Chapter XXVII: Piazza of the SS. Annunziata, and Hospital of the Foundlings "Innocenti"
piazza in front of the church of the SS. Annunziata is
adorned by two handsome
fountains, placed here in 1643. They are composed of a
mixture of
bronze and marble, and represent sea-monsters, executed by
Pietro Tacca,
of Carrara, a pupil of Giovan Bologna, who lived in the
early part of the
seventeenth century.
also cast the equestrian statue of the Grand-Duke Ferdinand
I. in the centre
of the piazza, which was modelled by Giovan Bologna in his
old age, and
was placed here six months after his death. The bronze
was supplied
from cannon taken from the Turks at Bona, in Africa, by the
knights of
St. Stephen, a military order instituted by Cosimo I.
Ferdinand was
the second son of Cosimo, and was educated for the church;
but on the death
of his brother Francis223
he ascended the throne of Tuscany, and as he was less cruel
than his father,
though not less eager for territorial aggrandisement, he was
not quite
as much hated by his subjects.
either side of the piazza are arcades of very elegant
proportions, raised
several steps. That to the right of the church was
built by the monks
of the adjoining convent of SS. Annunziata about the year
1520, after a
design of Antonio Giamberti di San Gallo, a brother of
Giuliano di San
Gallo. The houses beneath this arcade are let out to
private individuals.
The arcade to the left of the church was built after a
design of Filippo
Brunelleschi. It is decorated with medallions of the
Della Robbia
school, representing swaddled infants, varied in form and
expression, and
charmingly executed. Beneath the arcade are busts of
the Medicean
grand-dukes, and over the doors are lunettes, one of which
is modern, the
other a fine fresco by Il Graffione, a pupil of Alessio
representing the Eternal surrounded by angels. The
central door leads
into the cortile of the Foundling Hospital Spedale degli
round which are again images of swaddled infants, the cock
of the Bigallo,
and the gate of the Art of Silk. This institution, one
of the earliest
of the kind, was founded in 1421, when giovanni de' Medici
was gonfalonier,
who was stimulated to this good work by an eloquent appeal
from Leonardo
Aretino.225 The
management was confided to the Guild of Silk, and the
building was constructed
by Franηesco della Luna, after a design of his master
upon gardens and land belonging to the Albizzi family.
hospital was opened in 1444, and gradually acquired
additional funds by
the successive incorporation of smaller analogous
institutions previously
It was liberally endowed by the Medici and succeeding
During the reign of Pietro Leopoldo, 1765 1790, the
Innocenti underwent
some important reforms. Most of the boys admitted to
the charity
are brought up as field labourers, but receive aid from the
until the age of eighteen. The girls can claim
marriage dowries,
and are under the guardianship of the institution until the
age of thirty-five;
but when younger, they are sent out as domestic servants, or
are educated
for a trade. Between seven and eight thousand
foundlings are annually
supported, though few are actually maintained within the
The larger number, soon after admission, are dispersed among
the peasantry
living round Florence, who are paid for their maintenance
until they are
old enough to return to the institution within the city.
There are several interesting pictures in the Commission-room of the Innocenti, the pious gifts of artists and their patrons. One of the most important is by Filippo Lippi, 1412-1469, in which a boy-angel brings the Christ-child to the Madonna. It is almost a replica of one in the room of early Tuscan masters in the Uffizi Gallery; this picture is, however, superior in refinement, grace, and fresh harmonious colour. Instead of two angels there is but one; the head, throat, and hands of the Virgin are exquisitely modelled, and the figure of the Child is drawn with the utmost care and delicacy. Another very fine picture in this room is by Piero di Cosimo, 1460-1521, the master of Andrea del Sarto; Elizabeth of Hungary is here represented offering roses to the Christ-child, who is seated on his mother's knee. Groups of saints are on either side. The Virgin is sweet and tender in composition, and the drawing good. A predella, divided into four parts, is by Domenico Ghirlandaio. The subjects are: The Marriage of the Virgin, The Presentation in the Temple, The Baptism, and The Entombment; the last is especially fine. This predella originally belonged to the altar-piece of the Church of the Innocenti. The other pictures are: The Martyrdom of St. John, by Ghirlandaio; an Annunciation, by Piero di Cosimo; the same subject by Pietro Cavallini, who, as already mentioned, painted the sacred picture in the SS. Annunziata; and a Madonna gathering children beneath her mantle, by an unknown master, probably painted in allusion to the object of this institution; the children are extremely lovely, playful, and tender.
Near the entrance to the
within the cloister, is the most exquisite relief in Robbia
work, representing
the Annunciation. The angel, with look inspired, bends
before the meek and lovely Virgin; a vase of lilies is
between them, and
a garland of cherubs' heads, beautiful and varied in their
infantile expression,
surrounds the group.227
The only picture of merit within the church is the altar-piece The Adoration of the Magi, by Domenico Ghirlandaio, executed in 1498, his greatest work on panel. The Virgin, a calm, dignified figure, holds the child tenderly on her knee; Joseph stands near, with the usual accompaniments of the ox and the ass; the principal king, a noble old man, kneels reverently and kisses the Child's foot; the second king, a beautiful youth, with long fair hair, holds a jewelled glass cup in his hand; his cloak falls from his shoulders in majestic folds; behind him are three fine portrait-like heads. On the opposite side are groups of persons, evidently portraits, who represent the followers of the Magi, and in the far distance is seen the annunciation to the Shepherds, who are feeding their flocks on a hill. The Murder of the Innocents is represented to the left, where a winding road leads up to a convent and a church. The shed over the Holy Family is supported by pilasters with rich arabesques, and beyond is a river and mountainous landscape, a town and church with a spire. Two shepherds look over a wall. The group of the Murder of the Innocents has evidently formed a study for Raffaelle in his composition of the same subject, especially that of a mother escaping with a child in her arms, whilst an older one is running towards the river. One mother is seated on the ground, whilst a third attempts to fly from a soldier, who holds her back by her hair, and raises his arm to strike. Two of the Innocents, clothed in white, typical of their having entered into glory, and with bleeding wounds, kneel before the Saviour, and are presented to him by St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist; these children, who form the most beautiful part of the picture, are, however, attributed to Fra Filippo Lippi. In the midst of the group to the right of the Virgin, and the fourth figure from the side of the picture, is Ghirlandaio's own portrait. The colour is full and simple; the details are carefully finished, and there is great power and precision in the drawing, but, above all, a wonderful grace and truth of expression.
Aretino, Leonardo b. 1369 - d. 1444
Bologna, Giovan b. 1525
d. 1608
Brunelleschi, Filippo b.
d. 1444
Cavallini, Pietro b. 1279
Cosimo, Piero di b. 1460
d. 1521
Fountains in the Piazza di
Annunziata 1643
Ghirlandaio, Domenico b.
d. 1493
Ghirlandaio, Domenico, his
in the Innocenti 1488
Innocenti Hospital founded
Innocenti Hospital opened
Lippi, Fra Filippo b. 1412
Robbia, Luca della b. 1400
Francis I. and his wife Bianca Capello died within a few hours
of one another
at Poggio a Cajano, in 1587.
224 See
Vasari, "vite dei Pittori," vol. iv. P. 106.
225 The
monument of Leonardo Aretino is in Sta. Croce.
226 An
institution in the Via della Scala was converted into the
convent of San
Martino, but remained long in possession of a fine piece of
Robbia ware,
representing swaddled infants, which is now in the Bargello.
227 See
illustration at the beginning of this chapter.
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