Chapter XXIX: The Via San Gallo – The Palazzo Strozzi
Near where formerly stood the Porta Pinti, and as far as the Porta San Gallo, the old Walls have been demolished, and the new Boulevard has received the name of Viale Principe Umberto. Beyond the Porta San Gallo is a meadow or grove, where once stood an hospital for the reception of children abandoned by their parents; still earlier, the ground belonged to Dante Alighieri, who is said often to have rested here to meditate. The triumphal arch in front of this public garden was erected to commemorate the entrance of Francis II., the husband of the Empress Maria Theresa, who received Tuscany in exchange for his hereditary Duchy of Lorraine, which was ceded by the Pragmatic Sanction of 1737 to Stanislaus of Poland, and later to France.
The Porta San Gallo was built in 1284, and received its name from a neighbouring church, dedicated to San Gallo.237 Before the siege of 1529, this gate was closed, and postern opened at a little distance for the use of the public. It was again closed by the Grand-Duke Cosimo I., when he fortified this part of the city, but was finally reopened in 1661. On the side facing the country is a curious antique head carved in the stone, and within the arch is a lunette containing a fresco of the Virgin and Child and St. John the Baptist, painted by Michele, the pupil of Ridolfo Ghirlandaio. The high towers, which once rose above all the gates of the city, were demolished by the Grand-Duke Cosimo I., and a broad roof raised on pilasters erected in their stead to protect the cannon placed there; the Porta San Nicolò and the Porta Pinti were alone left in their original state, whilst the Porta di Faenza, following the Porta San Gallo, was included in the Fortezza del Basso.
The via San Gallo runs parallel with the Via Cavour. Near the Porta are the Convents of San Rocco and Sta. Caterina, which last has been converted into an Hospital for Incurables. Next San Rocco is San Clemente, once a convent of Augustinian nuns, under the special patronage of the Medici, and where two daughters of Duke Alexander ended their days. San Clemente is now joined to the suppressed Convent of Sta. Agata, and they form together a Military Hospital. Nearly opposite the entrance to the via delle Ruote is the Church of San Giovannino dei Cavalieri which belonged to the nuns of the order of St. John of Jerusalem. This church possessed several fine pictures, which have all been recently removed to the public galleries.
In the Via delle Ruote is the Church of Sta. Maria dei Battilani, where the Florentine insurgents of the thirteenth century, called the Ciompi, held their meetings, led by Michele di Lando the Wool Carder. Casa Baci, in this street, is the house built by the artist Santi di Tito for himself, and where he died in 1603.
Returning to the Via San Gallo, the church dei Pretori formed a refuge for secular priests who happened to arrive as strangers in Florence. On the pavement, at the entrance, is a singular epitaph over the grave of a Florentine with, the parish priest Arlotti. The inscription is to this effect: - "This sepulchre was constructed by the Piovano Arlotti for himself, and for all who may desire to enter." "Questa sepoltura il Piovano Arlotti la fece fare – per se e per chi ci vuol entrare."
At the corner of the Via Silvestrino is the beautiful Palazzo Pandolfini, built after a design by Raffaello of Urbino; the architect was Françesco di San Gallo, who was employed by Giannozzo Pandolfini, Bishop of Troy. The cornice and projecting roof are considered models of proportion in Florentine architecture. The Ionic windows on the first storey are extremely beautiful; but the Doric windows below have less strength and solidity, and greater elegance, than is usually characteristic of this style.
The Pandolfini were originally from Signa, half-way between Florence and Pisa: they fought on the Guelphic side in the battle of Montaperti, 1260, and afterwards became distinguished as Florentine citizens, filling the office of Priors and Gonfaloniers of the Republic, and were sent on important missions abroad. Giannozzo, Bishop of Troy, who built this Palace, was highly favoured by Pope Leo X., who appointed him his legate to the army sent against Françesco della Rovere, Duke of Urbino. The King of Naples made him Bishop of Troy, a title also conferred on his nephew Ferdinand.
On the opposite side of the Via San Gallo is the Lunatic Asylum of Florence, San Bonifazio, founded in 1377 by one Bonifazio di M. Ugolotti Lupi, Marquis of Soragna, a valiant captain, who served the Florentines in a war against Pisa in 1362. He built this hospital for the sick, which was afterwards converted into a lunatic asylum.
Not far from San Bonifazio is Sta. Apollonia, founded in 1339 for Camaldolese nuns. The door of the church was renewed in the sixteenth century after a design by Michael Angelo. In the Refectory is a Cenacolo by Andrea del Castagno; the composition is very original, vigorous, and powerful, especially the head and attitude of St. Thomas, who is looking upwards in meditation. In a chapel off the spacious church is another Cenacolo by Bronzino, painted in 1561. There is much sweetness in the expression of the angels below, and in the female figures on either side, typical of Religion. The church, which is now used as a magazine for military stores, is built in the same style as the Church of San Felice Oltr' Arno; the tribune, or gallery for the nuns, extends half over the church, and is supported by six stone pillars; the ceiling is very handsome, of wood, and richly gilt; the altars are supposed to have been designed by Michael Angelo.
Parallel with the via San Gallo is the Via Sta. Reparata, once popularly known as the Campaccio, because here was the Jews' Cemetery. The Church of San Barnaba, at the corner of the Via San Zanobio and the Via Guelfa, was founded in 1309 in commemoration of the Battle of Campaldino, won by the Guelphic faction, in 1289, in which Dante fought. Near the suppressed Convent of San Barnaba, Luca della Robbia was born in 1388.
The Piazza della Indipendenza beyond was laid out in 1845; a small marble tablet over the entrance to some houses in a street leading to the Fortezza del Basso marks the model lodging-houses for poor artisans, built by the late Marchese Carlo Torrigiani, who died in 1865.
the north-western angle of this piazza is the house once
inhabited by the
accomplished authoress, Theodosia Trollope, daughter-in-law
of the more
celebrated Mrs. Trollope. Both died in Florence, and
were laid in
the Protestant Cemetery of the Borgo Pinti. Theodosia
Trollope published,
in the form of letters to a London periodical, the most
accurate account
of the last revolution in Tuscany, which led to the
formation of the Italian
The Fortezza di San
Giovanni Battista,
or Del Basso, was commenced in 1533 by Duke Alexander dei
Medici, at the
instigation of Filippo Strozzi, in order to repress any
attempt of the
Florentines to recover their liberty: it was finished
by Alexander's
cousin, the Grand-Duke Cosimo I. Strozzi himself
furnished the means
for the subjugation of his fellow-citizens, and he was among
the first
incarcerated in that fortress, which he had intended for
others, and where
he died by violence; some suppose by his own hand, but more
probably, murdered
by the order of Duke Cosimo.
In the Via Nazionale, leading from the Piazza della Indipendenza to the Piazza Vecchia di Sta. Maria Novella, is a large Tabernacle in Luca della Robbia Ware, probably by one of the nephews, as it is highly coloured, and inferior in composition to the works of his uncle.
Amidst the narrow streets in this quarter of the town, entering the Piazza Madonna, or Campo dei Corbellini – as it is called in old chronicles of the city – and behind the Church of San Lorenzo, is the Via dell' Amore, which had its name from a romance by Machiavelli: here was the Palace of Vincenzio Viviani, the astronomer, mathematician, and favourite pupil of Galileo Galilei. He received a pension from Louis XIV of France in 1622, and died in 1702 at eighty years of age. The bust of Galileo is over the door, and inscriptions in his honour are laced on either side. Galileo left Viviani his Library, which has since passed to the Hospital of Sta. Maria Nuova.238 In the Campo dei Corbellini lived the Gaddi family, Gaddo, Taddeo, and Agnolo, of the schools of Cimabue and Giotto; and the Via Melarancio, at the corner of the Via dell' Amore, was so called, from the pomegranates in their garden. The Palace of the philosopher Poggio Bracciolini was in the adjoining Via del Giglio, leading to the Via Panzani, and here lodged our English poet, Milton, when he came to Florence to visit Galileo Galilei.
The irregular space which forms the Piazza Vecchia di Sta. Maria Novella was once a usual meeting-place for both the Guelphic and Ghibelline factions. The Via Panzani and the via Cerretani lead from the Piazza Vecchia to the church of Sta. Maria Maggiore. Nearly opposite this church is the Albergo di Firenze, on the site of the houses of Nicolò de' Lapi, the Florentine citizen, who has been immortalised by the romance of Massimo D' Azeglio.
Maria Maggiore is supposed to have been founded in the sixth
century, and
the first building to have been an exact copy of the
Basilica of the same
name in Rome. The Florentine Sta. Maria Maggiore was
made a Collegiate
Church in 1021, with a condition attached, that all the
canons should be
of noble blood. In 1311 the building was restored
after a design
by Arnolfo di Cambio, and decorated with frescos by Paolo
Uccello, Spinello
Aretino, Agnolo Gaddi, Masaccio, Sandro Botticelli, Lippi,
&c., but all these paintings have disappeared. In
1515 Leo. X.
bestowed the patronage of this church on the Chapter of the
and the canons of Sta. Maria Maggiore ceded their rights to
the Carmelite
friars of Mantua, who were transferred here from their
monastery at San
Barnaba in 1521. Within the cloister was buried Ser.
Brunetto Latini,
a celebrated philosopher, the master of Dante Alighieri and
of Guido Cavalcante.
He died in 1294, after having filled the office of Prior of
the Republic.
In the Piazza beside this church is the Palazzo delle Cento
Finestre –
Hundred Windows – where lived the painter Cigoli.
Behind Sta. Maria Maggiore is the beautiful Palazzo Orlandini, built early in this century, but including within its walls the original Palace of the Gondi, and that of the Beccuti, who represent the extinct family of the Orlandini, and in whose house lodged Pope John XXIII. after he had been deposed by the Council of Constance.
Between the Via Cerretani and the Piazza di San Gaetano is the via Rondinelli, where the family Rondinelli had their residence, one of whom became the husband of Ginevra, who was buried and came to life again, as related in a former chapter.239
Church of San Gaetano was built on the site of San Michele
Bertoldi, one
of the most ancient churches in Florence, but it contains
nothing of interest.
Opposite is the Palazzo Antinori, where once was Ridolfo
finest work, a Spasimo, or Christ bearing His Cross, now
removed from this
Palace. The palace was built in the fifteenth century
after a design
by Giuliano di San Gallo for one of the Boni family, from
whom it came
to the Antinori.
The Palazzo Corsi, belonging to the ancient family of that name, is in the via Tornabuoni. It was designed by Michelozzo Michelozzi, but has lately been renewed, and the ground-floor let out in shops.
Beyond is the magnificent Palazzo Strozzi, which was
commenced in 1489,
after a design by Benedetto da Majano, for the wealthy
merchant Filippo
Strozzi the elder, who was dissatisfied with the dimensions
of the small
though solidly-built palace, which still remains in the
Piazza delle Cipolle,
behind the dwelling of Prince Strozzi. The merchant
had his shop
in the Via Porta Rossa, and his child, the younger filippo,
who ended his
days in the Fortezza del Basso, was carried to the
foundations of the new
palace and made to drop a small coin in the ground to bring
good fortune
to the inhabitants. Il Cronaca continued the work
begun by Benedetto
da Majano, but neither the architect nor the owner lived to
see it finished.240
The Cortile, with its beautiful columns, was wholly designed
by Il Cronaca.
The uppermost story is surmounted by a gallery supporting
the roof, which,
where complete, projects beyond the walls, casting a broad
shadow beneath,
characteristic of Florentine architecture. The rough
masonry below
gives the usual appearance of strength or solidity to the
At the corner is a peculiarly elegant Fanale, the work of
Caparrà. This delicately wrought-iron ornament, used for the
of fire-works or illuminations, was, it may be remembered, a
only conceded to distinguished Florentine citizens.
The suite of reception
rooms is
adorned by a very choice collection of pictures and
sculpture. In
the first room is a portrait bust by Mino da Fiesole, of
Strozzi, the father of the elder Filippo. The forehead
is narrow
and the lower part of the face heavy, but is not wanting in
Near it, is a portrait of Lorenzo Strozzi. A small
by Filippino Lippi, is extremely beautiful. A bronze
statuette on
a table of St. John the Baptist is by Donatello, and on one
side there
is a copy of Michael Angelo's celebrated Pietà at Rome, by
Bologna. Two fine Carlo Dolce's, and David, by Guido
Reni, are also
worthy of notice. In the next room is one of the most
busts by Desiderio di Settignano, of Marietta Strozzi, who
married one
of the family of the Este of Ferrara. The grace,
refinement, delicacy
of finish, and fine surface, are all characteristic of this
the bust is cited by Vasari. Facing the window is the
Puttina, the
portrait of a little girl feeding her dog, by Titian.
She is in a
white dress, with a pearl necklace, and a girdle or
châtelaine of
jewels. She stands on a balcony, with a landscape
The picture, though very charming from the childlike
animation and grace,
united with great elegance in the composition, has been
probably much repainted;
in a letter of the Countess of Pomfret to Lady Hertford, in
the middle
of the last century, she describes La Puttina as in "so
ruined a condition"
that she expresses a hope that "a good copy may be made
before the original
wholly disappears." This little girl was a niece of
Luisa Strozzi,
who was celebrated for her beauty and misfortunes.
Beside the Puttina,
another lovely young girl of the family is by Leonardo da
A portrait of Giuliano de' Medici, the brother of Lorenzo
de' Medici, who
was murdered by the Pazzi, is by Pollajuolo; it was taken
after death.
A small and early picture of a Holy family is by Andrea del
Sarto; the
virgin resembles the most celebrated Madonna of Andrea in
the Pitti.
A large family picture is by Sustermans. The Garden of
a small picture by Perugino, is in composition like the
larger in the Academy,
but whilst the Academy picture has more of Raffaelle in the
drawing, this
is quite in the manner of Perugino.
In the third room is the bust of
Filippo Strozzi the Elder, by Benedetto da Majano.
Though more refined
and intelligent-looking than his father, judging by the bust,
Filippo has
the same narrow forehead and peculiar elevation of the
head. Above
it hangs the portrait of filippo Strozzi the Younger, the
friend of the
Grand-Duke Cosimo I., who ended his days in the Fortezza del
This picture is a fine copy of the original by Titian, which
is in Vienna.
Filippo is dressed in a cloak trimmed with fur, and in the
graceful but
nervous action of the hand, and, in his whole bearing, the
character of
the feeble but accomplished gentleman is well given. The
of his three sons, the brothers of Luisa Strozzi, are good
pictures, by
Alessandro Allori; Piero, the eldest, is in armour: he
spent the
days of his exile in France, protected by Catherine de'
Medici, who saved
him from the attempts at poison of Cosimo I. Roberto,
the father
of the "Puttina," is beside him. Leone, the prior of
Capua, is on
the other side of their father, and beyond him is Filippo, a
son of Piero,
who served as a French general. A round picture over the
door, of
a Madonna worshipping the child, is by Perugino or
Pinturicchio, and opposite
is a Holy Family by Lorenzo Credi.
In the last room are two
little landscapes by Salvator Rosa, and graceful portraits
of two youths;
one represents Cardinal Bembo, and is by Angelo
Bronzino: he stands
facing the spectator holding a book, and leaning on a table;
the other,
a still more interesting portrait, is the poet Ludovico
Martelli, by Raffaelle.
These portraits are placed near one another, to prove how
Bronzino could
approach the great master. A good portrait of pope
Paul III. is by
Paolo Veronese; a large picture of card-players is by
Caravaggio; and opposite,
there is a good picture, by the living painter Gordigiani,
of the present
Princess Strozzi.
Apollonia, Church of Sta., founded
Arnolfo di Cambio b. 1232
– d.
Barnaba, Church of Sta.,
Bembo, Cardinal b. 1470 –
d. 1547
Benedetto da Majano b.
1442 – d.
Bonifazio, San, founded
Botticelli, Sandro b. 1447
– d.
Bronzino b. 1535 – d. 1607
Brunetto Latini 1294
Bugiardini b. 1481 – d.
Campaldino, Battle
of 1289
Caravaggio, Michel Angelo
da b.
1569 – d. 1609
Castagno, Andrea b. 1409 –
d. 1480(?)
Cigoli, Ludovico Cardi b.
– d. 1613
Ciompi Riots 1378
Dolce, Carlo b. 1616 – d.
Fortezza del Basso
commenced 1533
Galileo Galilei b. 1564 –
d. 1642
Ghirlandaio, Domenico b.
1449 –
d. 1493
Ghirlandaio, Ridolfo b.
1485 –
d. 1560
Guido Reni b. 1575 – d.
Il Cronaca, Simone
Pollaiolo b.
1459 – d. 1508
Leo X., Pope b. 1475 – d.
Lippi, Fra Filippo b. 1400
– d.
Lippi, Filippino b. 1460 –
d. 1505
Lucas van Leyden b. 1494 –
d. 1533
Maria Maggiore, Church of
made collegiate 1021
Maria Maggiore, restored
by Arnolfo
di Cambio 1311
Martelli, Ludovico b. 1499
– d.
Masaccio b. 1401 – d. 1443
Montaperti, Battle
of 1260
Orcagna, Andrea b. 1329 –
d. 1375
Perugino, Pietro b. 1446 –
d. 1524
Pragmatic Sanction 1737
Raffaellino del Garbo b.
1476 –
d. 1534
Raffaello d' Urbino b.
1483 – d.
Salvator Rosa b. 1615 – d.
San Gallo, Françesco di
b. 1498 – d. 1570
San Gallo, Porta di, built
Santi di Tito b. 1538 – d.
Spinello Aretino b. 1308 –
d. 1400
Strozzi, Filippo b. 1488 –
d. 1538
Strozzi, Piero b. – d.
Strozzi, Palazzo,
commenced 1489
Sustermans b. 1597 – d.
Titian b. 1477 – d. 1576
Uccello, Paolo b. 1349 –
d. 1436
Viviani, Vincenzo b. 1622
– d.
237 Giuliano
di San Gallo rebuilt this church, and thus obtained the name
of San Gallo.
Among the recent alterations in Florence a splendid market
has been constructed
in this immediate neighbourhood.
239 See
"Piazza del Duomo."
See Vasari, "vite de' Pittori," vol. viii. pp 117-120.
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