that were in the Piazza San Giovanni.
7a. The Bigallo/Misericordia. The Bigallo Museum was originally part of the Misericordia, and its fresco of the Madonna della Misericordia, later than Dante's time, presents the city of Florence and her citizens sheltered under the Madonna's cloak, which in turn is embroidered with the Seven Acts of Mercy. The Libro del Biadaiolo, written for 30. Orsanmichele, now Laurentian Library, Tempe 3, and the Polyptich of Saint Umiltà in the Uffizi also show medieval Florence in Dante's time, while the Domenico di Michelino is painted later when the Duomo of Santa Maria del Fiore was built. See Hare, Florence, Horner, Walks in Florence.
You can now continue down the Via Sant'Egidio from the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital until on your right you see an arch way.
Maria Grazia Beverini Del Santo, Piccarda Donati nella storia
del Monastero di Monticelli (Firenze: Pagliai, 2007).
20. Now we turn into the Via del Proconsolo. On our left we come to the Bargello, then the Palace of the Podestà. the hired outsider under contract for a limited term of office (like the American President), who had to swear to uphold and administer the Constitution, the Statutes, bringing with him soldiers, lawyers and judges, with which to administer justice, prevent crime, mend roads and bridges, and care for widows and orphans. This part of the city of Florence with the 20. Bargello, 23. Torre della Castagna, and 40. Palazzo Vecchio, then called the Palazzo del Popolo, is dedicated to its government, the State, rather than the Church, to Justice, complemented by Mercy. See Hare, Florence.
ASF, Libro di Montaperti, fol. 33r Vatican Library, L.VIII.296, fol. 92r, Villani, Nuova Cronica, Montaperti
Brunetto Latino. before leaving for Spain, wrote pages in his own hand in the Libro di Montaperti, which is now kept in the Florentine State Archives along with the Libro del Chiodo. The Giovanni Villani, Nuova Cronica, manuscript is illuminated by Pacino di Bonguida who would also illuminate manuscripts of the Commedia for Francesco da Barberino.
3 July 1292 Giano Della
Bella’s Ordinaments of Justice.
Miracles of the Virgin in 30.
Orsanmichele’s tabernacle begin,
Guido Cavalcanti
writing about them in his sonnet.
1295 Dante’s
membership in the Arte de’ Medici e
15 June-15 August
15 1300, Dante is one of Florence’s
Priors in the 23. Torre della
Castagna, near 30. Orsanmichele.
These Priors, according to the
Ordinaments of Justice, have to exile
Corso Donati
and Guido
Cavalcanti, who dies in August
of malaria.
Those condemned to death would spend the night before in prayer in this Magdalen Chapel. At the same time Francesco commissioned the tomb by Tino da Camaino for the Bishop Antonio D'Orso in the Duomo. Francesco would carefully rehabilitate Dante's memory in Florence, seeing to it that a hundred manuscripts of the Commedia issued from his Florentine publishing house, two of which he signed himself.
22. Map 2D, Parrini XIV, Tassinari XIV. In Via Dante Alighieri, 1, to your left as you come out of the 21. BADIA church. Oral reading 19 ♫
3 July 1292 Giano
Della Bella’s Ordinaments of Justice. Miracles
of the Virgin in Orsanmichele’s
tabernacle begin, Guido
Cavalcanti writing about them in his sonnet.
1295 Dante’s membership in the Arte de’
Medici e Speziali.
15 June-15 August 15 1300, Dante is one of
Florence’s Priors in the 23.Torre della
Castagna, near Orsanmichele.
These Priors, according to the Ordinaments of
Justice, have to exile Corso
Donati and Guido
Cavalcanti, who dies in August of malaria.
It can
be useful to have at hand a time line concerning
these events in connection with Orsanmichele:
1260-1266 Brunetto
Latino goes on embassy to Alfonso X el
Sabio, following writing several folios and being
often named in the Libro di Montaperti,
then is in exile in France. Alfonso X el Sabio,
seeking to be crowned Holy Roman Emperor, sends
Florence a regal copy of Las Cantigas de Santa
Maria with the miracles of the Virgin in a
tabernacle (BNCF MS Banco Rari 20). Brunetto sends
him a Second Redaction copy of Li Livres dou
Tresor, now Escorial MS ii.I.3.
1264 Birth of Francesco da Barberino
1265 Birth of Dante Alighieri
13 October 1284 The Tuscan League of
Florence, Genoa and Siena, with ser “Burnectus
Latinus” as ambassador, is seemingly allied
against Pisa to please Charles of Anjou, ASF, Capitoli
di Firenze, Reg.43, fols. 34r-37v,
1284-1288 Pisa, blockaded and starving,
discovers the betrayal of Ugolino della
Gherardesca with Florence, and places Ugolino and
his progeny in prison (Inferno 32.124-139 -
33.1-108; G. Villani, Cronica, VII.
18 March 1289 Ugolino and his two sons and
two grandsons are discovered to have died of
starvation and cannibalism.
22 March 1289, 7 December 1291, 17 July
1292, the Comune of Florence discusses giving
compensation for Count Guelfo, Ugolino’s sole
surviving son for this war crime
3 July 1292 Giani Della Bella’s
Ordinaments of Justice. Miracles of the Virgin in
Orsanmichele’s tabernacle begin, Guido Cavalcanti
writing about them in his sonnet.
1295 Dante’s membership in the Arte de’
Medici e Speziali.
15 June-15 August 15 1300, Dante is one of
Florence’s Priors in the 23. Torre della Castagna,
near Orsanmichele. These Priors, according to the
Ordinaments of Justice, have to exile Corso Donati and Guido Cavalcanti, who
dies in consequence of his exile in August of
1302 The Libro del Chiodo with the
sentences against the White Guelfs by the Black
Guelfs, whose leader is Corso Donati, is kept in
the Podestà’s Palace,
near Orsanmichele. Dante and Francesco are
themselves exiled. Francesco goes to Padua where
Giotto is frescoing the Arena Chapel.
1304 Orsanmichele is destroyed in a fire,
and then rebuilt.
1304-1308 Francesco da Barberino
is Notaio to Corso
Donati who is elected Podestà in
Treviso. Francesco
commissions the now lost fresco about Justice,
Mercy and Conscience for the Bishop of Treviso’s
Palace. It is probably during this period that
Dante begins the Commedia.
1310-1313 Henry VII of Luxembourg is Holy
Roman Emperor. Dante Alighieri and Francesco da
Barberino together write Latin Epistles to him.
Dante composes the De Monarchia.
Manuscripts BML Plut. 89 inf. 41, in Latin, which opens with
images of Pope and Emperor, and the bildercodex
BRicc MS 1538, in Italian, which is richly
illuminated by the “Master of the Paduan
Antiphonaries” and the “Master of the Naples’
Gratian” are finished in 1313. Both manuscripts
contain texts by Brunetto Latino and appear to
be written by Francesco da Barberino.
1313 Francesco da Barberino is sent on
many embassies for Doge Giovanni Soranzo of Venice
and is associated with the Dandalò ducal family,
perhaps copies the First Redaction Li Livres
dou Tresor, Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare MS
DVIII, for them. As “clericus conjugatus”(a
married cleric), he becomes Doctor of Law.
1318 Francesco returns to Florence with
his second wife and his children from both
1321 Dante Alighieri’s death in Ravenna.
Francesco da Barberino commissions the tomb in the
Duomo sculpted by Tino da
Camaino for his patron, Bishop Antonio D’Orso with the
figure of Death shooting arrows from two bows. He
seeks to rehabilitate Dante’s memory in Florence
with the Officina of the “Danti del Cento”
that is active until his own death. He perhaps
commissions the Magdalen
Chapel fresco of Brunetto, Corso, Dante and
1321-1335 II Libro di Biadaiolo notes
Orsanmichele’s granary feeds even Siena and Pisa
in time of famine, illustrated by the “Master of
the Dominican Effigies”.
1322-1345 Giovanni
Villani’s Cronica nuova, illustrated by
Pacino di Bonaguida.
1337 Orsanmichele is again rebuilt.
1347 Bernardo Daddi paints the Madonna and
Child, copying the original version.
Monna Biancia, ser Brunetto
Latino’s daughter, Guido di Filippo da
Castiglionchio’s widow, wills a third of her
estate to the Compagnia dei Laudesi di Orsanmichele.
1350 Dante
Alighieri’s daughter, Antonia, now a nun in
Ravenna with the name in religion of “Beatrice”,
is given ten gold florins by Boccaccio from the Compagnia dei laudesi
di Orsanmichele.
Andrea Orcagna’s tabernacle is constructed for
Bernardo Daddi’s painting.
1358 Monna Biancia dies, Orsanmichele
receives her legacy.
23 June 1367 A manuscript of the Roman de la Rose is sold by the Compagnia dei Laudesi di Orsanmichele for four golden florins.
Laudario della Compagnia dei Laudesi di Orsanmichele
37. Map 3C, Parrini XXIX, Tassinari XXIX. On the PONTE VECCHIO, where was the statue of Mars. On the other side of the river Arno is 'Oltrarno' or 'beyond the Arno'. Oral reading 6 ♫
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, whose father, a great scholar of Dante, was in political exile from Italy in London, painted the scene of Dante painting angels, imagining the 25. Dante House as by the Arno with a view of this bridge.
40. The Palazzo del Popolo, now called the Palazzo Vecchio, was originally the site of the church of San Piero Schieraggio, as it was the custom in Florence to sign Peace Treaties such as that Brunetto Latino wrote between Siena and Florence in 1254,
Piazza Beccaria
Museo Zeffirelli
Ospeda 4. Duomo
25. Casa
di Dante 23.
Torre della Castagna
40. Palazzo Vecchio
7. Misericordia
24. Buonuomini
di San Martino
3. Battistero
30. Orsanmichele
Palazzo Davanzati Arte della Lana 37. Ponte Vecchio
PURG XIV. 16-18
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