Florin Website, Florence; Umilta Website and Florence in Sepia CD © Julia Bolton Holloway , 1997/2005



From Endpapers in Augustus J.C. Hare, Florence:


LIFE AND LETTERS OF FRANCES, BARONESS BUNSEN. Third Edition. With Portraits. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, 21s.

MEMORIALS OF A QUIET LIFE. 3 vols, crown 8vo. Vols. 1 and II, cloth, 21 s. (Nineteenth Edition); Vol. III, with numerous photographs, cloth, 10 s. 6d.

One of those books which it is impossible to read without pleasure. It conveys a sense of repose not unlike that which everybody must have felt out of service time in quiet little village churches. Its editor will receive the hearty thanks of every cultivated reader for these profoundly interesting 'Memorials' of two brothers, whose names and labours their universities and Church have alike readon to cherish with affection and remember with pride, who have smoothed the path of faith to so many troubled wayfarers, strengthening the weary and confirming the weak. - Standard.
DAYS NEAR ROME. With more than 100 Illustrations by the Author. Third Edition. 2 vols., crown 8vo, cloth, 12s. 6d.

WALKS IN ROME. Fourteenth Edution. With Map. 2 vols, fcap. 8vo, cloth limo, 10s.

The best handbook of the city and environs of Rome ever published. . . . Cannot be too much commended. - Pall Mall Gazette.
This book is sure to be very useful. It is thoroughly practical, and is the best guide that has yet been offered. - Daily News.
Mr Hare's book fills a real void, and gives to the tourist all the latest discoveries and the fullest information bearing on that most inexaxhuastible of subjects, the city of Rome . . . . It is much fuller than 'Murray', and any one who chooses may know how Rome really looks in sun or shade. - Spectator.
WALKS IN LONDON. Sixth Edition, revised. With additional Illustrations. 2 vols., fcap. 8vo, cloth limp, 12s.
One of the relaly valuable as well as pleasant companions to the peripatetic philosopher's rambling studies of the town. - Daily Telegraph.
WESTMINSTER. Reprinted from 'Walks in London', as a Handy Guide. 120 pages. Paper Covers, 6d net; Cloth, 1s.

WANDERINGS IN SPAIN. With 17 full-page Illustrations. Sixth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth, 7s 6d.

Here is the ideal book of travel in Spain; this book which exactly anticipates the requirements of everybody who is fortunate enough to be going to that enchanted land; the book which ably consoles those who are not so happy by supplying the imagination from the daintiest and most delicious of its stories. - Spectator.
CITIES OF SOUTHERN ITALY AND SICILY. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth. 10s. 6d.
Mr Hare's name will be a sufficient passport for the popularity of his work. His books on the Cities of Italy are fast becoming as indispensable to the traveller in that part of the country as the guidebooks of Murray or of Baedeker . . . . His book is one which I should advise all future travellers in Southern Italy and Sicily to find room for in their portmanteaus. - Academy.
CITIES OF NORTHERN ITALY. Second Edition. With Illustrations. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, 12s. 6d.
We can imagine no better way of spending a wet day in Florence or Venice than in reading all that Mr Hare has to say and quote about the history, arts and famous people of those cities. These volumes come under the class of volumes not to borrow,but to buy. - Morning Post.
CITIES OF CENTRAL ITALY. Second Edition. With Illustrations. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, 12s. 6d.

SKETCHES IN HOLLAND AND SCANDINAVIA. Crown 8vo, with Illustrations, cloth, 3s. 6d.

This little work is the best companion a visitor to these countries can have, while those who stay at home can also read it with pleasure and profit. - Glasgow Herald.
STUDIES IN RUSSIA. Crown 8vo, with numerous Illustrations, cloth, 10s 6d.
Mr Hare's book may be recommended as at once entertain and instructive. - Athenaeum.
A delightful and instructive guide to the places visited. It is, in fact, a sort of glorified guide-book, with all the charm of a pleasant and cultivated literary companion. - Scotsman.
FLORENCE. Fourth Edition. Fcap. 8vo, Illustrated, cloth limp, 3s. With Map.

VENICE. Fourth Edition. Fcap. 8vo, cloth limp, 3s. With Map and Illustrations.

The plan of these little volumes is excellent . . . . anything more perfectly fulfilling the idea of a guide-book we have never seen. - Scottish Review.
THE RIVIERAS. Fcap. 8vo, Illustrated, cloth limp, 3s. Ready in October 1896.

PARIS. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth, 10s.; or in 2 vols, cloth limp, 10s. 6d.

DAYS NEAR PARIS. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth, 10s; or in 2 vols, cloth limp, 10s. 6d.

NORTH-EASTERN FRANCE. Crown 8vo, cloth, 10s 6d. With Map and 86 Woodcuts.

Picardy - Abbeville and Amiens - Paris and its Environs - Arras and the Manufacturing Towns of the North - Champagne - Nancy and the Vosges, &c.
SOUTH-EASTERN FRANCE. Crown 8vo, cloth 10s 6d. With Map and 176 Woodcuts.
The different lines to the South - Burgundy - Auvergen - The Cantal - Provence - The Alpes Dauphinaises and Alpes Maritimes, &c.
SOUTH-WESTERN FRANCE. Crown 8vo, cloth, 10s 6d. With Map and 232 Woodcuts.
The Loire - The Gironde and Landes - Creuse - Corrèze - The Limousin - Gascony and Languedoc - The Cevennes and the Pyrenees. &c.
NORTH-WESTERN FRANCE. Crown 8vo, cloth, 10s 6d. With Map and 73 Woodcuts.
Normandy and Brittany - Rouen - Dieppe - Cherbourg - Bayeux - Caen - Coutances - Chartres - Mont S. Michel - Dian - Brest - Alençon, &c.

Mr Hare's volumes, with their charming illustrations, are a reminder of how much we miss by neglecting provincial France. - Times.
The appreciative traveller to France will find no more pleasant, inexaustible, and discriminating guide than Mr Hare . . . . All the boliumes are most liberally supplied with drawings, all of them beautifully executed, and some of them genuine masterpieces. - Echo.
Every one who has used on of Mr Hare's books will welcome the appearance of his new work upon France . . . . The books are the most satisfactory guide-books for a travller of culture who wishes improvement as well as entertainment from a tour . . . . It is not necessary to go to the places described before the volumes become useful. While part of the work describes the district round Paris, the rest practically opens up a new country for English visitors to provincial France. - Scotsman.

SUSSEX. With Map and 45 Woodcuts. Second Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth, 6s.

THE STORY OF TWO NOBLE LIVES, CHARLOTTE, COUNTESS CANNING, AND LOUISA, MARCHIONESS OF WATERFORD. In 3 vols, of about 450 pages each. Crown 8vo, cloth, £1,11s.6d. Illustrated with 11 engraved Portraits and 21 Plates in Photogravure from Lady Waterford's Drawings, 8 full-page and 42 smaller Woodcuts from Sketches by the Author.

Also a Special Large Paper Edition, with India Proofs of the Plates. Crown 4to, £3,3s net.
THE GURNEYS OF EARLHAM: Being Memoirs and Letters of the Eleven Children of John and Catherine Gurney of Earlham, 1775-1875, and the Story of their Religious Life under many Different Forms. Illustrated with 35 Photogravure Plates and 19 Woodcuts. In 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, 25s.

BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: Being Memorial Sketches of Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Dean of Westminster; Henry Alford, Dean of Catnerubry; Mrs Duna Stewart; and Paray le Monial. Illustrated with 7 Portraits and 17 Woodcuts. Crown 8vo, cloth, 8s. 6d.

THE STORY OF MY LIFE: 1834 TO 1870. Being Recollections of Places, People, and Conversations, extracted chiefly from Letters and Journals. Illustrated with 18 Photogravure Portraits and 144 Woodcuts from Drawings by the Author. Crown 8vo, cloth, £1, 11s. 6d. In 3 vols. About 15000 pages. Ready in October 1896.



THE ALTON SERMONS. Fifth Edition. Crown 8vo, 7s. 6d.

SERMONS ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. Crown 8vo, 1s. 6d.




ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING: Embroidering of Pomegranates: Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Courtship || Casa Guidi italiano/English || Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Aurora Leigh || Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Florence: || Preface  italiano/English || Poetry  italiano/English || Laurel Garland: Women of the Risorgimento || Death and the Emperor in the Poetry of Dante, Browning, Dickinson and Stevens|| Enrico Nencioni on Elizabeth Barrett Browning italiano ||

THE ENGLISH CEMETERY IN FLORENCE: Tuoni di silenzio bianco/ Thunders of White Silence italiano/English || The English Cemetery, Piazzale Donatello, Florence: || Il Cimitero degli Inglesi italiano || Cemetery I Tombs A-E || Cemetery II Tombs D-L || Cemetery III Tombs M-Z ||

FLORENCE IN SEPIA: Florence I. Santa Trinita to Santa Croce || Florence I Appendix. The Uffizi || Florence II. North-Eastern Quarter || Florence III. Oltr'Arno || Other Tuscan Cities in Sepia || Italy in Sepia || Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Florence || Susan and Joanna Horner, Walks in Florence|| Sophia Peabody Hawthorne, Notes in Florence || Francesca Alexander|| Augustus J.C. Hare, Florence || Augustus Hare, Edwardian Travel Writer || Florence's Libraries and Museums || Museums Thoughts||

AGNES MASON, C.H.F.: Agnes Mason, C.H.F., Anglican Mother Foundress || Agnes Mason's Patron Saints || Saints Cecilia and Agnes || Augustus Hare, Edwardian Travel Writer || Holmhurst St Mary ||  I fratelli Alinari: Florentine Photographers] ||

Portfolio|| Florin: Non-Profit Guide to Commerce in Florence || Maps of Florence