Florence's Swiss-owned so-called 'English' Cemetery is
the Swiss painter Arnold Böcklin's 'Island of the Dead',
for he buried his infant daughter, Maria Anna, here (§142. Böcklin/+/ Maria Anna/ Arnoldo/
Svizzera/ Firenze/ 20 Marzo/ 1877/ Mesi 7/ 1387), and then obsessively painted this scene five
times, of which we show the four extant versions. It is
also a composite, recalling other Italian island such as
Venice's cemetery on the island of San Michele to which
bodies are brought by gondola. (Search on the web also
for 'Arnold Boecklin', and for 'Toteninsel' or 'Isola
dei morti'.) At the time of Maria Böcklin's
burial, the medieval wall had already been razed by
Poggi and the present oval island built. Arnold Böcklin
is himself buried in the Allori
Cemetery near Galluzzo. Serge Rachmaninoff composed his
symphony on this painting.
To donate to the restoration by Roma of Florence's formerly abandoned English Cemetery and to its Library click on our Aureo Anello Associazione's PayPal button: THANKYOU!