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Anello Associazione
The Ordering in Time
1/1. 1244, The Misericordia 2/2. 1288, Santa
Maria Nuova Hospital and its Oblate 3/7.
1289, 1293, Orsanmichele 4/9. 1419, The
Hospital of the Innocenti
5/6. 1442, The Buonuomini di San Martino 6/8. 1522, The Della Robbia Fountain
7/3 1786, Borgo La Croce and Piazza Beccaria
8/4. 1478, 1620, 1808, Montedomini 9/5. 1934, Giorgio La Pira's Mass for the Poor of the Republic
of San Procolo 10. 1997, Progetto Agata
The Ordering in Space
1. The Misericordia 2.
Santa Maria Nuova Hospital and its
Oblate 3. Borgo La Croce and Piazza Beccaria 4. Montedomini
5. Giorgio La Pira's Mass for the Poor in the Badia 6.
The Buonuomini di San Martino
7. Orsanmichele
8. The Della
Robbia Fountain 9. The Hospital of the Innocenti
[*3] I see Florence differently
than the way she is normally taught today by academics to
students and by tour guides to visitors as the Renaissance
starting with the Medici, with rich patrons. Instead I see her
beginnings as earlier, as in the Middle Ages, where she is
subsuming into herself the cities of Jerusalem, the Jerusalem
Kingdom, lost in 1291, Constantinople, lost in 1453, and
even, multicultural Seville in Spain where Dante's teacher,
Brunetto Latino, in 1260, acquired many important Greek
and Arabic works which he taught to his students, Dante
Alighieri, Guido Cavalcanti and Francesco da Barberino. Above
all, I see the basis of the city as the Seven Acts of
Mercy from Matthew 25:
To feed the hungry
To give water to the thirsty
to clothe the naked
To shelter the homeless, the stranger, the pilgrim
To visit the sick
To visit the imprisoned, the ransom the captive
To bury the dead, not listed in the
Gospel because Christ instead said ‘Let the dead bury the dead’.
In my job as custodian I do bury the dead, their cremated ashes,
in Florence’s English Cemetery.
We need to present Florence’s early history. With the Ghibelline
Towers of Pride, initially, gang warfare went on between feuding
families with vendettas, bloodshed in the streets, opposing
those of the Guelf party who instead were merchants, and who
said ‘No, this is against the common prosperity’. The Guelfs
then, in 1250, had the Towers of Pride torn down and the stones
next used to build the walls of common defense by Arnolfo di
Cambio. They lost that power to the Ghibellines in 1260 at the
Battle of Montaperti and were exiled, then returned. Next, the
Guelfs themselves would split into two parties, the Blacks more
aristocratically violent, the Whites, more peaceable. It’s in
that milieu that Dante writes the Vita nova. In a sense,
lamenting the Loss of Jerusalem, subsuming Jerusalem into
Florence with Beatrice as Christ. When the Blacks seized power
they in turn exiled the Whites, listing them, including Dante's
name, in their Libro del Chiodo. For the context of this
period it is important to read Aristotle's Ethics,
included in Brunetto Latino’s Tesoro and Dino
Compagni’s Cronica, and Giovanni Villani’s Nuova
Cronica, which builds on the other two, and then for our
time, Robert Davidsohn, whose ashes are buried here in
Florence's English Cemetery owned by the Swiss. He wrote the
magnificent Storia di Firenze, translated from the
German, where he had studied all the documents in the archives
and completely knew this period. I researched Dante’s teacher,
Brunetto Latino, from their texts. This is also the time of the
foundings of the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor, the Dominican
Order of Preachers, and the Servites of St Mary, all of which
had a great deal of influence in Florence in this time.
1244, The Misericordia. To Care for the
Sick and the Dying and to Bury the Dead.

The Misericordia perhaps began in 1244. And its task, it’s the
first organization we find, is to bury the dead, which was not
in the Gospel. The magnificent later painting which is now in
the building known as the Bigallo
but which was then part of the Misericordia, has the Madonna of
the Misericordia, of Mercy, with the Tau cross on her crown,
painted in red, the red blood of the Pascal Lamb, the Angel of
Death passing over the houses that had that symbol of the Hebrew
slaves in Egypt. And the crown of the Madonna is Matilda of
Tuscany’s crown. And then you see the roundels: of Hunger and
Thirst, the Stranger, the Naked, the Sick, the Prisoner, God’s
Mercy being for all. And then the men and women and last the
city of Florence beneath her feet, her cloak.
And this is the Latin text.

And also on the side you get the Catechism and the Sacraments.
It’s a teaching text.

11 September 1342
In 1961, I was in the Duomo where, at that point, the
Michelangelo Pietà still stood, in situ as Michelangelo
intended, while the priest was preaching against the film, La
Dolce Vita. And I was sketching the Pietà. Michelangelo
puts his own self-portrait into the face of Joseph of Arimathea
as a Misericordia worker with the black hood, the task being to
bury the dead, here the dead Christ, our humanity.

And these are the Misericordia workers through time. I still saw
the Misericordia members in these black hoods like the Ku Klux
Klan, who were to care anonymously for the sick and dying – and
still do. But now in modern uniforms.
And then I found this painting. This is of a seventeenth-century
plague in Florence. You see the workers taking the sick and the
dying. It’s before the modern façade – the Arnolfo di Cambio one
has already been removed but the new one we have today which was
partly built paid for by the Swiss banker Wagnière, buried in
our cemetery, is not there yet.

And then these are the ambulances outside by the Duomo, still
functioning, free, which is a magnificent seven-hundred-year old
heritage in Florence.
2. 1288, The Santa Maria
Nuova Hospital. To Visit the Sick
The Ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova, founded in 1288. This is for
Visiting the Sick Folco Portinari, the rich banker began
the hospital at the insistence of Monna Tessa, who was
Beatrice’s Nurse and she founded the Order of the Oblate, women
who would take care of the cleanliness of the hospital. In 1290
Beatrice Portinari, married at that point, dies, perhaps
following childbirth. And the following years is the Fall of the
Jerusalem Kingdom, which Dante is discussing in part obliquely
in the Vita nova. In 1300 he
would become Prior and in 1302 he will be in exile.

Monna Tessa, founder of the
Sarah Parker Remond, Afro-American Aboltionist, studied
medicine at Santa Maria Nuova
Hospital 600 years later
This is what the hospital looked like when Pope Martin V blessed

And this is a reconstruction of it with the church of
Sant’Egidio in the centre of it.

And this is the way it looked in the Seventeenth Century.

And as it still does today

It’s a huge complex, taking up a large space in Florence and is
filled with art treasures.
These are pottery shards we find buried in the English Cemetery.
The pieces with the T on them is of the crutch,
the emblem for Santa Maria Nuova Hospital, which also
symbolizes the Tau we have already seen on the crown the
Madonna wears in the Misericordia Bigallo fresco .

These – this task of creating from clay, firing
it with glazes, following from the Etruscans, was especially
carried out by the Della Robbia family. And this was made for
the Ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova with the dead body of Christ
on the lap of Mary. This is where Michelangelo and Leonardo
studied anatomy using the corpses of the dead.

And this is the painting that Tommaso Portinari, the descendant
of Folco Portinari, commissioned of Hugo van der Goes in Bruges,
where he was part of the banking establishment which had a
network all over Europe and also in Africa and the Near East. We
have this painting created for Santa Maria Nuova for the church
of Sant’Egidio in the centre of it in 1475. Now it is no longer
in situ. It’s in the Uffizi.

But we see the baby lying naked on the ground. This is Jesus,
but this is also us, needing care by the community. This follows
on Matthew 25: ‘When I was thirsty, did you give me drink? When
I was hungry, did you feed me? When I was naked, did you clothe
me?’ It is also the result of Saint Birgitta of Sweden's vision
in the cave in Bethlehem where she sees Mary give birth, laying
her newborn on the ground, proclaiming him her Lord and Creator,
the Madonna in Humility theme taken up by artists everywhere
following the publication of her Book of Revelations.
3. 1786,
Borgo La Croce and Piazza Beccaria
In Borgo La Croce we find this frescoed tabernacle of
Christ on the Cross and Mary his mother both leaning
towards the persons being conveyed down that street to
their executions at the Porta La Croce, in Piazza
Beccaria. Tuscany abolished capital punishment in 1786,
following the publication of Cesare Beccaria's On
Crime and Punishment in 1764. Russia did
the same, exiling its criminals instead to Siberia,
about which Fedor Dosteivsky wrote in Crime and
Punishment. Doseivsky wrote part of his Idiot
in the Piazza Pitti near Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Casa
Guidi. The fresco is protected with glass which
reflects the shutters of the building opposite, called
'persiane' in Italian as this concept of 'air
conditioning' of allowing air but not sunlight in when
it is hot came from Persia, from Iran.

4. 1478,
1620, 1808, Montedomini
Near here is the Montedomini complex which houses the
indigent elderly Florentines, an edifice expanded during
Napoleonic times

5. 1934, Giorgio La Pira
and Fioretta Mazzei's Mass for the Poor in the Badia
This was begun by Giorgio La Pira, the saintly Mayor of
Florence, as the Repubblica of San Procolo where he gathered
the indigent, sleeping under bridges, etc., and had them
tell him how to govern Florence, and continued by Fioretta
Mazzei at his death.. It still continues, now in the church
of the Badia monastery by Dante's house, meeting for Mass on
Sunday mornings at 9,00 p.m.
Giorgio La Pira and Fioretta Mazzei
6. 1442, The Buonuomini of
San Martino
Opposite Dante's house and by the Torre della Castagna is the
small church of San Martino, possibly founded by Irish pilgrim
monks. In 1442 Florence's Bishop Antonino founded the Buonuomini
di San Martini giving them this church for their chapel. It has
the Seven Acts of Mercy painted around it by Domenico
Ghirlandaio, repeating those we have already seen in the
Misericordia. There are two slots, one in marble for letters,
'Per le Istanze', where some one of the 'proud poor' needs to be
helped, who must be Florentine, the other in iron with a cross
for money. Each Friday the 12 Buonuomini meet as they have done
now for centuries, and share the money amongst the requests, The
group owns only the chapel and the strong box
Per le

And it describes inside here the vision of the story of Saint
Martin who is the Roman soldier who must not give away his
mantle and sword, but who cuts with his sword his soldier’s
cloak in half. Cloaks are very important in the story. It can be
Saint Mary’s cloak, it can be Saint Martin’s cloak. And then,
dreaming, he has the vision of Christ coming to him and saying
‘I was the naked beggar whom you clothed’, himself wearing that
Roman army cloak.

And then you have the Drink to the Thirsty,

You have Clothing the Naked

you have
the Lodging for the Pilgrim, with this
wonderful detail of the glasses and the pottery, which
is like the pottery we find in the English Cemetery.

and Visiting the Sick. Here a mother with her
baby following childbirth, a concern Florence will continue
through time as we see in the Galileo Museum and La Specola with
its wax models of childbirthing problems which Sarah Parker
Remond, the Afro-American Abolitionist will study at Santa Maria
Nuova Hospital in 1866-1868 with a letter from Giuseppe Mazzini,
her plaque to be placed beside Monna Tessa's effigy there.

And here Ransoming the Prisoner, even from Florence’s near-by
Stinche. You had already in Giovanni Villani the dreadful story
of Corso Donati liberating all of the prisoners but it was to
have them support him gain power which was not really according
to Justice. You have Dino Compagni and Giovanni Villani speaking
of Corso Donati as a new Catiline, betraying Florence just as
Catiline sought to betray Rome.

And here is a marriage with the notaio making sure that
the correct dowry is recorded.

And also at the time of death the inventory of the possessions,
with the widow and children that are going to be cared for.

And here you see the Burial of the Dead in the Jewish fashion
with the sheet, the shroud, sewn round the body laid in the
This is the time of Savonarola, who was surrounded by artists,
telling them not to paint their mistresses as the Madonna but to
find a pure young girl and she would be more beautiful. This is
Luca Della Robbia’s magnificent Visitation, of the young
pregnant unwed mother Mary being greeted by the priestly elderly
pregnant Elizabeth. It’s a most beautiful sculpture in terra

One of the things that the Florentines were able to do was to
use the cheapest materials, like the clay of the earth, and
create absolutely exquisite beauty from it.

Up here is the choir frieze done by Luca Della Robbia.

And here I show that Botticelli’s angels in Dante’s Paradiso
are the boys Savonarola had going around the households
collecting up all of the Vanities, false hair, cosmetics, false
padding and so on, which George Eliot will also describe in her
novel, Romola.
1289. 1293, Orsanmichele and its Compagnia dei laudesi
Orsanmichele is our next
institution. It is built in 1289 by Arnolfo di Cambio, destroyed
in a fire in 1304, rebuilt, 1336. And it was to feed the hungry.
It was a great granary. It has three floors, a huge building,
amazing engineering for when it was created. It was almost
destroyed at the Risorgimento and I am so glad it was not. And
right from the start there had been this miraculous image of
Mary and the Child. And both the Hospital of Santa Maria Nuova’s
parish of Sant’Egidio and Orsanmichele had groups that formed
around them that would come together and sing, the Compagnie
dei Laudesi, singing Franciscan laudas, lighting many
candles, meeting together for Mass. And this, in a sense, is the
glue of the city. The members of this Compagnia dei Laudesi,
would be buried near the Duomo, in the Piazza San Giovanni,
which was then also a cemetery.
In 1289
Ugolino della Gherardesca and his children died in prison and it
was seen that he had cannibalized his children. Florence felt
awful about this because they had created this blocade, had
forbidden any food stuffs going to Pisa. So the people who were
starving, in their revenge punished Ugolino so that he would
also starve. And when this was discovered the Florentines in
reparations built Orsanmichele, which was to feed even the enemy
in time of famine, the Pisans, the Sienese and so forth. In 1296
Arnolfo di Cambio builds the Duomo. In 1300 Dante when Prior in
the Torre della Castagna had to exile Guido Cavalcanti because
he was feuding with Corso Donati, which was not allowed under
the Guelf Ordinaments of Justice, and as a result Guido died of
malarial fever. And then Dante himself would die of that
mosquito born disease in 1321, after writing the Commedia.
Guido Cavalcanti before his death had written this sonnet about
Orsanmichele, saying how wonderful it is that this lay people’s
construction, it’s not by the Church, it’s not by the
Franciscans or the Dominicans, nor the Curia, it was by the lay
Guilds, and each had contributed wonderful statues, paintings
and so forth, and they maintained it. And so many miracles
happened around the figure of the Madonna. This photograph I
took many years ago, when Orsanmichele was still very dirty and
it was marvellously holy.
When they cleaned it up it lost that sense.
But here is this splendid huge building of seven centuries ago.

And this is the book which the King of Spain, of
Castille, Alfonso X el Sabio, gave to Brunetto Latino, to
Florence, Las Cantigas de Santa Maria, with all of the
miracles of the Virgin. And in each of these pages she is shown
in a tabernacle, which is copied at Orsanmichele.

miniature shows the previous image before the fire from
the Libro del Badiaiolo.

And here you can see how beautiful the Madonna and Child are in
the Orcagna tabernacle.

And this is the second floor. The grain was stored
in these two upper floors and sent down in chutes to the
ground floor where needed. Here are the figures now placed
indoors with copies outdoors of the various saints
protecting Florence. I don’t have a photograph of the third
which is absolutely marvellous with a view all around
Florence. You get to these other two floors by going to the
next building, on Mondays, climbing its stairs and crossing
over on a bridge between the two buildings.

This is the only bulding for the Seven Acts of Mercy that is
no longer used for its original purpose in Florence. But it
was so loved by the laity that Guido Cavalcanti who lived
nearby wrote the sonnet praising its miracles, he and
Brunetto Latino being buried amongst the Companions of the
Compagnie dei laudesi di Orsanmichele, Brunetto
Latino's daughter leaving her wealth to it, the Compagnia
dei Laudesi di Orsanmichele sending Boccaccio to
Ravenna to give Dante's daughter, become a nun and taking
the name 'Beatrice', five gold florins, and Pietro Alighieri
leaving his father's house to the Compagnia dei Laudesi
di Orsanmichele.
8. 1522, The Della Robbia Fountain. To Give
Drink to the Thirsty
This is the fountain by
the third generation of the Della Robbias, Giovanni
Della Robbia, who uses lots of colour, and it’s a public
fountain giving Drink to the Thirsty. When a few years ago two
Roma women washed their hair and clothes here, they were
photographed by a journalist, it was published in a newspaper,
and all Florence was furious: ‘How could those filthy Roma
women dare go near this beautiful work of art’. But actually
this work of art was created precisely for that purpose, to
give Drink to the Thirsty, cleanliness to those who need it,
then and now.
9. 1419, The
Hospital of the Innocenti. To Care for the Orphans
And then we come to the Ospedale degli Innocenti, in 1419,
built by Brunelleschi. And this is not in the actual Acts of
Mercy, but it is the caring of the orphan. Instead of
killing the babies which couldn’t be supported out of
poverty, they could be carried to the Ospedale degli
Innocenti where they were raised by the wealthy Guild of the
Arte delle Sete, of the Silk Guild, and were given, if they
are a boy, a trade, a skill, and if they were a girl, a
And all of
this follows on from the Franciscans and the Servites, as
the Ospedale is right next to the church of the Santissima
Annunziata. This was the Order founded by seven rich young
men who went up to a cave in the mountains in Monte Sennario
and had a vision of the Virgin, gave up their wealth to live
the life of prayer and charity. And then in 1436 you will
have Brunelleschi – this was done when he was quite young
– finish the dome of the Duomo. And then later you
will have the Council of Florence in 1439, with the Greeks
coming, Cardinal Bessarion among them bringing manuscripts
from Trebizond and Constantinople to Florence, Rome and
Venice. Next, with the loss of Constantinople in 1453,
Florence and Venice will be the main heirs of
Constantinople's splendid intellectual wealth.
Here is the square of the Santissima with the Ospedale.
And with
the wonderful medallions of babies in fasces by the
Della Robbia. In the Sixties in Italy I still saw babies
like this.
And this is the boys’ cloister.
The girls’
cloister is smaller, I’m afraid. We always get the short end
of the stick.

And then
here is the painting by Domenico Ghirlandaio again, this
time for the children in the orphanage and you can see the
two Innocenti boys building the stable for this family who
are so poor, that the baby is born naked in the stable. And
here you get the rich men who are giving their wealth to
build this hospital, their portraits, including the portrait
of the artist among them. And then this view is probably of
the Arno going up to Compiobbe. There’s this way in
Florentine art of making the Gospel be here and now in this
moment in Florence, collapsing time and space, because she
is creating a new Jerusalem.
10. The Certosa
Beyond Florence is the Certosa that
Nicolò Acciaiuoli built with his ill-gotten wealth, gained from
Naples and all the various colonies left behind by the Crusaders
because the Kings and Queens of Naples were also Kings and
Queens of Jerusalem. Even though Jerusalem was lost, there were
still quite a lot of possessions.
And when Nicolò Acciaiuoli is dying in Naples, Birgitta, at his
death bed, has this tremendous vision saying his soul is almost
lost. But the Virgin has all of the Carthusian monks of the
Certosa praying for him under her cloak. And this goes right
back to the the paintings of the Servites of
Santa Maria's Madonna sheltering all under her cloak, the Madonna
della Misericordia with the Seven Acts of Mercy, the painting of
the Madonna della Misericordia of the Innocenti sheltering the
orphans, also the paintings of the same theme by Simone Martini
and Piero della Francesca, and Brunelleschi’s dome
of Santa Maria del Fiore specifically built to shelter and
nurture all Florentines under it.
The Madonna of Mercy,
The Madonna of Mercy of the Innocenti
Cathedral at night
Piero della Francesca, Madonna of Mercy, on the left the naked St
Sebastian with arrows, patron saint against plague

Domenico Ghirlandaio,
Madonna of Mercy, Ognissanti, Florence, with portraits of the
Vespucci family, Amerigo to the left, Simonetta to the right of
the Madonna.
11. Agata Smeralda and
Florence's English Cemetery. Professor Mauro Barsi, founder of
the Progetto Agata Smeralda which raises funds for Third World
orphanages, heard my argument that we need to preserve
families with children so that ancestral skills can continue
to be taught parent to child, blacksmithing, stonemasonry,
carpentry, gardening, sewing, cooking, cleaning, all of which
he Romanian Roma families who restore the English Cemetery
know, and he has helped us with funding for their schooling in
literacy as well for I found these European Citizens had not
even been taught how to sign their own names or the alphabet.
Our Roma families have restored Florence's anti-slavery
cemetery and are now literate as well.
6. 19. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where
moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through
and steal: 20. But
lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither
moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break
through nor steal: 21. For
where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Dante Alighieri, Girolamo Savonarola,
Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Giorgio La Pira all saw
Florence as potentially a new Jerusalem. It's not money, but knowledge, it's the Seven Acts
of Mercy, that made her beautiful
For other Florence
guides/Per altre guide di Firenze: https://www.florin.ms/GoldenRingGuides.html
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